CRD overview

Migrate to Containers includes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) that enable you to easily create and manage migrations using an API automation solution or code. For example, you can use these CRDs to build your own automated tools.

These CRDs are documented in GitHub

Steps to using the CRDs

The sequence of steps that you use to perform a migration by using the CRDs is similar to the process you use with migctl and the Google Cloud console. The steps in this process are:

  1. Apply a SourceProvider resource that represents the source platform you're migrating from.
  1. To create a migration resource, apply a Migration resource. In the Migration resource, you specify the name of a previously created SourceProvider resource.

    That will trigger the discovery process, which should result in a matching AppXGenerateArtifactsFlow resource

  2. You can now optionally modify the migration plan, by editing the AppXGenerateArtifactsFlow resource

  3. To generate migration artifacts according to the current plan, apply a AppXGenerateArtifactsTask resource.

  4. Deploy the migrated workload for either: