Class DsRecord (1.7.0)

DsRecord(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Defines a Delegation Signer (DS) record, which is needed to enable DNSSEC for a domain. It contains a digest (hash) of a DNSKEY record that must be present in the domain's DNS zone.


key_tag int
The key tag of the record. Must be set in range 0 -- 65535.
The algorithm used to generate the referenced DNSKEY.
The hash function used to generate the digest of the referenced DNSKEY.
digest str
The digest generated from the referenced DNSKEY.




List of algorithms used to create a DNSKEY. Certain algorithms are not supported for particular domains.

Values: ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED (0): The algorithm is unspecified. RSAMD5 (1): RSA/MD5. Cannot be used for new deployments. DH (2): Diffie-Hellman. Cannot be used for new deployments. DSA (3): DSA/SHA1. Not recommended for new deployments. ECC (4): ECC. Not recommended for new deployments. RSASHA1 (5): RSA/SHA-1. Not recommended for new deployments. DSANSEC3SHA1 (6): DSA-NSEC3-SHA1. Not recommended for new deployments. RSASHA1NSEC3SHA1 (7): RSA/SHA1-NSEC3-SHA1. Not recommended for new deployments. RSASHA256 (8): RSA/SHA-256. RSASHA512 (10): RSA/SHA-512. ECCGOST (12): GOST R 34.10-2001. ECDSAP256SHA256 (13): ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256. ECDSAP384SHA384 (14): ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384. ED25519 (15): Ed25519. ED448 (16): Ed448. INDIRECT (252): Reserved for Indirect Keys. Cannot be used for new deployments. PRIVATEDNS (253): Private algorithm. Cannot be used for new deployments. PRIVATEOID (254): Private algorithm OID. Cannot be used for new deployments.



List of hash functions that may have been used to generate a digest of a DNSKEY.

Values: DIGEST_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): The DigestType is unspecified. SHA1 (1): SHA-1. Not recommended for new deployments. SHA256 (2): SHA-256. GOST3411 (3): GOST R 34.11-94. SHA384 (4): SHA-384.