Class OrganizationImpact (0.1.1)

OrganizationImpact(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Represents impact to assets at organizational level. It is a read-only view and does not allow any modifications.


name str
Output only. Identifier. Unique name of the organization impact in this scope including organization and location using the form organizations/{organization_id}/locations/{location}/organizationImpacts/{organization_impact_id}. organization_id - ID (number) of the organization that contains the event. To get your organization_id, see `Getting your organization resource ID
events MutableSequence[str]
Output only. A list of event names impacting the asset.
Output only. Google Cloud asset possibly impacted by the specified events.
update_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. The time when the affected project was last modified.