Class StorageProperties (3.8.0)

StorageProperties(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Details the properties of the underlying storage.


file_pattern Sequence[str]
Patterns to identify a set of files for this fileset. Examples of a valid ``file_pattern``: - ``gs://bucket_name/dir/*``: matches all files in the ``bucket_name/dir`` directory - ``gs://bucket_name/dir/**``: matches all files in the ``bucket_name/dir`` and all subdirectories recursively - ``gs://bucket_name/file*``: matches files prefixed by ``file`` in ``bucket_name`` - ``gs://bucket_name/??.txt``: matches files with two characters followed by ``.txt`` in ``bucket_name`` - ``gs://bucket_name/[aeiou].txt``: matches files that contain a single vowel character followed by ``.txt`` in ``bucket_name`` - ``gs://bucket_name/[a-m].txt``: matches files that contain ``a``, ``b``, ... or ``m`` followed by ``.txt`` in ``bucket_name`` - ``gs://bucket_name/a/*/b``: matches all files in ``bucket_name`` that match the ``a/*/b`` pattern, such as ``a/c/b``, ``a/d/b`` - ``gs://another_bucket/a.txt``: matches ``gs://another_bucket/a.txt``
file_type str
File type in MIME format, for example, ``text/plain``.


builtins.object > proto.message.Message > StorageProperties