Adding a solution from Cloud Marketplace

In this guide, you learn how to add Google Cloud Marketplace solutions for Service Catalog.

Adding solutions in Service Catalog allows you to approve and share a curated list of Google Cloud solutions with users in your organization. After creating the solution from Google Cloud Marketplace, you can assign it to a catalog so that your users can view and deploy the solution.

This guide explains how to add two types of Google Cloud Marketplace solutions for your Service Catalog users: virtual machines (VMs) and software as a service (SaaS) solutions.

Before you begin

  • You must have the Catalog Admin (roles/cloudprivatecatalogproducer.admin) OR Catalog Manager (roles/cloudprivatecatalogproducer.manager) role for the Google Cloud organization associated with the Google Cloud project which has Service Catalog enabled. If you don't have this role, contact your Organization Administrator to request access.

  • If you're adding a SaaS solution, go to the solution's description page in Cloud Marketplace and subscribe to the solution.

Adding VMs

To add a VM solution in Service Catalog:

  1. Go to Cloud Marketplace and filter by Virtual machines.

    View VM solutions in Cloud Marketplace

  2. Find the VM solution you want to add, and click on it to go to the solution description page.

  3. In the Add to Service Catalog section of the side navigation, click on Deployment .zip file to download a zip file containing the Deployment Manager configuration files for the solution.

  4. Using the zip file, follow the steps to create a Deployment Manager-based solution to your catalog.

Adding SaaS solutions

To add a SaaS solution in Service Catalog:

  1. Go to Cloud Marketplace and filter by APIs & services.

    View APIs & services in Cloud Marketplace

  2. Click on the SaaS solution you want to add.

  3. On the solution description page, click Add to Service Catalog.

  4. In the Add to Service Catalog pane, select a Google Cloud project for the solution.

  5. Verify the details that appear to users when they view the solution in Service Catalog. Click Next.

  6. Optionally, add links for getting support and documentation.

  7. Optionally, assign the solution to one or more catalogs.

  8. Click Add.

Next steps

  • Assign the solution to a catalog, so that users in your organization can access and launch the solution.