Detect sentiment

Detect the sentiment of some sample text.

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For detailed documentation that includes this code sample, see the following:

Code sample

To learn how to install and use the client library for Natural Language, see Natural Language client libraries. For more information, see the Natural Language Go API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Natural Language, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Sample language-quickstart uses the Google Cloud Natural API to analyze the
// sentiment of "Hello, world!".
package main

import (

	language ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Creates a client.
	client, err := language.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create client: %v", err)
	defer client.Close()

	// Sets the text to analyze.
	text := "Hello, world!"

	// Detects the sentiment of the text.
	sentiment, err := client.AnalyzeSentiment(ctx, &languagepb.AnalyzeSentimentRequest{
		Document: &languagepb.Document{
			Source: &languagepb.Document_Content{
				Content: text,
			Type: languagepb.Document_PLAIN_TEXT,
		EncodingType: languagepb.EncodingType_UTF8,
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to analyze text: %v", err)

	fmt.Printf("Text: %v\n", text)
	if sentiment.DocumentSentiment.Score >= 0 {
		fmt.Println("Sentiment: positive")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Sentiment: negative")

To learn how to install and use the client library for Natural Language, see Natural Language client libraries. For more information, see the Natural Language Java API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Natural Language, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Imports the Google Cloud client library

public class QuickstartSample {
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
    // Instantiates a client
    try (LanguageServiceClient language = LanguageServiceClient.create()) {

      // The text to analyze
      String text = "Hello, world!";
      Document doc = Document.newBuilder().setContent(text).setType(Type.PLAIN_TEXT).build();

      // Detects the sentiment of the text
      Sentiment sentiment = language.analyzeSentiment(doc).getDocumentSentiment();

      System.out.printf("Text: %s%n", text);
      System.out.printf("Sentiment: %s, %s%n", sentiment.getScore(), sentiment.getMagnitude());

To learn how to install and use the client library for Natural Language, see Natural Language client libraries. For more information, see the Natural Language Node.js API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Natural Language, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

async function quickstart() {
  // Imports the Google Cloud client library
  const language = require('@google-cloud/language');

  // Instantiates a client
  const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient();

  // The text to analyze
  const text = 'Hello, world!';

  const document = {
    content: text,
    type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',

  // Detects the sentiment of the text
  const [result] = await client.analyzeSentiment({document: document});
  const sentiment = result.documentSentiment;

  console.log(`Text: ${text}`);
  console.log(`Sentiment score: ${sentiment.score}`);
  console.log(`Sentiment magnitude: ${sentiment.magnitude}`);

To learn how to install and use the client library for Natural Language, see Natural Language client libraries.

To authenticate to Natural Language, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# Includes the autoloader for libraries installed with composer
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

# Imports the Google Cloud client library
use Google\Cloud\Language\LanguageClient;

# Your Google Cloud Platform project ID
$projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';

# Instantiates a client
$language = new LanguageClient([
    'projectId' => $projectId

# The text to analyze
$text = 'Hello, world!';

# Detects the sentiment of the text
$annotation = $language->analyzeSentiment($text);
$sentiment = $annotation->sentiment();

echo 'Text: ' . $text . '
Sentiment: ' . $sentiment['score'] . ', ' . $sentiment['magnitude'];

To learn how to install and use the client library for Natural Language, see Natural Language client libraries. For more information, see the Natural Language Python API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Natural Language, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# Imports the Google Cloud client library.
from import language_v1

# Instantiates a client.
client = language_v1.LanguageServiceClient()

# The text to analyze.
text = "Hello, world!"
document = language_v1.types.Document(
    content=text, type_=language_v1.types.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT

# Detects the sentiment of the text.
sentiment = client.analyze_sentiment(
    request={"document": document}

print(f"Text: {text}")
print(f"Sentiment: {sentiment.score}, {sentiment.magnitude}")

What's next

To search and filter code samples for other Google Cloud products, see the Google Cloud sample browser.