Migrating from Istio on GKE to Anthos Service Mesh

This guide shows how to upgrade a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster with Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine (Istio on GKE) version 1.4 or 1.6 (Beta) to managed Anthos Service Mesh with the Google-managed control plane and Anthos Service Mesh certificate authority (Mesh CA).


The following prerequisites are required to complete this guide:

  • A GKE cluster with Istio on GKE enabled. If you have multiple GKE clusters, follow the same steps for all clusters.

  • Istio on GKE must be version 1.4 or 1.6.

  • Ensure that you are running GKE version 1.17.17-gke.3100+, 1.18.16-gke.1600+, 1.19.8-gke.1600+, or later.

  • The GKE cluster must be running in one of these locations.

  • The user or Service Account running this script requires the IAM permissions documented in Setting up your project.

  • This guide is tested on Cloud Shell, so we recommend that you use Cloud Shell to perform the steps in this guide.


  • Deploy Anthos Service Mesh Google-managed control plane in the regular channel. This guide is specific to the regular channel, stable or rapid channels require slightly modified instructions. To learn more about release channels, please visit this link.
  • Migrate Istio configurations to Anthos Service Mesh.
  • Configure Mesh CA.
  • Migrate applications to Anthos Service Mesh.
  • Upgrade istio-ingressgateway from Istio on GKE to Anthos Service Mesh.
  • Finalize Anthos Service Mesh migration or roll back to Istio on GKE.

Set up your environment

To set up your environment, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console page, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI and the Google Cloud CLI already installed, and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  2. Create the environment variables used in this guide:

    # Enter your project ID
    # Copy and paste the following
    gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
    export PROJECT_NUM=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} --format='value(projectNumber)')
    export SHELL_IP=$(curl ifconfig.me) # This is required for private clusters with `master-authorized-networks` enabled.
  3. Create a WORKDIR folder. All files associated with this guide end up in WORKDIR so that you can delete WORKDIR when you are finished.

    mkdir -p addon-to-asm && cd addon-to-asm && export WORKDIR=`pwd`
  4. Create a KUBECONFIG file for this guide. You can also use your existing KUBECONFIG file that contains the cluster context for the GKE cluster to be migrated to Anthos Service Mesh.

    touch asm-kubeconfig && export KUBECONFIG=`pwd`/asm-kubeconfig
  5. Get credentials for the GKE cluster and store the context in a variable:

    Zonal clusters

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_1} \

    Regional clusters

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_1} \
  6. Your clusters must be registered to a fleet. This step can be done separately prior to the installation or as part of the installation by passing the --fleet-id and one of the --enable-all or --enable-registration flags.

  7. Your project must have the Service Mesh Feature enabled. You could enable it as part of the installation by passing one of the --enable-all or --enable-registration flags, or by running the following command prior to the installation:

      gcloud container hub mesh enable --project=FLEET_PROJECT_ID

    where FLEET_PROJECT_ID is the project-id of the fleet host project.

Optional step

If the cluster is a private cluster (with master-authorized-networks enabled), add your $SHELL_IP to the master-authorized-networks allowlist. If you already have access to your cluster, this step might not be required.

Zonal clusters

export SHELL_IP=$(curl ifconfig.me)

gcloud container clusters update ${CLUSTER_1} \
    --zone=${CLUSTER_1_LOCATION} \
    --enable-master-authorized-networks \
    --master-authorized-networks ${SHELL_IP}/32

Regional clusters

export SHELL_IP=$(curl ifconfig.me)

gcloud container clusters update ${CLUSTER_1} \
    --region=${CLUSTER_1_LOCATION} \
    --enable-master-authorized-networks \
    --master-authorized-networks ${SHELL_IP}/32

Install Anthos Service Mesh

In this section, you deploy Anthos Service Mesh with the Google-managed control plane of regular channel on the GKE cluster. This control plane is initially deployed alongside as a second (or canary) control plane.

  1. Download the latest version of the script that installs Anthos Service Mesh to the current working directory, and make the script executable:

    curl https://storage.googleapis.com/csm-artifacts/asm/asmcli > asmcli
    chmod +x asmcli
  2. To configure the GKE cluster, run the installation script to install Anthos Service Mesh with the Google-managed control plane of regular channel:

    ./asmcli install \
    -p ${PROJECT_ID} \
    -l ${CLUSTER_1_LOCATION} \
    -n ${CLUSTER_1} \
    --fleet_id ${FLEET_PROJECT_ID} \
    --managed \
    --verbose \
    --output_dir ${CLUSTER_1} \
    --enable-all \
    --channel regular

    This step can take a few minutes to complete.

  3. Verify the Google-managed control plane

  4. Copy istioctl to the WORKDIR folder:

    cp ./${CLUSTER_1}/istioctl ${WORKDIR}/.

In the next section, you download and run the migrate_addon script to assist in migrating to Anthos Service Mesh. The istioctl command-line utility needs to be in the same folder as the migrate_addon script. You use the WORKDIR folder for both the istioctl command-line utility and the migrate_addon script.

Migrate configurations to Anthos Service Mesh

In this section, you migrate Istio on GKE configurations to Anthos Service Mesh. The guided script identifies which configurations can and cannot be migrated.

  1. Download the migration tool and make it executable:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/anthos-service-mesh-packages/main/scripts/migration/migrate-addon > ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon
    chmod +x ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon
  2. Disable the Galley validation webhook. This step is required to migrate some of the 1.4 configurations to Anthos Service Mesh. Answer Y to both questions:

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command disable-galley-webhook

    The output is similar to the following:

    tmpdir directory not present. Create directory? Continue? [Y/n] Y
    Disabling the Istio validation webhook... Continue? [Y/n] Y
    Running: kubectl get clusterrole istio-galley-istio-system -n istio-system -o yaml
    Running: kubectl patch clusterrole -n istio-system istio-galley-istio-system --type=json -p=[{"op": "replace", "path": "/rules/2/verbs/0", "value": "get"}]
    clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/istio-galley-istio-system patched
    Running: kubectl get ValidatingWebhookConfiguration istio-galley --ignore-not-found
    Running: kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration istio-galley --ignore-not-found
    validatingwebhookconfiguration.admissionregistration.k8s.io "istio-galley" deleted
  3. Verify and manually migrate the configuration. This step helps identify some of the configurations that need to be manually migrated before migrating workloads to the Google-managed control plane.

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command config-check

    The output is similar to the following:

    Installing the authentication CR migration tool...
    Checking for configurations that will need to be explicitly migrated...
    No resources found

Migrate custom configurations

You might need to manually migrate custom configurations before you migrate to Anthos Service Mesh. The preceding script identifies custom configurations and prints information about what is required. These customizations are as follows:

  • Detected custom envoy filters are not supported by Anthos Service Mesh. Remove these if possible. Envoy filters are currently not supported in the Google-managed control plane.

  • Detected custom plugin certificate. The plugin certificates will not be migrated to Anthos Service Mesh. If plugin certificates are used with Istio on GKE, these certificates are not used after the workloads migrate to the Google-managed control plane. All workloads use certificates signed by Google Mesh CA. Plugin certificates are not supported by Mesh CA. This message is informational and no action is required.

  • Detected security policies that could not be migrated. <Error reason>. This usually fails because of alpha AuthZ policies that need to be manually migrated. For more context and information about how to migrate policies, see Migrate pre-Istio 1.4 Alpha security policy to the current APIs. For more information regarding the error message, see security-policy-migrate.

  • Detected possibly incompatible VirtualService config. <Specific deprecated config>. You need to update the following VirtualService configurations:

    • Use of appendHeaders is not supported. Use spec.http.headers instead.
    • Use of websocketUpgrade is not needed. It is turned on by default.
    • Replace the field abort.percent with abort.percentage.
  • Detected custom installation of mixer resources that could not be migrated. Requires manual migration to telemetryv2. If custom mixer policies are configured in addition to the default Istio on GKE installation, you need to manually migrate these policies to telemetry v2. For more information about how to do this, see Customizing Istio Metrics.

  • Deployment <deploymentName> could be a custom gateway. Migrate this manually. You need to manually migrate all gateway Deployments other than the istio-ingressgateway (which is installed by default). For information about how to upgrade gateways for the Google-managed control plane, see Configuring the Google-managed control plane.

To migrate configurations, follow these steps:

  1. Manually migrate all custom configurations (except for the last configuration listed) before proceeding to step 2.

  2. Use the migration tool to migrate the configurations that can be automatically migrated (or ignored).

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command migrate-configs

    The output is similar to the following:

    Converting authentication CRs...
    2021/06/25 20:44:58 found root namespace: istio-system
    2021/06/25 20:44:59 SUCCESS converting policy /default
    Running: kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f beta-policy.yaml
    peerauthentication.security.istio.io/default created (dry run)
    Applying converted security policies in tmpdir/beta-policy.yaml... Continue? [Y/n] Y
    Running: kubectl apply -f beta-policy.yaml
    peerauthentication.security.istio.io/default created
  3. Apply the Mesh CA root trust. This lets you migrate from the current Citadel CA to Mesh CA without incurring any downtime to your applications.

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command configure-mesh-ca

    The output is similar to the following:

    Configuring Istio on GKE to trust Anthos Service Mesh... Continue? [Y/n] Y
    Running: kubectl get cm -n istio-system istio-asm-managed -oyaml
    Running: kubectl -n istio-system apply -f -
    secret/meshca-root created
    Running: kubectl get cm istio -n istio-system -o yaml
    Running: kubectl get cm istio -n istio-system -o yaml
    Running: kubectl replace -f -
    configmap/istio replaced
    Running: kubectl get deploy istio-pilot -n istio-system -o yaml
    Running: kubectl patch deploy istio-pilot -n istio-system -p={"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{
    deployment.apps/istio-pilot patched
    Running: kubectl get deploy istio-citadel -n istio-system -o yaml
    Running: kubectl patch deploy istio-citadel -n istio-system -p={"spec":{"template":{"spec":{
          "args": ["--append-dns-names=true", "--grpc-port=8060", "--citadel-storage-namespace=istio-system", "--custom-dns-names=istio-pilot-service-account.istio-system:istio-pilot.istio-system", "--monitoring-port=15014", "--self-signed-ca=true", "--workload-cert-ttl=2160h", "--root-cert=/var/run/root-certs/meshca-root.pem"],
          "volumeMounts": [{"mountPath": "/var/run/root-certs", "name": "meshca-root", "readOnly": true}]
        "volumes": [{"name": "meshca-root", "secret":{"secretName": "meshca-root"}}]
    deployment.apps/istio-citadel patched
    Waiting for root certificate to distribute to all pods. This will take a few minutes...
    ASM root certificate not distributed to asm-system, trying again later
    ASM root certificate not distributed to asm-system, trying again later
    ASM root certificate distributed to namespace asm-system
    ASM root certificate distributed to namespace default
    ASM root certificate distributed to namespace istio-operator
    ASM root certificate not distributed to istio-system, trying again later
    ASM root certificate not distributed to istio-system, trying again later
    ASM root certificate distributed to namespace istio-system
    ASM root certificate distributed to namespace kube-node-lease
    ASM root certificate distributed to namespace kube-public
    ASM root certificate distributed to namespace kube-system
    ASM root certificate distributed to namespace online-boutique
    Waiting for proxies to pick up the new root certificate...
    Configuring Istio Addon 1.6 to trust Anthos Service Mesh...
    Running: kubectl get cm -n istio-system env-asm-managed -ojsonpath={.data.TRUST_DOMAIN} --ignore-not-found
    Running: kubectl get cm istio-istio-1611 -n istio-system -o yaml
    Running: kubectl replace -f -
    configmap/istio-istio-1611 replaced
    Running: kubectl patch -n istio-system istiooperators.install.istio.io istio-1-6-11-gke-0 --type=merge
    istiooperator.install.istio.io/istio-1-6-11-gke-0 patched
    Running: kubectl -n istio-system get secret istio-ca-secret -ojsonpath={.data.ca-cert\.pem}
    Running: kubectl -n istio-system patch secret istio-ca-secret
    secret/istio-ca-secret patched
    Running: kubectl patch deploy istiod-istio-1611 -n istio-system
    deployment.apps/istiod-istio-1611 patched
    Running: kubectl rollout status -w deployment/istiod-istio-1611 -n istio-system
    Waiting for deployment "istiod-istio-1611" rollout to finish: 1 old replicas are pending termination...
    deployment "istiod-istio-1611" successfully rolled out
    Running: kubectl apply -f - -n istio-system
    envoyfilter.networking.istio.io/trigger-root-cert created
    Waiting for proxies to pick up the new root certificate...
    Running: kubectl delete envoyfilter trigger-root-cert -n istio-system

    This step takes a few minutes for the Anthos Service Mesh root certificate to be distributed to all namespaces. Wait until the script finishes with an OK message.

The previous step does the following:

  • Installs the Mesh CA root of trust for all workloads in the cluster.
  • Changes the configurations of the control plane Deployments istio-pilot, istiod, and istio-citadel. The changes include the following:

    • Upgrading the images to the latest builds.
    • Disabling trust-domain verification by setting PILOT_SKIP_VALIDATE_TRUST_DOMAIN=true.
    • Adding the Mesh CA root of trust to istio-citadel to distribute the ConfigMap to all namespaces.
    • Adding the Mesh CA root of trust to istio-ca-secret to distribute the root certificate.
  • Stores the older configuration manifests in the tmpdir.

  • Provides steps for the rollback function (documented later).

Migrate workloads to Anthos Service Mesh

In this section, you migrate workloads running on Istio on GKE to Anthos Service Mesh. After migration, you verify that the correct sidecar proxies (Anthos Service Mesh) are injected in every Pod and that the application is working as expected.

If you are performing this procedure on an existing cluster, select a namespace to be migrated.

  1. Define the namespace as a variable; this namespace is migrated to Anthos Service Mesh:

  2. To migrate workloads to Anthos Service Mesh, you must relabel the namespace for Anthos Service Mesh. Labeling the namespace allows Anthos Service Mesh to automatically inject sidecars to all workloads. To label the namespace, run the following command, setting the label to asm-managed:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} label namespace ${NAMESPACE} istio.io/rev=asm-managed istio-injection- --overwrite
  3. Perform a rolling restart of all Deployments in the namespace:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} rollout restart deployment -n ${NAMESPACE}

    The output is similar to the following:

    deployment.apps/deploymentName1 restarted
    deployment.apps/deploymentName2 restarted
  4. Ensure that all Pods are restarted and are running with two containers per Pod:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n ${NAMESPACE} get pods

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    deploymentName1-PodName     2/2     Running   0          101s
    deploymentName2-PodName     2/2     Running   2          100s

    A good way to verify this step is by looking at the AGE of the Pods. Ensure that the value is short—for example, a few minutes.

  5. Check the sidecar Envoy proxy version from any one of the Pods from any Deployment in the namespace to confirm that you now have Anthos Service Mesh Envoy proxies deployed:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} get pods ${POD_NAME} -n ${NAMESPACE} -o json | jq '.status.containerStatuses[].image'

    The output is similar to the following:

  6. Verify and test your applications after restarting.

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
  7. (Optional) If you want Google to manage upgrades of the proxies, enable the Google-managed data plane

View migration status

Run the following command to view the status of the migration:

kubectl get cm/asm-addon-migration-state -n istio-system -ojsonpath={.data}

The output indicates whether the migrations is complete, pending, or failed:





If migrationStatus outputs SUCCESS, the control plane has successfully upgraded to Anthos Service Mesh. To manually update the data plane, complete the steps in Migrate workloads.

If migrationStatus outputs any other status than SUCCESS, you can choose to either:

  • Take no extra action if the migration error does not impact your existing Istio on GKE workloads. Otherwise rollback if needed.
  • Update the custom configurations in the cluster and rerun the migration manually if migrationStatus shows MIGRATION_CONFIG_ERROR.

You can view the control plane metrics in Metrics Explorer after successful migration, see verify_control_plane_metrics

Access Anthos Service Mesh dashboards

In this section, you go to the Anthos Service Mesh dashboards and make sure that you are receiving the golden signals for all Services. You should also be able to see your application topology.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Anthos Service Mesh page.

    Go to Anthos Service Mesh

  2. You should be able to view the metrics and topology for your Services.

To learn more about Anthos Service Mesh dashboards, see Exploring Anthos Service Mesh in the Google Cloud console.

Complete a successful migration

In this section, you finalize your Istio on GKE to Anthos Service Mesh migration. Before proceeding with this section, make sure that you want to proceed with Anthos Service Mesh. This section also helps you clean up your Istio on GKE artifacts. If you want to roll back to Istio on GKE, proceed to the next section.

  1. Replace the istio-ingressgateway (part of standard Istio on GKE) with the Google-managed control plane versioned gateway:

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command replace-gateway

    The output is similar to the following:

    Replacing the ingress gateway with an Anthos Service Mesh gateway... Continue? [Y/n] Y
    Running: kubectl label namespace istio-system istio-injection- istio.io/rev- --overwrite
    label "istio.io/rev" not found.
    namespace/istio-system labeled
    Running: kubectl apply -f -
    serviceaccount/asm-ingressgateway created
    deployment.apps/asm-ingressgateway created
    role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/asm-ingressgateway created
    rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/asm-ingressgateway created
    Running: kubectl wait --for=condition=available --timeout=600s deployment/asm-ingressgateway -n istio-system
    deployment.apps/asm-ingressgateway condition met
    Scaling the Istio ingress gateway to zero replicas... Continue? [Y/n] Y
    Running: kubectl -n istio-system patch hpa istio-ingressgateway --patch {"spec":{"minReplicas":1}}
    horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/istio-ingressgateway patched (no change)
    Running: kubectl -n istio-system scale deployment istio-ingressgateway --replicas=0
    deployment.apps/istio-ingressgateway scaled
  2. Reconfigure the webhook to use the Google-managed control plane; all workloads start by using the Google-managed control plane:

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command replace-webhook

    The output is similar to the following:

    Configuring sidecar injection to use Anthos Service Mesh by default... Continue? [Y/n] Y
    Running: kubectl patch mutatingwebhookconfigurations istio-sidecar-injector --type=json -p=[{"op": "replace", "path": "/webhooks"}]
    mutatingwebhookconfiguration.admissionregistration.k8s.io/istio-sidecar-injector patched
    Revision tag "default" created, referencing control plane revision "asm-managed". To enable injection using this
    revision tag, use 'kubectl label namespace <NAMESPACE> istio.io/rev=default'
  3. Relabel all the namespaces with the Anthos Service Mesh label, and perform a rolling restart of all workloads to get them on the Google-managed control plane:

        kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} label namespace ${NAMESPACE}
        istio.io/rev=asm-managed istio-injection- --overwrite`
        kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} rollout restart deployment -n

    You can ignore the message "istio-injection not found" in the output. That means that the namespace didn't previously have the istio-injection label, which you should expect in new installations of Anthos Service Mesh or new deployments. Because auto-injection fails if a namespace has both the istio-injection and the revision label, all kubectl label commands in the Istio on GKE documentation include removing the istio-injection label.

  4. Finalize the migration by running the following command:

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command write-marker

    The output is similar to the following:

    Current migration state: SUCCESS
    Running: kubectl apply -f -
    configmap/asm-addon-migration-state created
  5. Disable Istio on GKE by running the following command:

    Zonal clusters

    gcloud beta container clusters update ${CLUSTER_1} \
        --project=$PROJECT_ID \
        --zone=${CLUSTER_1_LOCATION} \

    Regional clusters

    gcloud beta container clusters update ${CLUSTER_1} \
        --project=$PROJECT_ID \
        --region=${CLUSTER_1_LOCATION} \
  6. Clean up configurations by running the following command:

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command cleanup

    The output is similar to the following:

    Cleaning up old resources...
    Running: kubectl get cm -n istio-system asm-addon-migration-state -ojsonpath={.data.migrationStatus}
    Will delete IstioOperator/istio-1-6-11-gke-0.istio-system
    Will delete ServiceAccount/istio-citadel-service-account.istio-system
    Will delete DestinationRule/istio-policy.istio-system
    Will delete DestinationRule/istio-telemetry.istio-system
    Will delete Secret/istio-ca-secret.istio-system
    Deleting resources previously listed... Continue? [Y/n] Y
    Running: kubectl delete IstioOperator istio-1-6-11-gke-0 -n istio-system --ignore-not-found
    istiooperator.install.istio.io "istio-1-6-11-gke-0" deleted
    Running: kubectl delete ServiceAccount istio-citadel-service-account -n istio-system --ignore-not-found
    serviceaccount "istio-citadel-service-account" deleted-ingressgateway -n istio-system --ignore-not-found
    Running: kubectl delete Secret istio-ca-secret -n istio-system --ignore-not-found
    secret "istio-ca-secret" deleted
    Running: kubectl delete -n istio-system jobs -lk8s-app=istio,app=security
    job.batch "istio-security-post-install-1.4.10-gke.8" deleted
  7. Ensure that Istio on GKE Deployments and Services have been successfully removed from the cluster:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n istio-system get deployments,services

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/asm-ingressgateway   1/1     1            1           10m
    NAME                           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP      AGE   PORT(S)
    service/istio-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer   95m   15020:31959/TCP,80:30971/TCP,443:31688/TCP,31400:31664/TCP,15029:32493/TCP,15030:31722/TCP,15031:30198/TCP,15032:31910/TCP,15443:31222/TCP

    You only see the Anthos Service Mesh ingress gateway Service and Deployment.

Congratulations. You have successfully migrated from Istio on GKE to Anthos Service Mesh with the Google-managed control plane and Mesh CA without any downtime to your applications.

Roll back changes

In this section, if you do not want to proceed with Anthos Service Mesh, you can roll back your Anthos Service Mesh changes. After completing this section, your workloads move back to Istio on GKE.

  1. Rollback the mutating webhook changes:

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command rollback-mutatingwebhook

  2. Relabel the namespaces to use Istio on GKE sidecar injection instead of Anthos Service Mesh by running the following command:

    for namespaces with version 1.4 workloads:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} label namespace ${NAMESPACE} istio.io/rev- istio-injection=enabled --overwrite

    for namespaces with version 1.6 workloads:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} label namespace ${NAMESPACE} istio.io/rev=istio-1611 --overwrite

  3. Perform a rolling restart of all Deployments in the namespace:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} rollout restart deployment -n ${NAMESPACE}
  4. Wait a few minutes and ensure that all Pods are running:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n ${NAMESPACE} get pods

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    deploymentName1-PodName    2/2     Running   0          101s
    deploymentName2-PodName    2/2     Running   2          100s
  5. Verify the sidecar Envoy proxy version from any one of the Pods to confirm that you have Istio on GKE v1.4 Envoy proxies deployed:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} get pods ${POD_NAME} -n ${NAMESPACE} -o json | jq '.status.containerStatuses[].image'

    The output is similar to the following:




  6. Verify and test your applications after restarting.

  7. Roll back the Mesh CA changes:

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command rollback-mesh-ca
  8. Re-enable the Istio Galley webhook:

    ${WORKDIR}/migrate_addon -d tmpdir --command enable-galley-webhook

You have successfully rolled back your changes to Istio on GKE.

Deploy Online Boutique

In this section, you deploy a sample microservices-based application called Online Boutique to the GKE cluster. Online Boutique is deployed in an Istio-enabled namespace. You verify that the application is working and that Istio on GKE is injecting the sidecar proxies to every Pod.

If you already have existing clusters with applications, you can skip creating a new namespace and deploying Online Boutique. You can follow the same process for all namespaces in the Migrate workloads to Anthos Service Mesh section.

  1. Deploy Online Boutique to the GKE cluster:

    kpt pkg get \
    https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo.git/release \
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} create namespace online-boutique
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} label namespace online-boutique istio-injection=enabled
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique apply -f online-boutique
  2. Wait until all Deployments are ready:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment adservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment checkoutservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment currencyservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment emailservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment frontend
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment paymentservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment productcatalogservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment shippingservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment cartservice
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment loadgenerator
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique wait --for=condition=available --timeout=5m deployment recommendationservice
  3. Ensure that there are two containers per Pod—the application container and the Istio sidecar proxy that Istio on GKE automatically injects into the Pod:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n online-boutique get pods

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    adservice-7cbc9bd9-t92k4                 2/2     Running   0          3m21s
    cartservice-d7db78c66-5qfmt              2/2     Running   1          3m23s
    checkoutservice-784bfc794f-j8rl5         2/2     Running   0          3m26s
    currencyservice-5898885559-lkwg4         2/2     Running   0          3m23s
    emailservice-6bd8b47657-llvgv            2/2     Running   0          3m27s
    frontend-764c5c755f-9wf97                2/2     Running   0          3m25s
    loadgenerator-84cbcd768c-5pdbr           2/2     Running   3          3m23s
    paymentservice-6c676df669-s779c          2/2     Running   0          3m25s
    productcatalogservice-7fcf4f8cc-hvf5x    2/2     Running   0          3m24s
    recommendationservice-79f5f4bbf5-6st24   2/2     Running   0          3m26s
    redis-cart-74594bd569-pfhkz              2/2     Running   0          3m22s
    shippingservice-b5879cdbf-5z7m5          2/2     Running   0          3m22s
  4. You can also check the sidecar Envoy proxy version from any one of the Pods to confirm that you have Istio on GKE v1.4 Envoy proxies deployed:

    export FRONTEND_POD=$(kubectl get pod -n online-boutique -l app=frontend --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} get pods ${FRONTEND_POD} -n online-boutique -o json | jq '.status.containerStatuses[].image'

    The output is similar to the following:

  5. Access the application by navigating to the IP address of the istio-ingressgateway Service IP address:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1_CTX} -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

Frequently asked questions

This section describes frequently asked questions and related answers about migrating from Istio on GKE to Anthos Service Mesh.

Why am I being migrated from Istio on GKE to Anthos Service Mesh?

Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine is a beta feature that deploys Google-managed Istio on a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. Istio on GKE deploys an unsupported version (Istio version 1.4). To provide you with the latest service mesh features and a supported service mesh implementation, we are upgrading all Istio on GKE users to Anthos Service Mesh.

Anthos Service Mesh is Google's managed and supported service mesh product powered by Istio APIs. Anthos Service Mesh is to Istio what GKE is to Kubernetes. Because Anthos Service Mesh is based on Istio APIs, you can continue to use your Istio configurations when you migrate to Anthos Service Mesh. In addition, there is no proprietary vendor lock-in.

Anthos Service Mesh provides the following benefits:

  • A Google-managed and Google-supported service mesh.
  • Istio APIs with no vendor lock-in.
  • Out-of-the-box telemetry dashboards and SLO management without a requirement to manage additional third-party solutions.
  • Google-hosted certificate authority options.
  • Integration with Google Cloud networking and Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP).
  • Hybrid and multi-cloud platform support.

To learn more about Anthos Service Mesh features and capabilities, see Google-managed control plane supported features.

Is there any downtime associated with this migration?

The migration script is designed to avoid downtime. The script installs Anthos Service Mesh as a canary control plane alongside your existing Istio control plane. The istio-ingressgateway is upgraded in place. You then relabel the Istio-enabled namespaces to start using Anthos Service Mesh with Anthos Service Mesh certificate authority (Mesh CA).

Ensure that you have PodDisruptionBudgets properly configured for your applications so that you do not experience any application downtime. Even though you can avoid downtime, if you are performing this migration yourself, we recommend that you perform this migration during a scheduled maintenance window. Google-driven migrations are performed during a GKE maintenance window. Ensure that your GKE clusters have maintenance windows configured.

Is there any cost associated with using Anthos Service Mesh?

There are two ways to use Anthos Service Mesh on GKE:

Are there any features or configurations that are not supported in the latest version of Anthos Service Mesh?

The script checks all Istio configurations and migrates them to the latest Anthos Service Mesh version. There are certain configurations that might require additional steps to be migrated from Istio version 1.4 to Anthos Service Mesh version 1.10. The script performs a configuration check and informs you if any configurations require additional steps.

Does migrating change my current Istio configurations?

No, your Istio configurations work on Anthos Service Mesh without requiring any changes.

After I migrate to Anthos Service Mesh, can I migrate back to Istio?

Yes, there is no commitment to use Anthos Service Mesh. You can uninstall Anthos Service Mesh and reinstall Istio at any time.

If the migration fails, is it possible to roll back?

Yes, the script lets you roll back to your previous Istio on GKE version.

Which version of Istio can I migrate by using this script?

The script assists you in migrating from Istio on GKE version 1.4 to Anthos Service Mesh version 1.10. The script validates your Istio version during the pre-migration stage, and informs you whether your Istio version can be migrated.

How can I get additional help with this migration?

Our Support team is glad to help. You can open a support case from the Google Cloud console. To learn more, see Managing support cases.

What happens if I don't migrate to Anthos Service Mesh?

Your Istio components continue to work, but Google no longer manages your Istio installation. You no longer receive automatic updates, and the installation is not guaranteed to work as the Kubernetes cluster version updates.

For more information, see Istio support.