Class ListProjectsRequest (1.14.0)

ListProjectsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The request sent to the ListProjects method.


Name Description
parent str
Required. The name of the parent resource whose projects are being listed. Only children of this parent resource are listed; descendants are not listed. If the parent is a folder, use the value folders/{folder_id}. If the parent is an organization, use the value organizations/{org_id}.
page_token str
Optional. A pagination token returned from a previous call to [ListProjects] [] that indicates from where listing should continue.
page_size int
Optional. The maximum number of projects to return in the response. The server can return fewer projects than requested. If unspecified, server picks an appropriate default.
show_deleted bool
Optional. Indicate that projects in the DELETE_REQUESTED state should also be returned. Normally only ACTIVE projects are returned.