Class GcsReportLogMessage (0.11.11)

GcsReportLogMessage(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A record in the aggregate CSV report for a migration workflow


Name Description
severity str
Severity of the translation record.
category str
Category of the error/warning. Example: SyntaxError
file_path str
The file path in which the error occurred
filename str
The file name in which the error occurred
source_script_line int
Specifies the row from the source text where the error occurred (0 based, -1 for messages without line location). Example: 2
source_script_column int
Specifies the column from the source texts where the error occurred. (0 based, -1 for messages without column location) example: 6
message str
Detailed message of the record.
script_context str
The script context (obfuscated) in which the error occurred
action str
Category of the error/warning. Example: SyntaxError
effect str
Effect of the error/warning. Example: COMPATIBILITY
object_name str
Name of the affected object in the log message.