Class Client (0.43.0)

Client(batch_settings=(), **kwargs)

A publisher client for Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

This creates an object that is capable of publishing messages. Generally, you can instantiate this client with no arguments, and you get sensible defaults.


kwargs dict

Any additional arguments provided are sent as keyword arguments to the underlying .gapic.pubsub.v1.publisher_client.PublisherClient. Generally, you should not need to set additional keyword arguments. Before being passed along to the GAPIC constructor, a channel may be added if credentials are passed explicitly or if the Pub / Sub emulator is detected as running.

batch_settings BatchSettings

The settings for batch publishing.



Return the target (where the API is).

strThe location of the API.



create_topic(name, labels=None, message_storage_policy=None, kms_key_name=None, retry=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, metadata=None)

Creates the given topic with the given name. See the resource name rules.

.. rubric:: Example

from import pubsub_v1

client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()

name = client.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]')

response = client.create_topic(name)

name str

The name of the topic. It must have the format "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}". {topic} must start with a letter, and contain only letters ([A-Za-z]), numbers ([0-9]), dashes (-), underscores (_), periods (.), tildes (``<code>), plus (</code>+<code>) or percent signs (</code>%<code>). It must be between 3 and 255 characters in length, and it must not start with </code>"goog".

labels dict[str -> str]

See Creating and managing labels.

message_storage_policy Union[dict, MessageStoragePolicy]

Policy constraining how messages published to the topic may be stored. It is determined when the topic is created based on the policy configured at the project level. It must not be set by the caller in the request to CreateTopic or to UpdateTopic. This field will be populated in the responses for GetTopic, CreateTopic, and UpdateTopic: if not present in the response, then no constraints are in effect. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message MessageStoragePolicy

kms_key_name str

The resource name of the Cloud KMS CryptoKey to be used to protect access to messages published on this topic. The expected format is projects//locations//keyRings//cryptoKeys/. EXPERIMENTAL: This feature is part of a closed alpha release. This API might be changed in backward-incompatible ways and is not recommended for production use. It is not subject to any SLA or deprecation policy.

retry Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]

A retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

timeout Optional[float]

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

metadata Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]

Additional metadata that is provided to the method.

google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallErrorIf the request failed for any reason.
google.api_core.exceptions.RetryErrorIf the request failed due to a retryable error and retry attempts failed.
ValueErrorIf the parameters are invalid.


delete_topic(topic, retry=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, metadata=None)

Deletes the topic with the given name. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does not exist. After a topic is deleted, a new topic may be created with the same name; this is an entirely new topic with none of the old configuration or subscriptions. Existing subscriptions to this topic are not deleted, but their topic field is set to _deleted-topic_.

.. rubric:: Example

from import pubsub_v1

client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()

topic = client.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]')


topic str

Name of the topic to delete. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.

retry Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]

A retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

timeout Optional[float]

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

metadata Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]

Additional metadata that is provided to the method.

google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallErrorIf the request failed for any reason.
google.api_core.exceptions.RetryErrorIf the request failed due to a retryable error and retry attempts failed.
ValueErrorIf the parameters are invalid.


from_service_account_file(filename, batch_settings=(), **kwargs)

Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials file.

filename str

The path to the service account private key json file.

batch_settings BatchSettings

The settings for batch publishing.

PublisherClientThe constructed client.


from_service_account_json(filename, batch_settings=(), **kwargs)

Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials file.

filename str

The path to the service account private key json file.

batch_settings BatchSettings

The settings for batch publishing.

PublisherClientThe constructed client.


get_iam_policy(resource, options_=None, retry=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, metadata=None)

Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

.. rubric:: Example

from import pubsub_v1

client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()

resource = client.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]')

response = client.get_iam_policy(resource)

resource str

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

options_ Union[dict, GetPolicyOptions]

OPTIONAL: A GetPolicyOptions object for specifying options to GetIamPolicy. This field is only used by Cloud IAM. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message GetPolicyOptions

retry Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]

A retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

timeout Optional[float]

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

metadata Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]

Additional metadata that is provided to the method.

google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallErrorIf the request failed for any reason.
google.api_core.exceptions.RetryErrorIf the request failed due to a retryable error and retry attempts failed.
ValueErrorIf the parameters are invalid.


get_topic(topic, retry=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, metadata=None)

Gets the configuration of a topic.

.. rubric:: Example

from import pubsub_v1

client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()

topic = client.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]')

response = client.get_topic(topic)

topic str

The name of the topic to get. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.

retry Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]

A retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

timeout Optional[float]

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

metadata Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]

Additional metadata that is provided to the method.

google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallErrorIf the request failed for any reason.
google.api_core.exceptions.RetryErrorIf the request failed due to a retryable error and retry attempts failed.
ValueErrorIf the parameters are invalid.


list_topic_subscriptions(topic, page_size=None, retry=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, metadata=None)

Lists the names of the subscriptions on this topic.

.. rubric:: Example

from import pubsub_v1

client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()

topic = client.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]')

Iterate over all results

for element in client.list_topic_subscriptions(topic): ... # process element ... pass


Iterate over results one page at a time

for page in client.list_topic_subscriptions(topic).pages: ... for element in page: ... # process element ... pass

topic str

The name of the topic that subscriptions are attached to. Format is projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.

page_size int

The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per- resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page.

retry Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]

A retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

timeout Optional[float]

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

metadata Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]

Additional metadata that is provided to the method.

google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallErrorIf the request failed for any reason.
google.api_core.exceptions.RetryErrorIf the request failed due to a retryable error and retry attempts failed.
ValueErrorIf the parameters are invalid.


list_topics(project, page_size=None, retry=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, metadata=None)

Lists matching topics.

.. rubric:: Example

from import pubsub_v1

client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()

project = client.project_path('[PROJECT]')

Iterate over all results

for element in client.list_topics(project): ... # process element ... pass


Iterate over results one page at a time

for page in client.list_topics(project).pages: ... for element in page: ... # process element ... pass

project str

The name of the project in which to list topics. Format is projects/{project-id}.

page_size int

The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API response. If page streaming is performed per- resource, this parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of resources in a page.

retry Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]

A retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

timeout Optional[float]

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

metadata Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]

Additional metadata that is provided to the method.

google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallErrorIf the request failed for any reason.
google.api_core.exceptions.RetryErrorIf the request failed due to a retryable error and retry attempts failed.
ValueErrorIf the parameters are invalid.



Return a fully-qualified project string.


publish(topic, data, **attrs)

Publish a single message.

The reason that this is so important (and why we do not try to coerce for you) is because Pub/Sub is also platform independent and there is no way to know how to decode messages properly on the other side; therefore, encoding and decoding is a required exercise for the developer.

Add the given message to this object; this will cause it to be published once the batch either has enough messages or a sufficient period of time has elapsed.

.. rubric:: Example

from import pubsub_v1 client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient() topic = client.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]') data = b'The rain in Wales falls mainly on the snails.' response = client.publish(topic, data, username='guido')

attrs Mapping[str, str]

A dictionary of attributes to be sent as metadata. (These may be text strings or byte strings.)

topic str

The topic to publish messages to.

data bytes

A bytestring representing the message body. This must be a bytestring.

google.api_core.future.FutureAn object conforming to the concurrent.futures.Future interface (but not an instance of that class).


set_iam_policy(resource, policy, retry=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, metadata=None)

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy.

.. rubric:: Example

from import pubsub_v1

client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()

resource = client.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]')

TODO: Initialize policy:

policy = {}

response = client.set_iam_policy(resource, policy)

resource str

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

policy Union[dict, Policy]

REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the resource. The size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects) might reject them. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message Policy

retry Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]

A retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

timeout Optional[float]

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

metadata Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]

Additional metadata that is provided to the method.

google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallErrorIf the request failed for any reason.
google.api_core.exceptions.RetryErrorIf the request failed due to a retryable error and retry attempts failed.
ValueErrorIf the parameters are invalid.


test_iam_permissions(resource, permissions, retry=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, metadata=None)

Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.

Note: This operation is designed to be used for building permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.

.. rubric:: Example

from import pubsub_v1

client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()

resource = client.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]')

TODO: Initialize permissions:

permissions = []

response = client.test_iam_permissions(resource, permissions)

resource str

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

permissions list[str]

The set of permissions to check for the resource. Permissions with wildcards (such as '' or 'storage.') are not allowed. For more information see IAM Overview

retry Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]

A retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

timeout Optional[float]

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

metadata Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]

Additional metadata that is provided to the method.

google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallErrorIf the request failed for any reason.
google.api_core.exceptions.RetryErrorIf the request failed due to a retryable error and retry attempts failed.
ValueErrorIf the parameters are invalid.


topic_path(project, topic)

Return a fully-qualified topic string.


update_topic(topic, update_mask, retry=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout=<_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, metadata=None)

Updates an existing topic. Note that certain properties of a topic are not modifiable.

.. rubric:: Example

from import pubsub_v1

client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()

TODO: Initialize topic:

topic = {}

TODO: Initialize update_mask:

update_mask = {}

response = client.update_topic(topic, update_mask)

topic Union[dict, Topic]

The updated topic object. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message Topic

update_mask Union[dict, FieldMask]

Indicates which fields in the provided topic to update. Must be specified and non-empty. Note that if update_mask contains "message_storage_policy" then the new value will be determined based on the policy configured at the project or organization level. The message_storage_policy must not be set in the topic provided above. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message FieldMask

retry Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]

A retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

timeout Optional[float]

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

metadata Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]

Additional metadata that is provided to the method.

google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallErrorIf the request failed for any reason.
google.api_core.exceptions.RetryErrorIf the request failed due to a retryable error and retry attempts failed.
ValueErrorIf the parameters are invalid.