Billing information

This document describes the billing requirements for reCAPTCHA Enterprise.

When to enable billing

To enable and use reCAPTCHA Enterprise on Google Cloud, you do not need to enable billing for your Google Cloud project. However, you need to enable billing for your Google Cloud project in the following scenarios:

  • You want to exceed the free monthly usage limit of reCAPTCHA Enterprise, which is 1 million assessments per month. For more information about the free monthly usage limit, see Pricing.

  • You are about to exceed the free monthly usage limit of reCAPTCHA Enterprise and you want to continue using reCAPTCHA Enterprise to protect your website without breaking your production workload.

  • You want to migrate site keys from the non-Enterprise version of reCAPTCHA to reCAPTCHA Enterprise.

  • You want to use the password leak detection feature of reCAPTCHA Enterprise.

To learn how to enable billing for your project, see Enable billing for a project.

Billing resources

Use the following resources to get help with billing questions: