Metric naming conventions

This document describes the naming conventions Cloud Monitoring enforces for metrics.

Metric resource name

The resource name for a metric type consists of a string with three primary sub-structures:

  • An identifier for a specific project.
  • A marker, which is always set to metricDescriptors, to indicate that the string represents a metric descriptor.
  • The metric type.

Resource names for metric types follow this pattern:


The sub-string METRIC_TYPE is an identifier that represents the metric type. It comes in a variety of formats, for example:

In the metric descriptor, the name field stores the metric type's resource name, and the type field stores the METRIC_TYPE sub-string.

The following table shows how to parse the METRIC_TYPE sub-strings contained in a resource name:

Possible structures Description
SERVICE_NAME 2 Metrics from Google Cloud products and services. For a full list of these metrics, see Google Cloud metrics. 1/PATH 2 Metrics from the Monitoring and Logging agents running on VM instances in Google Cloud or AWS. For a full list of these metrics, see Agent metrics. 2 Metrics from GKE Enterprise, a Google Cloud service that enables you to run Kubernetes clusters both on-prem and in the cloud. For a full list of these metrics, see Anthos metrics. 1/PATH 2 Metrics from Amazon Web Services. For a full list of these metrics, see AWS metrics. 2 Metrics from Istio for Google Cloud. For a full list of these metrics, see Istio metrics. 2 Metrics from Google Kubernetes Engine. For a full list of these metrics, see Kubernetes metrics. 2 Metrics from Knative. For a full list of these metrics, see Knative metrics. 2 2
Third-party custom metrics such as Prometheus. This open-source monitoring tool is often used with Kubernetes. For more information about these metrics, see External metrics. You can use these metric types only in the projects that define them. 2 2
User-defined metrics. You can use these metric types only in the projects where you define them. 2 Logs-based metrics from Cloud Logging. You can use predefined metrics or you can create custom metrics. Custom metrics can only be used in projects where you define them.

1 SERVICE_NAME identifies a Google Cloud product, such as compute for Compute Engine.
2 PATH identifies the metric within the product, such as instance/cpu/utilization.

Rules for metric types and labels

This list contains rules to follow when you create custom metric types. Labels associated with a metric type are specified as key-value pairs of type LabelDescriptor. The key acts as the name of the label.

  • Metric types

    • Use upper and lower-case letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), periods (.), and underscores (_) in the string.
    • Use forward slashes (/) to separate path elements.
    • You must start each path element with a letter or digit.
    • The maximum length of a metric-type string is 200 characters.
  • Label keys

    • Use lower-case letters (a-z), digits (0-9), and underscores (_) in a label key.
    • You must start label keys with a letter.
    • The maximum length of a label key is 100 characters.
    • Each key must be unique within the metric type.
    • You can have no more than 30 labels per metric type.