Viewing Stackdriver logs

If enabled, you can take advantage of the power of Google Cloud Observability Logging to diagnose problems with your Migrate for Compute Engine environment. You can also share these logs with Migrate for Compute Engine support to speed up problem resolution.

All Migrate for Compute Engine logs are sent to Google Cloud Observability in the project that is hosting the Migrate for Compute Engine Manager.

Each Migrate for Compute Engine deployment has a unique ID, which is reflected in the Google Cloud Observability namespace resource label.

Using the Google Cloud Observability Logging console

The Google Cloud Observability documentation has documentation on how to filter and search from the logging console. The directions below assume your familiarity with this interface.

Finding your Namespace

To find your Namespace id:

  1. Sign in to your Manager
  2. Click System Settings
  3. Click the Logs tab
  4. Copy the System ID (for example QWEX1234) on the bottom of page. This is your Namespace for use in Google Cloud Observability

Filtering Google Cloud Observability Logs

For more information on viewing Google Cloud Observability Logs, see the documentation

  1. Go to the Logs Explorer page
  2. On the top bar of the page, verify that you have selected the correct project.
  3. In the resource-type drop-down list, select Generic Node Resource (resource.type="generic_node").

Here you can filter for one or both of the following levels:

A. namespace, using the value you copied above. The Namespace allows you to view only the logs from your Migrate for Compute Engine environment.

B. Individual Migrate for Compute Engine components can be filtered by the following monitored_resource labels:

  • Velostrata_Manager
  • Velostrata_CloudExtensionNode
  • Velostrata_OnPremBackend
  • Velostrata_ManagedVM, which contains logs for operations Migrate for Compute Engine started on migrated VMs. It does not include system logs from those VMs.

For example, to filter for logs only from your Cloud Extensions, use the text box at the top of the log list and paste label:monitored_resource:Velostrata_CloudExtensionNode.

Select logs from Cloud Extensions only in Google Cloud Observability using label:monitored_resource:Velostrata_CloudExtensionNode