Device listed in /etc/fstab fails to mount

By default, the system parses /etc/fstab and mounts all of the listed devices to the required mount points. If a device is not recognized or not mounted, the workload pod will not get to a ready state.

For example, consider a source Linux VM in Amazon EC2 that has an ephemeral disk where persistence is not guaranteed. These disks are not streamed to the target, causing the container to fail on mounting it.

If this happens, you might see messages such as the following:

Unable to locate resolve [X] fstab entries: …
Error: Failed mount -o defaults /dev/mapper/mpathe-part /rootfs/mnt/ephemeral

You can work around this by either:

  • Editing /etc/fstab on the Linux VM to remove the device mount command.
  • Setting the HC_INIT_SKIP_MOUNT_FAILURES environment variable to configure the system to skip mount failures and continue.

To set the HC_INIT_SKIP_MOUNT_FAILURES environment variable:

  1. Create a configmap in the migration namespace, v2k-system, on the migration processing cluster. For example, define the configmap in a file named jobs-config.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: jobs-config
      namespace: v2k-system
      environment: |
  2. Apply the configmap to the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f jobs-config.yaml
  3. To view the config map, use the command:

    kubectl describe configmaps -n v2k-system
  4. Edit the migration plan to add the configmap. The migration plan is the yaml file that you generated when you created the migration. See Customizing a migration plan for more on editing the migration plan.

    In the migration plan, edit the configs section to add the configmap:

        name: jobs-config
  5. Save your edits and then execute the migration as described in Executing a migration.