Class ListJobTriggersRequest (1.0.0)

Request message for ListJobTriggers. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The parent resource name, for example projects/my- project-id or projects/my-project- id/locations/{location_id}.

Size of the page, can be limited by a server.

Allows filtering. Supported syntax: - Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. - Restrictions can be combined by AND or OR logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses AND. - A restriction has the form of {field} {operator} {value}. - Supported fields/values for inspect jobs: - status - HEALTHY|PAUSED|CANCELLED - inspected_storage - DATASTORE|CLOUD_STORAGE|BIGQUERY - ’last_run_time` - RFC 3339 formatted timestamp, surrounded by quotation marks. Nanoseconds are ignored. - ‘error_count’ - Number of errors that have occurred while running. - The operator must be = or != for status and inspected_storage. Examples: - inspected_storage = cloud_storage AND status = HEALTHY - inspected_storage = cloud_storage OR inspected_storage = bigquery - inspected_storage = cloud_storage AND (state = PAUSED OR state = HEALTHY) - last_run_time > "2017-12-12T00:00:00+00:00" The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.


builtins.object > google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage > builtins.object > google.protobuf.message.Message > ListJobTriggersRequest