kf create-service


kf create-service - Create a service instance from a marketplace template.


kf create-service SERVICE PLAN SERVICE_INSTANCE [-c PARAMETERS_AS_JSON] [-b service-broker] [-t TAGS] [flags]


Create service creates a new ServiceInstance using a template from the marketplace.


  # Creates a new instance of a db-service with the name mydb, plan silver, and provisioning configuration
  kf create-service db-service silver mydb -c '{"ram_gb":4}'
  # Creates a new instance of a db-service from the broker named local-broker
  kf create-service db-service silver mydb -c ~/workspace/tmp/instance_config.json -b local-broker
  # Creates a new instance of a db-service with the name mydb and override tags
  kf create-service db-service silver mydb -t "list, of, tags"


Do not wait for the action to complete on the server before returning.
-b, --broker=string
Name of the service broker that will create the instance.
-h, --help
help for create-service
-c, --parameters=string
JSON object or path to a JSON file containing configuration parameters (default "{}").
-t, --tags=string
User-defined tags to differentiate services during injection.
Amount of time to wait for the operation to complete. Valid units are "s", "m", "h". (default 30m0s)

Inherited flags

These flags are inherited from parent commands.

Username to impersonate for the operation.
Group to impersonate for the operation. Include this flag multiple times to specify multiple groups.
Path to the Kf config file to use for CLI requests.
Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.
Log HTTP requests to standard error.
Space to run the command against. This flag overrides the currently targeted Space.