Instance and node properties

This page lists the properties of Memorystore for Memcached instances and nodes, as well as the possible values for those properties.

Instance settings

The following table lists the settings that you can modify for your Memorystore for Memcached instances and nodes.

Setting Possible Values
Instance ID
  • Compose of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  • Must start with a letter.
  • Cannot exceed 40 characters.
Display name Optional. The display name of the instance cannot exceed 80 characters.
Labels String key/value pairs. Keys must start with a lowercase character and can contain only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters, and numbers.
Network association A network from your project, or a shared VPC network.
Number of nodes 1-20
Cores/vCPUs per node Minimum: 1 or 2 vCPUs depending on the region
Maximum: 32 vCPUs
With the exception of a single vCPU (depending on the region), you must provision vCPUs in even numbers. For example, 1 vCPU, 2 vCPUs, 12 vCPUs, and 26 vCPUs can be acceptable values.
Memory per node Minimum: 1 GB or (0.9 GB * vCPUs per node), whichever is greater.
Maximum: 256 GB.
Region The Google Cloud region in which you want to deploy your instance
Zones Optional. The zone(s) within a region where you want to deploy your node(s).
Memcached version The Memcached version your instance uses. Available versions are 1.5.16 and 1.6.15. For more information, see Supported versions.

Minimum vCPU according to region

Nodes in your Memcached instances have a minimum vCPU count of 2, except for the following regions whose minimum is 1 vCPU:

Region Name Region Description Minimum vCPU count
asia-east1 Taiwan 1
asia-east2 Hong Kong
asia-northeast1 Tokyo
asia-northeast2 Osaka
asia-northeast3 Seoul
asia-south1 Mumbai
asia-south2 Delhi
asia-southeast1 Singapore
asia-southeast2 Jakarta
australia-southeast1 Sydney
australia-southeast2 Melbourne
europe-central2 Warsaw
europe-north1 Finland
europe-west1 Belgium
europe-west2 London
europe-west3 Frankfurt
europe-west4 Netherlands
europe-west6 Zurich
northamerica-northeast1 Montreal
northamerica-northeast2 Toronto
southamerica-east1 São Paulo
us-central1 Iowa
us-east1 South Carolina
us-east4 Northern Virginia
us-west1 Oregon
us-west2 Los Angeles
us-west3 Salt Lake City
us-west4 Las Vegas

Output fields

The following tables list the output properties of instances and nodes that you can query to learn about an instance or node. To view these properties, run the following command, replacing the variables with appropriate values:

gcloud memcache instances describe instance-id --region=region
Instance property Description
memcacheFullVersion: Memcached version used in the instance. For a list of available versions, see Supported versions.

Instances can be in the following states:
  • Creating : Instance is being created.
  • Ready: Instance is ready to be used in Memcached clients.
  • Deleting: Instance is being deleted.
User designated zones in which nodes are provisioned.

Node property Description
memcacheFullVersion: Memcached version used by the node. For a list of available versions, see Supported versions.
nodeID: Auto-generated ID of the Memcached node used to view node-level metrics in Cloud Monitoring.

Nodes can be in the following states:
  • Creating : Node is being created.
  • Ready: Node is ready to be used in Memcached clients. If a node is undergoing a repair by the Memorystore for Memcached system, that state will not be reflected here.
  • Deleting: Node is being deleted.
The Google Cloud zone where the node is located.
port: Node port. This value is always 11211 for all nodes.

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