Class FillBehavior (0.8.0)

FillBehavior(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration for how the filling of a parameter should be handled.

Attributes: initial_prompt_fulfillment ( Required. The fulfillment to provide the initial prompt that the agent can present to the user in order to fill the parameter. reprompt_event_handlers (Sequence[]): The handlers for parameter-level events, used to provide reprompt for the parameter or transition to a different page/flow. The supported events are:

    -  ``<N>``, where N can be from 1 to 6
    -  ````
    -  ``<N>``, where N can be from 1 to 6
    -  ````
    -  ``sys.invalid-parameter``

    ``initial_prompt_fulfillment`` provides the first prompt for
    the parameter.

    If the user's response does not fill the parameter, a
    no-match/no-input event will be triggered, and the
    fulfillment associated with the
    ````/```` handler (if defined)
    will be called to provide a prompt. The
    ````/```` handler (if defined)
    will respond to the next no-match/no-input event, and so on.

    A ```` or ````
    handler will be used to handle all following
    no-match/no-input events after all numbered
    no-match/no-input handlers for the parameter are consumed.

    A ``sys.invalid-parameter`` handler can be defined to handle
    the case where the parameter values have been
    ``invalidated`` by webhook. For example, if the user's
    response fill the parameter, however the parameter was
    invalidated by webhook, the fulfillment associated with the
    ``sys.invalid-parameter`` handler (if defined) will be
    called to provide a prompt.

    If the event handler for the corresponding event can't be
    found on the parameter, ``initial_prompt_fulfillment`` will
    be re-prompted.


builtins.object > proto.message.Message > FillBehavior