Package (v1.42.0)


ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat_name, ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat_value

var (
	ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "BLOB",
	ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat_value = map[string]int32{
		"BLOB":                    1,
		"JSON_PACKAGE":            4,

Enum value maps for ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat.

RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption_name, RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption_value

var (
	RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "KEEP",
		2: "FALLBACK",
	RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption_value = map[string]int32{
		"KEEP":                       1,
		"FALLBACK":                   2,

Enum value maps for RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption.

AudioEncoding_name, AudioEncoding_value

var (
	AudioEncoding_name = map[int32]string{
	AudioEncoding_value = map[string]int32{
		"AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR_16":              1,
		"AUDIO_ENCODING_FLAC":                   2,
		"AUDIO_ENCODING_MULAW":                  3,
		"AUDIO_ENCODING_AMR":                    4,
		"AUDIO_ENCODING_AMR_WB":                 5,
		"AUDIO_ENCODING_OGG_OPUS":               6,

Enum value maps for AudioEncoding.

SpeechModelVariant_name, SpeechModelVariant_value

var (
	SpeechModelVariant_name = map[int32]string{
	SpeechModelVariant_value = map[string]int32{
		"USE_BEST_AVAILABLE":               1,
		"USE_STANDARD":                     2,
		"USE_ENHANCED":                     3,

Enum value maps for SpeechModelVariant.

SsmlVoiceGender_name, SsmlVoiceGender_value

var (
	SsmlVoiceGender_name = map[int32]string{
	SsmlVoiceGender_value = map[string]int32{

Enum value maps for SsmlVoiceGender.

OutputAudioEncoding_name, OutputAudioEncoding_value

var (
	OutputAudioEncoding_name = map[int32]string{
	OutputAudioEncoding_value = map[string]int32{

Enum value maps for OutputAudioEncoding.

Deployment_State_name, Deployment_State_value

var (
	Deployment_State_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "RUNNING",
		3: "FAILED",
	Deployment_State_value = map[string]int32{
		"RUNNING":           1,
		"SUCCEEDED":         2,
		"FAILED":            3,

Enum value maps for Deployment_State.

EntityType_Kind_name, EntityType_Kind_value

var (
	EntityType_Kind_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "KIND_MAP",
		2: "KIND_LIST",
	EntityType_Kind_value = map[string]int32{
		"KIND_MAP":         1,
		"KIND_LIST":        2,
		"KIND_REGEXP":      3,

Enum value maps for EntityType_Kind.

EntityType_AutoExpansionMode_name, EntityType_AutoExpansionMode_value

var (
	EntityType_AutoExpansionMode_name = map[int32]string{
	EntityType_AutoExpansionMode_value = map[string]int32{

Enum value maps for EntityType_AutoExpansionMode.

ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult_name, ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult_value

var (
	ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "PASSED",
		2: "FAILED",
	ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult_value = map[string]int32{
		"PASSED":                             1,
		"FAILED":                             2,

Enum value maps for ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult.

Experiment_State_name, Experiment_State_value

var (
	Experiment_State_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "DRAFT",
		2: "RUNNING",
		3: "DONE",
	Experiment_State_value = map[string]int32{
		"DRAFT":             1,
		"RUNNING":           2,
		"DONE":              3,

Enum value maps for Experiment_State.

Experiment_Result_MetricType_name, Experiment_Result_MetricType_value

var (
	Experiment_Result_MetricType_name = map[int32]string{
	Experiment_Result_MetricType_value = map[string]int32{
		"METRIC_UNSPECIFIED":                 0,
		"LIVE_AGENT_HANDOFF_RATE":            2,
		"CALLBACK_SESSION_RATE":              3,
		"ABANDONED_SESSION_RATE":             4,
		"SESSION_END_RATE":                   5,

Enum value maps for Experiment_Result_MetricType.

Experiment_Result_CountType_name, Experiment_Result_CountType_value

var (
	Experiment_Result_CountType_name = map[int32]string{
	Experiment_Result_CountType_value = map[string]int32{
		"TOTAL_TURN_COUNT":       2,

Enum value maps for Experiment_Result_CountType.

NluSettings_ModelType_name, NluSettings_ModelType_value

var (
	NluSettings_ModelType_name = map[int32]string{
	NluSettings_ModelType_value = map[string]int32{

Enum value maps for NluSettings_ModelType.

NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode_name, NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode_value

var (
	NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode_name = map[int32]string{
	NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode_value = map[string]int32{

Enum value maps for NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode.

ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption_name, ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption_value

var (
	ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "KEEP",
		2: "FALLBACK",
	ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption_value = map[string]int32{
		"KEEP":                      1,
		"FALLBACK":                  2,

Enum value maps for ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption.

ImportStrategy_name, ImportStrategy_value

var (
	ImportStrategy_name = map[int32]string{
	ImportStrategy_value = map[string]int32{

Enum value maps for ImportStrategy.

IntentView_name, IntentView_value

var (
	IntentView_name = map[int32]string{
	IntentView_value = map[string]int32{
		"INTENT_VIEW_FULL":        2,

Enum value maps for IntentView.

SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy_name, SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy_value

var (
	SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy_name = map[int32]string{
	SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy_value = map[string]int32{
		"REDACT_WITH_SERVICE":            1,

Enum value maps for SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy.

SecuritySettings_RedactionScope_name, SecuritySettings_RedactionScope_value

var (
	SecuritySettings_RedactionScope_name = map[int32]string{
	SecuritySettings_RedactionScope_value = map[string]int32{
		"REDACT_DISK_STORAGE":         2,

Enum value maps for SecuritySettings_RedactionScope.

SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType_name, SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType_value

var (
	SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType_name = map[int32]string{
	SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType_value = map[string]int32{
		"DIALOGFLOW_HISTORY":          1,

Enum value maps for SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType.

SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat_name, SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat_value

var (
	SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "MULAW",
		2: "MP3",
		3: "OGG",
	SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat_value = map[string]int32{
		"MULAW":                    1,
		"MP3":                      2,
		"OGG":                      3,

Enum value maps for SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat.

DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType_name, DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType_value

var (
	DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "PARTIAL",
		2: "FINAL",
	DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType_value = map[string]int32{
		"PARTIAL":                   1,
		"FINAL":                     2,

Enum value maps for DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType.

StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType_name, StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType_value

var (
	StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType_name = map[int32]string{
	StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType_value = map[string]int32{
		"TRANSCRIPT":               1,

Enum value maps for StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType.

Match_MatchType_name, Match_MatchType_value

var (
	Match_MatchType_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "INTENT",
		4: "NO_MATCH",
		5: "NO_INPUT",
		6: "EVENT",
	Match_MatchType_value = map[string]int32{
		"INTENT":                 1,
		"DIRECT_INTENT":          2,
		"NO_MATCH":               4,
		"NO_INPUT":               5,
		"EVENT":                  6,

Enum value maps for Match_MatchType.

SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode_name, SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode_value

var (
	SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode_name = map[int32]string{
	SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode_value = map[string]int32{

Enum value maps for SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode.

TestResult_name, TestResult_value

var (
	TestResult_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "PASSED",
		2: "FAILED",
	TestResult_value = map[string]int32{
		"PASSED":                  1,
		"FAILED":                  2,

Enum value maps for TestResult.

TestRunDifference_DiffType_name, TestRunDifference_DiffType_value

var (
	TestRunDifference_DiffType_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "INTENT",
		2: "PAGE",
		5: "FLOW",
	TestRunDifference_DiffType_value = map[string]int32{
		"INTENT":                1,
		"PAGE":                  2,
		"PARAMETERS":            3,
		"UTTERANCE":             4,
		"FLOW":                  5,

Enum value maps for TestRunDifference_DiffType.

CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType_name, CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType_value

var (
	CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "INTENT",
	CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType_value = map[string]int32{
		"INTENT":                    1,
		"PAGE_TRANSITION":           2,

Enum value maps for CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType.

ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView_name, ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView_value

var (
	ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "BASIC",
		2: "FULL",
	ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView_value = map[string]int32{
		"BASIC":                      1,
		"FULL":                       2,

Enum value maps for ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView.

ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat_name, ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat_value

var (
	ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "BLOB",
		2: "JSON",
	ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat_value = map[string]int32{
		"BLOB":                    1,
		"JSON":                    2,

Enum value maps for ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat.

ValidationMessage_ResourceType_name, ValidationMessage_ResourceType_value

var (
	ValidationMessage_ResourceType_name = map[int32]string{
		1:  "AGENT",
		2:  "INTENT",
		10: "INTENTS",
		3:  "ENTITY_TYPE",
		4:  "WEBHOOK",
		5:  "FLOW",
		6:  "PAGE",
		13: "PAGES",
	ValidationMessage_ResourceType_value = map[string]int32{
		"AGENT":                     1,
		"INTENT":                    2,
		"INTENT_PARAMETER":          9,
		"INTENTS":                   10,
		"ENTITY_TYPE":               3,
		"ENTITY_TYPES":              12,
		"WEBHOOK":                   4,
		"FLOW":                      5,
		"PAGE":                      6,
		"PAGES":                     13,

Enum value maps for ValidationMessage_ResourceType.

ValidationMessage_Severity_name, ValidationMessage_Severity_value

var (
	ValidationMessage_Severity_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "INFO",
		2: "WARNING",
		3: "ERROR",
	ValidationMessage_Severity_value = map[string]int32{
		"INFO":                 1,
		"WARNING":              2,
		"ERROR":                3,

Enum value maps for ValidationMessage_Severity.

Version_State_name, Version_State_value

var (
	Version_State_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "RUNNING",
		3: "FAILED",
	Version_State_value = map[string]int32{
		"RUNNING":           1,
		"SUCCEEDED":         2,
		"FAILED":            3,

Enum value maps for Version_State.

Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType_name, Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType_value

var (
	Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "STANDARD",
		2: "FLEXIBLE",
	Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType_value = map[string]int32{
		"STANDARD":                 1,
		"FLEXIBLE":                 2,

Enum value maps for Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType.

Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod_name, Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod_value

var (
	Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "POST",
		2: "GET",
		3: "HEAD",
		4: "PUT",
		5: "DELETE",
		6: "PATCH",
		7: "OPTIONS",
	Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod_value = map[string]int32{
		"POST":                    1,
		"GET":                     2,
		"HEAD":                    3,
		"PUT":                     4,
		"DELETE":                  5,
		"PATCH":                   6,
		"OPTIONS":                 7,

Enum value maps for Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod.

WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior_name, WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior_value

var (
	WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "APPEND",
		2: "REPLACE",
	WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior_value = map[string]int32{
		"APPEND":                     1,
		"REPLACE":                    2,

Enum value maps for WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior.

PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState_name, PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState_value

var (
	PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "EMPTY",
		2: "INVALID",
		3: "FILLED",
	PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState_value = map[string]int32{
		"EMPTY":                       1,
		"INVALID":                     2,
		"FILLED":                      3,

Enum value maps for PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState.


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_advanced_settings_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_agent_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_audio_config_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_changelog_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_deployment_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_entity_type_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_environment_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_experiment_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_flow_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_fulfillment_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_gcs_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_import_strategy_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_intent_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_page_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_response_message_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_security_settings_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_session_entity_type_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_session_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_test_case_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_transition_route_group_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_validation_message_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_version_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


var File_google_cloud_dialogflow_cx_v3beta1_webhook_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


func RegisterAgentsServer

func RegisterAgentsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv AgentsServer)

func RegisterChangelogsServer

func RegisterChangelogsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ChangelogsServer)

func RegisterDeploymentsServer

func RegisterDeploymentsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv DeploymentsServer)

func RegisterEntityTypesServer

func RegisterEntityTypesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv EntityTypesServer)

func RegisterEnvironmentsServer

func RegisterEnvironmentsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv EnvironmentsServer)

func RegisterExperimentsServer

func RegisterExperimentsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ExperimentsServer)

func RegisterFlowsServer

func RegisterFlowsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv FlowsServer)

func RegisterIntentsServer

func RegisterIntentsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv IntentsServer)

func RegisterPagesServer

func RegisterPagesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv PagesServer)

func RegisterSecuritySettingsServiceServer

func RegisterSecuritySettingsServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv SecuritySettingsServiceServer)

func RegisterSessionEntityTypesServer

func RegisterSessionEntityTypesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv SessionEntityTypesServer)

func RegisterSessionsServer

func RegisterSessionsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv SessionsServer)

func RegisterTestCasesServer

func RegisterTestCasesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TestCasesServer)

func RegisterTransitionRouteGroupsServer

func RegisterTransitionRouteGroupsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TransitionRouteGroupsServer)

func RegisterVersionsServer

func RegisterVersionsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv VersionsServer)

func RegisterWebhooksServer

func RegisterWebhooksServer(s *grpc.Server, srv WebhooksServer)


type AdvancedSettings struct {
	AudioExportGcsDestination *GcsDestination "" /* 140 byte string literal not displayed */

	LoggingSettings *AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=logging_settings,json=loggingSettings,proto3" json:"logging_settings,omitempty"`


Hierarchical advanced settings for agent/flow/page/fulfillment/parameter. Settings exposed at lower level overrides the settings exposed at higher level. Overriding occurs at the sub-setting level. For example, the playback_interruption_settings at fulfillment level only overrides the playback_interruption_settings at the agent level, leaving other settings at the agent level unchanged.

DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel.

Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter.

func (*AdvancedSettings) Descriptor

func (*AdvancedSettings) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use AdvancedSettings.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*AdvancedSettings) GetAudioExportGcsDestination

func (x *AdvancedSettings) GetAudioExportGcsDestination() *GcsDestination

func (*AdvancedSettings) GetLoggingSettings

func (x *AdvancedSettings) GetLoggingSettings() *AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings

func (*AdvancedSettings) ProtoMessage

func (*AdvancedSettings) ProtoMessage()

func (*AdvancedSettings) ProtoReflect

func (x *AdvancedSettings) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*AdvancedSettings) Reset

func (x *AdvancedSettings) Reset()

func (*AdvancedSettings) String

func (x *AdvancedSettings) String() string


type AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings struct {
	EnableStackdriverLogging bool "" /* 136 byte string literal not displayed */

	EnableInteractionLogging bool "" /* 136 byte string literal not displayed */


Define behaviors on logging.

func (*AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) Descriptor

func (*AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) GetEnableInteractionLogging

func (x *AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) GetEnableInteractionLogging() bool

func (*AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) GetEnableStackdriverLogging

func (x *AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) GetEnableStackdriverLogging() bool

func (*AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) ProtoMessage

func (*AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) ProtoMessage()

func (*AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) ProtoReflect

func (*AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) Reset

func (*AdvancedSettings_LoggingSettings) String


type Agent struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`

	DefaultLanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=default_language_code,json=defaultLanguageCode,proto3" json:"default_language_code,omitempty"`

	SupportedLanguageCodes []string "" /* 129 byte string literal not displayed */

	TimeZone string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=time_zone,json=timeZone,proto3" json:"time_zone,omitempty"`

	Description string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=description,proto3" json:"description,omitempty"`

	AvatarUri string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=avatar_uri,json=avatarUri,proto3" json:"avatar_uri,omitempty"`

	SpeechToTextSettings *SpeechToTextSettings `protobuf:"bytes,13,opt,name=speech_to_text_settings,json=speechToTextSettings,proto3" json:"speech_to_text_settings,omitempty"`

	StartFlow string `protobuf:"bytes,16,opt,name=start_flow,json=startFlow,proto3" json:"start_flow,omitempty"`

	SecuritySettings string `protobuf:"bytes,17,opt,name=security_settings,json=securitySettings,proto3" json:"security_settings,omitempty"`

	EnableStackdriverLogging bool "" /* 137 byte string literal not displayed */

	EnableSpellCorrection bool "" /* 128 byte string literal not displayed */

	Locked bool `protobuf:"varint,27,opt,name=locked,proto3" json:"locked,omitempty"`

	AdvancedSettings *AdvancedSettings `protobuf:"bytes,22,opt,name=advanced_settings,json=advancedSettings,proto3" json:"advanced_settings,omitempty"`

	GitIntegrationSettings *Agent_GitIntegrationSettings "" /* 130 byte string literal not displayed */

	TextToSpeechSettings *TextToSpeechSettings `protobuf:"bytes,31,opt,name=text_to_speech_settings,json=textToSpeechSettings,proto3" json:"text_to_speech_settings,omitempty"`


Agents are best described as Natural Language Understanding (NLU) modules that transform user requests into actionable data. You can include agents in your app, product, or service to determine user intent and respond to the user in a natural way.

After you create an agent, you can add [Intents][], [Entity Types][], [Flows][], [Fulfillments][], [Webhooks][], [TransitionRouteGroups][] and so on to manage the conversation flows.

func (*Agent) Descriptor

func (*Agent) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Agent.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Agent) GetAdvancedSettings

func (x *Agent) GetAdvancedSettings() *AdvancedSettings

func (*Agent) GetAvatarUri

func (x *Agent) GetAvatarUri() string

func (*Agent) GetDefaultLanguageCode

func (x *Agent) GetDefaultLanguageCode() string

func (*Agent) GetDescription

func (x *Agent) GetDescription() string

func (*Agent) GetDisplayName

func (x *Agent) GetDisplayName() string

func (*Agent) GetEnableSpellCorrection

func (x *Agent) GetEnableSpellCorrection() bool

func (*Agent) GetEnableStackdriverLogging

func (x *Agent) GetEnableStackdriverLogging() bool

Deprecated: Marked as deprecated in google/cloud/dialogflow/cx/v3beta1/agent.proto.

func (*Agent) GetGitIntegrationSettings

func (x *Agent) GetGitIntegrationSettings() *Agent_GitIntegrationSettings

func (*Agent) GetLocked

func (x *Agent) GetLocked() bool

func (*Agent) GetName

func (x *Agent) GetName() string

func (*Agent) GetSecuritySettings

func (x *Agent) GetSecuritySettings() string

func (*Agent) GetSpeechToTextSettings

func (x *Agent) GetSpeechToTextSettings() *SpeechToTextSettings

func (*Agent) GetStartFlow

func (x *Agent) GetStartFlow() string

func (*Agent) GetSupportedLanguageCodes

func (x *Agent) GetSupportedLanguageCodes() []string

func (*Agent) GetTextToSpeechSettings

func (x *Agent) GetTextToSpeechSettings() *TextToSpeechSettings

func (*Agent) GetTimeZone

func (x *Agent) GetTimeZone() string

func (*Agent) ProtoMessage

func (*Agent) ProtoMessage()

func (*Agent) ProtoReflect

func (x *Agent) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Agent) Reset

func (x *Agent) Reset()

func (*Agent) String

func (x *Agent) String() string


type AgentValidationResult struct {

	// The unique identifier of the agent validation result.
	// Format: `projects/

The response message for [Agents.GetAgentValidationResult][].

func (*AgentValidationResult) Descriptor

func (*AgentValidationResult) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use AgentValidationResult.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*AgentValidationResult) GetFlowValidationResults

func (x *AgentValidationResult) GetFlowValidationResults() []*FlowValidationResult

func (*AgentValidationResult) GetName

func (x *AgentValidationResult) GetName() string

func (*AgentValidationResult) ProtoMessage

func (*AgentValidationResult) ProtoMessage()

func (*AgentValidationResult) ProtoReflect

func (x *AgentValidationResult) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*AgentValidationResult) Reset

func (x *AgentValidationResult) Reset()

func (*AgentValidationResult) String

func (x *AgentValidationResult) String() string


type Agent_GitIntegrationSettings struct {

	// The git settings to specific systems.
	// Types that are assignable to GitSettings:
	//	*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings_
	GitSettings isAgent_GitIntegrationSettings_GitSettings `protobuf_oneof:"git_settings"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Settings for connecting to Git repository for an agent.

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) Descriptor

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Agent_GitIntegrationSettings.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) GetGitSettings

func (m *Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) GetGitSettings() isAgent_GitIntegrationSettings_GitSettings

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) GetGithubSettings

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) ProtoMessage

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) ProtoMessage()

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) ProtoReflect

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) Reset

func (x *Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) Reset()

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings) String


type Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings struct {

	// The unique repository display name for the GitHub repository.
	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`
	// The GitHub repository URI related to the agent.
	RepositoryUri string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=repository_uri,json=repositoryUri,proto3" json:"repository_uri,omitempty"`
	// The branch of the GitHub repository tracked for this agent.
	TrackingBranch string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=tracking_branch,json=trackingBranch,proto3" json:"tracking_branch,omitempty"`
	// The access token used to authenticate the access to the GitHub
	// repository.
	AccessToken string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=access_token,json=accessToken,proto3" json:"access_token,omitempty"`
	// A list of branches configured to be used from Dialogflow.
	Branches []string `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=branches,proto3" json:"branches,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Settings of integration with GitHub.

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) Descriptor

Deprecated: Use Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) GetAccessToken

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) GetBranches

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) GetDisplayName

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) GetRepositoryUri

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) GetTrackingBranch

func (x *Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) GetTrackingBranch() string

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) ProtoMessage

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) ProtoReflect

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) Reset

func (*Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings) String


type Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings_ struct {
	// GitHub settings.
	GithubSettings *Agent_GitIntegrationSettings_GithubSettings `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=github_settings,json=githubSettings,proto3,oneof"`


type AgentsClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all agents in the specified location.
	ListAgents(ctx context.Context, in *ListAgentsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListAgentsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified agent.
	GetAgent(ctx context.Context, in *GetAgentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Agent, error)
	// Creates an agent in the specified location.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	CreateAgent(ctx context.Context, in *CreateAgentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Agent, error)
	// Updates the specified agent.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	UpdateAgent(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateAgentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Agent, error)
	// Deletes the specified agent.
	DeleteAgent(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteAgentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Exports the specified agent to a binary file.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`:
	// [ExportAgentResponse][]
	ExportAgent(ctx context.Context, in *ExportAgentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Restores the specified agent from a binary file.
	// Replaces the current agent with a new one. Note that all existing resources
	// in agent (e.g. intents, entity types, flows) will be removed.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`: An [Empty
	//   message](
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	RestoreAgent(ctx context.Context, in *RestoreAgentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Validates the specified agent and creates or updates validation results.
	// The agent in draft version is validated. Please call this API after the
	// training is completed to get the complete validation results.
	ValidateAgent(ctx context.Context, in *ValidateAgentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*AgentValidationResult, error)
	// Gets the latest agent validation result. Agent validation is performed
	// when ValidateAgent is called.
	GetAgentValidationResult(ctx context.Context, in *GetAgentValidationResultRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*AgentValidationResult, error)

AgentsClient is the client API for Agents service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewAgentsClient

func NewAgentsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) AgentsClient


type AgentsServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all agents in the specified location.
	ListAgents(context.Context, *ListAgentsRequest) (*ListAgentsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified agent.
	GetAgent(context.Context, *GetAgentRequest) (*Agent, error)
	// Creates an agent in the specified location.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	CreateAgent(context.Context, *CreateAgentRequest) (*Agent, error)
	// Updates the specified agent.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	UpdateAgent(context.Context, *UpdateAgentRequest) (*Agent, error)
	// Deletes the specified agent.
	DeleteAgent(context.Context, *DeleteAgentRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Exports the specified agent to a binary file.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`:
	// [ExportAgentResponse][]
	ExportAgent(context.Context, *ExportAgentRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Restores the specified agent from a binary file.
	// Replaces the current agent with a new one. Note that all existing resources
	// in agent (e.g. intents, entity types, flows) will be removed.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`: An [Empty
	//   message](
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	RestoreAgent(context.Context, *RestoreAgentRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Validates the specified agent and creates or updates validation results.
	// The agent in draft version is validated. Please call this API after the
	// training is completed to get the complete validation results.
	ValidateAgent(context.Context, *ValidateAgentRequest) (*AgentValidationResult, error)
	// Gets the latest agent validation result. Agent validation is performed
	// when ValidateAgent is called.
	GetAgentValidationResult(context.Context, *GetAgentValidationResultRequest) (*AgentValidationResult, error)

AgentsServer is the server API for Agents service.


type AudioEncoding int32

Audio encoding of the audio content sent in the conversational query request. Refer to the Cloud Speech API documentation for more details.


const (
	// Not specified.
	AudioEncoding_AUDIO_ENCODING_UNSPECIFIED AudioEncoding = 0
	// Uncompressed 16-bit signed little-endian samples (Linear PCM).
	AudioEncoding_AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR_16 AudioEncoding = 1
	// [`FLAC`]( (Free Lossless Audio
	// Codec) is the recommended encoding because it is lossless (therefore
	// recognition is not compromised) and requires only about half the
	// bandwidth of `LINEAR16`. `FLAC` stream encoding supports 16-bit and
	// 24-bit samples, however, not all fields in `STREAMINFO` are supported.
	AudioEncoding_AUDIO_ENCODING_FLAC AudioEncoding = 2
	// 8-bit samples that compand 14-bit audio samples using G.711 PCMU/mu-law.
	AudioEncoding_AUDIO_ENCODING_MULAW AudioEncoding = 3
	// Adaptive Multi-Rate Narrowband codec. `sample_rate_hertz` must be 8000.
	AudioEncoding_AUDIO_ENCODING_AMR AudioEncoding = 4
	// Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband codec. `sample_rate_hertz` must be 16000.
	AudioEncoding_AUDIO_ENCODING_AMR_WB AudioEncoding = 5
	// Opus encoded audio frames in Ogg container
	// ([OggOpus](
	// `sample_rate_hertz` must be 16000.
	AudioEncoding_AUDIO_ENCODING_OGG_OPUS AudioEncoding = 6
	// Although the use of lossy encodings is not recommended, if a very low
	// bitrate encoding is required, `OGG_OPUS` is highly preferred over
	// Speex encoding. The [Speex]( encoding supported by
	// Dialogflow API has a header byte in each block, as in MIME type
	// `audio/x-speex-with-header-byte`.
	// It is a variant of the RTP Speex encoding defined in
	// [RFC 5574](
	// The stream is a sequence of blocks, one block per RTP packet. Each block
	// starts with a byte containing the length of the block, in bytes, followed
	// by one or more frames of Speex data, padded to an integral number of
	// bytes (octets) as specified in RFC 5574. In other words, each RTP header
	// is replaced with a single byte containing the block length. Only Speex
	// wideband is supported. `sample_rate_hertz` must be 16000.

func (AudioEncoding) Descriptor

func (AudioEncoding) Enum

func (x AudioEncoding) Enum() *AudioEncoding

func (AudioEncoding) EnumDescriptor

func (AudioEncoding) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use AudioEncoding.Descriptor instead.

func (AudioEncoding) Number

func (AudioEncoding) String

func (x AudioEncoding) String() string

func (AudioEncoding) Type


type AudioInput struct {

	// Required. Instructs the speech recognizer how to process the speech audio.
	Config *InputAudioConfig `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=config,proto3" json:"config,omitempty"`
	// The natural language speech audio to be processed.
	// A single request can contain up to 2 minutes of speech audio data.
	// The [transcribed
	// text][] cannot
	// contain more than 256 bytes.
	// For non-streaming audio detect intent, both `config` and `audio` must be
	// provided.
	// For streaming audio detect intent, `config` must be provided in
	// the first request and `audio` must be provided in all following requests.
	Audio []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=audio,proto3" json:"audio,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents the natural speech audio to be processed.

func (*AudioInput) Descriptor

func (*AudioInput) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use AudioInput.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*AudioInput) GetAudio

func (x *AudioInput) GetAudio() []byte

func (*AudioInput) GetConfig

func (x *AudioInput) GetConfig() *InputAudioConfig

func (*AudioInput) ProtoMessage

func (*AudioInput) ProtoMessage()

func (*AudioInput) ProtoReflect

func (x *AudioInput) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*AudioInput) Reset

func (x *AudioInput) Reset()

func (*AudioInput) String

func (x *AudioInput) String() string


type BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to delete test cases from.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [TestCases.BatchDeleteTestCases][].

func (*BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) Descriptor

func (*BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) GetNames

func (x *BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) GetNames() []string

func (*BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) GetParent

func (x *BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) GetParent() string

func (*BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) Reset

func (x *BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) Reset()

func (*BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) String

func (x *BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) String() string


type BatchRunTestCasesMetadata struct {

	// The test errors.
	Errors []*TestError `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=errors,proto3" json:"errors,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Metadata returned for the [TestCases.BatchRunTestCases][] long running operation.

func (*BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) Descriptor

func (*BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use BatchRunTestCasesMetadata.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) GetErrors

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) GetErrors() []*TestError

func (*BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) ProtoMessage

func (*BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) ProtoMessage()

func (*BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) ProtoReflect

func (*BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) Reset

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) Reset()

func (*BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) String

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesMetadata) String() string


type BatchRunTestCasesRequest struct {

	// Required. Agent name. Format: `projects/

The request message for [TestCases.BatchRunTestCases][].

func (*BatchRunTestCasesRequest) Descriptor

func (*BatchRunTestCasesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use BatchRunTestCasesRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*BatchRunTestCasesRequest) GetEnvironment

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesRequest) GetEnvironment() string

func (*BatchRunTestCasesRequest) GetParent

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesRequest) GetParent() string

func (*BatchRunTestCasesRequest) GetTestCases

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesRequest) GetTestCases() []string

func (*BatchRunTestCasesRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*BatchRunTestCasesRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*BatchRunTestCasesRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*BatchRunTestCasesRequest) Reset

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesRequest) Reset()

func (*BatchRunTestCasesRequest) String

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesRequest) String() string


type BatchRunTestCasesResponse struct {

	// The test case results. The detailed
	// [conversation
	// turns][]
	// are empty in this response.
	Results []*TestCaseResult `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=results,proto3" json:"results,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [TestCases.BatchRunTestCases][].

func (*BatchRunTestCasesResponse) Descriptor

func (*BatchRunTestCasesResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use BatchRunTestCasesResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*BatchRunTestCasesResponse) GetResults

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesResponse) GetResults() []*TestCaseResult

func (*BatchRunTestCasesResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*BatchRunTestCasesResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*BatchRunTestCasesResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*BatchRunTestCasesResponse) Reset

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesResponse) Reset()

func (*BatchRunTestCasesResponse) String

func (x *BatchRunTestCasesResponse) String() string


type CalculateCoverageRequest struct {
	Agent string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=agent,proto3" json:"agent,omitempty"`

	Type CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType "" /* 140 byte string literal not displayed */


The request message for [TestCases.CalculateCoverage][].

func (*CalculateCoverageRequest) Descriptor

func (*CalculateCoverageRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CalculateCoverageRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CalculateCoverageRequest) GetAgent

func (x *CalculateCoverageRequest) GetAgent() string

func (*CalculateCoverageRequest) GetType

func (*CalculateCoverageRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CalculateCoverageRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CalculateCoverageRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CalculateCoverageRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CalculateCoverageRequest) Reset

func (x *CalculateCoverageRequest) Reset()

func (*CalculateCoverageRequest) String

func (x *CalculateCoverageRequest) String() string


type CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType int32

The type of coverage score requested.

CalculateCoverageRequest_COVERAGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, CalculateCoverageRequest_INTENT, CalculateCoverageRequest_PAGE_TRANSITION, CalculateCoverageRequest_TRANSITION_ROUTE_GROUP

const (
	// Should never be used.
	CalculateCoverageRequest_COVERAGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType = 0
	// Intent coverage.
	CalculateCoverageRequest_INTENT CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType = 1
	// Page transition coverage.
	CalculateCoverageRequest_PAGE_TRANSITION CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType = 2
	// Transition route group coverage.
	CalculateCoverageRequest_TRANSITION_ROUTE_GROUP CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType = 3

func (CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType) Descriptor

func (CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType) Enum

func (CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType) EnumDescriptor

func (CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType.Descriptor instead.

func (CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType) Number

func (CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType) String

func (CalculateCoverageRequest_CoverageType) Type


type CalculateCoverageResponse struct {

	// The agent to calculate coverage for.
	// Format: `projects/

The response message for [TestCases.CalculateCoverage][].

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) Descriptor

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CalculateCoverageResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) GetAgent

func (x *CalculateCoverageResponse) GetAgent() string

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) GetCoverageType

func (m *CalculateCoverageResponse) GetCoverageType() isCalculateCoverageResponse_CoverageType

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) GetIntentCoverage

func (x *CalculateCoverageResponse) GetIntentCoverage() *IntentCoverage

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) GetRouteGroupCoverage

func (x *CalculateCoverageResponse) GetRouteGroupCoverage() *TransitionRouteGroupCoverage

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) GetTransitionCoverage

func (x *CalculateCoverageResponse) GetTransitionCoverage() *TransitionCoverage

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) Reset

func (x *CalculateCoverageResponse) Reset()

func (*CalculateCoverageResponse) String

func (x *CalculateCoverageResponse) String() string


type CalculateCoverageResponse_IntentCoverage struct {
	// Intent coverage.
	IntentCoverage *IntentCoverage `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=intent_coverage,json=intentCoverage,proto3,oneof"`


type CalculateCoverageResponse_RouteGroupCoverage struct {
	// Transition route group coverage.
	RouteGroupCoverage *TransitionRouteGroupCoverage `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=route_group_coverage,json=routeGroupCoverage,proto3,oneof"`


type CalculateCoverageResponse_TransitionCoverage struct {
	// Transition (excluding transition route groups) coverage.
	TransitionCoverage *TransitionCoverage `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=transition_coverage,json=transitionCoverage,proto3,oneof"`


type Changelog struct {

	// The unique identifier of the changelog.
	// Format: `projects/

Changelogs represents a change made to a given agent.

func (*Changelog) Descriptor

func (*Changelog) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Changelog.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Changelog) GetAction

func (x *Changelog) GetAction() string

func (*Changelog) GetCreateTime

func (x *Changelog) GetCreateTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Changelog) GetDisplayName

func (x *Changelog) GetDisplayName() string

func (*Changelog) GetName

func (x *Changelog) GetName() string

func (*Changelog) GetResource

func (x *Changelog) GetResource() string

func (*Changelog) GetType

func (x *Changelog) GetType() string

func (*Changelog) GetUserEmail

func (x *Changelog) GetUserEmail() string

func (*Changelog) ProtoMessage

func (*Changelog) ProtoMessage()

func (*Changelog) ProtoReflect

func (x *Changelog) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Changelog) Reset

func (x *Changelog) Reset()

func (*Changelog) String

func (x *Changelog) String() string


type ChangelogsClient interface {
	// Returns the list of Changelogs.
	ListChangelogs(ctx context.Context, in *ListChangelogsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListChangelogsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified Changelog.
	GetChangelog(ctx context.Context, in *GetChangelogRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Changelog, error)

ChangelogsClient is the client API for Changelogs service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewChangelogsClient

func NewChangelogsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ChangelogsClient


type ChangelogsServer interface {
	// Returns the list of Changelogs.
	ListChangelogs(context.Context, *ListChangelogsRequest) (*ListChangelogsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified Changelog.
	GetChangelog(context.Context, *GetChangelogRequest) (*Changelog, error)

ChangelogsServer is the server API for Changelogs service.


type CloudConversationDebuggingInfo struct {
	AudioDataChunks int32 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=audio_data_chunks,json=audioDataChunks,proto3" json:"audio_data_chunks,omitempty"`

	ResultEndTimeOffset *durationpb.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=result_end_time_offset,json=resultEndTimeOffset,proto3" json:"result_end_time_offset,omitempty"`

	FirstAudioDuration *durationpb.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=first_audio_duration,json=firstAudioDuration,proto3" json:"first_audio_duration,omitempty"`

	SingleUtterance bool `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=single_utterance,json=singleUtterance,proto3" json:"single_utterance,omitempty"`

	SpeechPartialResultsEndTimes []*durationpb.Duration "" /* 151 byte string literal not displayed */

	SpeechFinalResultsEndTimes []*durationpb.Duration "" /* 145 byte string literal not displayed */

	PartialResponses int32 `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=partial_responses,json=partialResponses,proto3" json:"partial_responses,omitempty"`

	SpeakerIdPassiveLatencyMsOffset int32 "" /* 163 byte string literal not displayed */

	BargeinEventTriggered bool "" /* 128 byte string literal not displayed */

	SpeechSingleUtterance bool "" /* 128 byte string literal not displayed */

	DtmfPartialResultsTimes []*durationpb.Duration "" /* 135 byte string literal not displayed */

	DtmfFinalResultsTimes []*durationpb.Duration "" /* 129 byte string literal not displayed */

	SingleUtteranceEndTimeOffset *durationpb.Duration "" /* 152 byte string literal not displayed */

	NoSpeechTimeout *durationpb.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,15,opt,name=no_speech_timeout,json=noSpeechTimeout,proto3" json:"no_speech_timeout,omitempty"`

	IsInputText bool `protobuf:"varint,16,opt,name=is_input_text,json=isInputText,proto3" json:"is_input_text,omitempty"`

	ClientHalfCloseTimeOffset *durationpb.Duration "" /* 143 byte string literal not displayed */

	ClientHalfCloseStreamingTimeOffset *durationpb.Duration "" /* 172 byte string literal not displayed */


Cloud conversation info for easier debugging. It will get populated in StreamingDetectIntentResponse or StreamingAnalyzeContentResponse when the flag enable_debugging_info is set to true in corresponding requests.

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) Descriptor

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CloudConversationDebuggingInfo.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetAudioDataChunks

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetAudioDataChunks() int32

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetBargeinEventTriggered

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetBargeinEventTriggered() bool

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetClientHalfCloseStreamingTimeOffset

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetClientHalfCloseStreamingTimeOffset() *durationpb.Duration

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetClientHalfCloseTimeOffset

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetClientHalfCloseTimeOffset() *durationpb.Duration

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetDtmfFinalResultsTimes

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetDtmfFinalResultsTimes() []*durationpb.Duration

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetDtmfPartialResultsTimes

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetDtmfPartialResultsTimes() []*durationpb.Duration

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetFirstAudioDuration

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetFirstAudioDuration() *durationpb.Duration

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetIsInputText

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetIsInputText() bool

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetNoSpeechTimeout

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetNoSpeechTimeout() *durationpb.Duration

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetPartialResponses

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetPartialResponses() int32

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetResultEndTimeOffset

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetResultEndTimeOffset() *durationpb.Duration

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSingleUtterance

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSingleUtterance() bool

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSingleUtteranceEndTimeOffset

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSingleUtteranceEndTimeOffset() *durationpb.Duration

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSpeakerIdPassiveLatencyMsOffset

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSpeakerIdPassiveLatencyMsOffset() int32

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSpeechFinalResultsEndTimes

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSpeechFinalResultsEndTimes() []*durationpb.Duration

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSpeechPartialResultsEndTimes

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSpeechPartialResultsEndTimes() []*durationpb.Duration

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSpeechSingleUtterance

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) GetSpeechSingleUtterance() bool

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) ProtoReflect

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) Reset

func (x *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) Reset()

func (*CloudConversationDebuggingInfo) String


type CompareVersionsRequest struct {

	// Required. Name of the base flow version to compare with the target version.
	// Use version ID `0` to indicate the draft version of the specified flow.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Versions.CompareVersions][].

func (*CompareVersionsRequest) Descriptor

func (*CompareVersionsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CompareVersionsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CompareVersionsRequest) GetBaseVersion

func (x *CompareVersionsRequest) GetBaseVersion() string

func (*CompareVersionsRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *CompareVersionsRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*CompareVersionsRequest) GetTargetVersion

func (x *CompareVersionsRequest) GetTargetVersion() string

func (*CompareVersionsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CompareVersionsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CompareVersionsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CompareVersionsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CompareVersionsRequest) Reset

func (x *CompareVersionsRequest) Reset()

func (*CompareVersionsRequest) String

func (x *CompareVersionsRequest) String() string


type CompareVersionsResponse struct {
	BaseVersionContentJson string "" /* 131 byte string literal not displayed */

	TargetVersionContentJson string "" /* 137 byte string literal not displayed */

	CompareTime *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=compare_time,json=compareTime,proto3" json:"compare_time,omitempty"`


The response message for [Versions.CompareVersions][].

func (*CompareVersionsResponse) Descriptor

func (*CompareVersionsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CompareVersionsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CompareVersionsResponse) GetBaseVersionContentJson

func (x *CompareVersionsResponse) GetBaseVersionContentJson() string

func (*CompareVersionsResponse) GetCompareTime

func (x *CompareVersionsResponse) GetCompareTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*CompareVersionsResponse) GetTargetVersionContentJson

func (x *CompareVersionsResponse) GetTargetVersionContentJson() string

func (*CompareVersionsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*CompareVersionsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*CompareVersionsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *CompareVersionsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CompareVersionsResponse) Reset

func (x *CompareVersionsResponse) Reset()

func (*CompareVersionsResponse) String

func (x *CompareVersionsResponse) String() string


type ContinuousTestResult struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	Result ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult "" /* 148 byte string literal not displayed */

	TestCaseResults []string `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=test_case_results,json=testCaseResults,proto3" json:"test_case_results,omitempty"`

	RunTime *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=run_time,json=runTime,proto3" json:"run_time,omitempty"`


Represents a result from running a test case in an agent environment.

func (*ContinuousTestResult) Descriptor

func (*ContinuousTestResult) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ContinuousTestResult.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ContinuousTestResult) GetName

func (x *ContinuousTestResult) GetName() string

func (*ContinuousTestResult) GetResult

func (*ContinuousTestResult) GetRunTime

func (x *ContinuousTestResult) GetRunTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*ContinuousTestResult) GetTestCaseResults

func (x *ContinuousTestResult) GetTestCaseResults() []string

func (*ContinuousTestResult) ProtoMessage

func (*ContinuousTestResult) ProtoMessage()

func (*ContinuousTestResult) ProtoReflect

func (x *ContinuousTestResult) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ContinuousTestResult) Reset

func (x *ContinuousTestResult) Reset()

func (*ContinuousTestResult) String

func (x *ContinuousTestResult) String() string


type ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult int32

The overall result for a continuous test run in an agent environment.

ContinuousTestResult_AGGREGATED_TEST_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED, ContinuousTestResult_PASSED, ContinuousTestResult_FAILED

const (
	// Not specified. Should never be used.
	ContinuousTestResult_AGGREGATED_TEST_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult = 0
	// All the tests passed.
	ContinuousTestResult_PASSED ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult = 1
	// At least one test did not pass.
	ContinuousTestResult_FAILED ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult = 2

func (ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult) Descriptor

func (ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult) Enum

func (ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult) EnumDescriptor

func (ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult.Descriptor instead.

func (ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult) Number

func (ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult) String

func (ContinuousTestResult_AggregatedTestResult) Type


type ConversationTurn struct {

	// The user input.
	UserInput *ConversationTurn_UserInput `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=user_input,json=userInput,proto3" json:"user_input,omitempty"`
	// The virtual agent output.
	VirtualAgentOutput *ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=virtual_agent_output,json=virtualAgentOutput,proto3" json:"virtual_agent_output,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

One interaction between a human and virtual agent. The human provides some input and the virtual agent provides a response.

func (*ConversationTurn) Descriptor

func (*ConversationTurn) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ConversationTurn.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ConversationTurn) GetUserInput

func (x *ConversationTurn) GetUserInput() *ConversationTurn_UserInput

func (*ConversationTurn) GetVirtualAgentOutput

func (x *ConversationTurn) GetVirtualAgentOutput() *ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput

func (*ConversationTurn) ProtoMessage

func (*ConversationTurn) ProtoMessage()

func (*ConversationTurn) ProtoReflect

func (x *ConversationTurn) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ConversationTurn) Reset

func (x *ConversationTurn) Reset()

func (*ConversationTurn) String

func (x *ConversationTurn) String() string


type ConversationTurn_UserInput struct {
	Input *QueryInput `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=input,proto3" json:"input,omitempty"`

	InjectedParameters *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=injected_parameters,json=injectedParameters,proto3" json:"injected_parameters,omitempty"`

	IsWebhookEnabled bool `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=is_webhook_enabled,json=isWebhookEnabled,proto3" json:"is_webhook_enabled,omitempty"`

	EnableSentimentAnalysis bool "" /* 133 byte string literal not displayed */


The input from the human user.

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) Descriptor

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ConversationTurn_UserInput.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) GetEnableSentimentAnalysis

func (x *ConversationTurn_UserInput) GetEnableSentimentAnalysis() bool

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) GetInjectedParameters

func (x *ConversationTurn_UserInput) GetInjectedParameters() *structpb.Struct

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) GetInput

func (x *ConversationTurn_UserInput) GetInput() *QueryInput

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) GetIsWebhookEnabled

func (x *ConversationTurn_UserInput) GetIsWebhookEnabled() bool

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) ProtoMessage

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) ProtoMessage()

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) ProtoReflect

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) Reset

func (x *ConversationTurn_UserInput) Reset()

func (*ConversationTurn_UserInput) String

func (x *ConversationTurn_UserInput) String() string


type ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput struct {

	// The session parameters available to the bot at this point.
	SessionParameters *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=session_parameters,json=sessionParameters,proto3" json:"session_parameters,omitempty"`
	// Output only. If this is part of a [result conversation
	// turn][TestCaseResult.conversation_turns], the list of differences
	// between the original run and the replay for this output, if any.
	Differences []*TestRunDifference `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=differences,proto3" json:"differences,omitempty"`
	// Required. Input only. The diagnostic
	// [info][Session.DetectIntentResponse.QueryResult.diagnostic_info]
	// output for the turn. Required to calculate the testing coverage.
	DiagnosticInfo *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=diagnostic_info,json=diagnosticInfo,proto3" json:"diagnostic_info,omitempty"`
	// The [Intent][] that triggered
	// the response. Only name and displayName will be set.
	TriggeredIntent *Intent `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=triggered_intent,json=triggeredIntent,proto3" json:"triggered_intent,omitempty"`
	// The [Page][] on which the
	// utterance was spoken. Only name and displayName will be set.
	CurrentPage *Page `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=current_page,json=currentPage,proto3" json:"current_page,omitempty"`
	// The [text][]
	// responses from the agent for the turn.
	TextResponses []*ResponseMessage_Text `protobuf:"bytes,9,rep,name=text_responses,json=textResponses,proto3" json:"text_responses,omitempty"`
	// Response error from the agent in the test result. If set, other output
	// is empty.
	Status *status.Status `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=status,proto3" json:"status,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The output from the virtual agent.

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) Descriptor

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetCurrentPage

func (x *ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetCurrentPage() *Page

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetDiagnosticInfo

func (x *ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetDiagnosticInfo() *structpb.Struct

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetDifferences

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetSessionParameters

func (x *ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetSessionParameters() *structpb.Struct

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetStatus

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetTextResponses

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetTriggeredIntent

func (x *ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) GetTriggeredIntent() *Intent

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) ProtoMessage

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) ProtoMessage()

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) ProtoReflect

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) Reset

func (*ConversationTurn_VirtualAgentOutput) String


type CreateAgentRequest struct {

	// Required. The location to create a agent for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Agents.CreateAgent][].

func (*CreateAgentRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateAgentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateAgentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateAgentRequest) GetAgent

func (x *CreateAgentRequest) GetAgent() *Agent

func (*CreateAgentRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateAgentRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateAgentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateAgentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateAgentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CreateAgentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CreateAgentRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateAgentRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateAgentRequest) String

func (x *CreateAgentRequest) String() string


type CreateEntityTypeRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to create a entity type for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [EntityTypes.CreateEntityType][].

func (*CreateEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateEntityTypeRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateEntityTypeRequest) GetEntityType

func (x *CreateEntityTypeRequest) GetEntityType() *EntityType

func (*CreateEntityTypeRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *CreateEntityTypeRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*CreateEntityTypeRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateEntityTypeRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CreateEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CreateEntityTypeRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateEntityTypeRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateEntityTypeRequest) String

func (x *CreateEntityTypeRequest) String() string


type CreateEnvironmentRequest struct {

	// Required. The [Agent][] to create
	// an [Environment][] for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Environments.CreateEnvironment][].

func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateEnvironmentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) GetEnvironment

func (x *CreateEnvironmentRequest) GetEnvironment() *Environment

func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateEnvironmentRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CreateEnvironmentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateEnvironmentRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) String

func (x *CreateEnvironmentRequest) String() string


type CreateExperimentRequest struct {

	// Required. The [Agent][] to create
	// an [Environment][] for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Experiments.CreateExperiment][].

func (*CreateExperimentRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateExperimentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateExperimentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateExperimentRequest) GetExperiment

func (x *CreateExperimentRequest) GetExperiment() *Experiment

func (*CreateExperimentRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateExperimentRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CreateExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CreateExperimentRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateExperimentRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateExperimentRequest) String

func (x *CreateExperimentRequest) String() string


type CreateFlowRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to create a flow for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Flows.CreateFlow][].

func (*CreateFlowRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateFlowRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateFlowRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateFlowRequest) GetFlow

func (x *CreateFlowRequest) GetFlow() *Flow

func (*CreateFlowRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *CreateFlowRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*CreateFlowRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateFlowRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateFlowRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateFlowRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateFlowRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CreateFlowRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CreateFlowRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateFlowRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateFlowRequest) String

func (x *CreateFlowRequest) String() string


type CreateIntentRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to create an intent for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Intents.CreateIntent][].

func (*CreateIntentRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateIntentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateIntentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateIntentRequest) GetIntent

func (x *CreateIntentRequest) GetIntent() *Intent

func (*CreateIntentRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *CreateIntentRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*CreateIntentRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateIntentRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateIntentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateIntentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateIntentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CreateIntentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CreateIntentRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateIntentRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateIntentRequest) String

func (x *CreateIntentRequest) String() string


type CreatePageRequest struct {

	// Required. The flow to create a page for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Pages.CreatePage][].

func (*CreatePageRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreatePageRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreatePageRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreatePageRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *CreatePageRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*CreatePageRequest) GetPage

func (x *CreatePageRequest) GetPage() *Page

func (*CreatePageRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreatePageRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreatePageRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreatePageRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreatePageRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CreatePageRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CreatePageRequest) Reset

func (x *CreatePageRequest) Reset()

func (*CreatePageRequest) String

func (x *CreatePageRequest) String() string


type CreateSecuritySettingsRequest struct {

	// Required. The location to create an
	// [SecuritySettings][]
	// for. Format: `projects/

The request message for [SecuritySettings.CreateSecuritySettings][].

func (*CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateSecuritySettingsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) GetSecuritySettings

func (x *CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) GetSecuritySettings() *SecuritySettings

func (*CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) String


type CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest struct {

	// Required. The session to create a session entity type for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [SessionEntityTypes.CreateSessionEntityType][].

func (*CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) GetSessionEntityType

func (x *CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) GetSessionEntityType() *SessionEntityType

func (*CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) String


type CreateTestCaseRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to create the test case for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [TestCases.CreateTestCase][].

func (*CreateTestCaseRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateTestCaseRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateTestCaseRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateTestCaseRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateTestCaseRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateTestCaseRequest) GetTestCase

func (x *CreateTestCaseRequest) GetTestCase() *TestCase

func (*CreateTestCaseRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateTestCaseRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateTestCaseRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CreateTestCaseRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CreateTestCaseRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateTestCaseRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateTestCaseRequest) String

func (x *CreateTestCaseRequest) String() string


type CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest struct {

	// Required. The flow to create an
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][]
	// for. Format: `projects/

The request message for [TransitionRouteGroups.CreateTransitionRouteGroup][].

func (*CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetParent

func (*CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetTransitionRouteGroup

func (x *CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetTransitionRouteGroup() *TransitionRouteGroup

func (*CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Reset

func (*CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) String


type CreateVersionOperationMetadata struct {

	// Name of the created version.
	// Format: `projects/

Metadata associated with the long running operation for [Versions.CreateVersion][].

func (*CreateVersionOperationMetadata) Descriptor

func (*CreateVersionOperationMetadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateVersionOperationMetadata.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateVersionOperationMetadata) GetVersion

func (x *CreateVersionOperationMetadata) GetVersion() string

func (*CreateVersionOperationMetadata) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateVersionOperationMetadata) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateVersionOperationMetadata) ProtoReflect

func (*CreateVersionOperationMetadata) Reset

func (x *CreateVersionOperationMetadata) Reset()

func (*CreateVersionOperationMetadata) String


type CreateVersionRequest struct {

	// Required. The [Flow][] to create an
	// [Version][] for. Format:
	// `projects/

The request message for [Versions.CreateVersion][].

func (*CreateVersionRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateVersionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateVersionRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateVersionRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateVersionRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateVersionRequest) GetVersion

func (x *CreateVersionRequest) GetVersion() *Version

func (*CreateVersionRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateVersionRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateVersionRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CreateVersionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CreateVersionRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateVersionRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateVersionRequest) String

func (x *CreateVersionRequest) String() string


type CreateWebhookRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to create a webhook for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Webhooks.CreateWebhook][].

func (*CreateWebhookRequest) Descriptor

func (*CreateWebhookRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use CreateWebhookRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*CreateWebhookRequest) GetParent

func (x *CreateWebhookRequest) GetParent() string

func (*CreateWebhookRequest) GetWebhook

func (x *CreateWebhookRequest) GetWebhook() *Webhook

func (*CreateWebhookRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*CreateWebhookRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*CreateWebhookRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *CreateWebhookRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*CreateWebhookRequest) Reset

func (x *CreateWebhookRequest) Reset()

func (*CreateWebhookRequest) String

func (x *CreateWebhookRequest) String() string


type DeleteAgentRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the agent to delete.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Agents.DeleteAgent][].

func (*DeleteAgentRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteAgentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteAgentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteAgentRequest) GetName

func (x *DeleteAgentRequest) GetName() string

func (*DeleteAgentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteAgentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteAgentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeleteAgentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeleteAgentRequest) Reset

func (x *DeleteAgentRequest) Reset()

func (*DeleteAgentRequest) String

func (x *DeleteAgentRequest) String() string


type DeleteEntityTypeRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the entity type to delete.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [EntityTypes.DeleteEntityType][].

func (*DeleteEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteEntityTypeRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteEntityTypeRequest) GetForce

func (x *DeleteEntityTypeRequest) GetForce() bool

func (*DeleteEntityTypeRequest) GetName

func (x *DeleteEntityTypeRequest) GetName() string

func (*DeleteEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeleteEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeleteEntityTypeRequest) Reset

func (x *DeleteEntityTypeRequest) Reset()

func (*DeleteEntityTypeRequest) String

func (x *DeleteEntityTypeRequest) String() string


type DeleteEnvironmentRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the
	// [Environment][] to delete.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Environments.DeleteEnvironment][].

func (*DeleteEnvironmentRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteEnvironmentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteEnvironmentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteEnvironmentRequest) GetName

func (x *DeleteEnvironmentRequest) GetName() string

func (*DeleteEnvironmentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteEnvironmentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteEnvironmentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeleteEnvironmentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeleteEnvironmentRequest) Reset

func (x *DeleteEnvironmentRequest) Reset()

func (*DeleteEnvironmentRequest) String

func (x *DeleteEnvironmentRequest) String() string


type DeleteExperimentRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the
	// [Environment][] to delete.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Experiments.DeleteExperiment][].

func (*DeleteExperimentRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteExperimentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteExperimentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteExperimentRequest) GetName

func (x *DeleteExperimentRequest) GetName() string

func (*DeleteExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeleteExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeleteExperimentRequest) Reset

func (x *DeleteExperimentRequest) Reset()

func (*DeleteExperimentRequest) String

func (x *DeleteExperimentRequest) String() string


type DeleteFlowRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the flow to delete.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Flows.DeleteFlow][].

func (*DeleteFlowRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteFlowRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteFlowRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteFlowRequest) GetForce

func (x *DeleteFlowRequest) GetForce() bool

func (*DeleteFlowRequest) GetName

func (x *DeleteFlowRequest) GetName() string

func (*DeleteFlowRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteFlowRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteFlowRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeleteFlowRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeleteFlowRequest) Reset

func (x *DeleteFlowRequest) Reset()

func (*DeleteFlowRequest) String

func (x *DeleteFlowRequest) String() string


type DeleteIntentRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the intent to delete.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Intents.DeleteIntent][].

func (*DeleteIntentRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteIntentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteIntentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteIntentRequest) GetName

func (x *DeleteIntentRequest) GetName() string

func (*DeleteIntentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteIntentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteIntentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeleteIntentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeleteIntentRequest) Reset

func (x *DeleteIntentRequest) Reset()

func (*DeleteIntentRequest) String

func (x *DeleteIntentRequest) String() string


type DeletePageRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the page to delete.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Pages.DeletePage][].

func (*DeletePageRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeletePageRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeletePageRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeletePageRequest) GetForce

func (x *DeletePageRequest) GetForce() bool

func (*DeletePageRequest) GetName

func (x *DeletePageRequest) GetName() string

func (*DeletePageRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeletePageRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeletePageRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeletePageRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeletePageRequest) Reset

func (x *DeletePageRequest) Reset()

func (*DeletePageRequest) String

func (x *DeletePageRequest) String() string


type DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the
	// [SecuritySettings][] to
	// delete. Format: `projects/

The request message for [SecuritySettings.DeleteSecuritySettings][].

func (*DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest) GetName

func (*DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest) Reset

func (x *DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest) Reset()

func (*DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest) String


type DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the session entity type to delete.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [SessionEntityTypes.DeleteSessionEntityType][].

func (*DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest) GetName

func (*DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest) Reset

func (x *DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest) Reset()

func (*DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest) String


type DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][]
	// to delete. Format: `projects/

The request message for [TransitionRouteGroups.DeleteTransitionRouteGroup][].

func (*DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetForce

func (*DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetName

func (*DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Reset

func (*DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest) String


type DeleteVersionRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the
	// [Version][] to delete. Format:
	// `projects/

The request message for [Versions.DeleteVersion][].

func (*DeleteVersionRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteVersionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteVersionRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteVersionRequest) GetName

func (x *DeleteVersionRequest) GetName() string

func (*DeleteVersionRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteVersionRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteVersionRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeleteVersionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeleteVersionRequest) Reset

func (x *DeleteVersionRequest) Reset()

func (*DeleteVersionRequest) String

func (x *DeleteVersionRequest) String() string


type DeleteWebhookRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the webhook to delete.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Webhooks.DeleteWebhook][].

func (*DeleteWebhookRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeleteWebhookRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeleteWebhookRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeleteWebhookRequest) GetForce

func (x *DeleteWebhookRequest) GetForce() bool

func (*DeleteWebhookRequest) GetName

func (x *DeleteWebhookRequest) GetName() string

func (*DeleteWebhookRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeleteWebhookRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeleteWebhookRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeleteWebhookRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeleteWebhookRequest) Reset

func (x *DeleteWebhookRequest) Reset()

func (*DeleteWebhookRequest) String

func (x *DeleteWebhookRequest) String() string


type DeployFlowMetadata struct {

	// Errors of running deployment tests.
	TestErrors []*TestError `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=test_errors,json=testErrors,proto3" json:"test_errors,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Metadata returned for the [Environments.DeployFlow][] long running operation.

func (*DeployFlowMetadata) Descriptor

func (*DeployFlowMetadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeployFlowMetadata.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeployFlowMetadata) GetTestErrors

func (x *DeployFlowMetadata) GetTestErrors() []*TestError

func (*DeployFlowMetadata) ProtoMessage

func (*DeployFlowMetadata) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeployFlowMetadata) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeployFlowMetadata) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeployFlowMetadata) Reset

func (x *DeployFlowMetadata) Reset()

func (*DeployFlowMetadata) String

func (x *DeployFlowMetadata) String() string


type DeployFlowRequest struct {

	// Required. The environment to deploy the flow to.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Environments.DeployFlow][].

func (*DeployFlowRequest) Descriptor

func (*DeployFlowRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeployFlowRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeployFlowRequest) GetEnvironment

func (x *DeployFlowRequest) GetEnvironment() string

func (*DeployFlowRequest) GetFlowVersion

func (x *DeployFlowRequest) GetFlowVersion() string

func (*DeployFlowRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DeployFlowRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeployFlowRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeployFlowRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeployFlowRequest) Reset

func (x *DeployFlowRequest) Reset()

func (*DeployFlowRequest) String

func (x *DeployFlowRequest) String() string


type DeployFlowResponse struct {

	// The updated environment where the flow is deployed.
	Environment *Environment `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=environment,proto3" json:"environment,omitempty"`
	// The name of the flow version deployment.
	// Format: `projects/

The response message for [Environments.DeployFlow][].

func (*DeployFlowResponse) Descriptor

func (*DeployFlowResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DeployFlowResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DeployFlowResponse) GetDeployment

func (x *DeployFlowResponse) GetDeployment() string

func (*DeployFlowResponse) GetEnvironment

func (x *DeployFlowResponse) GetEnvironment() *Environment

func (*DeployFlowResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*DeployFlowResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*DeployFlowResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *DeployFlowResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DeployFlowResponse) Reset

func (x *DeployFlowResponse) Reset()

func (*DeployFlowResponse) String

func (x *DeployFlowResponse) String() string


type Deployment struct {

	// The name of the deployment.
	// Format: projects/

Represents a deployment in an environment. A deployment happens when a flow version configured to be active in the environment. You can configure running pre-deployment steps, e.g. running validation test cases, experiment auto-rollout, etc.

func (*Deployment) Descriptor

func (*Deployment) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Deployment.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Deployment) GetEndTime

func (x *Deployment) GetEndTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Deployment) GetFlowVersion

func (x *Deployment) GetFlowVersion() string

func (*Deployment) GetName

func (x *Deployment) GetName() string

func (*Deployment) GetResult

func (x *Deployment) GetResult() *Deployment_Result

func (*Deployment) GetStartTime

func (x *Deployment) GetStartTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Deployment) GetState

func (x *Deployment) GetState() Deployment_State

func (*Deployment) ProtoMessage

func (*Deployment) ProtoMessage()

func (*Deployment) ProtoReflect

func (x *Deployment) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Deployment) Reset

func (x *Deployment) Reset()

func (*Deployment) String

func (x *Deployment) String() string


type Deployment_Result struct {

	// Results of test cases running before the deployment.
	// Format: `projects/

Result of the deployment.

func (*Deployment_Result) Descriptor

func (*Deployment_Result) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Deployment_Result.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Deployment_Result) GetDeploymentTestResults

func (x *Deployment_Result) GetDeploymentTestResults() []string

func (*Deployment_Result) GetExperiment

func (x *Deployment_Result) GetExperiment() string

func (*Deployment_Result) ProtoMessage

func (*Deployment_Result) ProtoMessage()

func (*Deployment_Result) ProtoReflect

func (x *Deployment_Result) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Deployment_Result) Reset

func (x *Deployment_Result) Reset()

func (*Deployment_Result) String

func (x *Deployment_Result) String() string


type Deployment_State int32

The state of the deployment.

Deployment_STATE_UNSPECIFIED, Deployment_RUNNING, Deployment_SUCCEEDED, Deployment_FAILED

const (
	// State unspecified.
	Deployment_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Deployment_State = 0
	// The deployment is running.
	Deployment_RUNNING Deployment_State = 1
	// The deployment succeeded.
	Deployment_SUCCEEDED Deployment_State = 2
	// The deployment failed.
	Deployment_FAILED Deployment_State = 3

func (Deployment_State) Descriptor

func (Deployment_State) Enum

func (Deployment_State) EnumDescriptor

func (Deployment_State) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Deployment_State.Descriptor instead.

func (Deployment_State) Number

func (Deployment_State) String

func (x Deployment_State) String() string

func (Deployment_State) Type


type DeploymentsClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all deployments in the specified
	// [Environment][].
	ListDeployments(ctx context.Context, in *ListDeploymentsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListDeploymentsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [Deployment][].
	GetDeployment(ctx context.Context, in *GetDeploymentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Deployment, error)

DeploymentsClient is the client API for Deployments service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewDeploymentsClient

func NewDeploymentsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) DeploymentsClient


type DeploymentsServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all deployments in the specified
	// [Environment][].
	ListDeployments(context.Context, *ListDeploymentsRequest) (*ListDeploymentsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [Deployment][].
	GetDeployment(context.Context, *GetDeploymentRequest) (*Deployment, error)

DeploymentsServer is the server API for Deployments service.


type DetectIntentRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the session this query is sent to.
	// Format: `projects/

The request to detect user's intent.

func (*DetectIntentRequest) Descriptor

func (*DetectIntentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DetectIntentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DetectIntentRequest) GetOutputAudioConfig

func (x *DetectIntentRequest) GetOutputAudioConfig() *OutputAudioConfig

func (*DetectIntentRequest) GetQueryInput

func (x *DetectIntentRequest) GetQueryInput() *QueryInput

func (*DetectIntentRequest) GetQueryParams

func (x *DetectIntentRequest) GetQueryParams() *QueryParameters

func (*DetectIntentRequest) GetSession

func (x *DetectIntentRequest) GetSession() string

func (*DetectIntentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*DetectIntentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*DetectIntentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *DetectIntentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DetectIntentRequest) Reset

func (x *DetectIntentRequest) Reset()

func (*DetectIntentRequest) String

func (x *DetectIntentRequest) String() string


type DetectIntentResponse struct {
	ResponseId string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=response_id,json=responseId,proto3" json:"response_id,omitempty"`

	QueryResult *QueryResult `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=query_result,json=queryResult,proto3" json:"query_result,omitempty"`

	OutputAudio []byte `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=output_audio,json=outputAudio,proto3" json:"output_audio,omitempty"`

	OutputAudioConfig *OutputAudioConfig `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=output_audio_config,json=outputAudioConfig,proto3" json:"output_audio_config,omitempty"`

	ResponseType DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType "" /* 172 byte string literal not displayed */

	AllowCancellation bool `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=allow_cancellation,json=allowCancellation,proto3" json:"allow_cancellation,omitempty"`


The message returned from the DetectIntent method.

func (*DetectIntentResponse) Descriptor

func (*DetectIntentResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DetectIntentResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DetectIntentResponse) GetAllowCancellation

func (x *DetectIntentResponse) GetAllowCancellation() bool

func (*DetectIntentResponse) GetOutputAudio

func (x *DetectIntentResponse) GetOutputAudio() []byte

func (*DetectIntentResponse) GetOutputAudioConfig

func (x *DetectIntentResponse) GetOutputAudioConfig() *OutputAudioConfig

func (*DetectIntentResponse) GetQueryResult

func (x *DetectIntentResponse) GetQueryResult() *QueryResult

func (*DetectIntentResponse) GetResponseId

func (x *DetectIntentResponse) GetResponseId() string

func (*DetectIntentResponse) GetResponseType

func (*DetectIntentResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*DetectIntentResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*DetectIntentResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *DetectIntentResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DetectIntentResponse) Reset

func (x *DetectIntentResponse) Reset()

func (*DetectIntentResponse) String

func (x *DetectIntentResponse) String() string


type DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType int32

Represents different DetectIntentResponse types.

DetectIntentResponse_RESPONSE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, DetectIntentResponse_PARTIAL, DetectIntentResponse_FINAL

const (
	// Not specified. This should never happen.
	DetectIntentResponse_RESPONSE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType = 0
	// Partial response. e.g. Aggregated responses in a Fulfillment that enables
	// `return_partial_response` can be returned as partial response.
	// WARNING: partial response is not eligible for barge-in.
	DetectIntentResponse_PARTIAL DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType = 1
	// Final response.
	DetectIntentResponse_FINAL DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType = 2

func (DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType) Descriptor

func (DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType) Enum

func (DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType) EnumDescriptor

func (DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType.Descriptor instead.

func (DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType) Number

func (DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType) String

func (DetectIntentResponse_ResponseType) Type


type DtmfInput struct {

	// The dtmf digits.
	Digits string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=digits,proto3" json:"digits,omitempty"`
	// The finish digit (if any).
	FinishDigit string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=finish_digit,json=finishDigit,proto3" json:"finish_digit,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents the input for dtmf event.

func (*DtmfInput) Descriptor

func (*DtmfInput) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DtmfInput.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DtmfInput) GetDigits

func (x *DtmfInput) GetDigits() string

func (*DtmfInput) GetFinishDigit

func (x *DtmfInput) GetFinishDigit() string

func (*DtmfInput) ProtoMessage

func (*DtmfInput) ProtoMessage()

func (*DtmfInput) ProtoReflect

func (x *DtmfInput) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DtmfInput) Reset

func (x *DtmfInput) Reset()

func (*DtmfInput) String

func (x *DtmfInput) String() string


type EntityType struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`

	Kind EntityType_Kind `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=kind,proto3," json:"kind,omitempty"`

	AutoExpansionMode EntityType_AutoExpansionMode "" /* 184 byte string literal not displayed */

	Entities []*EntityType_Entity `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=entities,proto3" json:"entities,omitempty"`

	ExcludedPhrases []*EntityType_ExcludedPhrase `protobuf:"bytes,6,rep,name=excluded_phrases,json=excludedPhrases,proto3" json:"excluded_phrases,omitempty"`

	EnableFuzzyExtraction bool "" /* 127 byte string literal not displayed */

	Redact bool `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=redact,proto3" json:"redact,omitempty"`


Entities are extracted from user input and represent parameters that are meaningful to your application. For example, a date range, a proper name such as a geographic location or landmark, and so on. Entities represent actionable data for your application.

When you define an entity, you can also include synonyms that all map to that entity. For example, "soft drink", "soda", "pop", and so on.

There are three types of entities:

  • System - entities that are defined by the Dialogflow API for common data types such as date, time, currency, and so on. A system entity is represented by the EntityType type.

  • Custom - entities that are defined by you that represent actionable data that is meaningful to your application. For example, you could define a pizza.sauce entity for red or white pizza sauce, a pizza.cheese entity for the different types of cheese on a pizza, a pizza.topping entity for different toppings, and so on. A custom entity is represented by the EntityType type.

  • User - entities that are built for an individual user such as favorites, preferences, playlists, and so on. A user entity is represented by the [SessionEntityType][] type.

For more information about entity types, see the Dialogflow documentation.

func (*EntityType) Descriptor

func (*EntityType) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use EntityType.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*EntityType) GetAutoExpansionMode

func (x *EntityType) GetAutoExpansionMode() EntityType_AutoExpansionMode

func (*EntityType) GetDisplayName

func (x *EntityType) GetDisplayName() string

func (*EntityType) GetEnableFuzzyExtraction

func (x *EntityType) GetEnableFuzzyExtraction() bool

func (*EntityType) GetEntities

func (x *EntityType) GetEntities() []*EntityType_Entity

func (*EntityType) GetExcludedPhrases

func (x *EntityType) GetExcludedPhrases() []*EntityType_ExcludedPhrase

func (*EntityType) GetKind

func (x *EntityType) GetKind() EntityType_Kind

func (*EntityType) GetName

func (x *EntityType) GetName() string

func (*EntityType) GetRedact

func (x *EntityType) GetRedact() bool

func (*EntityType) ProtoMessage

func (*EntityType) ProtoMessage()

func (*EntityType) ProtoReflect

func (x *EntityType) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*EntityType) Reset

func (x *EntityType) Reset()

func (*EntityType) String

func (x *EntityType) String() string


type EntityType_AutoExpansionMode int32

Represents different entity type expansion modes. Automated expansion allows an agent to recognize values that have not been explicitly listed in the entity (for example, new kinds of shopping list items).


const (
	// Auto expansion disabled for the entity.
	EntityType_AUTO_EXPANSION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED EntityType_AutoExpansionMode = 0
	// Allows an agent to recognize values that have not been explicitly
	// listed in the entity.
	EntityType_AUTO_EXPANSION_MODE_DEFAULT EntityType_AutoExpansionMode = 1

func (EntityType_AutoExpansionMode) Descriptor

func (EntityType_AutoExpansionMode) Enum

func (EntityType_AutoExpansionMode) EnumDescriptor

func (EntityType_AutoExpansionMode) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use EntityType_AutoExpansionMode.Descriptor instead.

func (EntityType_AutoExpansionMode) Number

func (EntityType_AutoExpansionMode) String

func (EntityType_AutoExpansionMode) Type


type EntityType_Entity struct {

	// Required. The primary value associated with this entity entry.
	// For example, if the entity type is *vegetable*, the value could be
	// *scallions*.
	// For `KIND_MAP` entity types:
	// *   A canonical value to be used in place of synonyms.
	// For `KIND_LIST` entity types:
	// *   A string that can contain references to other entity types (with or
	//     without aliases).
	Value string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=value,proto3" json:"value,omitempty"`
	// Required. A collection of value synonyms. For example, if the entity type
	// is *vegetable*, and `value` is *scallions*, a synonym could be *green
	// onions*.
	// For `KIND_LIST` entity types:
	// *   This collection must contain exactly one synonym equal to `value`.
	Synonyms []string `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=synonyms,proto3" json:"synonyms,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

An entity entry for an associated entity type.

func (*EntityType_Entity) Descriptor

func (*EntityType_Entity) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use EntityType_Entity.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*EntityType_Entity) GetSynonyms

func (x *EntityType_Entity) GetSynonyms() []string

func (*EntityType_Entity) GetValue

func (x *EntityType_Entity) GetValue() string

func (*EntityType_Entity) ProtoMessage

func (*EntityType_Entity) ProtoMessage()

func (*EntityType_Entity) ProtoReflect

func (x *EntityType_Entity) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*EntityType_Entity) Reset

func (x *EntityType_Entity) Reset()

func (*EntityType_Entity) String

func (x *EntityType_Entity) String() string


type EntityType_ExcludedPhrase struct {

	// Required. The word or phrase to be excluded.
	Value string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=value,proto3" json:"value,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

An excluded entity phrase that should not be matched.

func (*EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) Descriptor

func (*EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use EntityType_ExcludedPhrase.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) GetValue

func (x *EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) GetValue() string

func (*EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) ProtoMessage

func (*EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) ProtoMessage()

func (*EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) ProtoReflect

func (*EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) Reset

func (x *EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) Reset()

func (*EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) String

func (x *EntityType_ExcludedPhrase) String() string


type EntityType_Kind int32

Represents kinds of entities.


const (
	// Not specified. This value should be never used.
	EntityType_KIND_UNSPECIFIED EntityType_Kind = 0
	// Map entity types allow mapping of a group of synonyms to a canonical
	// value.
	EntityType_KIND_MAP EntityType_Kind = 1
	// List entity types contain a set of entries that do not map to canonical
	// values. However, list entity types can contain references to other entity
	// types (with or without aliases).
	EntityType_KIND_LIST EntityType_Kind = 2
	// Regexp entity types allow to specify regular expressions in entries
	// values.
	EntityType_KIND_REGEXP EntityType_Kind = 3

func (EntityType_Kind) Descriptor

func (EntityType_Kind) Enum

func (x EntityType_Kind) Enum() *EntityType_Kind

func (EntityType_Kind) EnumDescriptor

func (EntityType_Kind) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use EntityType_Kind.Descriptor instead.

func (EntityType_Kind) Number

func (EntityType_Kind) String

func (x EntityType_Kind) String() string

func (EntityType_Kind) Type


type EntityTypesClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all entity types in the specified agent.
	ListEntityTypes(ctx context.Context, in *ListEntityTypesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListEntityTypesResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified entity type.
	GetEntityType(ctx context.Context, in *GetEntityTypeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*EntityType, error)
	// Creates an entity type in the specified agent.
	CreateEntityType(ctx context.Context, in *CreateEntityTypeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*EntityType, error)
	// Updates the specified entity type.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	UpdateEntityType(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateEntityTypeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*EntityType, error)
	// Deletes the specified entity type.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	DeleteEntityType(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteEntityTypeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

EntityTypesClient is the client API for EntityTypes service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewEntityTypesClient

func NewEntityTypesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) EntityTypesClient


type EntityTypesServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all entity types in the specified agent.
	ListEntityTypes(context.Context, *ListEntityTypesRequest) (*ListEntityTypesResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified entity type.
	GetEntityType(context.Context, *GetEntityTypeRequest) (*EntityType, error)
	// Creates an entity type in the specified agent.
	CreateEntityType(context.Context, *CreateEntityTypeRequest) (*EntityType, error)
	// Updates the specified entity type.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	UpdateEntityType(context.Context, *UpdateEntityTypeRequest) (*EntityType, error)
	// Deletes the specified entity type.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	DeleteEntityType(context.Context, *DeleteEntityTypeRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

EntityTypesServer is the server API for EntityTypes service.


type Environment struct {

	// The name of the environment.
	// Format: `projects/

Represents an environment for an agent. You can create multiple versions of your agent and publish them to separate environments. When you edit an agent, you are editing the draft agent. At any point, you can save the draft agent as an agent version, which is an immutable snapshot of your agent. When you save the draft agent, it is published to the default environment. When you create agent versions, you can publish them to custom environments. You can create a variety of custom environments for testing, development, production, etc.

func (*Environment) Descriptor

func (*Environment) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Environment.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Environment) GetDescription

func (x *Environment) GetDescription() string

func (*Environment) GetDisplayName

func (x *Environment) GetDisplayName() string

func (*Environment) GetName

func (x *Environment) GetName() string

func (*Environment) GetTestCasesConfig

func (x *Environment) GetTestCasesConfig() *Environment_TestCasesConfig

func (*Environment) GetUpdateTime

func (x *Environment) GetUpdateTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Environment) GetVersionConfigs

func (x *Environment) GetVersionConfigs() []*Environment_VersionConfig

func (*Environment) GetWebhookConfig

func (x *Environment) GetWebhookConfig() *Environment_WebhookConfig

func (*Environment) ProtoMessage

func (*Environment) ProtoMessage()

func (*Environment) ProtoReflect

func (x *Environment) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Environment) Reset

func (x *Environment) Reset()

func (*Environment) String

func (x *Environment) String() string


type Environment_TestCasesConfig struct {
	TestCases []string `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=test_cases,json=testCases,proto3" json:"test_cases,omitempty"`

	EnableContinuousRun bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=enable_continuous_run,json=enableContinuousRun,proto3" json:"enable_continuous_run,omitempty"`

	EnablePredeploymentRun bool "" /* 130 byte string literal not displayed */


The configuration for continuous tests.

func (*Environment_TestCasesConfig) Descriptor

func (*Environment_TestCasesConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Environment_TestCasesConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Environment_TestCasesConfig) GetEnableContinuousRun

func (x *Environment_TestCasesConfig) GetEnableContinuousRun() bool

func (*Environment_TestCasesConfig) GetEnablePredeploymentRun

func (x *Environment_TestCasesConfig) GetEnablePredeploymentRun() bool

func (*Environment_TestCasesConfig) GetTestCases

func (x *Environment_TestCasesConfig) GetTestCases() []string

func (*Environment_TestCasesConfig) ProtoMessage

func (*Environment_TestCasesConfig) ProtoMessage()

func (*Environment_TestCasesConfig) ProtoReflect

func (*Environment_TestCasesConfig) Reset

func (x *Environment_TestCasesConfig) Reset()

func (*Environment_TestCasesConfig) String

func (x *Environment_TestCasesConfig) String() string


type Environment_VersionConfig struct {

	// Required. Format: projects/

Configuration for the version.

func (*Environment_VersionConfig) Descriptor

func (*Environment_VersionConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Environment_VersionConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Environment_VersionConfig) GetVersion

func (x *Environment_VersionConfig) GetVersion() string

func (*Environment_VersionConfig) ProtoMessage

func (*Environment_VersionConfig) ProtoMessage()

func (*Environment_VersionConfig) ProtoReflect

func (*Environment_VersionConfig) Reset

func (x *Environment_VersionConfig) Reset()

func (*Environment_VersionConfig) String

func (x *Environment_VersionConfig) String() string


type Environment_WebhookConfig struct {

	// The list of webhooks to override for the agent environment. The webhook
	// must exist in the agent. You can override fields in
	// [`generic_web_service`][]
	// and
	// [`service_directory`][].
	WebhookOverrides []*Webhook `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=webhook_overrides,json=webhookOverrides,proto3" json:"webhook_overrides,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Configuration for webhooks.

func (*Environment_WebhookConfig) Descriptor

func (*Environment_WebhookConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Environment_WebhookConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Environment_WebhookConfig) GetWebhookOverrides

func (x *Environment_WebhookConfig) GetWebhookOverrides() []*Webhook

func (*Environment_WebhookConfig) ProtoMessage

func (*Environment_WebhookConfig) ProtoMessage()

func (*Environment_WebhookConfig) ProtoReflect

func (*Environment_WebhookConfig) Reset

func (x *Environment_WebhookConfig) Reset()

func (*Environment_WebhookConfig) String

func (x *Environment_WebhookConfig) String() string


type EnvironmentsClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all environments in the specified
	// [Agent][].
	ListEnvironments(ctx context.Context, in *ListEnvironmentsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListEnvironmentsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [Environment][].
	GetEnvironment(ctx context.Context, in *GetEnvironmentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Environment, error)
	// Creates an [Environment][] in
	// the specified [Agent][].
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`: [Environment][]
	CreateEnvironment(ctx context.Context, in *CreateEnvironmentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Updates the specified
	// [Environment][].
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`: [Environment][]
	UpdateEnvironment(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateEnvironmentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Deletes the specified
	// [Environment][].
	DeleteEnvironment(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteEnvironmentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Looks up the history of the specified
	// [Environment][].
	LookupEnvironmentHistory(ctx context.Context, in *LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse, error)
	// Kicks off a continuous test under the specified
	// [Environment][].
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [RunContinuousTestMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [RunContinuousTestResponse][]
	RunContinuousTest(ctx context.Context, in *RunContinuousTestRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Fetches a list of continuous test results for a given environment.
	ListContinuousTestResults(ctx context.Context, in *ListContinuousTestResultsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse, error)
	// Deploys a flow to the specified
	// [Environment][].
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [DeployFlowMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [DeployFlowResponse][]
	DeployFlow(ctx context.Context, in *DeployFlowRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)

EnvironmentsClient is the client API for Environments service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewEnvironmentsClient

func NewEnvironmentsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) EnvironmentsClient


type EnvironmentsServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all environments in the specified
	// [Agent][].
	ListEnvironments(context.Context, *ListEnvironmentsRequest) (*ListEnvironmentsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [Environment][].
	GetEnvironment(context.Context, *GetEnvironmentRequest) (*Environment, error)
	// Creates an [Environment][] in
	// the specified [Agent][].
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`: [Environment][]
	CreateEnvironment(context.Context, *CreateEnvironmentRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Updates the specified
	// [Environment][].
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`: [Environment][]
	UpdateEnvironment(context.Context, *UpdateEnvironmentRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Deletes the specified
	// [Environment][].
	DeleteEnvironment(context.Context, *DeleteEnvironmentRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Looks up the history of the specified
	// [Environment][].
	LookupEnvironmentHistory(context.Context, *LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse, error)
	// Kicks off a continuous test under the specified
	// [Environment][].
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [RunContinuousTestMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [RunContinuousTestResponse][]
	RunContinuousTest(context.Context, *RunContinuousTestRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Fetches a list of continuous test results for a given environment.
	ListContinuousTestResults(context.Context, *ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse, error)
	// Deploys a flow to the specified
	// [Environment][].
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [DeployFlowMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [DeployFlowResponse][]
	DeployFlow(context.Context, *DeployFlowRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)

EnvironmentsServer is the server API for Environments service.


type EventHandler struct {

	// Output only. The unique identifier of this event handler.
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Required. The name of the event to handle.
	Event string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=event,proto3" json:"event,omitempty"`
	// The fulfillment to call when the event occurs.
	// Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could
	// cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a
	// handler handling webhooks.
	TriggerFulfillment *Fulfillment `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=trigger_fulfillment,json=triggerFulfillment,proto3" json:"trigger_fulfillment,omitempty"`
	// The target to transition to, either a page in the same host flow (the flow
	// that owns this
	// [TransitionRoute][]), or
	// another flow in the same agent.
	// Types that are assignable to Target:
	//	*EventHandler_TargetPage
	//	*EventHandler_TargetFlow
	Target isEventHandler_Target `protobuf_oneof:"target"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

An event handler specifies an [event][] that can be handled during a session. When the specified event happens, the following actions are taken in order:

  • If there is a [trigger_fulfillment][] associated with the event, it will be called.
  • If there is a [target_page][] associated with the event, the session will transition into the specified page.
  • If there is a [target_flow][] associated with the event, the session will transition into the specified flow.

func (*EventHandler) Descriptor

func (*EventHandler) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use EventHandler.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*EventHandler) GetEvent

func (x *EventHandler) GetEvent() string

func (*EventHandler) GetName

func (x *EventHandler) GetName() string

func (*EventHandler) GetTarget

func (m *EventHandler) GetTarget() isEventHandler_Target

func (*EventHandler) GetTargetFlow

func (x *EventHandler) GetTargetFlow() string

func (*EventHandler) GetTargetPage

func (x *EventHandler) GetTargetPage() string

func (*EventHandler) GetTriggerFulfillment

func (x *EventHandler) GetTriggerFulfillment() *Fulfillment

func (*EventHandler) ProtoMessage

func (*EventHandler) ProtoMessage()

func (*EventHandler) ProtoReflect

func (x *EventHandler) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*EventHandler) Reset

func (x *EventHandler) Reset()

func (*EventHandler) String

func (x *EventHandler) String() string


type EventHandler_TargetFlow struct {
	// The target flow to transition to.
	// Format: `projects/


type EventHandler_TargetPage struct {
	// The target page to transition to.
	// Format: `projects/


type EventInput struct {

	// Name of the event.
	Event string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=event,proto3" json:"event,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents the event to trigger.

func (*EventInput) Descriptor

func (*EventInput) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use EventInput.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*EventInput) GetEvent

func (x *EventInput) GetEvent() string

func (*EventInput) ProtoMessage

func (*EventInput) ProtoMessage()

func (*EventInput) ProtoReflect

func (x *EventInput) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*EventInput) Reset

func (x *EventInput) Reset()

func (*EventInput) String

func (x *EventInput) String() string


type Experiment struct {

	// The name of the experiment.
	// Format: projects/

Represents an experiment in an environment.

func (*Experiment) Descriptor

func (*Experiment) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Experiment.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Experiment) GetCreateTime

func (x *Experiment) GetCreateTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Experiment) GetDefinition

func (x *Experiment) GetDefinition() *Experiment_Definition

func (*Experiment) GetDescription

func (x *Experiment) GetDescription() string

func (*Experiment) GetDisplayName

func (x *Experiment) GetDisplayName() string

func (*Experiment) GetEndTime

func (x *Experiment) GetEndTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Experiment) GetExperimentLength

func (x *Experiment) GetExperimentLength() *durationpb.Duration

func (*Experiment) GetLastUpdateTime

func (x *Experiment) GetLastUpdateTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Experiment) GetName

func (x *Experiment) GetName() string

func (*Experiment) GetResult

func (x *Experiment) GetResult() *Experiment_Result

func (*Experiment) GetRolloutConfig

func (x *Experiment) GetRolloutConfig() *RolloutConfig

func (*Experiment) GetRolloutFailureReason

func (x *Experiment) GetRolloutFailureReason() string

func (*Experiment) GetRolloutState

func (x *Experiment) GetRolloutState() *RolloutState

func (*Experiment) GetStartTime

func (x *Experiment) GetStartTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Experiment) GetState

func (x *Experiment) GetState() Experiment_State

func (*Experiment) GetVariantsHistory

func (x *Experiment) GetVariantsHistory() []*VariantsHistory

func (*Experiment) ProtoMessage

func (*Experiment) ProtoMessage()

func (*Experiment) ProtoReflect

func (x *Experiment) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Experiment) Reset

func (x *Experiment) Reset()

func (*Experiment) String

func (x *Experiment) String() string


type Experiment_Definition struct {

	// The condition defines which subset of sessions are selected for
	// this experiment. If not specified, all sessions are eligible. E.g.
	// "query_input.language_code=en" See the [conditions
	// reference](
	Condition string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=condition,proto3" json:"condition,omitempty"`
	// The variants of the experiment. We currently only support single variant
	// experiment.
	// Types that are assignable to Variants:
	//	*Experiment_Definition_VersionVariants
	Variants isExperiment_Definition_Variants `protobuf_oneof:"variants"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Definition of the experiment.

func (*Experiment_Definition) Descriptor

func (*Experiment_Definition) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Experiment_Definition.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Experiment_Definition) GetCondition

func (x *Experiment_Definition) GetCondition() string

func (*Experiment_Definition) GetVariants

func (m *Experiment_Definition) GetVariants() isExperiment_Definition_Variants

func (*Experiment_Definition) GetVersionVariants

func (x *Experiment_Definition) GetVersionVariants() *VersionVariants

func (*Experiment_Definition) ProtoMessage

func (*Experiment_Definition) ProtoMessage()

func (*Experiment_Definition) ProtoReflect

func (x *Experiment_Definition) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Experiment_Definition) Reset

func (x *Experiment_Definition) Reset()

func (*Experiment_Definition) String

func (x *Experiment_Definition) String() string


type Experiment_Definition_VersionVariants struct {
	// The flow versions as the variants of this experiment.
	VersionVariants *VersionVariants `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=version_variants,json=versionVariants,proto3,oneof"`


type Experiment_Result struct {

	// Version variants and metrics.
	VersionMetrics []*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=version_metrics,json=versionMetrics,proto3" json:"version_metrics,omitempty"`
	// The last time the experiment's stats data was updated. Will have default
	// value if stats have never been computed for this experiment.
	LastUpdateTime *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=last_update_time,json=lastUpdateTime,proto3" json:"last_update_time,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The inference result which includes an objective metric to optimize and the confidence interval.

func (*Experiment_Result) Descriptor

func (*Experiment_Result) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Experiment_Result.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Experiment_Result) GetLastUpdateTime

func (x *Experiment_Result) GetLastUpdateTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Experiment_Result) GetVersionMetrics

func (x *Experiment_Result) GetVersionMetrics() []*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics

func (*Experiment_Result) ProtoMessage

func (*Experiment_Result) ProtoMessage()

func (*Experiment_Result) ProtoReflect

func (x *Experiment_Result) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Experiment_Result) Reset

func (x *Experiment_Result) Reset()

func (*Experiment_Result) String

func (x *Experiment_Result) String() string


type Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval struct {

	// The confidence level used to construct the interval, i.e. there is X%
	// chance that the true value is within this interval.
	ConfidenceLevel float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,1,opt,name=confidence_level,json=confidenceLevel,proto3" json:"confidence_level,omitempty"`
	// The percent change between an experiment metric's value and the value
	// for its control.
	Ratio float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,2,opt,name=ratio,proto3" json:"ratio,omitempty"`
	// Lower bound of the interval.
	LowerBound float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,3,opt,name=lower_bound,json=lowerBound,proto3" json:"lower_bound,omitempty"`
	// Upper bound of the interval.
	UpperBound float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,4,opt,name=upper_bound,json=upperBound,proto3" json:"upper_bound,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A confidence interval is a range of possible values for the experiment objective you are trying to measure.

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) Descriptor

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) GetConfidenceLevel

func (x *Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) GetConfidenceLevel() float64

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) GetLowerBound

func (x *Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) GetLowerBound() float64

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) GetRatio

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) GetUpperBound

func (x *Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) GetUpperBound() float64

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) ProtoMessage

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) ProtoMessage()

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) ProtoReflect

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) Reset

func (*Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval) String


type Experiment_Result_CountType int32

types of count-based metric for Dialogflow experiment.

Experiment_Result_COUNT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, Experiment_Result_TOTAL_NO_MATCH_COUNT, Experiment_Result_TOTAL_TURN_COUNT, Experiment_Result_AVERAGE_TURN_COUNT

const (
	// Count type unspecified.
	Experiment_Result_COUNT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Experiment_Result_CountType = 0
	// Total number of occurrences of a 'NO_MATCH'.
	Experiment_Result_TOTAL_NO_MATCH_COUNT Experiment_Result_CountType = 1
	// Total number of turn counts.
	Experiment_Result_TOTAL_TURN_COUNT Experiment_Result_CountType = 2
	// Average turn count in a session.
	Experiment_Result_AVERAGE_TURN_COUNT Experiment_Result_CountType = 3

func (Experiment_Result_CountType) Descriptor

func (Experiment_Result_CountType) Enum

func (Experiment_Result_CountType) EnumDescriptor

func (Experiment_Result_CountType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Experiment_Result_CountType.Descriptor instead.

func (Experiment_Result_CountType) Number

func (Experiment_Result_CountType) String

func (Experiment_Result_CountType) Type


type Experiment_Result_Metric struct {
	Type Experiment_Result_MetricType "" /* 131 byte string literal not displayed */

	CountType Experiment_Result_CountType "" /* 157 byte string literal not displayed */

	Value isExperiment_Result_Metric_Value `protobuf_oneof:"value"`

	ConfidenceInterval *Experiment_Result_ConfidenceInterval `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=confidence_interval,json=confidenceInterval,proto3" json:"confidence_interval,omitempty"`


Metric and corresponding confidence intervals.

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) Descriptor

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Experiment_Result_Metric.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) GetConfidenceInterval

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) GetCount

func (x *Experiment_Result_Metric) GetCount() float64

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) GetCountType

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) GetRatio

func (x *Experiment_Result_Metric) GetRatio() float64

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) GetType

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) GetValue

func (m *Experiment_Result_Metric) GetValue() isExperiment_Result_Metric_Value

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) ProtoMessage

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) ProtoMessage()

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) ProtoReflect

func (x *Experiment_Result_Metric) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) Reset

func (x *Experiment_Result_Metric) Reset()

func (*Experiment_Result_Metric) String

func (x *Experiment_Result_Metric) String() string


type Experiment_Result_MetricType int32

Types of ratio-based metric for Dialogflow experiment.


const (
	// Metric unspecified.
	Experiment_Result_METRIC_UNSPECIFIED Experiment_Result_MetricType = 0
	// Percentage of contained sessions without user calling back in 24 hours.
	Experiment_Result_CONTAINED_SESSION_NO_CALLBACK_RATE Experiment_Result_MetricType = 1
	// Percentage of sessions that were handed to a human agent.
	Experiment_Result_LIVE_AGENT_HANDOFF_RATE Experiment_Result_MetricType = 2
	// Percentage of sessions with the same user calling back.
	Experiment_Result_CALLBACK_SESSION_RATE Experiment_Result_MetricType = 3
	// Percentage of sessions where user hung up.
	Experiment_Result_ABANDONED_SESSION_RATE Experiment_Result_MetricType = 4
	// Percentage of sessions reached Dialogflow 'END_PAGE' or
	Experiment_Result_SESSION_END_RATE Experiment_Result_MetricType = 5

func (Experiment_Result_MetricType) Descriptor

func (Experiment_Result_MetricType) Enum

func (Experiment_Result_MetricType) EnumDescriptor

func (Experiment_Result_MetricType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Experiment_Result_MetricType.Descriptor instead.

func (Experiment_Result_MetricType) Number

func (Experiment_Result_MetricType) String

func (Experiment_Result_MetricType) Type


type Experiment_Result_Metric_Count struct {
	// Count value of a metric.
	Count float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,4,opt,name=count,proto3,oneof"`


type Experiment_Result_Metric_Ratio struct {
	// Ratio value of a metric.
	Ratio float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,2,opt,name=ratio,proto3,oneof"`


type Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics struct {

	// The name of the flow
	// [Version][]. Format:
	// `projects/

Version variant and associated metrics.

func (*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) Descriptor

func (*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) GetMetrics

func (*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) GetSessionCount

func (x *Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) GetSessionCount() int32

func (*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) GetVersion

func (x *Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) GetVersion() string

func (*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) ProtoMessage

func (*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) ProtoMessage()

func (*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) ProtoReflect

func (*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) Reset

func (*Experiment_Result_VersionMetrics) String


type Experiment_State int32

The state of the experiment.

Experiment_STATE_UNSPECIFIED, Experiment_DRAFT, Experiment_RUNNING, Experiment_DONE, Experiment_ROLLOUT_FAILED

const (
	// State unspecified.
	Experiment_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Experiment_State = 0
	// The experiment is created but not started yet.
	Experiment_DRAFT Experiment_State = 1
	// The experiment is running.
	Experiment_RUNNING Experiment_State = 2
	// The experiment is done.
	Experiment_DONE Experiment_State = 3
	// The experiment with auto-rollout enabled has failed.
	Experiment_ROLLOUT_FAILED Experiment_State = 4

func (Experiment_State) Descriptor

func (Experiment_State) Enum

func (Experiment_State) EnumDescriptor

func (Experiment_State) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Experiment_State.Descriptor instead.

func (Experiment_State) Number

func (Experiment_State) String

func (x Experiment_State) String() string

func (Experiment_State) Type


type ExperimentsClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all experiments in the specified
	// [Environment][].
	ListExperiments(ctx context.Context, in *ListExperimentsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListExperimentsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [Experiment][].
	GetExperiment(ctx context.Context, in *GetExperimentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Experiment, error)
	// Creates an [Experiment][] in
	// the specified
	// [Environment][].
	CreateExperiment(ctx context.Context, in *CreateExperimentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Experiment, error)
	// Updates the specified
	// [Experiment][].
	UpdateExperiment(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateExperimentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Experiment, error)
	// Deletes the specified
	// [Experiment][].
	DeleteExperiment(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteExperimentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Starts the specified
	// [Experiment][]. This rpc only
	// changes the state of experiment from PENDING to RUNNING.
	StartExperiment(ctx context.Context, in *StartExperimentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Experiment, error)
	// Stops the specified
	// [Experiment][]. This rpc only
	// changes the state of experiment from RUNNING to DONE.
	StopExperiment(ctx context.Context, in *StopExperimentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Experiment, error)

ExperimentsClient is the client API for Experiments service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewExperimentsClient

func NewExperimentsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ExperimentsClient


type ExperimentsServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all experiments in the specified
	// [Environment][].
	ListExperiments(context.Context, *ListExperimentsRequest) (*ListExperimentsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [Experiment][].
	GetExperiment(context.Context, *GetExperimentRequest) (*Experiment, error)
	// Creates an [Experiment][] in
	// the specified
	// [Environment][].
	CreateExperiment(context.Context, *CreateExperimentRequest) (*Experiment, error)
	// Updates the specified
	// [Experiment][].
	UpdateExperiment(context.Context, *UpdateExperimentRequest) (*Experiment, error)
	// Deletes the specified
	// [Experiment][].
	DeleteExperiment(context.Context, *DeleteExperimentRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Starts the specified
	// [Experiment][]. This rpc only
	// changes the state of experiment from PENDING to RUNNING.
	StartExperiment(context.Context, *StartExperimentRequest) (*Experiment, error)
	// Stops the specified
	// [Experiment][]. This rpc only
	// changes the state of experiment from RUNNING to DONE.
	StopExperiment(context.Context, *StopExperimentRequest) (*Experiment, error)

ExperimentsServer is the server API for Experiments service.


type ExportAgentRequest struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	AgentUri string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=agent_uri,json=agentUri,proto3" json:"agent_uri,omitempty"`

	DataFormat ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat "" /* 162 byte string literal not displayed */

	Environment string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=environment,proto3" json:"environment,omitempty"`

	GitDestination *ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=git_destination,json=gitDestination,proto3" json:"git_destination,omitempty"`

	IncludeBigqueryExportSettings bool "" /* 153 byte string literal not displayed */


The request message for [Agents.ExportAgent][].

func (*ExportAgentRequest) Descriptor

func (*ExportAgentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExportAgentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ExportAgentRequest) GetAgentUri

func (x *ExportAgentRequest) GetAgentUri() string

func (*ExportAgentRequest) GetDataFormat

func (*ExportAgentRequest) GetEnvironment

func (x *ExportAgentRequest) GetEnvironment() string

func (*ExportAgentRequest) GetGitDestination

func (x *ExportAgentRequest) GetGitDestination() *ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination

func (*ExportAgentRequest) GetIncludeBigqueryExportSettings

func (x *ExportAgentRequest) GetIncludeBigqueryExportSettings() bool

func (*ExportAgentRequest) GetName

func (x *ExportAgentRequest) GetName() string

func (*ExportAgentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ExportAgentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ExportAgentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ExportAgentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ExportAgentRequest) Reset

func (x *ExportAgentRequest) Reset()

func (*ExportAgentRequest) String

func (x *ExportAgentRequest) String() string


type ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat int32

Data format of the exported agent.

ExportAgentRequest_DATA_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED, ExportAgentRequest_BLOB, ExportAgentRequest_JSON_PACKAGE

const (
	// Unspecified format.
	ExportAgentRequest_DATA_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat = 0
	// Agent content will be exported as raw bytes.
	ExportAgentRequest_BLOB ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat = 1
	// Agent content will be exported in JSON Package format.
	ExportAgentRequest_JSON_PACKAGE ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat = 4

func (ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat) Descriptor

func (ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat) Enum

func (ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat) EnumDescriptor

func (ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat.Descriptor instead.

func (ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat) Number

func (ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat) String

func (ExportAgentRequest_DataFormat) Type


type ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination struct {

	// Tracking branch for the git push.
	TrackingBranch string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=tracking_branch,json=trackingBranch,proto3" json:"tracking_branch,omitempty"`
	// Commit message for the git push.
	CommitMessage string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=commit_message,json=commitMessage,proto3" json:"commit_message,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Settings for exporting to a git branch.

func (*ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) Descriptor

func (*ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) GetCommitMessage

func (x *ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) GetCommitMessage() string

func (*ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) GetTrackingBranch

func (x *ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) GetTrackingBranch() string

func (*ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) ProtoMessage

func (*ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) ProtoMessage()

func (*ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) ProtoReflect

func (*ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) Reset

func (*ExportAgentRequest_GitDestination) String


type ExportAgentResponse struct {

	// The exported agent.
	// Types that are assignable to Agent:
	//	*ExportAgentResponse_AgentUri
	//	*ExportAgentResponse_AgentContent
	//	*ExportAgentResponse_CommitSha
	Agent isExportAgentResponse_Agent `protobuf_oneof:"agent"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Agents.ExportAgent][].

func (*ExportAgentResponse) Descriptor

func (*ExportAgentResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExportAgentResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ExportAgentResponse) GetAgent

func (m *ExportAgentResponse) GetAgent() isExportAgentResponse_Agent

func (*ExportAgentResponse) GetAgentContent

func (x *ExportAgentResponse) GetAgentContent() []byte

func (*ExportAgentResponse) GetAgentUri

func (x *ExportAgentResponse) GetAgentUri() string

func (*ExportAgentResponse) GetCommitSha

func (x *ExportAgentResponse) GetCommitSha() string

func (*ExportAgentResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ExportAgentResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ExportAgentResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ExportAgentResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ExportAgentResponse) Reset

func (x *ExportAgentResponse) Reset()

func (*ExportAgentResponse) String

func (x *ExportAgentResponse) String() string


type ExportAgentResponse_AgentContent struct {
	// Uncompressed raw byte content for agent. This field is populated
	// if none of `agent_uri` and `git_destination` are specified in
	// [ExportAgentRequest][].
	AgentContent []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=agent_content,json=agentContent,proto3,oneof"`


type ExportAgentResponse_AgentUri struct {
	// The URI to a file containing the exported agent. This field is populated
	// if `agent_uri` is specified in
	// [ExportAgentRequest][].
	AgentUri string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=agent_uri,json=agentUri,proto3,oneof"`


type ExportAgentResponse_CommitSha struct {
	// Commit SHA of the git push. This field is populated if
	// `git_destination` is specified in
	// [ExportAgentRequest][].
	CommitSha string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=commit_sha,json=commitSha,proto3,oneof"`


type ExportFlowRequest struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	FlowUri string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=flow_uri,json=flowUri,proto3" json:"flow_uri,omitempty"`

	IncludeReferencedFlows bool "" /* 130 byte string literal not displayed */


The request message for [Flows.ExportFlow][].

func (*ExportFlowRequest) Descriptor

func (*ExportFlowRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExportFlowRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ExportFlowRequest) GetFlowUri

func (x *ExportFlowRequest) GetFlowUri() string

func (*ExportFlowRequest) GetIncludeReferencedFlows

func (x *ExportFlowRequest) GetIncludeReferencedFlows() bool

func (*ExportFlowRequest) GetName

func (x *ExportFlowRequest) GetName() string

func (*ExportFlowRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ExportFlowRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ExportFlowRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ExportFlowRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ExportFlowRequest) Reset

func (x *ExportFlowRequest) Reset()

func (*ExportFlowRequest) String

func (x *ExportFlowRequest) String() string


type ExportFlowResponse struct {

	// The exported flow.
	// Types that are assignable to Flow:
	//	*ExportFlowResponse_FlowUri
	//	*ExportFlowResponse_FlowContent
	Flow isExportFlowResponse_Flow `protobuf_oneof:"flow"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Flows.ExportFlow][].

func (*ExportFlowResponse) Descriptor

func (*ExportFlowResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExportFlowResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ExportFlowResponse) GetFlow

func (m *ExportFlowResponse) GetFlow() isExportFlowResponse_Flow

func (*ExportFlowResponse) GetFlowContent

func (x *ExportFlowResponse) GetFlowContent() []byte

func (*ExportFlowResponse) GetFlowUri

func (x *ExportFlowResponse) GetFlowUri() string

func (*ExportFlowResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ExportFlowResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ExportFlowResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ExportFlowResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ExportFlowResponse) Reset

func (x *ExportFlowResponse) Reset()

func (*ExportFlowResponse) String

func (x *ExportFlowResponse) String() string


type ExportFlowResponse_FlowContent struct {
	// Uncompressed raw byte content for flow.
	FlowContent []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=flow_content,json=flowContent,proto3,oneof"`


type ExportFlowResponse_FlowUri struct {
	// The URI to a file containing the exported flow. This field is populated
	// only if `flow_uri` is specified in
	// [ExportFlowRequest][].
	FlowUri string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=flow_uri,json=flowUri,proto3,oneof"`


type ExportTestCasesMetadata struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Metadata returned for the [TestCases.ExportTestCases][] long running operation. This message currently has no fields.

func (*ExportTestCasesMetadata) Descriptor

func (*ExportTestCasesMetadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExportTestCasesMetadata.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ExportTestCasesMetadata) ProtoMessage

func (*ExportTestCasesMetadata) ProtoMessage()

func (*ExportTestCasesMetadata) ProtoReflect

func (x *ExportTestCasesMetadata) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ExportTestCasesMetadata) Reset

func (x *ExportTestCasesMetadata) Reset()

func (*ExportTestCasesMetadata) String

func (x *ExportTestCasesMetadata) String() string


type ExportTestCasesRequest struct {
	Parent string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=parent,proto3" json:"parent,omitempty"`

	Destination isExportTestCasesRequest_Destination `protobuf_oneof:"destination"`

	DataFormat ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat "" /* 166 byte string literal not displayed */

	Filter string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=filter,proto3" json:"filter,omitempty"`


The request message for [TestCases.ExportTestCases][].

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) Descriptor

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExportTestCasesRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) GetDataFormat

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) GetDestination

func (m *ExportTestCasesRequest) GetDestination() isExportTestCasesRequest_Destination

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) GetFilter

func (x *ExportTestCasesRequest) GetFilter() string

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) GetGcsUri

func (x *ExportTestCasesRequest) GetGcsUri() string

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) GetParent

func (x *ExportTestCasesRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ExportTestCasesRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) Reset

func (x *ExportTestCasesRequest) Reset()

func (*ExportTestCasesRequest) String

func (x *ExportTestCasesRequest) String() string


type ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat int32

Data format of the exported test cases.

ExportTestCasesRequest_DATA_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED, ExportTestCasesRequest_BLOB, ExportTestCasesRequest_JSON

const (
	// Unspecified format.
	ExportTestCasesRequest_DATA_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat = 0
	// Raw bytes.
	ExportTestCasesRequest_BLOB ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat = 1
	// JSON format.
	ExportTestCasesRequest_JSON ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat = 2

func (ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat) Descriptor

func (ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat) Enum

func (ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat) EnumDescriptor

func (ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat.Descriptor instead.

func (ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat) Number

func (ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat) String

func (ExportTestCasesRequest_DataFormat) Type


type ExportTestCasesRequest_GcsUri struct {
	// The [Google Cloud Storage]( URI to
	// export the test cases to. The format of this URI must be
	// `gs://


type ExportTestCasesResponse struct {

	// The exported test cases.
	// Types that are assignable to Destination:
	//	*ExportTestCasesResponse_GcsUri
	//	*ExportTestCasesResponse_Content
	Destination isExportTestCasesResponse_Destination `protobuf_oneof:"destination"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [TestCases.ExportTestCases][].

func (*ExportTestCasesResponse) Descriptor

func (*ExportTestCasesResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExportTestCasesResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ExportTestCasesResponse) GetContent

func (x *ExportTestCasesResponse) GetContent() []byte

func (*ExportTestCasesResponse) GetDestination

func (m *ExportTestCasesResponse) GetDestination() isExportTestCasesResponse_Destination

func (*ExportTestCasesResponse) GetGcsUri

func (x *ExportTestCasesResponse) GetGcsUri() string

func (*ExportTestCasesResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ExportTestCasesResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ExportTestCasesResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ExportTestCasesResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ExportTestCasesResponse) Reset

func (x *ExportTestCasesResponse) Reset()

func (*ExportTestCasesResponse) String

func (x *ExportTestCasesResponse) String() string


type ExportTestCasesResponse_Content struct {
	// Uncompressed raw byte content for test cases.
	Content []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=content,proto3,oneof"`


type ExportTestCasesResponse_GcsUri struct {
	// The URI to a file containing the exported test cases. This field is
	// populated only if `gcs_uri` is specified in
	// [ExportTestCasesRequest][].
	GcsUri string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=gcs_uri,json=gcsUri,proto3,oneof"`


type Flow struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`

	Description string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=description,proto3" json:"description,omitempty"`

	TransitionRoutes []*TransitionRoute `protobuf:"bytes,4,rep,name=transition_routes,json=transitionRoutes,proto3" json:"transition_routes,omitempty"`

	EventHandlers []*EventHandler `protobuf:"bytes,10,rep,name=event_handlers,json=eventHandlers,proto3" json:"event_handlers,omitempty"`

	TransitionRouteGroups []string "" /* 127 byte string literal not displayed */

	NluSettings *NluSettings `protobuf:"bytes,11,opt,name=nlu_settings,json=nluSettings,proto3" json:"nlu_settings,omitempty"`


Flows represents the conversation flows when you build your chatbot agent.

A flow consists of many pages connected by the transition routes. Conversations always start with the built-in Start Flow (with an all-0 ID). Transition routes can direct the conversation session from the current flow (parent flow) to another flow (sub flow). When the sub flow is finished, Dialogflow will bring the session back to the parent flow, where the sub flow is started.

Usually, when a transition route is followed by a matched intent, the intent will be "consumed". This means the intent won't activate more transition routes. However, when the followed transition route moves the conversation session into a different flow, the matched intent can be carried over and to be consumed in the target flow.

func (*Flow) Descriptor

func (*Flow) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Flow.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Flow) GetDescription

func (x *Flow) GetDescription() string

func (*Flow) GetDisplayName

func (x *Flow) GetDisplayName() string

func (*Flow) GetEventHandlers

func (x *Flow) GetEventHandlers() []*EventHandler

func (*Flow) GetName

func (x *Flow) GetName() string

func (*Flow) GetNluSettings

func (x *Flow) GetNluSettings() *NluSettings

func (*Flow) GetTransitionRouteGroups

func (x *Flow) GetTransitionRouteGroups() []string

func (*Flow) GetTransitionRoutes

func (x *Flow) GetTransitionRoutes() []*TransitionRoute

func (*Flow) ProtoMessage

func (*Flow) ProtoMessage()

func (*Flow) ProtoReflect

func (x *Flow) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Flow) Reset

func (x *Flow) Reset()

func (*Flow) String

func (x *Flow) String() string


type FlowImportStrategy struct {
	GlobalImportStrategy ImportStrategy "" /* 179 byte string literal not displayed */


The flow import strategy used for resource conflict resolution associated with an [ImportFlowRequest][].

func (*FlowImportStrategy) Descriptor

func (*FlowImportStrategy) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use FlowImportStrategy.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*FlowImportStrategy) GetGlobalImportStrategy

func (x *FlowImportStrategy) GetGlobalImportStrategy() ImportStrategy

func (*FlowImportStrategy) ProtoMessage

func (*FlowImportStrategy) ProtoMessage()

func (*FlowImportStrategy) ProtoReflect

func (x *FlowImportStrategy) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*FlowImportStrategy) Reset

func (x *FlowImportStrategy) Reset()

func (*FlowImportStrategy) String

func (x *FlowImportStrategy) String() string


type FlowValidationResult struct {

	// The unique identifier of the flow validation result.
	// Format: `projects/

The response message for [Flows.GetFlowValidationResult][].

func (*FlowValidationResult) Descriptor

func (*FlowValidationResult) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use FlowValidationResult.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*FlowValidationResult) GetName

func (x *FlowValidationResult) GetName() string

func (*FlowValidationResult) GetUpdateTime

func (x *FlowValidationResult) GetUpdateTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*FlowValidationResult) GetValidationMessages

func (x *FlowValidationResult) GetValidationMessages() []*ValidationMessage

func (*FlowValidationResult) ProtoMessage

func (*FlowValidationResult) ProtoMessage()

func (*FlowValidationResult) ProtoReflect

func (x *FlowValidationResult) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*FlowValidationResult) Reset

func (x *FlowValidationResult) Reset()

func (*FlowValidationResult) String

func (x *FlowValidationResult) String() string


type FlowsClient interface {
	// Creates a flow in the specified agent.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	CreateFlow(ctx context.Context, in *CreateFlowRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Flow, error)
	// Deletes a specified flow.
	DeleteFlow(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteFlowRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Returns the list of all flows in the specified agent.
	ListFlows(ctx context.Context, in *ListFlowsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListFlowsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified flow.
	GetFlow(ctx context.Context, in *GetFlowRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Flow, error)
	// Updates the specified flow.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	UpdateFlow(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateFlowRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Flow, error)
	// Trains the specified flow. Note that only the flow in 'draft' environment
	// is trained.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`: An [Empty
	//   message](
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	TrainFlow(ctx context.Context, in *TrainFlowRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Validates the specified flow and creates or updates validation results.
	// Please call this API after the training is completed to get the complete
	// validation results.
	ValidateFlow(ctx context.Context, in *ValidateFlowRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*FlowValidationResult, error)
	// Gets the latest flow validation result. Flow validation is performed
	// when ValidateFlow is called.
	GetFlowValidationResult(ctx context.Context, in *GetFlowValidationResultRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*FlowValidationResult, error)
	// Imports the specified flow to the specified agent from a binary file.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`:
	// [ImportFlowResponse][]
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	ImportFlow(ctx context.Context, in *ImportFlowRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Exports the specified flow to a binary file.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`:
	// [ExportFlowResponse][]
	// Note that resources (e.g. intents, entities, webhooks) that the flow
	// references will also be exported.
	ExportFlow(ctx context.Context, in *ExportFlowRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)

FlowsClient is the client API for Flows service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewFlowsClient

func NewFlowsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) FlowsClient


type FlowsServer interface {
	// Creates a flow in the specified agent.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	CreateFlow(context.Context, *CreateFlowRequest) (*Flow, error)
	// Deletes a specified flow.
	DeleteFlow(context.Context, *DeleteFlowRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Returns the list of all flows in the specified agent.
	ListFlows(context.Context, *ListFlowsRequest) (*ListFlowsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified flow.
	GetFlow(context.Context, *GetFlowRequest) (*Flow, error)
	// Updates the specified flow.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	UpdateFlow(context.Context, *UpdateFlowRequest) (*Flow, error)
	// Trains the specified flow. Note that only the flow in 'draft' environment
	// is trained.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`: An [Empty
	//   message](
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	TrainFlow(context.Context, *TrainFlowRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Validates the specified flow and creates or updates validation results.
	// Please call this API after the training is completed to get the complete
	// validation results.
	ValidateFlow(context.Context, *ValidateFlowRequest) (*FlowValidationResult, error)
	// Gets the latest flow validation result. Flow validation is performed
	// when ValidateFlow is called.
	GetFlowValidationResult(context.Context, *GetFlowValidationResultRequest) (*FlowValidationResult, error)
	// Imports the specified flow to the specified agent from a binary file.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`:
	// [ImportFlowResponse][]
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	ImportFlow(context.Context, *ImportFlowRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Exports the specified flow to a binary file.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`:
	// [ExportFlowResponse][]
	// Note that resources (e.g. intents, entities, webhooks) that the flow
	// references will also be exported.
	ExportFlow(context.Context, *ExportFlowRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)

FlowsServer is the server API for Flows service.


type Form struct {

	// Parameters to collect from the user.
	Parameters []*Form_Parameter `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=parameters,proto3" json:"parameters,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A form is a data model that groups related parameters that can be collected from the user. The process in which the agent prompts the user and collects parameter values from the user is called form filling. A form can be added to a [page][]. When form filling is done, the filled parameters will be written to the [session][].

func (*Form) Descriptor

func (*Form) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Form.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Form) GetParameters

func (x *Form) GetParameters() []*Form_Parameter

func (*Form) ProtoMessage

func (*Form) ProtoMessage()

func (*Form) ProtoReflect

func (x *Form) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Form) Reset

func (x *Form) Reset()

func (*Form) String

func (x *Form) String() string


type Form_Parameter struct {

	// Required. The human-readable name of the parameter, unique within the
	// form.
	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the parameter is required. Optional parameters will not
	// trigger prompts; however, they are filled if the user specifies them.
	// Required parameters must be filled before form filling concludes.
	Required bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=required,proto3" json:"required,omitempty"`
	// Required. The entity type of the parameter.
	// Format: `projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/

Represents a form parameter.

func (*Form_Parameter) Descriptor

func (*Form_Parameter) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Form_Parameter.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Form_Parameter) GetDefaultValue

func (x *Form_Parameter) GetDefaultValue() *structpb.Value

func (*Form_Parameter) GetDisplayName

func (x *Form_Parameter) GetDisplayName() string

func (*Form_Parameter) GetEntityType

func (x *Form_Parameter) GetEntityType() string

func (*Form_Parameter) GetFillBehavior

func (x *Form_Parameter) GetFillBehavior() *Form_Parameter_FillBehavior

func (*Form_Parameter) GetIsList

func (x *Form_Parameter) GetIsList() bool

func (*Form_Parameter) GetRedact

func (x *Form_Parameter) GetRedact() bool

func (*Form_Parameter) GetRequired

func (x *Form_Parameter) GetRequired() bool

func (*Form_Parameter) ProtoMessage

func (*Form_Parameter) ProtoMessage()

func (*Form_Parameter) ProtoReflect

func (x *Form_Parameter) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Form_Parameter) Reset

func (x *Form_Parameter) Reset()

func (*Form_Parameter) String

func (x *Form_Parameter) String() string


type Form_Parameter_FillBehavior struct {
	InitialPromptFulfillment *Fulfillment "" /* 135 byte string literal not displayed */

	RepromptEventHandlers []*EventHandler `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=reprompt_event_handlers,json=repromptEventHandlers,proto3" json:"reprompt_event_handlers,omitempty"`


Configuration for how the filling of a parameter should be handled.

func (*Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) Descriptor

func (*Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Form_Parameter_FillBehavior.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) GetInitialPromptFulfillment

func (x *Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) GetInitialPromptFulfillment() *Fulfillment

func (*Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) GetRepromptEventHandlers

func (x *Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) GetRepromptEventHandlers() []*EventHandler

func (*Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) ProtoMessage

func (*Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) ProtoMessage()

func (*Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) ProtoReflect

func (*Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) Reset

func (x *Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) Reset()

func (*Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) String

func (x *Form_Parameter_FillBehavior) String() string


type FulfillIntentRequest struct {

	// Must be same as the corresponding MatchIntent request, otherwise the
	// behavior is undefined.
	MatchIntentRequest *MatchIntentRequest `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=match_intent_request,json=matchIntentRequest,proto3" json:"match_intent_request,omitempty"`
	// The matched intent/event to fulfill.
	Match *Match `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=match,proto3" json:"match,omitempty"`
	// Instructs the speech synthesizer how to generate output audio.
	OutputAudioConfig *OutputAudioConfig `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=output_audio_config,json=outputAudioConfig,proto3" json:"output_audio_config,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Request of [FulfillIntent][]

func (*FulfillIntentRequest) Descriptor

func (*FulfillIntentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use FulfillIntentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*FulfillIntentRequest) GetMatch

func (x *FulfillIntentRequest) GetMatch() *Match

func (*FulfillIntentRequest) GetMatchIntentRequest

func (x *FulfillIntentRequest) GetMatchIntentRequest() *MatchIntentRequest

func (*FulfillIntentRequest) GetOutputAudioConfig

func (x *FulfillIntentRequest) GetOutputAudioConfig() *OutputAudioConfig

func (*FulfillIntentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*FulfillIntentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*FulfillIntentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *FulfillIntentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*FulfillIntentRequest) Reset

func (x *FulfillIntentRequest) Reset()

func (*FulfillIntentRequest) String

func (x *FulfillIntentRequest) String() string


type FulfillIntentResponse struct {

	// Output only. The unique identifier of the response. It can be used to
	// locate a response in the training example set or for reporting issues.
	ResponseId string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=response_id,json=responseId,proto3" json:"response_id,omitempty"`
	// The result of the conversational query.
	QueryResult *QueryResult `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=query_result,json=queryResult,proto3" json:"query_result,omitempty"`
	// The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request.
	// Note: The output audio is generated based on the values of default platform
	// text responses found in the
	// [`query_result.response_messages`][]
	// field. If multiple default text responses exist, they will be concatenated
	// when generating audio. If no default platform text responses exist, the
	// generated audio content will be empty.
	// In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the
	// response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output
	// has content.
	OutputAudio []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=output_audio,json=outputAudio,proto3" json:"output_audio,omitempty"`
	// The config used by the speech synthesizer to generate the output audio.
	OutputAudioConfig *OutputAudioConfig `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=output_audio_config,json=outputAudioConfig,proto3" json:"output_audio_config,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Response of [FulfillIntent][]

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) Descriptor

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use FulfillIntentResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) GetOutputAudio

func (x *FulfillIntentResponse) GetOutputAudio() []byte

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) GetOutputAudioConfig

func (x *FulfillIntentResponse) GetOutputAudioConfig() *OutputAudioConfig

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) GetQueryResult

func (x *FulfillIntentResponse) GetQueryResult() *QueryResult

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) GetResponseId

func (x *FulfillIntentResponse) GetResponseId() string

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *FulfillIntentResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) Reset

func (x *FulfillIntentResponse) Reset()

func (*FulfillIntentResponse) String

func (x *FulfillIntentResponse) String() string


type Fulfillment struct {
	Messages []*ResponseMessage `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=messages,proto3" json:"messages,omitempty"`

	Webhook string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=webhook,proto3" json:"webhook,omitempty"`

	ReturnPartialResponses bool "" /* 130 byte string literal not displayed */

	Tag string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=tag,proto3" json:"tag,omitempty"`

	SetParameterActions []*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction `protobuf:"bytes,4,rep,name=set_parameter_actions,json=setParameterActions,proto3" json:"set_parameter_actions,omitempty"`

	ConditionalCases []*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=conditional_cases,json=conditionalCases,proto3" json:"conditional_cases,omitempty"`


A fulfillment can do one or more of the following actions at the same time:

  • Generate rich message responses.
  • Set parameter values.
  • Call the webhook.

Fulfillments can be called at various stages in the [Page][] or [Form][] lifecycle. For example, when a [DetectIntentRequest][] drives a session to enter a new page, the page's entry fulfillment can add a static response to the [QueryResult][] in the returning [DetectIntentResponse][], call the webhook (for example, to load user data from a database), or both.

func (*Fulfillment) Descriptor

func (*Fulfillment) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Fulfillment.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Fulfillment) GetConditionalCases

func (x *Fulfillment) GetConditionalCases() []*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases

func (*Fulfillment) GetMessages

func (x *Fulfillment) GetMessages() []*ResponseMessage

func (*Fulfillment) GetReturnPartialResponses

func (x *Fulfillment) GetReturnPartialResponses() bool

func (*Fulfillment) GetSetParameterActions

func (x *Fulfillment) GetSetParameterActions() []*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction

func (*Fulfillment) GetTag

func (x *Fulfillment) GetTag() string

func (*Fulfillment) GetWebhook

func (x *Fulfillment) GetWebhook() string

func (*Fulfillment) ProtoMessage

func (*Fulfillment) ProtoMessage()

func (*Fulfillment) ProtoReflect

func (x *Fulfillment) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Fulfillment) Reset

func (x *Fulfillment) Reset()

func (*Fulfillment) String

func (x *Fulfillment) String() string


type Fulfillment_ConditionalCases struct {

	// A list of cascading if-else conditions.
	Cases []*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=cases,proto3" json:"cases,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A list of cascading if-else conditions. Cases are mutually exclusive. The first one with a matching condition is selected, all the rest ignored.

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases) Descriptor

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Fulfillment_ConditionalCases.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases) GetCases

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases) ProtoMessage

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases) ProtoMessage()

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases) ProtoReflect

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases) Reset

func (x *Fulfillment_ConditionalCases) Reset()

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases) String


type Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case struct {

	// The condition to activate and select this case. Empty means the
	// condition is always true. The condition is evaluated against [form
	// parameters][Form.parameters] or [session
	// parameters][SessionInfo.parameters].
	// See the [conditions
	// reference](
	Condition string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=condition,proto3" json:"condition,omitempty"`
	// A list of case content.
	CaseContent []*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=case_content,json=caseContent,proto3" json:"case_content,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Each case has a Boolean condition. When it is evaluated to be True, the corresponding messages will be selected and evaluated recursively.

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case) Descriptor

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case) GetCaseContent

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case) GetCondition

func (x *Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case) GetCondition() string

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case) ProtoMessage

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case) ProtoMessage()

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case) ProtoReflect

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case) Reset

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case) String


type Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent struct {

	// Either a message is returned or additional cases to be evaluated.
	// Types that are assignable to CasesOrMessage:
	//	*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent_Message
	//	*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent_AdditionalCases
	CasesOrMessage isFulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent_CasesOrMessage `protobuf_oneof:"cases_or_message"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The list of messages or conditional cases to activate for this case.

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent) Descriptor

Deprecated: Use Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent) GetAdditionalCases

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent) GetCasesOrMessage

func (m *Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent) GetCasesOrMessage() isFulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent_CasesOrMessage

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent) GetMessage

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent) ProtoMessage

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent) ProtoReflect

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent) Reset

func (*Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent) String


type Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent_AdditionalCases struct {
	// Additional cases to be evaluated.
	AdditionalCases *Fulfillment_ConditionalCases `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=additional_cases,json=additionalCases,proto3,oneof"`


type Fulfillment_ConditionalCases_Case_CaseContent_Message struct {
	// Returned message.
	Message *ResponseMessage `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=message,proto3,oneof"`


type Fulfillment_SetParameterAction struct {

	// Display name of the parameter.
	Parameter string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=parameter,proto3" json:"parameter,omitempty"`
	// The new value of the parameter. A null value clears the parameter.
	Value *structpb.Value `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=value,proto3" json:"value,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Setting a parameter value.

func (*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) Descriptor

func (*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Fulfillment_SetParameterAction.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) GetParameter

func (x *Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) GetParameter() string

func (*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) GetValue

func (*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) ProtoMessage

func (*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) ProtoMessage()

func (*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) ProtoReflect

func (*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) Reset

func (x *Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) Reset()

func (*Fulfillment_SetParameterAction) String


type GcsDestination struct {

	// Required. The Google Cloud Storage URI for the exported objects. A URI is
	// of the form: `gs://bucket/object-name-or-prefix` Whether a full object
	// name, or just a prefix, its usage depends on the Dialogflow operation.
	Uri string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=uri,proto3" json:"uri,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Google Cloud Storage location for a Dialogflow operation that writes or exports objects (e.g. exported agent or transcripts) outside of Dialogflow.

func (*GcsDestination) Descriptor

func (*GcsDestination) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GcsDestination.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GcsDestination) GetUri

func (x *GcsDestination) GetUri() string

func (*GcsDestination) ProtoMessage

func (*GcsDestination) ProtoMessage()

func (*GcsDestination) ProtoReflect

func (x *GcsDestination) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GcsDestination) Reset

func (x *GcsDestination) Reset()

func (*GcsDestination) String

func (x *GcsDestination) String() string


type GetAgentRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the agent.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Agents.GetAgent][].

func (*GetAgentRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetAgentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetAgentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetAgentRequest) GetName

func (x *GetAgentRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetAgentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetAgentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetAgentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetAgentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetAgentRequest) Reset

func (x *GetAgentRequest) Reset()

func (*GetAgentRequest) String

func (x *GetAgentRequest) String() string


type GetAgentValidationResultRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent name.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Agents.GetAgentValidationResult][].

func (*GetAgentValidationResultRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetAgentValidationResultRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetAgentValidationResultRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetAgentValidationResultRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *GetAgentValidationResultRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*GetAgentValidationResultRequest) GetName

func (*GetAgentValidationResultRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetAgentValidationResultRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetAgentValidationResultRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*GetAgentValidationResultRequest) Reset

func (*GetAgentValidationResultRequest) String


type GetChangelogRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the changelog to get.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Changelogs.GetChangelog][].

func (*GetChangelogRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetChangelogRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetChangelogRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetChangelogRequest) GetName

func (x *GetChangelogRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetChangelogRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetChangelogRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetChangelogRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetChangelogRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetChangelogRequest) Reset

func (x *GetChangelogRequest) Reset()

func (*GetChangelogRequest) String

func (x *GetChangelogRequest) String() string


type GetDeploymentRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the
	// [Deployment][]. Format:
	// `projects/

The request message for [Deployments.GetDeployment][].

func (*GetDeploymentRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetDeploymentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetDeploymentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetDeploymentRequest) GetName

func (x *GetDeploymentRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetDeploymentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetDeploymentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetDeploymentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetDeploymentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetDeploymentRequest) Reset

func (x *GetDeploymentRequest) Reset()

func (*GetDeploymentRequest) String

func (x *GetDeploymentRequest) String() string


type GetEntityTypeRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the entity type.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [EntityTypes.GetEntityType][].

func (*GetEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetEntityTypeRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetEntityTypeRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *GetEntityTypeRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*GetEntityTypeRequest) GetName

func (x *GetEntityTypeRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetEntityTypeRequest) Reset

func (x *GetEntityTypeRequest) Reset()

func (*GetEntityTypeRequest) String

func (x *GetEntityTypeRequest) String() string


type GetEnvironmentRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the
	// [Environment][]. Format:
	// `projects/

The request message for [Environments.GetEnvironment][].

func (*GetEnvironmentRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetEnvironmentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetEnvironmentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetEnvironmentRequest) GetName

func (x *GetEnvironmentRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetEnvironmentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetEnvironmentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetEnvironmentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetEnvironmentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetEnvironmentRequest) Reset

func (x *GetEnvironmentRequest) Reset()

func (*GetEnvironmentRequest) String

func (x *GetEnvironmentRequest) String() string


type GetExperimentRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the
	// [Environment][]. Format:
	// `projects/

The request message for [Experiments.GetExperiment][].

func (*GetExperimentRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetExperimentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetExperimentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetExperimentRequest) GetName

func (x *GetExperimentRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetExperimentRequest) Reset

func (x *GetExperimentRequest) Reset()

func (*GetExperimentRequest) String

func (x *GetExperimentRequest) String() string


type GetFlowRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the flow to get.
	// Format: `projects/

The response message for [Flows.GetFlow][].

func (*GetFlowRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetFlowRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetFlowRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetFlowRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *GetFlowRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*GetFlowRequest) GetName

func (x *GetFlowRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetFlowRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetFlowRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetFlowRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetFlowRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetFlowRequest) Reset

func (x *GetFlowRequest) Reset()

func (*GetFlowRequest) String

func (x *GetFlowRequest) String() string


type GetFlowValidationResultRequest struct {

	// Required. The flow name.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Flows.GetFlowValidationResult][].

func (*GetFlowValidationResultRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetFlowValidationResultRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetFlowValidationResultRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetFlowValidationResultRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *GetFlowValidationResultRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*GetFlowValidationResultRequest) GetName

func (*GetFlowValidationResultRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetFlowValidationResultRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetFlowValidationResultRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*GetFlowValidationResultRequest) Reset

func (x *GetFlowValidationResultRequest) Reset()

func (*GetFlowValidationResultRequest) String


type GetIntentRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the intent.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Intents.GetIntent][].

func (*GetIntentRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetIntentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetIntentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetIntentRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *GetIntentRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*GetIntentRequest) GetName

func (x *GetIntentRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetIntentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetIntentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetIntentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetIntentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetIntentRequest) Reset

func (x *GetIntentRequest) Reset()

func (*GetIntentRequest) String

func (x *GetIntentRequest) String() string


type GetPageRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the page.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Pages.GetPage][].

func (*GetPageRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetPageRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetPageRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetPageRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *GetPageRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*GetPageRequest) GetName

func (x *GetPageRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetPageRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetPageRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetPageRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetPageRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetPageRequest) Reset

func (x *GetPageRequest) Reset()

func (*GetPageRequest) String

func (x *GetPageRequest) String() string


type GetSecuritySettingsRequest struct {

	// Required. Resource name of the settings.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [SecuritySettingsService.GetSecuritySettings][].

func (*GetSecuritySettingsRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetSecuritySettingsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetSecuritySettingsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetSecuritySettingsRequest) GetName

func (x *GetSecuritySettingsRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*GetSecuritySettingsRequest) Reset

func (x *GetSecuritySettingsRequest) Reset()

func (*GetSecuritySettingsRequest) String

func (x *GetSecuritySettingsRequest) String() string


type GetSessionEntityTypeRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the session entity type.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [SessionEntityTypes.GetSessionEntityType][].

func (*GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetSessionEntityTypeRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) GetName

func (x *GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) Reset

func (x *GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) Reset()

func (*GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) String

func (x *GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) String() string


type GetTestCaseRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the testcase.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [TestCases.GetTestCase][].

func (*GetTestCaseRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetTestCaseRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetTestCaseRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetTestCaseRequest) GetName

func (x *GetTestCaseRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetTestCaseRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetTestCaseRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetTestCaseRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetTestCaseRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetTestCaseRequest) Reset

func (x *GetTestCaseRequest) Reset()

func (*GetTestCaseRequest) String

func (x *GetTestCaseRequest) String() string


type GetTestCaseResultRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the testcase.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [TestCases.GetTestCaseResult][].

func (*GetTestCaseResultRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetTestCaseResultRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetTestCaseResultRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetTestCaseResultRequest) GetName

func (x *GetTestCaseResultRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetTestCaseResultRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetTestCaseResultRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetTestCaseResultRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetTestCaseResultRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetTestCaseResultRequest) Reset

func (x *GetTestCaseResultRequest) Reset()

func (*GetTestCaseResultRequest) String

func (x *GetTestCaseResultRequest) String() string


type GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][].
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [TransitionRouteGroups.GetTransitionRouteGroup][].

func (*GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetName

func (*GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Reset

func (x *GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Reset()

func (*GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) String


type GetVersionRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the
	// [Version][]. Format:
	// `projects/

The request message for [Versions.GetVersion][].

func (*GetVersionRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetVersionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetVersionRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetVersionRequest) GetName

func (x *GetVersionRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetVersionRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetVersionRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetVersionRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetVersionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetVersionRequest) Reset

func (x *GetVersionRequest) Reset()

func (*GetVersionRequest) String

func (x *GetVersionRequest) String() string


type GetWebhookRequest struct {

	// Required. The name of the webhook.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Webhooks.GetWebhook][].

func (*GetWebhookRequest) Descriptor

func (*GetWebhookRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use GetWebhookRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*GetWebhookRequest) GetName

func (x *GetWebhookRequest) GetName() string

func (*GetWebhookRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*GetWebhookRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*GetWebhookRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *GetWebhookRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*GetWebhookRequest) Reset

func (x *GetWebhookRequest) Reset()

func (*GetWebhookRequest) String

func (x *GetWebhookRequest) String() string


type ImportFlowRequest struct {
	Parent string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=parent,proto3" json:"parent,omitempty"`

	Flow isImportFlowRequest_Flow `protobuf_oneof:"flow"`

	ImportOption ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption "" /* 169 byte string literal not displayed */

	FlowImportStrategy *FlowImportStrategy `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=flow_import_strategy,json=flowImportStrategy,proto3" json:"flow_import_strategy,omitempty"`


The request message for [Flows.ImportFlow][].

func (*ImportFlowRequest) Descriptor

func (*ImportFlowRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ImportFlowRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ImportFlowRequest) GetFlow

func (m *ImportFlowRequest) GetFlow() isImportFlowRequest_Flow

func (*ImportFlowRequest) GetFlowContent

func (x *ImportFlowRequest) GetFlowContent() []byte

func (*ImportFlowRequest) GetFlowImportStrategy

func (x *ImportFlowRequest) GetFlowImportStrategy() *FlowImportStrategy

func (*ImportFlowRequest) GetFlowUri

func (x *ImportFlowRequest) GetFlowUri() string

func (*ImportFlowRequest) GetImportOption

func (*ImportFlowRequest) GetParent

func (x *ImportFlowRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ImportFlowRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ImportFlowRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ImportFlowRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ImportFlowRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ImportFlowRequest) Reset

func (x *ImportFlowRequest) Reset()

func (*ImportFlowRequest) String

func (x *ImportFlowRequest) String() string


type ImportFlowRequest_FlowContent struct {
	// Uncompressed raw byte content for flow.
	FlowContent []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=flow_content,json=flowContent,proto3,oneof"`


type ImportFlowRequest_FlowUri struct {
	// The [Google Cloud Storage]( URI
	// to import flow from. The format of this URI must be
	// `gs://


type ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption int32

Import option.

ImportFlowRequest_IMPORT_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED, ImportFlowRequest_KEEP, ImportFlowRequest_FALLBACK

const (
	// Unspecified. Treated as `KEEP`.
	ImportFlowRequest_IMPORT_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption = 0
	// Always respect settings in exported flow content. It may cause a
	// import failure if some settings (e.g. custom NLU) are not supported in
	// the agent to import into.
	ImportFlowRequest_KEEP ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption = 1
	// Fallback to default settings if some settings are not supported in the
	// agent to import into. E.g. Standard NLU will be used if custom NLU is
	// not available.
	ImportFlowRequest_FALLBACK ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption = 2

func (ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption) Descriptor

func (ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption) Enum

func (ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption) EnumDescriptor

func (ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption.Descriptor instead.

func (ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption) Number

func (ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption) String

func (ImportFlowRequest_ImportOption) Type


type ImportFlowResponse struct {

	// The unique identifier of the new flow.
	// Format: `projects/

The response message for [Flows.ImportFlow][].

func (*ImportFlowResponse) Descriptor

func (*ImportFlowResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ImportFlowResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ImportFlowResponse) GetFlow

func (x *ImportFlowResponse) GetFlow() string

func (*ImportFlowResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ImportFlowResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ImportFlowResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ImportFlowResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ImportFlowResponse) Reset

func (x *ImportFlowResponse) Reset()

func (*ImportFlowResponse) String

func (x *ImportFlowResponse) String() string


type ImportStrategy int32

Import strategies for the conflict resolution of resources (i.e. intents, entities, and webhooks) with identical display names during import operations.


const (
	// Unspecified. Treated as 'CREATE_NEW'.
	ImportStrategy_IMPORT_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED ImportStrategy = 0
	// Create a new resource with a numeric suffix appended to the end of the
	// existing display name.
	ImportStrategy_IMPORT_STRATEGY_CREATE_NEW ImportStrategy = 1
	// Replace existing resource with incoming resource in the content to be
	// imported.
	ImportStrategy_IMPORT_STRATEGY_REPLACE ImportStrategy = 2
	// Keep existing resource and discard incoming resource in the content to be
	// imported.
	ImportStrategy_IMPORT_STRATEGY_KEEP ImportStrategy = 3
	// Combine existing and incoming resources when a conflict is encountered.
	ImportStrategy_IMPORT_STRATEGY_MERGE ImportStrategy = 4
	// Throw error if a conflict is encountered.
	ImportStrategy_IMPORT_STRATEGY_THROW_ERROR ImportStrategy = 5

func (ImportStrategy) Descriptor

func (ImportStrategy) Enum

func (x ImportStrategy) Enum() *ImportStrategy

func (ImportStrategy) EnumDescriptor

func (ImportStrategy) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ImportStrategy.Descriptor instead.

func (ImportStrategy) Number

func (ImportStrategy) String

func (x ImportStrategy) String() string

func (ImportStrategy) Type


type ImportTestCasesMetadata struct {

	// Errors for failed test cases.
	Errors []*TestCaseError `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=errors,proto3" json:"errors,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Metadata returned for the [TestCases.ImportTestCases][] long running operation.

func (*ImportTestCasesMetadata) Descriptor

func (*ImportTestCasesMetadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ImportTestCasesMetadata.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ImportTestCasesMetadata) GetErrors

func (x *ImportTestCasesMetadata) GetErrors() []*TestCaseError

func (*ImportTestCasesMetadata) ProtoMessage

func (*ImportTestCasesMetadata) ProtoMessage()

func (*ImportTestCasesMetadata) ProtoReflect

func (x *ImportTestCasesMetadata) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ImportTestCasesMetadata) Reset

func (x *ImportTestCasesMetadata) Reset()

func (*ImportTestCasesMetadata) String

func (x *ImportTestCasesMetadata) String() string


type ImportTestCasesRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to import test cases to.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [TestCases.ImportTestCases][].

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) Descriptor

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ImportTestCasesRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) GetContent

func (x *ImportTestCasesRequest) GetContent() []byte

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) GetGcsUri

func (x *ImportTestCasesRequest) GetGcsUri() string

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) GetParent

func (x *ImportTestCasesRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) GetSource

func (m *ImportTestCasesRequest) GetSource() isImportTestCasesRequest_Source

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ImportTestCasesRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) Reset

func (x *ImportTestCasesRequest) Reset()

func (*ImportTestCasesRequest) String

func (x *ImportTestCasesRequest) String() string


type ImportTestCasesRequest_Content struct {
	// Uncompressed raw byte content for test cases.
	Content []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=content,proto3,oneof"`


type ImportTestCasesRequest_GcsUri struct {
	// The [Google Cloud Storage]( URI
	// to import test cases from. The format of this URI must be
	// `gs://


type ImportTestCasesResponse struct {

	// The unique identifiers of the new test cases.
	// Format: `projects/

The response message for [TestCases.ImportTestCases][].

func (*ImportTestCasesResponse) Descriptor

func (*ImportTestCasesResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ImportTestCasesResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ImportTestCasesResponse) GetNames

func (x *ImportTestCasesResponse) GetNames() []string

func (*ImportTestCasesResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ImportTestCasesResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ImportTestCasesResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ImportTestCasesResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ImportTestCasesResponse) Reset

func (x *ImportTestCasesResponse) Reset()

func (*ImportTestCasesResponse) String

func (x *ImportTestCasesResponse) String() string


type InputAudioConfig struct {
	AudioEncoding AudioEncoding "" /* 155 byte string literal not displayed */

	SampleRateHertz int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=sample_rate_hertz,json=sampleRateHertz,proto3" json:"sample_rate_hertz,omitempty"`

	EnableWordInfo bool `protobuf:"varint,13,opt,name=enable_word_info,json=enableWordInfo,proto3" json:"enable_word_info,omitempty"`

	PhraseHints []string `protobuf:"bytes,4,rep,name=phrase_hints,json=phraseHints,proto3" json:"phrase_hints,omitempty"`

	Model string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=model,proto3" json:"model,omitempty"`

	ModelVariant SpeechModelVariant "" /* 158 byte string literal not displayed */

	SingleUtterance bool `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=single_utterance,json=singleUtterance,proto3" json:"single_utterance,omitempty"`


Instructs the speech recognizer on how to process the audio content.

func (*InputAudioConfig) Descriptor

func (*InputAudioConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use InputAudioConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*InputAudioConfig) GetAudioEncoding

func (x *InputAudioConfig) GetAudioEncoding() AudioEncoding

func (*InputAudioConfig) GetEnableWordInfo

func (x *InputAudioConfig) GetEnableWordInfo() bool

func (*InputAudioConfig) GetModel

func (x *InputAudioConfig) GetModel() string

func (*InputAudioConfig) GetModelVariant

func (x *InputAudioConfig) GetModelVariant() SpeechModelVariant

func (*InputAudioConfig) GetPhraseHints

func (x *InputAudioConfig) GetPhraseHints() []string

func (*InputAudioConfig) GetSampleRateHertz

func (x *InputAudioConfig) GetSampleRateHertz() int32

func (*InputAudioConfig) GetSingleUtterance

func (x *InputAudioConfig) GetSingleUtterance() bool

func (*InputAudioConfig) ProtoMessage

func (*InputAudioConfig) ProtoMessage()

func (*InputAudioConfig) ProtoReflect

func (x *InputAudioConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*InputAudioConfig) Reset

func (x *InputAudioConfig) Reset()

func (*InputAudioConfig) String

func (x *InputAudioConfig) String() string


type Intent struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`

	TrainingPhrases []*Intent_TrainingPhrase `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=training_phrases,json=trainingPhrases,proto3" json:"training_phrases,omitempty"`

	Parameters []*Intent_Parameter `protobuf:"bytes,4,rep,name=parameters,proto3" json:"parameters,omitempty"`

	Priority int32 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=priority,proto3" json:"priority,omitempty"`

	IsFallback bool `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=is_fallback,json=isFallback,proto3" json:"is_fallback,omitempty"`

	Labels map[string]string "" /* 153 byte string literal not displayed */

	Description string `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=description,proto3" json:"description,omitempty"`


An intent represents a user's intent to interact with a conversational agent.

You can provide information for the Dialogflow API to use to match user input to an intent by adding training phrases (i.e., examples of user input) to your intent.

func (*Intent) Descriptor

func (*Intent) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Intent.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Intent) GetDescription

func (x *Intent) GetDescription() string

func (*Intent) GetDisplayName

func (x *Intent) GetDisplayName() string

func (*Intent) GetIsFallback

func (x *Intent) GetIsFallback() bool

func (*Intent) GetLabels

func (x *Intent) GetLabels() map[string]string

func (*Intent) GetName

func (x *Intent) GetName() string

func (*Intent) GetParameters

func (x *Intent) GetParameters() []*Intent_Parameter

func (*Intent) GetPriority

func (x *Intent) GetPriority() int32

func (*Intent) GetTrainingPhrases

func (x *Intent) GetTrainingPhrases() []*Intent_TrainingPhrase

func (*Intent) ProtoMessage

func (*Intent) ProtoMessage()

func (*Intent) ProtoReflect

func (x *Intent) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Intent) Reset

func (x *Intent) Reset()

func (*Intent) String

func (x *Intent) String() string


type IntentCoverage struct {

	// The list of Intents present in the agent
	Intents []*IntentCoverage_Intent `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=intents,proto3" json:"intents,omitempty"`
	// The percent of intents in the agent that are covered.
	CoverageScore float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,2,opt,name=coverage_score,json=coverageScore,proto3" json:"coverage_score,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Intent coverage represents the percentage of all possible intents in the agent that are triggered in any of a parent's test cases.

func (*IntentCoverage) Descriptor

func (*IntentCoverage) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use IntentCoverage.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*IntentCoverage) GetCoverageScore

func (x *IntentCoverage) GetCoverageScore() float32

func (*IntentCoverage) GetIntents

func (x *IntentCoverage) GetIntents() []*IntentCoverage_Intent

func (*IntentCoverage) ProtoMessage

func (*IntentCoverage) ProtoMessage()

func (*IntentCoverage) ProtoReflect

func (x *IntentCoverage) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*IntentCoverage) Reset

func (x *IntentCoverage) Reset()

func (*IntentCoverage) String

func (x *IntentCoverage) String() string


type IntentCoverage_Intent struct {

	// The intent full resource name
	Intent string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=intent,proto3" json:"intent,omitempty"`
	// Whether the intent is covered by at least one of the agent's
	// test cases.
	Covered bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=covered,proto3" json:"covered,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The agent's intent.

func (*IntentCoverage_Intent) Descriptor

func (*IntentCoverage_Intent) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use IntentCoverage_Intent.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*IntentCoverage_Intent) GetCovered

func (x *IntentCoverage_Intent) GetCovered() bool

func (*IntentCoverage_Intent) GetIntent

func (x *IntentCoverage_Intent) GetIntent() string

func (*IntentCoverage_Intent) ProtoMessage

func (*IntentCoverage_Intent) ProtoMessage()

func (*IntentCoverage_Intent) ProtoReflect

func (x *IntentCoverage_Intent) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*IntentCoverage_Intent) Reset

func (x *IntentCoverage_Intent) Reset()

func (*IntentCoverage_Intent) String

func (x *IntentCoverage_Intent) String() string


type IntentInput struct {

	// Required. The unique identifier of the intent.
	// Format: `projects/

Represents the intent to trigger programmatically rather than as a result of natural language processing.

func (*IntentInput) Descriptor

func (*IntentInput) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use IntentInput.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*IntentInput) GetIntent

func (x *IntentInput) GetIntent() string

func (*IntentInput) ProtoMessage

func (*IntentInput) ProtoMessage()

func (*IntentInput) ProtoReflect

func (x *IntentInput) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*IntentInput) Reset

func (x *IntentInput) Reset()

func (*IntentInput) String

func (x *IntentInput) String() string


type IntentView int32

Represents the options for views of an intent. An intent can be a sizable object. Therefore, we provide a resource view that does not return training phrases in the response.


const (
	// Not specified. Treated as INTENT_VIEW_FULL.
	IntentView_INTENT_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED IntentView = 0
	// Training phrases field is not populated in the response.
	IntentView_INTENT_VIEW_PARTIAL IntentView = 1
	// All fields are populated.
	IntentView_INTENT_VIEW_FULL IntentView = 2

func (IntentView) Descriptor

func (IntentView) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor

func (IntentView) Enum

func (x IntentView) Enum() *IntentView

func (IntentView) EnumDescriptor

func (IntentView) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use IntentView.Descriptor instead.

func (IntentView) Number

func (x IntentView) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber

func (IntentView) String

func (x IntentView) String() string

func (IntentView) Type


type Intent_Parameter struct {

	// Required. The unique identifier of the parameter. This field
	// is used by [training
	// phrases][] to
	// annotate their
	// [parts][].
	Id string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Required. The entity type of the parameter.
	// Format: `projects/-/locations/-/agents/-/entityTypes/

Represents an intent parameter.

func (*Intent_Parameter) Descriptor

func (*Intent_Parameter) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Intent_Parameter.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Intent_Parameter) GetEntityType

func (x *Intent_Parameter) GetEntityType() string

func (*Intent_Parameter) GetId

func (x *Intent_Parameter) GetId() string

func (*Intent_Parameter) GetIsList

func (x *Intent_Parameter) GetIsList() bool

func (*Intent_Parameter) GetRedact

func (x *Intent_Parameter) GetRedact() bool

func (*Intent_Parameter) ProtoMessage

func (*Intent_Parameter) ProtoMessage()

func (*Intent_Parameter) ProtoReflect

func (x *Intent_Parameter) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Intent_Parameter) Reset

func (x *Intent_Parameter) Reset()

func (*Intent_Parameter) String

func (x *Intent_Parameter) String() string


type Intent_TrainingPhrase struct {

	// Output only. The unique identifier of the training phrase.
	Id string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Required. The ordered list of training phrase parts.
	// The parts are concatenated in order to form the training phrase.
	// Note: The API does not automatically annotate training phrases like the
	// Dialogflow Console does.
	// Note: Do not forget to include whitespace at part boundaries, so the
	// training phrase is well formatted when the parts are concatenated.
	// If the training phrase does not need to be annotated with parameters,
	// you just need a single part with only the
	// [Part.text][]
	// field set.
	// If you want to annotate the training phrase, you must create multiple
	// parts, where the fields of each part are populated in one of two ways:
	// -   `Part.text` is set to a part of the phrase that has no parameters.
	// -   `Part.text` is set to a part of the phrase that you want to annotate,
	//     and the `parameter_id` field is set.
	Parts []*Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=parts,proto3" json:"parts,omitempty"`
	// Indicates how many times this example was added to the intent.
	RepeatCount int32 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=repeat_count,json=repeatCount,proto3" json:"repeat_count,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents an example that the agent is trained on to identify the intent.

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase) Descriptor

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Intent_TrainingPhrase.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase) GetId

func (x *Intent_TrainingPhrase) GetId() string

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase) GetParts

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase) GetRepeatCount

func (x *Intent_TrainingPhrase) GetRepeatCount() int32

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase) ProtoMessage

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase) ProtoMessage()

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase) ProtoReflect

func (x *Intent_TrainingPhrase) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase) Reset

func (x *Intent_TrainingPhrase) Reset()

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase) String

func (x *Intent_TrainingPhrase) String() string


type Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part struct {

	// Required. The text for this part.
	Text string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=text,proto3" json:"text,omitempty"`
	// The [parameter][]
	// used to annotate this part of the training phrase. This field is
	// required for annotated parts of the training phrase.
	ParameterId string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=parameter_id,json=parameterId,proto3" json:"parameter_id,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents a part of a training phrase.

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) Descriptor

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) GetParameterId

func (x *Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) GetParameterId() string

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) GetText

func (x *Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) GetText() string

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) ProtoMessage

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) ProtoMessage()

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) ProtoReflect

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) Reset

func (x *Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) Reset()

func (*Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) String

func (x *Intent_TrainingPhrase_Part) String() string


type IntentsClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all intents in the specified agent.
	ListIntents(ctx context.Context, in *ListIntentsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListIntentsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified intent.
	GetIntent(ctx context.Context, in *GetIntentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Intent, error)
	// Creates an intent in the specified agent.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	CreateIntent(ctx context.Context, in *CreateIntentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Intent, error)
	// Updates the specified intent.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	UpdateIntent(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateIntentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Intent, error)
	// Deletes the specified intent.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	DeleteIntent(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteIntentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

IntentsClient is the client API for Intents service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewIntentsClient

func NewIntentsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) IntentsClient


type IntentsServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all intents in the specified agent.
	ListIntents(context.Context, *ListIntentsRequest) (*ListIntentsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified intent.
	GetIntent(context.Context, *GetIntentRequest) (*Intent, error)
	// Creates an intent in the specified agent.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	CreateIntent(context.Context, *CreateIntentRequest) (*Intent, error)
	// Updates the specified intent.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	UpdateIntent(context.Context, *UpdateIntentRequest) (*Intent, error)
	// Deletes the specified intent.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	DeleteIntent(context.Context, *DeleteIntentRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

IntentsServer is the server API for Intents service.


type ListAgentsRequest struct {

	// Required. The location to list all agents for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Agents.ListAgents][].

func (*ListAgentsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListAgentsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListAgentsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListAgentsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListAgentsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListAgentsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListAgentsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListAgentsRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListAgentsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListAgentsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListAgentsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListAgentsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListAgentsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListAgentsRequest) Reset

func (x *ListAgentsRequest) Reset()

func (*ListAgentsRequest) String

func (x *ListAgentsRequest) String() string


type ListAgentsResponse struct {

	// The list of agents. There will be a maximum number of items returned based
	// on the page_size field in the request.
	Agents []*Agent `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=agents,proto3" json:"agents,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Agents.ListAgents][].

func (*ListAgentsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListAgentsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListAgentsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListAgentsResponse) GetAgents

func (x *ListAgentsResponse) GetAgents() []*Agent

func (*ListAgentsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListAgentsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListAgentsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListAgentsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListAgentsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListAgentsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListAgentsResponse) Reset

func (x *ListAgentsResponse) Reset()

func (*ListAgentsResponse) String

func (x *ListAgentsResponse) String() string


type ListChangelogsRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent containing the changelogs.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Changelogs.ListChangelogs][].

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListChangelogsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) GetFilter

func (x *ListChangelogsRequest) GetFilter() string

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListChangelogsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListChangelogsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListChangelogsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListChangelogsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) Reset

func (x *ListChangelogsRequest) Reset()

func (*ListChangelogsRequest) String

func (x *ListChangelogsRequest) String() string


type ListChangelogsResponse struct {

	// The list of changelogs. There will be a maximum number of items returned
	// based on the page_size field in the request. The changelogs will be ordered
	// by timestamp.
	Changelogs []*Changelog `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=changelogs,proto3" json:"changelogs,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Changelogs.ListChangelogs][].

func (*ListChangelogsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListChangelogsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListChangelogsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListChangelogsResponse) GetChangelogs

func (x *ListChangelogsResponse) GetChangelogs() []*Changelog

func (*ListChangelogsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListChangelogsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListChangelogsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListChangelogsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListChangelogsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListChangelogsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListChangelogsResponse) Reset

func (x *ListChangelogsResponse) Reset()

func (*ListChangelogsResponse) String

func (x *ListChangelogsResponse) String() string


type ListContinuousTestResultsRequest struct {

	// Required. The environment to list results for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Environments.ListContinuousTestResults][].

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListContinuousTestResultsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) GetParent

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) Reset

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsRequest) String


type ListContinuousTestResultsResponse struct {

	// The list of continuous test results.
	ContinuousTestResults []*ContinuousTestResult `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=continuous_test_results,json=continuousTestResults,proto3" json:"continuous_test_results,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Environments.ListTestCaseResults][].

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListContinuousTestResultsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) GetContinuousTestResults

func (x *ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) GetContinuousTestResults() []*ContinuousTestResult

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) Reset

func (*ListContinuousTestResultsResponse) String


type ListDeploymentsRequest struct {

	// Required. The [Environment][]
	// to list all environments for. Format: `projects/

The request message for [Deployments.ListDeployments][].

func (*ListDeploymentsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListDeploymentsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListDeploymentsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListDeploymentsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListDeploymentsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListDeploymentsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListDeploymentsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListDeploymentsRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListDeploymentsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListDeploymentsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListDeploymentsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListDeploymentsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListDeploymentsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListDeploymentsRequest) Reset

func (x *ListDeploymentsRequest) Reset()

func (*ListDeploymentsRequest) String

func (x *ListDeploymentsRequest) String() string


type ListDeploymentsResponse struct {

	// The list of deployments. There will be a maximum number of items
	// returned based on the page_size field in the request. The list may in some
	// cases be empty or contain fewer entries than page_size even if this isn't
	// the last page.
	Deployments []*Deployment `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=deployments,proto3" json:"deployments,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Deployments.ListDeployments][].

func (*ListDeploymentsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListDeploymentsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListDeploymentsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListDeploymentsResponse) GetDeployments

func (x *ListDeploymentsResponse) GetDeployments() []*Deployment

func (*ListDeploymentsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListDeploymentsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListDeploymentsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListDeploymentsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListDeploymentsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListDeploymentsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListDeploymentsResponse) Reset

func (x *ListDeploymentsResponse) Reset()

func (*ListDeploymentsResponse) String

func (x *ListDeploymentsResponse) String() string


type ListEntityTypesRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to list all entity types for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [EntityTypes.ListEntityTypes][].

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListEntityTypesRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *ListEntityTypesRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListEntityTypesRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListEntityTypesRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListEntityTypesRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListEntityTypesRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) Reset

func (x *ListEntityTypesRequest) Reset()

func (*ListEntityTypesRequest) String

func (x *ListEntityTypesRequest) String() string


type ListEntityTypesResponse struct {

	// The list of entity types. There will be a maximum number of items returned
	// based on the page_size field in the request.
	EntityTypes []*EntityType `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=entity_types,json=entityTypes,proto3" json:"entity_types,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no
	// more results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [EntityTypes.ListEntityTypes][].

func (*ListEntityTypesResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListEntityTypesResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListEntityTypesResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListEntityTypesResponse) GetEntityTypes

func (x *ListEntityTypesResponse) GetEntityTypes() []*EntityType

func (*ListEntityTypesResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListEntityTypesResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListEntityTypesResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListEntityTypesResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListEntityTypesResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListEntityTypesResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListEntityTypesResponse) Reset

func (x *ListEntityTypesResponse) Reset()

func (*ListEntityTypesResponse) String

func (x *ListEntityTypesResponse) String() string


type ListEnvironmentsRequest struct {

	// Required. The [Agent][] to list all
	// environments for. Format: `projects/

The request message for [Environments.ListEnvironments][].

func (*ListEnvironmentsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListEnvironmentsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListEnvironmentsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListEnvironmentsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListEnvironmentsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListEnvironmentsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListEnvironmentsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListEnvironmentsRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListEnvironmentsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListEnvironmentsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListEnvironmentsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListEnvironmentsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListEnvironmentsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListEnvironmentsRequest) Reset

func (x *ListEnvironmentsRequest) Reset()

func (*ListEnvironmentsRequest) String

func (x *ListEnvironmentsRequest) String() string


type ListEnvironmentsResponse struct {

	// The list of environments. There will be a maximum number of items
	// returned based on the page_size field in the request. The list may in some
	// cases be empty or contain fewer entries than page_size even if this isn't
	// the last page.
	Environments []*Environment `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=environments,proto3" json:"environments,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Environments.ListEnvironments][].

func (*ListEnvironmentsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListEnvironmentsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListEnvironmentsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListEnvironmentsResponse) GetEnvironments

func (x *ListEnvironmentsResponse) GetEnvironments() []*Environment

func (*ListEnvironmentsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListEnvironmentsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListEnvironmentsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListEnvironmentsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListEnvironmentsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListEnvironmentsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListEnvironmentsResponse) Reset

func (x *ListEnvironmentsResponse) Reset()

func (*ListEnvironmentsResponse) String

func (x *ListEnvironmentsResponse) String() string


type ListExperimentsRequest struct {

	// Required. The [Environment][]
	// to list all environments for. Format: `projects/

The request message for [Experiments.ListExperiments][].

func (*ListExperimentsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListExperimentsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListExperimentsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListExperimentsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListExperimentsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListExperimentsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListExperimentsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListExperimentsRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListExperimentsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListExperimentsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListExperimentsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListExperimentsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListExperimentsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListExperimentsRequest) Reset

func (x *ListExperimentsRequest) Reset()

func (*ListExperimentsRequest) String

func (x *ListExperimentsRequest) String() string


type ListExperimentsResponse struct {

	// The list of experiments. There will be a maximum number of items
	// returned based on the page_size field in the request. The list may in some
	// cases be empty or contain fewer entries than page_size even if this isn't
	// the last page.
	Experiments []*Experiment `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=experiments,proto3" json:"experiments,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Experiments.ListExperiments][].

func (*ListExperimentsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListExperimentsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListExperimentsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListExperimentsResponse) GetExperiments

func (x *ListExperimentsResponse) GetExperiments() []*Experiment

func (*ListExperimentsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListExperimentsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListExperimentsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListExperimentsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListExperimentsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListExperimentsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListExperimentsResponse) Reset

func (x *ListExperimentsResponse) Reset()

func (*ListExperimentsResponse) String

func (x *ListExperimentsResponse) String() string


type ListFlowsRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent containing the flows.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Flows.ListFlows][].

func (*ListFlowsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListFlowsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListFlowsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListFlowsRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *ListFlowsRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*ListFlowsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListFlowsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListFlowsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListFlowsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListFlowsRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListFlowsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListFlowsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListFlowsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListFlowsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListFlowsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListFlowsRequest) Reset

func (x *ListFlowsRequest) Reset()

func (*ListFlowsRequest) String

func (x *ListFlowsRequest) String() string


type ListFlowsResponse struct {

	// The list of flows. There will be a maximum number of items returned based
	// on the page_size field in the request.
	Flows []*Flow `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=flows,proto3" json:"flows,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Flows.ListFlows][].

func (*ListFlowsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListFlowsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListFlowsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListFlowsResponse) GetFlows

func (x *ListFlowsResponse) GetFlows() []*Flow

func (*ListFlowsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListFlowsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListFlowsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListFlowsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListFlowsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListFlowsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListFlowsResponse) Reset

func (x *ListFlowsResponse) Reset()

func (*ListFlowsResponse) String

func (x *ListFlowsResponse) String() string


type ListIntentsRequest struct {
	Parent string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=parent,proto3" json:"parent,omitempty"`

	LanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=language_code,json=languageCode,proto3" json:"language_code,omitempty"`

	IntentView IntentView "" /* 143 byte string literal not displayed */

	PageSize int32 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=page_size,json=pageSize,proto3" json:"page_size,omitempty"`

	PageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=page_token,json=pageToken,proto3" json:"page_token,omitempty"`


The request message for [Intents.ListIntents][].

func (*ListIntentsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListIntentsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListIntentsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListIntentsRequest) GetIntentView

func (x *ListIntentsRequest) GetIntentView() IntentView

func (*ListIntentsRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *ListIntentsRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*ListIntentsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListIntentsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListIntentsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListIntentsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListIntentsRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListIntentsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListIntentsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListIntentsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListIntentsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListIntentsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListIntentsRequest) Reset

func (x *ListIntentsRequest) Reset()

func (*ListIntentsRequest) String

func (x *ListIntentsRequest) String() string


type ListIntentsResponse struct {

	// The list of intents. There will be a maximum number of items returned based
	// on the page_size field in the request.
	Intents []*Intent `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=intents,proto3" json:"intents,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Intents.ListIntents][].

func (*ListIntentsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListIntentsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListIntentsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListIntentsResponse) GetIntents

func (x *ListIntentsResponse) GetIntents() []*Intent

func (*ListIntentsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListIntentsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListIntentsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListIntentsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListIntentsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListIntentsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListIntentsResponse) Reset

func (x *ListIntentsResponse) Reset()

func (*ListIntentsResponse) String

func (x *ListIntentsResponse) String() string


type ListPagesRequest struct {

	// Required. The flow to list all pages for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Pages.ListPages][].

func (*ListPagesRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListPagesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListPagesRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListPagesRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *ListPagesRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*ListPagesRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListPagesRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListPagesRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListPagesRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListPagesRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListPagesRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListPagesRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListPagesRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListPagesRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListPagesRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListPagesRequest) Reset

func (x *ListPagesRequest) Reset()

func (*ListPagesRequest) String

func (x *ListPagesRequest) String() string


type ListPagesResponse struct {

	// The list of pages. There will be a maximum number of items returned based
	// on the page_size field in the request.
	Pages []*Page `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=pages,proto3" json:"pages,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Pages.ListPages][].

func (*ListPagesResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListPagesResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListPagesResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListPagesResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListPagesResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListPagesResponse) GetPages

func (x *ListPagesResponse) GetPages() []*Page

func (*ListPagesResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListPagesResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListPagesResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListPagesResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListPagesResponse) Reset

func (x *ListPagesResponse) Reset()

func (*ListPagesResponse) String

func (x *ListPagesResponse) String() string


type ListSecuritySettingsRequest struct {

	// Required. The location to list all security settings for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [SecuritySettings.ListSecuritySettings][].

func (*ListSecuritySettingsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListSecuritySettingsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListSecuritySettingsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListSecuritySettingsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListSecuritySettingsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListSecuritySettingsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListSecuritySettingsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListSecuritySettingsRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListSecuritySettingsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*ListSecuritySettingsRequest) Reset

func (x *ListSecuritySettingsRequest) Reset()

func (*ListSecuritySettingsRequest) String

func (x *ListSecuritySettingsRequest) String() string


type ListSecuritySettingsResponse struct {

	// The list of security settings.
	SecuritySettings []*SecuritySettings `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=security_settings,json=securitySettings,proto3" json:"security_settings,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [SecuritySettings.ListSecuritySettings][].

func (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListSecuritySettingsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListSecuritySettingsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse) GetSecuritySettings

func (x *ListSecuritySettingsResponse) GetSecuritySettings() []*SecuritySettings

func (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse) Reset

func (x *ListSecuritySettingsResponse) Reset()

func (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse) String


type ListSessionEntityTypesRequest struct {

	// Required. The session to list all session entity types from.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [SessionEntityTypes.ListSessionEntityTypes][].

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListSessionEntityTypesRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) Reset

func (x *ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) Reset()

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) String


type ListSessionEntityTypesResponse struct {

	// The list of session entity types. There will be a maximum number of items
	// returned based on the page_size field in the request.
	SessionEntityTypes []*SessionEntityType `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=session_entity_types,json=sessionEntityTypes,proto3" json:"session_entity_types,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no
	// more results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [SessionEntityTypes.ListSessionEntityTypes][].

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListSessionEntityTypesResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) GetSessionEntityTypes

func (x *ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) GetSessionEntityTypes() []*SessionEntityType

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) Reset

func (x *ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) Reset()

func (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse) String


type ListTestCaseResultsRequest struct {

	// Required. The test case to list results for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [TestCases.ListTestCaseResults][].

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListTestCaseResultsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) GetFilter

func (x *ListTestCaseResultsRequest) GetFilter() string

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListTestCaseResultsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListTestCaseResultsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListTestCaseResultsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) Reset

func (x *ListTestCaseResultsRequest) Reset()

func (*ListTestCaseResultsRequest) String

func (x *ListTestCaseResultsRequest) String() string


type ListTestCaseResultsResponse struct {

	// The list of test case results.
	TestCaseResults []*TestCaseResult `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=test_case_results,json=testCaseResults,proto3" json:"test_case_results,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [TestCases.ListTestCaseResults][].

func (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListTestCaseResultsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListTestCaseResultsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse) GetTestCaseResults

func (x *ListTestCaseResultsResponse) GetTestCaseResults() []*TestCaseResult

func (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse) Reset

func (x *ListTestCaseResultsResponse) Reset()

func (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse) String

func (x *ListTestCaseResultsResponse) String() string


type ListTestCasesRequest struct {
	Parent string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=parent,proto3" json:"parent,omitempty"`

	PageSize int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=page_size,json=pageSize,proto3" json:"page_size,omitempty"`

	PageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=page_token,json=pageToken,proto3" json:"page_token,omitempty"`

	View ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView "" /* 136 byte string literal not displayed */


The request message for [TestCases.ListTestCases][].

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListTestCasesRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListTestCasesRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListTestCasesRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListTestCasesRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) GetView

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListTestCasesRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) Reset

func (x *ListTestCasesRequest) Reset()

func (*ListTestCasesRequest) String

func (x *ListTestCasesRequest) String() string


type ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView int32

Specifies how much test case information to include in the response.

ListTestCasesRequest_TEST_CASE_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED, ListTestCasesRequest_BASIC, ListTestCasesRequest_FULL

const (
	// The default / unset value.
	// The API will default to the BASIC view.
	ListTestCasesRequest_TEST_CASE_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView = 0
	// Include basic metadata about the test case, but not the conversation
	// turns. This is the default value.
	ListTestCasesRequest_BASIC ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView = 1
	// Include everything.
	ListTestCasesRequest_FULL ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView = 2

func (ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView) Descriptor

func (ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView) Enum

func (ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView) EnumDescriptor

func (ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView.Descriptor instead.

func (ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView) Number

func (ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView) String

func (ListTestCasesRequest_TestCaseView) Type


type ListTestCasesResponse struct {

	// The list of test cases. There will be a maximum number of items returned
	// based on the page_size field in the request.
	TestCases []*TestCase `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=test_cases,json=testCases,proto3" json:"test_cases,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [TestCases.ListTestCases][].

func (*ListTestCasesResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListTestCasesResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListTestCasesResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListTestCasesResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListTestCasesResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListTestCasesResponse) GetTestCases

func (x *ListTestCasesResponse) GetTestCases() []*TestCase

func (*ListTestCasesResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListTestCasesResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListTestCasesResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListTestCasesResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListTestCasesResponse) Reset

func (x *ListTestCasesResponse) Reset()

func (*ListTestCasesResponse) String

func (x *ListTestCasesResponse) String() string


type ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest struct {

	// Required. The flow to list all transition route groups for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [TransitionRouteGroups.ListTransitionRouteGroups][].

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) GetParent

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) Reset

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) String


type ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse struct {

	// The list of transition route groups. There will be a maximum number of
	// items returned based on the page_size field in the request. The list may in
	// some cases be empty or contain fewer entries than page_size even if this
	// isn't the last page.
	TransitionRouteGroups []*TransitionRouteGroup `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=transition_route_groups,json=transitionRouteGroups,proto3" json:"transition_route_groups,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [TransitionRouteGroups.ListTransitionRouteGroups][].

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) GetTransitionRouteGroups

func (x *ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) GetTransitionRouteGroups() []*TransitionRouteGroup

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) Reset

func (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse) String


type ListVersionsRequest struct {

	// Required. The [Flow][] to list all
	// versions for. Format: `projects/

The request message for [Versions.ListVersions][].

func (*ListVersionsRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListVersionsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListVersionsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListVersionsRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListVersionsRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListVersionsRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListVersionsRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListVersionsRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListVersionsRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListVersionsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListVersionsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListVersionsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListVersionsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListVersionsRequest) Reset

func (x *ListVersionsRequest) Reset()

func (*ListVersionsRequest) String

func (x *ListVersionsRequest) String() string


type ListVersionsResponse struct {

	// A list of versions. There will be a maximum number of items returned based
	// on the page_size field in the request. The list may in some cases be empty
	// or contain fewer entries than page_size even if this isn't the last page.
	Versions []*Version `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=versions,proto3" json:"versions,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Versions.ListVersions][].

func (*ListVersionsResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListVersionsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListVersionsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListVersionsResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListVersionsResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListVersionsResponse) GetVersions

func (x *ListVersionsResponse) GetVersions() []*Version

func (*ListVersionsResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListVersionsResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListVersionsResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListVersionsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListVersionsResponse) Reset

func (x *ListVersionsResponse) Reset()

func (*ListVersionsResponse) String

func (x *ListVersionsResponse) String() string


type ListWebhooksRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to list all webhooks for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Webhooks.ListWebhooks][].

func (*ListWebhooksRequest) Descriptor

func (*ListWebhooksRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListWebhooksRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListWebhooksRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *ListWebhooksRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*ListWebhooksRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *ListWebhooksRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*ListWebhooksRequest) GetParent

func (x *ListWebhooksRequest) GetParent() string

func (*ListWebhooksRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ListWebhooksRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListWebhooksRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListWebhooksRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListWebhooksRequest) Reset

func (x *ListWebhooksRequest) Reset()

func (*ListWebhooksRequest) String

func (x *ListWebhooksRequest) String() string


type ListWebhooksResponse struct {

	// The list of webhooks. There will be a maximum number of items returned
	// based on the page_size field in the request.
	Webhooks []*Webhook `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=webhooks,proto3" json:"webhooks,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Webhooks.ListWebhooks][].

func (*ListWebhooksResponse) Descriptor

func (*ListWebhooksResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ListWebhooksResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ListWebhooksResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *ListWebhooksResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*ListWebhooksResponse) GetWebhooks

func (x *ListWebhooksResponse) GetWebhooks() []*Webhook

func (*ListWebhooksResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*ListWebhooksResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*ListWebhooksResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *ListWebhooksResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ListWebhooksResponse) Reset

func (x *ListWebhooksResponse) Reset()

func (*ListWebhooksResponse) String

func (x *ListWebhooksResponse) String() string


type LoadVersionRequest struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	AllowOverrideAgentResources bool "" /* 147 byte string literal not displayed */


The request message for [Versions.LoadVersion][].

func (*LoadVersionRequest) Descriptor

func (*LoadVersionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use LoadVersionRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*LoadVersionRequest) GetAllowOverrideAgentResources

func (x *LoadVersionRequest) GetAllowOverrideAgentResources() bool

func (*LoadVersionRequest) GetName

func (x *LoadVersionRequest) GetName() string

func (*LoadVersionRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*LoadVersionRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*LoadVersionRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *LoadVersionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*LoadVersionRequest) Reset

func (x *LoadVersionRequest) Reset()

func (*LoadVersionRequest) String

func (x *LoadVersionRequest) String() string


type LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest struct {

	// Required. Resource name of the environment to look up the history for.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Environments.LookupEnvironmentHistory][].

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) Descriptor

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) GetName

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) GetPageSize

func (x *LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) GetPageSize() int32

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) GetPageToken

func (x *LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) GetPageToken() string

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) Reset

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryRequest) String


type LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse struct {

	// Represents a list of snapshots for an environment. Time of the snapshots is
	// stored in
	// [`update_time`][].
	Environments []*Environment `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=environments,proto3" json:"environments,omitempty"`
	// Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more
	// results in the list.
	NextPageToken string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=next_page_token,json=nextPageToken,proto3" json:"next_page_token,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Environments.LookupEnvironmentHistory][].

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) Descriptor

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) GetEnvironments

func (x *LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) GetEnvironments() []*Environment

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) GetNextPageToken

func (x *LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) GetNextPageToken() string

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) Reset

func (*LookupEnvironmentHistoryResponse) String


type Match struct {
	Intent *Intent `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=intent,proto3" json:"intent,omitempty"`

	Event string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=event,proto3" json:"event,omitempty"`

	Parameters *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=parameters,proto3" json:"parameters,omitempty"`

	ResolvedInput string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=resolved_input,json=resolvedInput,proto3" json:"resolved_input,omitempty"`

	MatchType Match_MatchType "" /* 145 byte string literal not displayed */

	Confidence float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,5,opt,name=confidence,proto3" json:"confidence,omitempty"`


Represents one match result of [MatchIntent][].

func (*Match) Descriptor

func (*Match) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Match.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Match) GetConfidence

func (x *Match) GetConfidence() float32

func (*Match) GetEvent

func (x *Match) GetEvent() string

func (*Match) GetIntent

func (x *Match) GetIntent() *Intent

func (*Match) GetMatchType

func (x *Match) GetMatchType() Match_MatchType

func (*Match) GetParameters

func (x *Match) GetParameters() *structpb.Struct

func (*Match) GetResolvedInput

func (x *Match) GetResolvedInput() string

func (*Match) ProtoMessage

func (*Match) ProtoMessage()

func (*Match) ProtoReflect

func (x *Match) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Match) Reset

func (x *Match) Reset()

func (*Match) String

func (x *Match) String() string


type MatchIntentRequest struct {
	Session string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=session,proto3" json:"session,omitempty"`

	QueryParams *QueryParameters `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=query_params,json=queryParams,proto3" json:"query_params,omitempty"`

	QueryInput *QueryInput `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=query_input,json=queryInput,proto3" json:"query_input,omitempty"`

	PersistParameterChanges bool "" /* 133 byte string literal not displayed */


Request of [MatchIntent][].

func (*MatchIntentRequest) Descriptor

func (*MatchIntentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use MatchIntentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*MatchIntentRequest) GetPersistParameterChanges

func (x *MatchIntentRequest) GetPersistParameterChanges() bool

func (*MatchIntentRequest) GetQueryInput

func (x *MatchIntentRequest) GetQueryInput() *QueryInput

func (*MatchIntentRequest) GetQueryParams

func (x *MatchIntentRequest) GetQueryParams() *QueryParameters

func (*MatchIntentRequest) GetSession

func (x *MatchIntentRequest) GetSession() string

func (*MatchIntentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*MatchIntentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*MatchIntentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *MatchIntentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*MatchIntentRequest) Reset

func (x *MatchIntentRequest) Reset()

func (*MatchIntentRequest) String

func (x *MatchIntentRequest) String() string


type MatchIntentResponse struct {

	// The original conversational query.
	// Types that are assignable to Query:
	//	*MatchIntentResponse_Text
	//	*MatchIntentResponse_TriggerIntent
	//	*MatchIntentResponse_Transcript
	//	*MatchIntentResponse_TriggerEvent
	Query isMatchIntentResponse_Query `protobuf_oneof:"query"`
	// Match results, if more than one, ordered descendingly by the confidence
	// we have that the particular intent matches the query.
	Matches []*Match `protobuf:"bytes,4,rep,name=matches,proto3" json:"matches,omitempty"`
	// The current [Page][]. Some, not all
	// fields are filled in this message, including but not limited to `name` and
	// `display_name`.
	CurrentPage *Page `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=current_page,json=currentPage,proto3" json:"current_page,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Response of [MatchIntent][].

func (*MatchIntentResponse) Descriptor

func (*MatchIntentResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use MatchIntentResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*MatchIntentResponse) GetCurrentPage

func (x *MatchIntentResponse) GetCurrentPage() *Page

func (*MatchIntentResponse) GetMatches

func (x *MatchIntentResponse) GetMatches() []*Match

func (*MatchIntentResponse) GetQuery

func (m *MatchIntentResponse) GetQuery() isMatchIntentResponse_Query

func (*MatchIntentResponse) GetText

func (x *MatchIntentResponse) GetText() string

func (*MatchIntentResponse) GetTranscript

func (x *MatchIntentResponse) GetTranscript() string

func (*MatchIntentResponse) GetTriggerEvent

func (x *MatchIntentResponse) GetTriggerEvent() string

func (*MatchIntentResponse) GetTriggerIntent

func (x *MatchIntentResponse) GetTriggerIntent() string

func (*MatchIntentResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*MatchIntentResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*MatchIntentResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *MatchIntentResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*MatchIntentResponse) Reset

func (x *MatchIntentResponse) Reset()

func (*MatchIntentResponse) String

func (x *MatchIntentResponse) String() string


type MatchIntentResponse_Text struct {
	// If [natural language text][]
	// was provided as input, this field will contain a copy of the text.
	Text string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=text,proto3,oneof"`


type MatchIntentResponse_Transcript struct {
	// If [natural language speech
	// audio][] was provided as
	// input, this field will contain the transcript for the audio.
	Transcript string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=transcript,proto3,oneof"`


type MatchIntentResponse_TriggerEvent struct {
	// If an [event][] was provided
	// as input, this field will contain a copy of the event name.
	TriggerEvent string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=trigger_event,json=triggerEvent,proto3,oneof"`


type MatchIntentResponse_TriggerIntent struct {
	// If an [intent][] was
	// provided as input, this field will contain a copy of the intent
	// identifier. Format: `projects/


type Match_MatchType int32

Type of a Match.


const (
	// Not specified. Should never be used.
	Match_MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Match_MatchType = 0
	// The query was matched to an intent.
	Match_INTENT Match_MatchType = 1
	// The query directly triggered an intent.
	Match_DIRECT_INTENT Match_MatchType = 2
	// The query was used for parameter filling.
	Match_PARAMETER_FILLING Match_MatchType = 3
	// No match was found for the query.
	Match_NO_MATCH Match_MatchType = 4
	// Indicates an empty query.
	Match_NO_INPUT Match_MatchType = 5
	// The query directly triggered an event.
	Match_EVENT Match_MatchType = 6

func (Match_MatchType) Descriptor

func (Match_MatchType) Enum

func (x Match_MatchType) Enum() *Match_MatchType

func (Match_MatchType) EnumDescriptor

func (Match_MatchType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Match_MatchType.Descriptor instead.

func (Match_MatchType) Number

func (Match_MatchType) String

func (x Match_MatchType) String() string

func (Match_MatchType) Type


type NluSettings struct {
	ModelType NluSettings_ModelType "" /* 151 byte string literal not displayed */

	ClassificationThreshold float32 "" /* 132 byte string literal not displayed */

	ModelTrainingMode NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode "" /* 185 byte string literal not displayed */


Settings related to NLU.

func (*NluSettings) Descriptor

func (*NluSettings) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use NluSettings.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*NluSettings) GetClassificationThreshold

func (x *NluSettings) GetClassificationThreshold() float32

func (*NluSettings) GetModelTrainingMode

func (x *NluSettings) GetModelTrainingMode() NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode

func (*NluSettings) GetModelType

func (x *NluSettings) GetModelType() NluSettings_ModelType

func (*NluSettings) ProtoMessage

func (*NluSettings) ProtoMessage()

func (*NluSettings) ProtoReflect

func (x *NluSettings) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*NluSettings) Reset

func (x *NluSettings) Reset()

func (*NluSettings) String

func (x *NluSettings) String() string


type NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode int32

NLU model training mode.


const (
	// Not specified. `MODEL_TRAINING_MODE_AUTOMATIC` will be used.
	NluSettings_MODEL_TRAINING_MODE_UNSPECIFIED NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode = 0
	// NLU model training is automatically triggered when a flow gets modified.
	// User can also manually trigger model training in this mode.
	NluSettings_MODEL_TRAINING_MODE_AUTOMATIC NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode = 1
	// User needs to manually trigger NLU model training. Best for large flows
	// whose models take long time to train.
	NluSettings_MODEL_TRAINING_MODE_MANUAL NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode = 2

func (NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode) Descriptor

func (NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode) Enum

func (NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode) EnumDescriptor

func (NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode.Descriptor instead.

func (NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode) Number

func (NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode) String

func (NluSettings_ModelTrainingMode) Type


type NluSettings_ModelType int32

NLU model type.


const (
	// Not specified. `MODEL_TYPE_STANDARD` will be used.
	NluSettings_MODEL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED NluSettings_ModelType = 0
	// Use standard NLU model.
	NluSettings_MODEL_TYPE_STANDARD NluSettings_ModelType = 1
	// Use advanced NLU model.
	NluSettings_MODEL_TYPE_ADVANCED NluSettings_ModelType = 3

func (NluSettings_ModelType) Descriptor

func (NluSettings_ModelType) Enum

func (NluSettings_ModelType) EnumDescriptor

func (NluSettings_ModelType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use NluSettings_ModelType.Descriptor instead.

func (NluSettings_ModelType) Number

func (NluSettings_ModelType) String

func (x NluSettings_ModelType) String() string

func (NluSettings_ModelType) Type


type OutputAudioConfig struct {
	AudioEncoding OutputAudioEncoding "" /* 161 byte string literal not displayed */

	SampleRateHertz int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=sample_rate_hertz,json=sampleRateHertz,proto3" json:"sample_rate_hertz,omitempty"`

	SynthesizeSpeechConfig *SynthesizeSpeechConfig "" /* 129 byte string literal not displayed */


Instructs the speech synthesizer how to generate the output audio content.

func (*OutputAudioConfig) Descriptor

func (*OutputAudioConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use OutputAudioConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*OutputAudioConfig) GetAudioEncoding

func (x *OutputAudioConfig) GetAudioEncoding() OutputAudioEncoding

func (*OutputAudioConfig) GetSampleRateHertz

func (x *OutputAudioConfig) GetSampleRateHertz() int32

func (*OutputAudioConfig) GetSynthesizeSpeechConfig

func (x *OutputAudioConfig) GetSynthesizeSpeechConfig() *SynthesizeSpeechConfig

func (*OutputAudioConfig) ProtoMessage

func (*OutputAudioConfig) ProtoMessage()

func (*OutputAudioConfig) ProtoReflect

func (x *OutputAudioConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*OutputAudioConfig) Reset

func (x *OutputAudioConfig) Reset()

func (*OutputAudioConfig) String

func (x *OutputAudioConfig) String() string


type OutputAudioEncoding int32

Audio encoding of the output audio format in Text-To-Speech.


const (
	// Not specified.
	OutputAudioEncoding_OUTPUT_AUDIO_ENCODING_UNSPECIFIED OutputAudioEncoding = 0
	// Uncompressed 16-bit signed little-endian samples (Linear PCM).
	// Audio content returned as LINEAR16 also contains a WAV header.
	OutputAudioEncoding_OUTPUT_AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR_16 OutputAudioEncoding = 1
	// MP3 audio at 32kbps.
	OutputAudioEncoding_OUTPUT_AUDIO_ENCODING_MP3 OutputAudioEncoding = 2
	// MP3 audio at 64kbps.
	OutputAudioEncoding_OUTPUT_AUDIO_ENCODING_MP3_64_KBPS OutputAudioEncoding = 4
	// Opus encoded audio wrapped in an ogg container. The result will be a
	// file which can be played natively on Android, and in browsers (at least
	// Chrome and Firefox). The quality of the encoding is considerably higher
	// than MP3 while using approximately the same bitrate.
	OutputAudioEncoding_OUTPUT_AUDIO_ENCODING_OGG_OPUS OutputAudioEncoding = 3
	// 8-bit samples that compand 14-bit audio samples using G.711 PCMU/mu-law.
	OutputAudioEncoding_OUTPUT_AUDIO_ENCODING_MULAW OutputAudioEncoding = 5

func (OutputAudioEncoding) Descriptor

func (OutputAudioEncoding) Enum

func (OutputAudioEncoding) EnumDescriptor

func (OutputAudioEncoding) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use OutputAudioEncoding.Descriptor instead.

func (OutputAudioEncoding) Number

func (OutputAudioEncoding) String

func (x OutputAudioEncoding) String() string

func (OutputAudioEncoding) Type


type Page struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`

	EntryFulfillment *Fulfillment `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=entry_fulfillment,json=entryFulfillment,proto3" json:"entry_fulfillment,omitempty"`

	Form *Form `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=form,proto3" json:"form,omitempty"`

	TransitionRouteGroups []string "" /* 127 byte string literal not displayed */

	TransitionRoutes []*TransitionRoute `protobuf:"bytes,9,rep,name=transition_routes,json=transitionRoutes,proto3" json:"transition_routes,omitempty"`

	EventHandlers []*EventHandler `protobuf:"bytes,10,rep,name=event_handlers,json=eventHandlers,proto3" json:"event_handlers,omitempty"`


A Dialogflow CX conversation (session) can be described and visualized as a state machine. The states of a CX session are represented by pages.

For each flow, you define many pages, where your combined pages can handle a complete conversation on the topics the flow is designed for. At any given moment, exactly one page is the current page, the current page is considered active, and the flow associated with that page is considered active. Every flow has a special start page. When a flow initially becomes active, the start page page becomes the current page. For each conversational turn, the current page will either stay the same or transition to another page.

You configure each page to collect information from the end-user that is relevant for the conversational state represented by the page.

For more information, see the Page guide.

func (*Page) Descriptor

func (*Page) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Page.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Page) GetDisplayName

func (x *Page) GetDisplayName() string

func (*Page) GetEntryFulfillment

func (x *Page) GetEntryFulfillment() *Fulfillment

func (*Page) GetEventHandlers

func (x *Page) GetEventHandlers() []*EventHandler

func (*Page) GetForm

func (x *Page) GetForm() *Form

func (*Page) GetName

func (x *Page) GetName() string

func (*Page) GetTransitionRouteGroups

func (x *Page) GetTransitionRouteGroups() []string

func (*Page) GetTransitionRoutes

func (x *Page) GetTransitionRoutes() []*TransitionRoute

func (*Page) ProtoMessage

func (*Page) ProtoMessage()

func (*Page) ProtoReflect

func (x *Page) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Page) Reset

func (x *Page) Reset()

func (*Page) String

func (x *Page) String() string


type PageInfo struct {

	// Always present for
	// [WebhookRequest][].
	// Ignored for
	// [WebhookResponse][]. The
	// unique identifier of the current page. Format: `projects/

Represents page information communicated to and from the webhook.

func (*PageInfo) Descriptor

func (*PageInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use PageInfo.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*PageInfo) GetCurrentPage

func (x *PageInfo) GetCurrentPage() string

func (*PageInfo) GetDisplayName

func (x *PageInfo) GetDisplayName() string

func (*PageInfo) GetFormInfo

func (x *PageInfo) GetFormInfo() *PageInfo_FormInfo

func (*PageInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*PageInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*PageInfo) ProtoReflect

func (x *PageInfo) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*PageInfo) Reset

func (x *PageInfo) Reset()

func (*PageInfo) String

func (x *PageInfo) String() string


type PageInfo_FormInfo struct {

	// Optional for both
	// [WebhookRequest][] and
	// [WebhookResponse][].
	// The parameters contained in the form. Note that the webhook cannot add
	// or remove any form parameter.
	ParameterInfo []*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=parameter_info,json=parameterInfo,proto3" json:"parameter_info,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents form information.

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo) Descriptor

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use PageInfo_FormInfo.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo) GetParameterInfo

func (x *PageInfo_FormInfo) GetParameterInfo() []*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo) ProtoReflect

func (x *PageInfo_FormInfo) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo) Reset

func (x *PageInfo_FormInfo) Reset()

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo) String

func (x *PageInfo_FormInfo) String() string


type PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo struct {
	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`

	Required bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=required,proto3" json:"required,omitempty"`

	State PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState "" /* 151 byte string literal not displayed */

	Value *structpb.Value `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=value,proto3" json:"value,omitempty"`

	JustCollected bool `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=just_collected,json=justCollected,proto3" json:"just_collected,omitempty"`


Represents parameter information.

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) Descriptor

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) GetDisplayName

func (x *PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) GetDisplayName() string

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) GetJustCollected

func (x *PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) GetJustCollected() bool

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) GetRequired

func (x *PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) GetRequired() bool

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) GetState

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) GetValue

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) ProtoReflect

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) Reset

func (*PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo) String


type PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState int32

Represents the state of a parameter.

PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_PARAMETER_STATE_UNSPECIFIED, PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_EMPTY, PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_INVALID, PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_FILLED

const (
	// Not specified. This value should be never used.
	PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_PARAMETER_STATE_UNSPECIFIED PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState = 0
	// Indicates that the parameter does not have a value.
	PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_EMPTY PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState = 1
	// Indicates that the parameter value is invalid. This field can be used
	// by the webhook to invalidate the parameter and ask the server to
	// collect it from the user again.
	PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_INVALID PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState = 2
	// Indicates that the parameter has a value.
	PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_FILLED PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState = 3

func (PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState) Descriptor

func (PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState) Enum

func (PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState) EnumDescriptor

Deprecated: Use PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState.Descriptor instead.

func (PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState) Number

func (PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState) String

func (PageInfo_FormInfo_ParameterInfo_ParameterState) Type


type PagesClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all pages in the specified flow.
	ListPages(ctx context.Context, in *ListPagesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListPagesResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified page.
	GetPage(ctx context.Context, in *GetPageRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Page, error)
	// Creates a page in the specified flow.
	CreatePage(ctx context.Context, in *CreatePageRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Page, error)
	// Updates the specified page.
	UpdatePage(ctx context.Context, in *UpdatePageRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Page, error)
	// Deletes the specified page.
	DeletePage(ctx context.Context, in *DeletePageRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

PagesClient is the client API for Pages service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewPagesClient

func NewPagesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) PagesClient


type PagesServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all pages in the specified flow.
	ListPages(context.Context, *ListPagesRequest) (*ListPagesResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified page.
	GetPage(context.Context, *GetPageRequest) (*Page, error)
	// Creates a page in the specified flow.
	CreatePage(context.Context, *CreatePageRequest) (*Page, error)
	// Updates the specified page.
	UpdatePage(context.Context, *UpdatePageRequest) (*Page, error)
	// Deletes the specified page.
	DeletePage(context.Context, *DeletePageRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

PagesServer is the server API for Pages service.


type QueryInput struct {

	// Required. The input specification.
	// Types that are assignable to Input:
	//	*QueryInput_Text
	//	*QueryInput_Intent
	//	*QueryInput_Audio
	//	*QueryInput_Event
	//	*QueryInput_Dtmf
	Input isQueryInput_Input `protobuf_oneof:"input"`
	// Required. The language of the input. See [Language
	// Support](
	// for a list of the currently supported language codes. Note that queries in
	// the same session do not necessarily need to specify the same language.
	LanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=language_code,json=languageCode,proto3" json:"language_code,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents the query input. It can contain one of:

  1. A conversational query in the form of text.

  2. An intent query that specifies which intent to trigger.

  3. Natural language speech audio to be processed.

  4. An event to be triggered.

  5. DTMF digits to invoke an intent and fill in parameter value.

func (*QueryInput) Descriptor

func (*QueryInput) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use QueryInput.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*QueryInput) GetAudio

func (x *QueryInput) GetAudio() *AudioInput

func (*QueryInput) GetDtmf

func (x *QueryInput) GetDtmf() *DtmfInput

func (*QueryInput) GetEvent

func (x *QueryInput) GetEvent() *EventInput

func (*QueryInput) GetInput

func (m *QueryInput) GetInput() isQueryInput_Input

func (*QueryInput) GetIntent

func (x *QueryInput) GetIntent() *IntentInput

func (*QueryInput) GetLanguageCode

func (x *QueryInput) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*QueryInput) GetText

func (x *QueryInput) GetText() *TextInput

func (*QueryInput) ProtoMessage

func (*QueryInput) ProtoMessage()

func (*QueryInput) ProtoReflect

func (x *QueryInput) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*QueryInput) Reset

func (x *QueryInput) Reset()

func (*QueryInput) String

func (x *QueryInput) String() string


type QueryInput_Audio struct {
	// The natural language speech audio to be processed.
	Audio *AudioInput `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=audio,proto3,oneof"`


type QueryInput_Dtmf struct {
	// The DTMF event to be handled.
	Dtmf *DtmfInput `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=dtmf,proto3,oneof"`


type QueryInput_Event struct {
	// The event to be triggered.
	Event *EventInput `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=event,proto3,oneof"`


type QueryInput_Intent struct {
	// The intent to be triggered.
	Intent *IntentInput `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=intent,proto3,oneof"`


type QueryInput_Text struct {
	// The natural language text to be processed.
	Text *TextInput `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=text,proto3,oneof"`


type QueryParameters struct {
	TimeZone string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=time_zone,json=timeZone,proto3" json:"time_zone,omitempty"`

	GeoLocation *latlng.LatLng `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=geo_location,json=geoLocation,proto3" json:"geo_location,omitempty"`

	SessionEntityTypes []*SessionEntityType `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=session_entity_types,json=sessionEntityTypes,proto3" json:"session_entity_types,omitempty"`

	Payload *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=payload,proto3" json:"payload,omitempty"`

	Parameters *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=parameters,proto3" json:"parameters,omitempty"`

	CurrentPage string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=current_page,json=currentPage,proto3" json:"current_page,omitempty"`

	DisableWebhook bool `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=disable_webhook,json=disableWebhook,proto3" json:"disable_webhook,omitempty"`

	AnalyzeQueryTextSentiment bool "" /* 141 byte string literal not displayed */

	WebhookHeaders map[string]string "" /* 192 byte string literal not displayed */

	FlowVersions []string `protobuf:"bytes,14,rep,name=flow_versions,json=flowVersions,proto3" json:"flow_versions,omitempty"`

	Channel string `protobuf:"bytes,15,opt,name=channel,proto3" json:"channel,omitempty"`

	SessionTtl *durationpb.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,16,opt,name=session_ttl,json=sessionTtl,proto3" json:"session_ttl,omitempty"`


Represents the parameters of a conversational query.

func (*QueryParameters) Descriptor

func (*QueryParameters) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use QueryParameters.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*QueryParameters) GetAnalyzeQueryTextSentiment

func (x *QueryParameters) GetAnalyzeQueryTextSentiment() bool

func (*QueryParameters) GetChannel

func (x *QueryParameters) GetChannel() string

func (*QueryParameters) GetCurrentPage

func (x *QueryParameters) GetCurrentPage() string

func (*QueryParameters) GetDisableWebhook

func (x *QueryParameters) GetDisableWebhook() bool

func (*QueryParameters) GetFlowVersions

func (x *QueryParameters) GetFlowVersions() []string

func (*QueryParameters) GetGeoLocation

func (x *QueryParameters) GetGeoLocation() *latlng.LatLng

func (*QueryParameters) GetParameters

func (x *QueryParameters) GetParameters() *structpb.Struct

func (*QueryParameters) GetPayload

func (x *QueryParameters) GetPayload() *structpb.Struct

func (*QueryParameters) GetSessionEntityTypes

func (x *QueryParameters) GetSessionEntityTypes() []*SessionEntityType

func (*QueryParameters) GetSessionTtl

func (x *QueryParameters) GetSessionTtl() *durationpb.Duration

func (*QueryParameters) GetTimeZone

func (x *QueryParameters) GetTimeZone() string

func (*QueryParameters) GetWebhookHeaders

func (x *QueryParameters) GetWebhookHeaders() map[string]string

func (*QueryParameters) ProtoMessage

func (*QueryParameters) ProtoMessage()

func (*QueryParameters) ProtoReflect

func (x *QueryParameters) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*QueryParameters) Reset

func (x *QueryParameters) Reset()

func (*QueryParameters) String

func (x *QueryParameters) String() string


type QueryResult struct {
	Query isQueryResult_Query `protobuf_oneof:"query"`

	LanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=language_code,json=languageCode,proto3" json:"language_code,omitempty"`

	Parameters *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=parameters,proto3" json:"parameters,omitempty"`

	ResponseMessages []*ResponseMessage `protobuf:"bytes,4,rep,name=response_messages,json=responseMessages,proto3" json:"response_messages,omitempty"`

	WebhookStatuses []*status.Status `protobuf:"bytes,13,rep,name=webhook_statuses,json=webhookStatuses,proto3" json:"webhook_statuses,omitempty"`

	WebhookPayloads []*structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,6,rep,name=webhook_payloads,json=webhookPayloads,proto3" json:"webhook_payloads,omitempty"`

	CurrentPage *Page `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=current_page,json=currentPage,proto3" json:"current_page,omitempty"`

	Intent *Intent `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=intent,proto3" json:"intent,omitempty"`

	IntentDetectionConfidence float32 "" /* 140 byte string literal not displayed */

	Match *Match `protobuf:"bytes,15,opt,name=match,proto3" json:"match,omitempty"`

	DiagnosticInfo *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=diagnostic_info,json=diagnosticInfo,proto3" json:"diagnostic_info,omitempty"`

	SentimentAnalysisResult *SentimentAnalysisResult "" /* 133 byte string literal not displayed */


Represents the result of a conversational query.

func (*QueryResult) Descriptor

func (*QueryResult) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use QueryResult.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*QueryResult) GetCurrentPage

func (x *QueryResult) GetCurrentPage() *Page

func (*QueryResult) GetDiagnosticInfo

func (x *QueryResult) GetDiagnosticInfo() *structpb.Struct

func (*QueryResult) GetDtmf

func (x *QueryResult) GetDtmf() *DtmfInput

func (*QueryResult) GetIntent

func (x *QueryResult) GetIntent() *Intent

Deprecated: Marked as deprecated in google/cloud/dialogflow/cx/v3beta1/session.proto.

func (*QueryResult) GetIntentDetectionConfidence

func (x *QueryResult) GetIntentDetectionConfidence() float32

Deprecated: Marked as deprecated in google/cloud/dialogflow/cx/v3beta1/session.proto.

func (*QueryResult) GetLanguageCode

func (x *QueryResult) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*QueryResult) GetMatch

func (x *QueryResult) GetMatch() *Match

func (*QueryResult) GetParameters

func (x *QueryResult) GetParameters() *structpb.Struct

func (*QueryResult) GetQuery

func (m *QueryResult) GetQuery() isQueryResult_Query

func (*QueryResult) GetResponseMessages

func (x *QueryResult) GetResponseMessages() []*ResponseMessage

func (*QueryResult) GetSentimentAnalysisResult

func (x *QueryResult) GetSentimentAnalysisResult() *SentimentAnalysisResult

func (*QueryResult) GetText

func (x *QueryResult) GetText() string

func (*QueryResult) GetTranscript

func (x *QueryResult) GetTranscript() string

func (*QueryResult) GetTriggerEvent

func (x *QueryResult) GetTriggerEvent() string

func (*QueryResult) GetTriggerIntent

func (x *QueryResult) GetTriggerIntent() string

func (*QueryResult) GetWebhookPayloads

func (x *QueryResult) GetWebhookPayloads() []*structpb.Struct

func (*QueryResult) GetWebhookStatuses

func (x *QueryResult) GetWebhookStatuses() []*status.Status

func (*QueryResult) ProtoMessage

func (*QueryResult) ProtoMessage()

func (*QueryResult) ProtoReflect

func (x *QueryResult) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*QueryResult) Reset

func (x *QueryResult) Reset()

func (*QueryResult) String

func (x *QueryResult) String() string


type QueryResult_Dtmf struct {
	// If a [DTMF][] was provided as
	// input, this field will contain a copy of the
	// [DtmfInput][].
	Dtmf *DtmfInput `protobuf:"bytes,23,opt,name=dtmf,proto3,oneof"`


type QueryResult_Text struct {
	// If [natural language text][]
	// was provided as input, this field will contain a copy of the text.
	Text string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=text,proto3,oneof"`


type QueryResult_Transcript struct {
	// If [natural language speech
	// audio][] was provided as
	// input, this field will contain the transcript for the audio.
	Transcript string `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=transcript,proto3,oneof"`


type QueryResult_TriggerEvent struct {
	// If an [event][] was provided
	// as input, this field will contain the name of the event.
	TriggerEvent string `protobuf:"bytes,14,opt,name=trigger_event,json=triggerEvent,proto3,oneof"`


type QueryResult_TriggerIntent struct {
	// If an [intent][] was
	// provided as input, this field will contain a copy of the intent
	// identifier. Format: `projects/


type ResourceName struct {

	// Name.
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Display name.
	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Resource name and display name.

func (*ResourceName) Descriptor

func (*ResourceName) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResourceName.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResourceName) GetDisplayName

func (x *ResourceName) GetDisplayName() string

func (*ResourceName) GetName

func (x *ResourceName) GetName() string

func (*ResourceName) ProtoMessage

func (*ResourceName) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResourceName) ProtoReflect

func (x *ResourceName) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ResourceName) Reset

func (x *ResourceName) Reset()

func (*ResourceName) String

func (x *ResourceName) String() string


type ResponseMessage struct {

	// Required. The rich response message.
	// Types that are assignable to Message:
	//	*ResponseMessage_Text_
	//	*ResponseMessage_Payload
	//	*ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess_
	//	*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText_
	//	*ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff_
	//	*ResponseMessage_EndInteraction_
	//	*ResponseMessage_PlayAudio_
	//	*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_
	//	*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall_
	Message isResponseMessage_Message `protobuf_oneof:"message"`
	// The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the
	// channel via
	// [][],
	// and only associated channel response will be returned.
	Channel string `protobuf:"bytes,19,opt,name=channel,proto3" json:"channel,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents a response message that can be returned by a conversational agent.

Response messages are also used for output audio synthesis. The approach is as follows:

  • If at least one OutputAudioText response is present, then all OutputAudioText responses are linearly concatenated, and the result is used for output audio synthesis.
  • If the OutputAudioText responses are a mixture of text and SSML, then the concatenated result is treated as SSML; otherwise, the result is treated as either text or SSML as appropriate. The agent designer should ideally use either text or SSML consistently throughout the bot design.
  • Otherwise, all Text responses are linearly concatenated, and the result is used for output audio synthesis.

This approach allows for more sophisticated user experience scenarios, where the text displayed to the user may differ from what is heard.

func (*ResponseMessage) Descriptor

func (*ResponseMessage) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResponseMessage.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResponseMessage) GetChannel

func (x *ResponseMessage) GetChannel() string

func (*ResponseMessage) GetConversationSuccess

func (x *ResponseMessage) GetConversationSuccess() *ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess

func (*ResponseMessage) GetEndInteraction

func (x *ResponseMessage) GetEndInteraction() *ResponseMessage_EndInteraction

func (*ResponseMessage) GetLiveAgentHandoff

func (x *ResponseMessage) GetLiveAgentHandoff() *ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff

func (*ResponseMessage) GetMessage

func (m *ResponseMessage) GetMessage() isResponseMessage_Message

func (*ResponseMessage) GetMixedAudio

func (x *ResponseMessage) GetMixedAudio() *ResponseMessage_MixedAudio

func (*ResponseMessage) GetOutputAudioText

func (x *ResponseMessage) GetOutputAudioText() *ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText

func (*ResponseMessage) GetPayload

func (x *ResponseMessage) GetPayload() *structpb.Struct

func (*ResponseMessage) GetPlayAudio

func (x *ResponseMessage) GetPlayAudio() *ResponseMessage_PlayAudio

func (*ResponseMessage) GetTelephonyTransferCall

func (x *ResponseMessage) GetTelephonyTransferCall() *ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall

func (*ResponseMessage) GetText

func (x *ResponseMessage) GetText() *ResponseMessage_Text

func (*ResponseMessage) ProtoMessage

func (*ResponseMessage) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResponseMessage) ProtoReflect

func (x *ResponseMessage) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ResponseMessage) Reset

func (x *ResponseMessage) Reset()

func (*ResponseMessage) String

func (x *ResponseMessage) String() string


type ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess struct {

	// Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this.
	Metadata *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=metadata,proto3" json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.

Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return [ConversationSuccess][].

You may set this, for example:

  • In the [entry_fulfillment][] of a [Page][] if

      entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded.
    - In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer

func (*ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess) Descriptor

func (*ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess) GetMetadata

func (*ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess) ProtoMessage

func (*ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess) ProtoReflect

func (*ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess) Reset

func (*ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess) String


type ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess_ struct {
	// Indicates that the conversation succeeded.
	ConversationSuccess *ResponseMessage_ConversationSuccess `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=conversation_success,json=conversationSuccess,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_EndInteraction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Indicates that interaction with the Dialogflow agent has ended. This message is generated by Dialogflow only and not supposed to be defined by the user.

func (*ResponseMessage_EndInteraction) Descriptor

func (*ResponseMessage_EndInteraction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResponseMessage_EndInteraction.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResponseMessage_EndInteraction) ProtoMessage

func (*ResponseMessage_EndInteraction) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResponseMessage_EndInteraction) ProtoReflect

func (*ResponseMessage_EndInteraction) Reset

func (x *ResponseMessage_EndInteraction) Reset()

func (*ResponseMessage_EndInteraction) String


type ResponseMessage_EndInteraction_ struct {
	// Output only. A signal that indicates the interaction with the Dialogflow
	// agent has ended. This message is generated by Dialogflow only when the
	// conversation reaches `END_SESSION` page. It is not supposed to be defined
	// by the user.
	// It's guaranteed that there is at most one such message in each response.
	EndInteraction *ResponseMessage_EndInteraction `protobuf:"bytes,11,opt,name=end_interaction,json=endInteraction,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff struct {

	// Custom metadata for your handoff procedure. Dialogflow doesn't impose
	// any structure on this.
	Metadata *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=metadata,proto3" json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.

Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.

You may set this, for example:

  • In the [entry_fulfillment][] of a [Page][] if

      entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the
    - In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only
      be handled by a human.

func (*ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff) Descriptor

func (*ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff) GetMetadata

func (*ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff) ProtoMessage

func (*ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff) ProtoReflect

func (*ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff) Reset

func (*ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff) String


type ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff_ struct {
	// Hands off conversation to a human agent.
	LiveAgentHandoff *ResponseMessage_LiveAgentHandoff `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=live_agent_handoff,json=liveAgentHandoff,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_MixedAudio struct {

	// Segments this audio response is composed of.
	Segments []*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=segments,proto3" json:"segments,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents an audio message that is composed of both segments synthesized from the Dialogflow agent prompts and ones hosted externally at the specified URIs. The external URIs are specified via [play_audio][]. This message is generated by Dialogflow only and not supposed to be defined by the user.

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio) Descriptor

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResponseMessage_MixedAudio.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio) GetSegments

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio) ProtoMessage

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio) ProtoReflect

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio) Reset

func (x *ResponseMessage_MixedAudio) Reset()

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio) String

func (x *ResponseMessage_MixedAudio) String() string


type ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_ struct {
	// Output only. An audio response message composed of both the synthesized
	// Dialogflow agent responses and responses defined via
	// [play_audio][].
	// This message is generated by Dialogflow only and not supposed to be
	// defined by the user.
	MixedAudio *ResponseMessage_MixedAudio `protobuf:"bytes,13,opt,name=mixed_audio,json=mixedAudio,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment struct {
	Content isResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment_Content `protobuf_oneof:"content"`

	AllowPlaybackInterruption bool "" /* 139 byte string literal not displayed */


Represents one segment of audio.

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) Descriptor

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) GetAllowPlaybackInterruption

func (x *ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) GetAllowPlaybackInterruption() bool

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) GetAudio

func (x *ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) GetAudio() []byte

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) GetContent

func (m *ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) GetContent() isResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment_Content

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) GetUri

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) ProtoMessage

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) ProtoReflect

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) Reset

func (*ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment) String


type ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment_Audio struct {
	// Raw audio synthesized from the Dialogflow agent's response using
	// the output config specified in the request.
	Audio []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=audio,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_MixedAudio_Segment_Uri struct {
	// Client-specific URI that points to an audio clip accessible to the
	// client. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on it.
	Uri string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=uri,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText struct {
	Source isResponseMessage_OutputAudioText_Source `protobuf_oneof:"source"`

	AllowPlaybackInterruption bool "" /* 139 byte string literal not displayed */


A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message.

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) Descriptor

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) GetAllowPlaybackInterruption

func (x *ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) GetAllowPlaybackInterruption() bool

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) GetSource

func (m *ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) GetSource() isResponseMessage_OutputAudioText_Source

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) GetSsml

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) GetText

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) ProtoMessage

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) ProtoReflect

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) Reset

func (*ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText) String


type ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText_ struct {
	// A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio
	// synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message.
	OutputAudioText *ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=output_audio_text,json=outputAudioText,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText_Ssml struct {
	// The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see
	// [SSML](/speech/text-to-speech/docs/ssml).
	Ssml string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=ssml,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_OutputAudioText_Text struct {
	// The raw text to be synthesized.
	Text string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=text,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_Payload struct {
	// Returns a response containing a custom, platform-specific payload.
	Payload *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=payload,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_PlayAudio struct {
	AudioUri string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=audio_uri,json=audioUri,proto3" json:"audio_uri,omitempty"`

	AllowPlaybackInterruption bool "" /* 139 byte string literal not displayed */


Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response.

func (*ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) Descriptor

func (*ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResponseMessage_PlayAudio.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) GetAllowPlaybackInterruption

func (x *ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) GetAllowPlaybackInterruption() bool

func (*ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) GetAudioUri

func (x *ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) GetAudioUri() string

func (*ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) ProtoMessage

func (*ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) ProtoReflect

func (*ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) Reset

func (x *ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) Reset()

func (*ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) String

func (x *ResponseMessage_PlayAudio) String() string


type ResponseMessage_PlayAudio_ struct {
	// Signal that the client should play an audio clip hosted at a
	// client-specific URI. Dialogflow uses this to construct
	// [mixed_audio][].
	// However, Dialogflow itself does not try to read or process the URI in any
	// way.
	PlayAudio *ResponseMessage_PlayAudio `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=play_audio,json=playAudio,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall struct {

	// Endpoint to transfer the call to.
	// Types that are assignable to Endpoint:
	//	*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall_PhoneNumber
	Endpoint isResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall_Endpoint `protobuf_oneof:"endpoint"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint.

func (*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) Descriptor

func (*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) GetEndpoint

func (m *ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) GetEndpoint() isResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall_Endpoint

func (*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) GetPhoneNumber

func (x *ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) GetPhoneNumber() string

func (*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) ProtoMessage

func (*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) ProtoReflect

func (*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) Reset

func (*ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall) String


type ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall_ struct {
	// A signal that the client should transfer the phone call connected to
	// this agent to a third-party endpoint.
	TelephonyTransferCall *ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall `protobuf:"bytes,18,opt,name=telephony_transfer_call,json=telephonyTransferCall,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_TelephonyTransferCall_PhoneNumber struct {
	// Transfer the call to a phone number
	// in [E.164 format](
	PhoneNumber string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=phone_number,json=phoneNumber,proto3,oneof"`


type ResponseMessage_Text struct {
	Text []string `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=text,proto3" json:"text,omitempty"`

	AllowPlaybackInterruption bool "" /* 139 byte string literal not displayed */


The text response message.

func (*ResponseMessage_Text) Descriptor

func (*ResponseMessage_Text) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ResponseMessage_Text.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ResponseMessage_Text) GetAllowPlaybackInterruption

func (x *ResponseMessage_Text) GetAllowPlaybackInterruption() bool

func (*ResponseMessage_Text) GetText

func (x *ResponseMessage_Text) GetText() []string

func (*ResponseMessage_Text) ProtoMessage

func (*ResponseMessage_Text) ProtoMessage()

func (*ResponseMessage_Text) ProtoReflect

func (x *ResponseMessage_Text) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ResponseMessage_Text) Reset

func (x *ResponseMessage_Text) Reset()

func (*ResponseMessage_Text) String

func (x *ResponseMessage_Text) String() string


type ResponseMessage_Text_ struct {
	// Returns a text response.
	Text *ResponseMessage_Text `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=text,proto3,oneof"`


type RestoreAgentRequest struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	Agent isRestoreAgentRequest_Agent `protobuf_oneof:"agent"`

	RestoreOption RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption "" /* 175 byte string literal not displayed */


The request message for [Agents.RestoreAgent][].

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) Descriptor

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RestoreAgentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) GetAgent

func (m *RestoreAgentRequest) GetAgent() isRestoreAgentRequest_Agent

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) GetAgentContent

func (x *RestoreAgentRequest) GetAgentContent() []byte

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) GetAgentUri

func (x *RestoreAgentRequest) GetAgentUri() string

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) GetGitSource

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) GetName

func (x *RestoreAgentRequest) GetName() string

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) GetRestoreOption

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *RestoreAgentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) Reset

func (x *RestoreAgentRequest) Reset()

func (*RestoreAgentRequest) String

func (x *RestoreAgentRequest) String() string


type RestoreAgentRequest_AgentContent struct {
	// Uncompressed raw byte content for agent.
	AgentContent []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=agent_content,json=agentContent,proto3,oneof"`


type RestoreAgentRequest_AgentUri struct {
	// The [Google Cloud Storage]( URI
	// to restore agent from. The format of this URI must be
	// `gs://


type RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource struct {

	// tracking branch for the git pull
	TrackingBranch string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=tracking_branch,json=trackingBranch,proto3" json:"tracking_branch,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Settings for restoring from a git branch

func (*RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource) Descriptor

func (*RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource) GetTrackingBranch

func (x *RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource) GetTrackingBranch() string

func (*RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource) ProtoMessage

func (*RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource) ProtoMessage()

func (*RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource) ProtoReflect

func (*RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource) Reset

func (x *RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource) Reset()

func (*RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource) String


type RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource_ struct {
	// Setting for restoring from a git branch
	GitSource *RestoreAgentRequest_GitSource `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=git_source,json=gitSource,proto3,oneof"`


type RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption int32

Restore option.

RestoreAgentRequest_RESTORE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED, RestoreAgentRequest_KEEP, RestoreAgentRequest_FALLBACK

const (
	// Unspecified. Treated as KEEP.
	RestoreAgentRequest_RESTORE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption = 0
	// Always respect the settings from the exported agent file. It may cause
	// a restoration failure if some settings (e.g. model type) are not
	// supported in the target agent.
	RestoreAgentRequest_KEEP RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption = 1
	// Fallback to default settings if some settings are not supported in the
	// target agent.
	RestoreAgentRequest_FALLBACK RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption = 2

func (RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption) Descriptor

func (RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption) Enum

func (RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption) EnumDescriptor

func (RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption.Descriptor instead.

func (RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption) Number

func (RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption) String

func (RestoreAgentRequest_RestoreOption) Type


type RolloutConfig struct {

	// Steps to roll out a flow version. Steps should be sorted by percentage in
	// ascending order.
	RolloutSteps []*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=rollout_steps,json=rolloutSteps,proto3" json:"rollout_steps,omitempty"`
	// The conditions that are used to evaluate the success of a rollout
	// step. If not specified, all rollout steps will proceed to the next one
	// unless failure conditions are met. E.g. "containment_rate > 60% AND
	// callback_rate < 20%".="" see="" the="" [conditions="" reference]("" rolloutcondition="">string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=rollout_condition,json=rolloutCondition,proto3" json:"rollout_condition,omitempty"`
	// The conditions that are used to evaluate the failure of a rollout
	// step. If not specified, no rollout steps will fail. E.g. "containment_rate
	// < 10%="" or="" average_turn_count="">< 3".="" see="" the="" [conditions="" reference]("" failurecondition="">string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=failure_condition,json=failureCondition,proto3" json:"failure_condition,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The configuration for auto rollout.

func (*RolloutConfig) Descriptor

func (*RolloutConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RolloutConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RolloutConfig) GetFailureCondition

func (x *RolloutConfig) GetFailureCondition() string

func (*RolloutConfig) GetRolloutCondition

func (x *RolloutConfig) GetRolloutCondition() string

func (*RolloutConfig) GetRolloutSteps

func (x *RolloutConfig) GetRolloutSteps() []*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep

func (*RolloutConfig) ProtoMessage

func (*RolloutConfig) ProtoMessage()

func (*RolloutConfig) ProtoReflect

func (x *RolloutConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*RolloutConfig) Reset

func (x *RolloutConfig) Reset()

func (*RolloutConfig) String

func (x *RolloutConfig) String() string


type RolloutConfig_RolloutStep struct {

	// The name of the rollout step;
	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`
	// The percentage of traffic allocated to the flow version of this rollout
	// step. (0%, 100%].
	TrafficPercent int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=traffic_percent,json=trafficPercent,proto3" json:"traffic_percent,omitempty"`
	// The minimum time that this step should last. Should be longer than 1
	// hour. If not set, the default minimum duration for each step will be 1
	// hour.
	MinDuration *durationpb.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=min_duration,json=minDuration,proto3" json:"min_duration,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A single rollout step with specified traffic allocation.

func (*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) Descriptor

func (*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RolloutConfig_RolloutStep.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) GetDisplayName

func (x *RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) GetDisplayName() string

func (*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) GetMinDuration

func (x *RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) GetMinDuration() *durationpb.Duration

func (*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) GetTrafficPercent

func (x *RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) GetTrafficPercent() int32

func (*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) ProtoMessage

func (*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) ProtoMessage()

func (*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) ProtoReflect

func (*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) Reset

func (x *RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) Reset()

func (*RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) String

func (x *RolloutConfig_RolloutStep) String() string


type RolloutState struct {

	// Display name of the current auto rollout step.
	Step string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=step,proto3" json:"step,omitempty"`
	// Index of the current step in the auto rollout steps list.
	StepIndex int32 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=step_index,json=stepIndex,proto3" json:"step_index,omitempty"`
	// Start time of the current step.
	StartTime *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=start_time,json=startTime,proto3" json:"start_time,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

State of the auto-rollout process.

func (*RolloutState) Descriptor

func (*RolloutState) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RolloutState.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RolloutState) GetStartTime

func (x *RolloutState) GetStartTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*RolloutState) GetStep

func (x *RolloutState) GetStep() string

func (*RolloutState) GetStepIndex

func (x *RolloutState) GetStepIndex() int32

func (*RolloutState) ProtoMessage

func (*RolloutState) ProtoMessage()

func (*RolloutState) ProtoReflect

func (x *RolloutState) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*RolloutState) Reset

func (x *RolloutState) Reset()

func (*RolloutState) String

func (x *RolloutState) String() string


type RunContinuousTestMetadata struct {

	// The test errors.
	Errors []*TestError `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=errors,proto3" json:"errors,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Metadata returned for the [Environments.RunContinuousTest][] long running operation.

func (*RunContinuousTestMetadata) Descriptor

func (*RunContinuousTestMetadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RunContinuousTestMetadata.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RunContinuousTestMetadata) GetErrors

func (x *RunContinuousTestMetadata) GetErrors() []*TestError

func (*RunContinuousTestMetadata) ProtoMessage

func (*RunContinuousTestMetadata) ProtoMessage()

func (*RunContinuousTestMetadata) ProtoReflect

func (*RunContinuousTestMetadata) Reset

func (x *RunContinuousTestMetadata) Reset()

func (*RunContinuousTestMetadata) String

func (x *RunContinuousTestMetadata) String() string


type RunContinuousTestRequest struct {

	// Required. Format: `projects/

The request message for [Environments.RunContinuousTest][].

func (*RunContinuousTestRequest) Descriptor

func (*RunContinuousTestRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RunContinuousTestRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RunContinuousTestRequest) GetEnvironment

func (x *RunContinuousTestRequest) GetEnvironment() string

func (*RunContinuousTestRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*RunContinuousTestRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*RunContinuousTestRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *RunContinuousTestRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*RunContinuousTestRequest) Reset

func (x *RunContinuousTestRequest) Reset()

func (*RunContinuousTestRequest) String

func (x *RunContinuousTestRequest) String() string


type RunContinuousTestResponse struct {

	// The result for a continuous test run.
	ContinuousTestResult *ContinuousTestResult `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=continuous_test_result,json=continuousTestResult,proto3" json:"continuous_test_result,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [Environments.RunContinuousTest][].

func (*RunContinuousTestResponse) Descriptor

func (*RunContinuousTestResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RunContinuousTestResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RunContinuousTestResponse) GetContinuousTestResult

func (x *RunContinuousTestResponse) GetContinuousTestResult() *ContinuousTestResult

func (*RunContinuousTestResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*RunContinuousTestResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*RunContinuousTestResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*RunContinuousTestResponse) Reset

func (x *RunContinuousTestResponse) Reset()

func (*RunContinuousTestResponse) String

func (x *RunContinuousTestResponse) String() string


type RunTestCaseMetadata struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Metadata returned for the [TestCases.RunTestCase][] long running operation. This message currently has no fields.

func (*RunTestCaseMetadata) Descriptor

func (*RunTestCaseMetadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RunTestCaseMetadata.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RunTestCaseMetadata) ProtoMessage

func (*RunTestCaseMetadata) ProtoMessage()

func (*RunTestCaseMetadata) ProtoReflect

func (x *RunTestCaseMetadata) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*RunTestCaseMetadata) Reset

func (x *RunTestCaseMetadata) Reset()

func (*RunTestCaseMetadata) String

func (x *RunTestCaseMetadata) String() string


type RunTestCaseRequest struct {

	// Required. Format of test case name to run: `projects/

The request message for [TestCases.RunTestCase][].

func (*RunTestCaseRequest) Descriptor

func (*RunTestCaseRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RunTestCaseRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RunTestCaseRequest) GetEnvironment

func (x *RunTestCaseRequest) GetEnvironment() string

func (*RunTestCaseRequest) GetName

func (x *RunTestCaseRequest) GetName() string

func (*RunTestCaseRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*RunTestCaseRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*RunTestCaseRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *RunTestCaseRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*RunTestCaseRequest) Reset

func (x *RunTestCaseRequest) Reset()

func (*RunTestCaseRequest) String

func (x *RunTestCaseRequest) String() string


type RunTestCaseResponse struct {

	// The result.
	Result *TestCaseResult `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=result,proto3" json:"result,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for [TestCases.RunTestCase][].

func (*RunTestCaseResponse) Descriptor

func (*RunTestCaseResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use RunTestCaseResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*RunTestCaseResponse) GetResult

func (x *RunTestCaseResponse) GetResult() *TestCaseResult

func (*RunTestCaseResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*RunTestCaseResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*RunTestCaseResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *RunTestCaseResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*RunTestCaseResponse) Reset

func (x *RunTestCaseResponse) Reset()

func (*RunTestCaseResponse) String

func (x *RunTestCaseResponse) String() string


type SecuritySettings struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`

	RedactionStrategy SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy "" /* 188 byte string literal not displayed */

	RedactionScope SecuritySettings_RedactionScope "" /* 176 byte string literal not displayed */

	InspectTemplate string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=inspect_template,json=inspectTemplate,proto3" json:"inspect_template,omitempty"`

	DeidentifyTemplate string `protobuf:"bytes,17,opt,name=deidentify_template,json=deidentifyTemplate,proto3" json:"deidentify_template,omitempty"`

	DataRetention isSecuritySettings_DataRetention `protobuf_oneof:"data_retention"`

	PurgeDataTypes []SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType "" /* 184 byte string literal not displayed */

	AudioExportSettings *SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=audio_export_settings,json=audioExportSettings,proto3" json:"audio_export_settings,omitempty"`

	InsightsExportSettings *SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings "" /* 130 byte string literal not displayed */


Represents the settings related to security issues, such as data redaction and data retention. It may take hours for updates on the settings to propagate to all the related components and take effect.

func (*SecuritySettings) Descriptor

func (*SecuritySettings) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SecuritySettings.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*SecuritySettings) GetAudioExportSettings

func (x *SecuritySettings) GetAudioExportSettings() *SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings

func (*SecuritySettings) GetDataRetention

func (m *SecuritySettings) GetDataRetention() isSecuritySettings_DataRetention

func (*SecuritySettings) GetDeidentifyTemplate

func (x *SecuritySettings) GetDeidentifyTemplate() string

func (*SecuritySettings) GetDisplayName

func (x *SecuritySettings) GetDisplayName() string

func (*SecuritySettings) GetInsightsExportSettings

func (x *SecuritySettings) GetInsightsExportSettings() *SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings

func (*SecuritySettings) GetInspectTemplate

func (x *SecuritySettings) GetInspectTemplate() string

func (*SecuritySettings) GetName

func (x *SecuritySettings) GetName() string

func (*SecuritySettings) GetPurgeDataTypes

func (x *SecuritySettings) GetPurgeDataTypes() []SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType

func (*SecuritySettings) GetRedactionScope

func (x *SecuritySettings) GetRedactionScope() SecuritySettings_RedactionScope

func (*SecuritySettings) GetRedactionStrategy

func (x *SecuritySettings) GetRedactionStrategy() SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy

func (*SecuritySettings) GetRetentionWindowDays

func (x *SecuritySettings) GetRetentionWindowDays() int32

func (*SecuritySettings) ProtoMessage

func (*SecuritySettings) ProtoMessage()

func (*SecuritySettings) ProtoReflect

func (x *SecuritySettings) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*SecuritySettings) Reset

func (x *SecuritySettings) Reset()

func (*SecuritySettings) String

func (x *SecuritySettings) String() string


type SecuritySettingsServiceClient interface {
	// Create security settings in the specified location.
	CreateSecuritySettings(ctx context.Context, in *CreateSecuritySettingsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SecuritySettings, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [SecuritySettings][].
	// The returned settings may be stale by up to 1 minute.
	GetSecuritySettings(ctx context.Context, in *GetSecuritySettingsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SecuritySettings, error)
	// Updates the specified
	// [SecuritySettings][].
	UpdateSecuritySettings(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SecuritySettings, error)
	// Returns the list of all security settings in the specified location.
	ListSecuritySettings(ctx context.Context, in *ListSecuritySettingsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse, error)
	// Deletes the specified
	// [SecuritySettings][].
	DeleteSecuritySettings(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

SecuritySettingsServiceClient is the client API for SecuritySettingsService service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewSecuritySettingsServiceClient

func NewSecuritySettingsServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SecuritySettingsServiceClient


type SecuritySettingsServiceServer interface {
	// Create security settings in the specified location.
	CreateSecuritySettings(context.Context, *CreateSecuritySettingsRequest) (*SecuritySettings, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [SecuritySettings][].
	// The returned settings may be stale by up to 1 minute.
	GetSecuritySettings(context.Context, *GetSecuritySettingsRequest) (*SecuritySettings, error)
	// Updates the specified
	// [SecuritySettings][].
	UpdateSecuritySettings(context.Context, *UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) (*SecuritySettings, error)
	// Returns the list of all security settings in the specified location.
	ListSecuritySettings(context.Context, *ListSecuritySettingsRequest) (*ListSecuritySettingsResponse, error)
	// Deletes the specified
	// [SecuritySettings][].
	DeleteSecuritySettings(context.Context, *DeleteSecuritySettingsRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

SecuritySettingsServiceServer is the server API for SecuritySettingsService service.


type SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings struct {
	GcsBucket string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=gcs_bucket,json=gcsBucket,proto3" json:"gcs_bucket,omitempty"`

	AudioExportPattern string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=audio_export_pattern,json=audioExportPattern,proto3" json:"audio_export_pattern,omitempty"`

	EnableAudioRedaction bool `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=enable_audio_redaction,json=enableAudioRedaction,proto3" json:"enable_audio_redaction,omitempty"`

	AudioFormat SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat "" /* 184 byte string literal not displayed */


Settings for exporting audio.

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) Descriptor

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) GetAudioExportPattern

func (x *SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) GetAudioExportPattern() string

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) GetAudioFormat

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) GetEnableAudioRedaction

func (x *SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) GetEnableAudioRedaction() bool

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) GetGcsBucket

func (x *SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) GetGcsBucket() string

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) ProtoMessage

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) ProtoMessage()

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) ProtoReflect

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) Reset

func (*SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings) String


type SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat int32

File format for exported audio file. Currently only in telephony recordings.

SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AUDIO_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED, SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_MULAW, SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_MP3, SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_OGG

const (
	// Unspecified. Do not use.
	SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AUDIO_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat = 0
	// G.711 mu-law PCM with 8kHz sample rate.
	SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_MULAW SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat = 1
	// MP3 file format.
	SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_MP3 SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat = 2
	// OGG Vorbis.
	SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_OGG SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat = 3

func (SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat) Descriptor

func (SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat) Enum

func (SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat) EnumDescriptor

Deprecated: Use SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat.Descriptor instead.

func (SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat) Number

func (SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat) String

func (SecuritySettings_AudioExportSettings_AudioFormat) Type


type SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings struct {

	// If enabled, we will automatically exports
	// conversations to Insights and Insights runs its analyzers.
	EnableInsightsExport bool `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=enable_insights_export,json=enableInsightsExport,proto3" json:"enable_insights_export,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Settings for exporting conversations to Insights.

func (*SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings) Descriptor

func (*SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings) GetEnableInsightsExport

func (x *SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings) GetEnableInsightsExport() bool

func (*SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings) ProtoMessage

func (*SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings) ProtoReflect

func (*SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings) Reset

func (*SecuritySettings_InsightsExportSettings) String


type SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType int32

Type of data we purge after retention settings triggers purge.


const (
	// Unspecified. Do not use.
	SecuritySettings_PURGE_DATA_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType = 0
	// Dialogflow history. This does not include Cloud logging, which is
	// owned by the user - not Dialogflow.
	SecuritySettings_DIALOGFLOW_HISTORY SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType = 1

func (SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType) Descriptor

func (SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType) Enum

func (SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType) EnumDescriptor

func (SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType.Descriptor instead.

func (SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType) Number

func (SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType) String

func (SecuritySettings_PurgeDataType) Type


type SecuritySettings_RedactionScope int32

Defines what types of data to redact.


const (
	// Don't redact any kind of data.
	SecuritySettings_REDACTION_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED SecuritySettings_RedactionScope = 0
	// On data to be written to disk or similar devices that are capable of
	// holding data even if power is disconnected. This includes data that are
	// temporarily saved on disk.
	SecuritySettings_REDACT_DISK_STORAGE SecuritySettings_RedactionScope = 2

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionScope) Descriptor

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionScope) Enum

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionScope) EnumDescriptor

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionScope) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SecuritySettings_RedactionScope.Descriptor instead.

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionScope) Number

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionScope) String

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionScope) Type


type SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy int32

Defines how we redact data.


const (
	// Do not redact.
	SecuritySettings_REDACTION_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy = 0
	// Call redaction service to clean up the data to be persisted.
	SecuritySettings_REDACT_WITH_SERVICE SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy = 1

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy) Descriptor

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy) Enum

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy) EnumDescriptor

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy.Descriptor instead.

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy) Number

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy) String

func (SecuritySettings_RedactionStrategy) Type


type SecuritySettings_RetentionWindowDays struct {
	// Retains data in interaction logging for the specified number of days.
	// This does not apply to Cloud logging, which is owned by the user - not
	// Dialogflow.
	// User must set a value lower than Dialogflow's default 365d TTL (30 days
	// for Agent Assist traffic), higher value will be ignored and use default.
	// Setting a value higher than that has no effect. A missing value or
	// setting to 0 also means we use default TTL.
	RetentionWindowDays int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=retention_window_days,json=retentionWindowDays,proto3,oneof"`


type SentimentAnalysisResult struct {

	// Sentiment score between -1.0 (negative sentiment) and 1.0 (positive
	// sentiment).
	Score float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,1,opt,name=score,proto3" json:"score,omitempty"`
	// A non-negative number in the [0, +inf) range, which represents the absolute
	// magnitude of sentiment, regardless of score (positive or negative).
	Magnitude float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,2,opt,name=magnitude,proto3" json:"magnitude,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The result of sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis inspects user input and identifies the prevailing subjective opinion, especially to determine a user's attitude as positive, negative, or neutral.

func (*SentimentAnalysisResult) Descriptor

func (*SentimentAnalysisResult) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SentimentAnalysisResult.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*SentimentAnalysisResult) GetMagnitude

func (x *SentimentAnalysisResult) GetMagnitude() float32

func (*SentimentAnalysisResult) GetScore

func (x *SentimentAnalysisResult) GetScore() float32

func (*SentimentAnalysisResult) ProtoMessage

func (*SentimentAnalysisResult) ProtoMessage()

func (*SentimentAnalysisResult) ProtoReflect

func (x *SentimentAnalysisResult) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*SentimentAnalysisResult) Reset

func (x *SentimentAnalysisResult) Reset()

func (*SentimentAnalysisResult) String

func (x *SentimentAnalysisResult) String() string


type SessionEntityType struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	EntityOverrideMode SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode "" /* 195 byte string literal not displayed */

	Entities []*EntityType_Entity `protobuf:"bytes,4,rep,name=entities,proto3" json:"entities,omitempty"`


Session entity types are referred to as User entity types and are entities that are built for an individual user such as favorites, preferences, playlists, and so on.

You can redefine a session entity type at the session level to extend or replace a [custom entity type][] at the user session level (we refer to the entity types defined at the agent level as "custom entity types").

Note: session entity types apply to all queries, regardless of the language.

For more information about entity types, see the Dialogflow documentation.

func (*SessionEntityType) Descriptor

func (*SessionEntityType) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SessionEntityType.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*SessionEntityType) GetEntities

func (x *SessionEntityType) GetEntities() []*EntityType_Entity

func (*SessionEntityType) GetEntityOverrideMode

func (x *SessionEntityType) GetEntityOverrideMode() SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode

func (*SessionEntityType) GetName

func (x *SessionEntityType) GetName() string

func (*SessionEntityType) ProtoMessage

func (*SessionEntityType) ProtoMessage()

func (*SessionEntityType) ProtoReflect

func (x *SessionEntityType) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*SessionEntityType) Reset

func (x *SessionEntityType) Reset()

func (*SessionEntityType) String

func (x *SessionEntityType) String() string


type SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode int32

The types of modifications for the session entity type.


const (
	// Not specified. This value should be never used.
	SessionEntityType_ENTITY_OVERRIDE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode = 0
	// The collection of session entities overrides the collection of entities
	// in the corresponding custom entity type.
	SessionEntityType_ENTITY_OVERRIDE_MODE_OVERRIDE SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode = 1
	// The collection of session entities extends the collection of entities in
	// the corresponding custom entity type.
	// Note: Even in this override mode calls to `ListSessionEntityTypes`,
	// `GetSessionEntityType`, `CreateSessionEntityType` and
	// `UpdateSessionEntityType` only return the additional entities added in
	// this session entity type. If you want to get the supplemented list,
	// please call
	// [EntityTypes.GetEntityType][]
	// on the custom entity type and merge.
	SessionEntityType_ENTITY_OVERRIDE_MODE_SUPPLEMENT SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode = 2

func (SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode) Descriptor

func (SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode) Enum

func (SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode) EnumDescriptor

func (SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode.Descriptor instead.

func (SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode) Number

func (SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode) String

func (SessionEntityType_EntityOverrideMode) Type


type SessionEntityTypesClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all session entity types in the specified session.
	ListSessionEntityTypes(ctx context.Context, in *ListSessionEntityTypesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified session entity type.
	GetSessionEntityType(ctx context.Context, in *GetSessionEntityTypeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SessionEntityType, error)
	// Creates a session entity type.
	CreateSessionEntityType(ctx context.Context, in *CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SessionEntityType, error)
	// Updates the specified session entity type.
	UpdateSessionEntityType(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SessionEntityType, error)
	// Deletes the specified session entity type.
	DeleteSessionEntityType(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

SessionEntityTypesClient is the client API for SessionEntityTypes service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewSessionEntityTypesClient

func NewSessionEntityTypesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SessionEntityTypesClient


type SessionEntityTypesServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all session entity types in the specified session.
	ListSessionEntityTypes(context.Context, *ListSessionEntityTypesRequest) (*ListSessionEntityTypesResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified session entity type.
	GetSessionEntityType(context.Context, *GetSessionEntityTypeRequest) (*SessionEntityType, error)
	// Creates a session entity type.
	CreateSessionEntityType(context.Context, *CreateSessionEntityTypeRequest) (*SessionEntityType, error)
	// Updates the specified session entity type.
	UpdateSessionEntityType(context.Context, *UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) (*SessionEntityType, error)
	// Deletes the specified session entity type.
	DeleteSessionEntityType(context.Context, *DeleteSessionEntityTypeRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

SessionEntityTypesServer is the server API for SessionEntityTypes service.


type SessionInfo struct {
	Session string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=session,proto3" json:"session,omitempty"`

	Parameters map[string]*structpb.Value "" /* 161 byte string literal not displayed */


Represents session information communicated to and from the webhook.

func (*SessionInfo) Descriptor

func (*SessionInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SessionInfo.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*SessionInfo) GetParameters

func (x *SessionInfo) GetParameters() map[string]*structpb.Value

func (*SessionInfo) GetSession

func (x *SessionInfo) GetSession() string

func (*SessionInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*SessionInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*SessionInfo) ProtoReflect

func (x *SessionInfo) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*SessionInfo) Reset

func (x *SessionInfo) Reset()

func (*SessionInfo) String

func (x *SessionInfo) String() string


type SessionsClient interface {
	// Processes a natural language query and returns structured, actionable data
	// as a result. This method is not idempotent, because it may cause session
	// entity types to be updated, which in turn might affect results of future
	// queries.
	// Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic.
	// See [Versions and
	// environments](
	DetectIntent(ctx context.Context, in *DetectIntentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*DetectIntentResponse, error)
	// Processes a natural language query in audio format in a streaming fashion
	// and returns structured, actionable data as a result. This method is only
	// available via the gRPC API (not REST).
	// Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic.
	// See [Versions and
	// environments](
	StreamingDetectIntent(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (Sessions_StreamingDetectIntentClient, error)
	// Returns preliminary intent match results, doesn't change the session
	// status.
	MatchIntent(ctx context.Context, in *MatchIntentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*MatchIntentResponse, error)
	// Fulfills a matched intent returned by
	// [MatchIntent][].
	// Must be called after
	// [MatchIntent][],
	// with input from
	// [MatchIntentResponse][].
	// Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
	FulfillIntent(ctx context.Context, in *FulfillIntentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*FulfillIntentResponse, error)

SessionsClient is the client API for Sessions service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewSessionsClient

func NewSessionsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SessionsClient


type SessionsServer interface {
	// Processes a natural language query and returns structured, actionable data
	// as a result. This method is not idempotent, because it may cause session
	// entity types to be updated, which in turn might affect results of future
	// queries.
	// Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic.
	// See [Versions and
	// environments](
	DetectIntent(context.Context, *DetectIntentRequest) (*DetectIntentResponse, error)
	// Processes a natural language query in audio format in a streaming fashion
	// and returns structured, actionable data as a result. This method is only
	// available via the gRPC API (not REST).
	// Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic.
	// See [Versions and
	// environments](
	StreamingDetectIntent(Sessions_StreamingDetectIntentServer) error
	// Returns preliminary intent match results, doesn't change the session
	// status.
	MatchIntent(context.Context, *MatchIntentRequest) (*MatchIntentResponse, error)
	// Fulfills a matched intent returned by
	// [MatchIntent][].
	// Must be called after
	// [MatchIntent][],
	// with input from
	// [MatchIntentResponse][].
	// Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
	FulfillIntent(context.Context, *FulfillIntentRequest) (*FulfillIntentResponse, error)

SessionsServer is the server API for Sessions service.


type Sessions_StreamingDetectIntentClient interface {
	Send(*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) error
	Recv() (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse, error)


type Sessions_StreamingDetectIntentServer interface {
	Send(*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) error
	Recv() (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest, error)


type SpeechModelVariant int32

Variant of the specified [Speech model][] to use.

See the Cloud Speech documentation for which models have different variants. For example, the "phone_call" model has both a standard and an enhanced variant. When you use an enhanced model, you will generally receive higher quality results than for a standard model.


const (
	// No model variant specified. In this case Dialogflow defaults to
	SpeechModelVariant_SPEECH_MODEL_VARIANT_UNSPECIFIED SpeechModelVariant = 0
	// Use the best available variant of the [Speech
	// model][InputAudioConfig.model] that the caller is eligible for.
	// Please see the [Dialogflow
	// docs]( for
	// how to make your project eligible for enhanced models.
	SpeechModelVariant_USE_BEST_AVAILABLE SpeechModelVariant = 1
	// Use standard model variant even if an enhanced model is available.  See the
	// [Cloud Speech
	// documentation](
	// for details about enhanced models.
	SpeechModelVariant_USE_STANDARD SpeechModelVariant = 2
	// Use an enhanced model variant:
	// * If an enhanced variant does not exist for the given
	//   [model][] and
	//   request language, Dialogflow falls back to the standard variant.
	//   The [Cloud Speech
	//   documentation](
	//   describes which models have enhanced variants.
	// * If the API caller isn't eligible for enhanced models, Dialogflow returns
	//   an error.  Please see the [Dialogflow
	//   docs](
	//   for how to make your project eligible.
	SpeechModelVariant_USE_ENHANCED SpeechModelVariant = 3

func (SpeechModelVariant) Descriptor

func (SpeechModelVariant) Enum

func (SpeechModelVariant) EnumDescriptor

func (SpeechModelVariant) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SpeechModelVariant.Descriptor instead.

func (SpeechModelVariant) Number

func (SpeechModelVariant) String

func (x SpeechModelVariant) String() string

func (SpeechModelVariant) Type


type SpeechToTextSettings struct {
	EnableSpeechAdaptation bool "" /* 130 byte string literal not displayed */


Settings related to speech recognition.

func (*SpeechToTextSettings) Descriptor

func (*SpeechToTextSettings) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SpeechToTextSettings.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*SpeechToTextSettings) GetEnableSpeechAdaptation

func (x *SpeechToTextSettings) GetEnableSpeechAdaptation() bool

func (*SpeechToTextSettings) ProtoMessage

func (*SpeechToTextSettings) ProtoMessage()

func (*SpeechToTextSettings) ProtoReflect

func (x *SpeechToTextSettings) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*SpeechToTextSettings) Reset

func (x *SpeechToTextSettings) Reset()

func (*SpeechToTextSettings) String

func (x *SpeechToTextSettings) String() string


type SpeechWordInfo struct {

	// The word this info is for.
	Word string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=word,proto3" json:"word,omitempty"`
	// Time offset relative to the beginning of the audio that corresponds to the
	// start of the spoken word. This is an experimental feature and the accuracy
	// of the time offset can vary.
	StartOffset *durationpb.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=start_offset,json=startOffset,proto3" json:"start_offset,omitempty"`
	// Time offset relative to the beginning of the audio that corresponds to the
	// end of the spoken word. This is an experimental feature and the accuracy of
	// the time offset can vary.
	EndOffset *durationpb.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=end_offset,json=endOffset,proto3" json:"end_offset,omitempty"`
	// The Speech confidence between 0.0 and 1.0 for this word. A higher number
	// indicates an estimated greater likelihood that the recognized word is
	// correct. The default of 0.0 is a sentinel value indicating that confidence
	// was not set.
	// This field is not guaranteed to be fully stable over time for the same
	// audio input. Users should also not rely on it to always be provided.
	Confidence float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,4,opt,name=confidence,proto3" json:"confidence,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Information for a word recognized by the speech recognizer.

func (*SpeechWordInfo) Descriptor

func (*SpeechWordInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SpeechWordInfo.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*SpeechWordInfo) GetConfidence

func (x *SpeechWordInfo) GetConfidence() float32

func (*SpeechWordInfo) GetEndOffset

func (x *SpeechWordInfo) GetEndOffset() *durationpb.Duration

func (*SpeechWordInfo) GetStartOffset

func (x *SpeechWordInfo) GetStartOffset() *durationpb.Duration

func (*SpeechWordInfo) GetWord

func (x *SpeechWordInfo) GetWord() string

func (*SpeechWordInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*SpeechWordInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*SpeechWordInfo) ProtoReflect

func (x *SpeechWordInfo) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*SpeechWordInfo) Reset

func (x *SpeechWordInfo) Reset()

func (*SpeechWordInfo) String

func (x *SpeechWordInfo) String() string


type SsmlVoiceGender int32

Gender of the voice as described in SSML voice element.


const (
	// An unspecified gender, which means that the client doesn't care which
	// gender the selected voice will have.
	SsmlVoiceGender_SSML_VOICE_GENDER_UNSPECIFIED SsmlVoiceGender = 0
	// A male voice.
	SsmlVoiceGender_SSML_VOICE_GENDER_MALE SsmlVoiceGender = 1
	// A female voice.
	SsmlVoiceGender_SSML_VOICE_GENDER_FEMALE SsmlVoiceGender = 2
	// A gender-neutral voice.
	SsmlVoiceGender_SSML_VOICE_GENDER_NEUTRAL SsmlVoiceGender = 3

func (SsmlVoiceGender) Descriptor

func (SsmlVoiceGender) Enum

func (x SsmlVoiceGender) Enum() *SsmlVoiceGender

func (SsmlVoiceGender) EnumDescriptor

func (SsmlVoiceGender) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SsmlVoiceGender.Descriptor instead.

func (SsmlVoiceGender) Number

func (SsmlVoiceGender) String

func (x SsmlVoiceGender) String() string

func (SsmlVoiceGender) Type


type StartExperimentRequest struct {

	// Required. Resource name of the experiment to start.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Experiments.StartExperiment][].

func (*StartExperimentRequest) Descriptor

func (*StartExperimentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use StartExperimentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*StartExperimentRequest) GetName

func (x *StartExperimentRequest) GetName() string

func (*StartExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*StartExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*StartExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *StartExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*StartExperimentRequest) Reset

func (x *StartExperimentRequest) Reset()

func (*StartExperimentRequest) String

func (x *StartExperimentRequest) String() string


type StopExperimentRequest struct {

	// Required. Resource name of the experiment to stop.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Experiments.StopExperiment][].

func (*StopExperimentRequest) Descriptor

func (*StopExperimentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use StopExperimentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*StopExperimentRequest) GetName

func (x *StopExperimentRequest) GetName() string

func (*StopExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*StopExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*StopExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *StopExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*StopExperimentRequest) Reset

func (x *StopExperimentRequest) Reset()

func (*StopExperimentRequest) String

func (x *StopExperimentRequest) String() string


type StreamingDetectIntentRequest struct {
	Session string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=session,proto3" json:"session,omitempty"`

	QueryParams *QueryParameters `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=query_params,json=queryParams,proto3" json:"query_params,omitempty"`

	QueryInput *QueryInput `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=query_input,json=queryInput,proto3" json:"query_input,omitempty"`

	OutputAudioConfig *OutputAudioConfig `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=output_audio_config,json=outputAudioConfig,proto3" json:"output_audio_config,omitempty"`

	EnablePartialResponse bool "" /* 127 byte string literal not displayed */

	EnableDebuggingInfo bool `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=enable_debugging_info,json=enableDebuggingInfo,proto3" json:"enable_debugging_info,omitempty"`


The top-level message sent by the client to the [Sessions.StreamingDetectIntent][] method.

Multiple request messages should be sent in order:

  1. The first message must contain [session][], [query_input][] plus optionally [query_params][]. If the client wants to receive an audio response, it should also contain [output_audio_config][].
  1. If [query_input][] was set to

    [][], all subsequent messages must contain [][] to continue with Speech recognition. If you decide to rather detect an intent from text input after you already started Speech recognition, please send a message with [query_input.text][].

    However, note that:

    • Dialogflow will bill you for the audio duration so far.
    • Dialogflow discards all Speech recognition results in favor of the input text.
    • Dialogflow will use the language code from the first message.

After you sent all input, you must half-close or abort the request stream.

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) Descriptor

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use StreamingDetectIntentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetEnableDebuggingInfo

func (x *StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetEnableDebuggingInfo() bool

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetEnablePartialResponse

func (x *StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetEnablePartialResponse() bool

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetOutputAudioConfig

func (x *StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetOutputAudioConfig() *OutputAudioConfig

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetQueryInput

func (x *StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetQueryInput() *QueryInput

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetQueryParams

func (x *StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetQueryParams() *QueryParameters

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetSession

func (x *StreamingDetectIntentRequest) GetSession() string

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) Reset

func (x *StreamingDetectIntentRequest) Reset()

func (*StreamingDetectIntentRequest) String


type StreamingDetectIntentResponse struct {

	// The output response.
	// Types that are assignable to Response:
	//	*StreamingDetectIntentResponse_RecognitionResult
	//	*StreamingDetectIntentResponse_DetectIntentResponse
	Response isStreamingDetectIntentResponse_Response `protobuf_oneof:"response"`
	// Debugging info that would get populated when
	// `StreamingDetectIntentRequest.enable_debugging_info` is set to true.
	DebuggingInfo *CloudConversationDebuggingInfo `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=debugging_info,json=debuggingInfo,proto3" json:"debugging_info,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The top-level message returned from the [StreamingDetectIntent][] method.

Multiple response messages (N) can be returned in order.

The first (N-1) responses set either the recognition_result or detect_intent_response field, depending on the request:

  • If the field was set, and the StreamingDetectIntentRequest.enable_partial_response field was false, the recognition_result field is populated for each of the (N-1) responses. See the [StreamingRecognitionResult][] message for details about the result message sequence.

  • If the StreamingDetectIntentRequest.enable_partial_response field was true, the detect_intent_response field is populated for each of the (N-1) responses, where 1 <= N <= 4. These responses set the [DetectIntentResponse.response_type][] field to PARTIAL.

For the final Nth response message, the detect_intent_response is fully populated, and [DetectIntentResponse.response_type][] is set to FINAL.

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) Descriptor

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use StreamingDetectIntentResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) GetDebuggingInfo

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) GetDetectIntentResponse

func (x *StreamingDetectIntentResponse) GetDetectIntentResponse() *DetectIntentResponse

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) GetRecognitionResult

func (x *StreamingDetectIntentResponse) GetRecognitionResult() *StreamingRecognitionResult

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) GetResponse

func (m *StreamingDetectIntentResponse) GetResponse() isStreamingDetectIntentResponse_Response

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) Reset

func (x *StreamingDetectIntentResponse) Reset()

func (*StreamingDetectIntentResponse) String


type StreamingDetectIntentResponse_DetectIntentResponse struct {
	// The response from detect intent.
	DetectIntentResponse *DetectIntentResponse `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=detect_intent_response,json=detectIntentResponse,proto3,oneof"`


type StreamingDetectIntentResponse_RecognitionResult struct {
	// The result of speech recognition.
	RecognitionResult *StreamingRecognitionResult `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=recognition_result,json=recognitionResult,proto3,oneof"`


type StreamingRecognitionResult struct {
	MessageType StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType "" /* 174 byte string literal not displayed */

	Transcript string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=transcript,proto3" json:"transcript,omitempty"`

	IsFinal bool `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=is_final,json=isFinal,proto3" json:"is_final,omitempty"`

	Confidence float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,4,opt,name=confidence,proto3" json:"confidence,omitempty"`

	Stability float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,6,opt,name=stability,proto3" json:"stability,omitempty"`

	SpeechWordInfo []*SpeechWordInfo `protobuf:"bytes,7,rep,name=speech_word_info,json=speechWordInfo,proto3" json:"speech_word_info,omitempty"`

	SpeechEndOffset *durationpb.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=speech_end_offset,json=speechEndOffset,proto3" json:"speech_end_offset,omitempty"`

	LanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=language_code,json=languageCode,proto3" json:"language_code,omitempty"`


Contains a speech recognition result corresponding to a portion of the audio that is currently being processed or an indication that this is the end of the single requested utterance.

While end-user audio is being processed, Dialogflow sends a series of results. Each result may contain a transcript value. A transcript represents a portion of the utterance. While the recognizer is processing audio, transcript values may be interim values or finalized values. Once a transcript is finalized, the is_final value is set to true and processing continues for the next transcript.

If was true, and the recognizer has completed processing audio, the message_type value is set to `END_OF_SINGLE_UTTERANCE and the following (last) result contains the last finalized transcript.

The complete end-user utterance is determined by concatenating the finalized transcript values received for the series of results.

In the following example, single utterance is enabled. In the case where single utterance is not enabled, result 7 would not occur.

Num | transcript              | message_type            | is_final
--- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- | --------
1   | "tube"                  | TRANSCRIPT              | false
2   | "to be a"               | TRANSCRIPT              | false
3   | "to be"                 | TRANSCRIPT              | false
4   | "to be or not to be"    | TRANSCRIPT              | true
5   | "that's"                | TRANSCRIPT              | false
6   | "that is                | TRANSCRIPT              | false
7   | unset                   | END_OF_SINGLE_UTTERANCE | unset
8   | " that is the question" | TRANSCRIPT              | true

Concatenating the finalized transcripts with is_final set to true, the complete utterance becomes "to be or not to be that is the question".

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) Descriptor

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use StreamingRecognitionResult.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) GetConfidence

func (x *StreamingRecognitionResult) GetConfidence() float32

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) GetIsFinal

func (x *StreamingRecognitionResult) GetIsFinal() bool

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) GetLanguageCode

func (x *StreamingRecognitionResult) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) GetMessageType

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) GetSpeechEndOffset

func (x *StreamingRecognitionResult) GetSpeechEndOffset() *durationpb.Duration

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) GetSpeechWordInfo

func (x *StreamingRecognitionResult) GetSpeechWordInfo() []*SpeechWordInfo

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) GetStability

func (x *StreamingRecognitionResult) GetStability() float32

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) GetTranscript

func (x *StreamingRecognitionResult) GetTranscript() string

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) ProtoMessage

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) ProtoMessage()

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) ProtoReflect

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) Reset

func (x *StreamingRecognitionResult) Reset()

func (*StreamingRecognitionResult) String

func (x *StreamingRecognitionResult) String() string


type StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType int32

Type of the response message.

StreamingRecognitionResult_MESSAGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, StreamingRecognitionResult_TRANSCRIPT, StreamingRecognitionResult_END_OF_SINGLE_UTTERANCE

const (
	// Not specified. Should never be used.
	StreamingRecognitionResult_MESSAGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType = 0
	// Message contains a (possibly partial) transcript.
	StreamingRecognitionResult_TRANSCRIPT StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType = 1
	// Event indicates that the server has detected the end of the user's speech
	// utterance and expects no additional speech. Therefore, the server will
	// not process additional audio (although it may subsequently return
	// additional results). The client should stop sending additional audio
	// data, half-close the gRPC connection, and wait for any additional results
	// until the server closes the gRPC connection. This message is only sent if
	// [`single_utterance`][]
	// was set to `true`, and is not used otherwise.
	StreamingRecognitionResult_END_OF_SINGLE_UTTERANCE StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType = 2

func (StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType) Descriptor

func (StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType) Enum

func (StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType) EnumDescriptor

func (StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType.Descriptor instead.

func (StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType) Number

func (StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType) String

func (StreamingRecognitionResult_MessageType) Type


type SynthesizeSpeechConfig struct {

	// Optional. Speaking rate/speed, in the range [0.25, 4.0]. 1.0 is the normal
	// native speed supported by the specific voice. 2.0 is twice as fast, and
	// 0.5 is half as fast. If unset(0.0), defaults to the native 1.0 speed. Any
	// other values < 0.25="" or=""> 4.0 will return an error.
	SpeakingRate float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,1,opt,name=speaking_rate,json=speakingRate,proto3" json:"speaking_rate,omitempty"`
	// Optional. Speaking pitch, in the range [-20.0, 20.0]. 20 means increase 20
	// semitones from the original pitch. -20 means decrease 20 semitones from the
	// original pitch.
	Pitch float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,2,opt,name=pitch,proto3" json:"pitch,omitempty"`
	// Optional. Volume gain (in dB) of the normal native volume supported by the
	// specific voice, in the range [-96.0, 16.0]. If unset, or set to a value of
	// 0.0 (dB), will play at normal native signal amplitude. A value of -6.0 (dB)
	// will play at approximately half the amplitude of the normal native signal
	// amplitude. A value of +6.0 (dB) will play at approximately twice the
	// amplitude of the normal native signal amplitude. We strongly recommend not
	// to exceed +10 (dB) as there's usually no effective increase in loudness for
	// any value greater than that.
	VolumeGainDb float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,3,opt,name=volume_gain_db,json=volumeGainDb,proto3" json:"volume_gain_db,omitempty"`
	// Optional. An identifier which selects 'audio effects' profiles that are
	// applied on (post synthesized) text to speech. Effects are applied on top of
	// each other in the order they are given.
	EffectsProfileId []string `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=effects_profile_id,json=effectsProfileId,proto3" json:"effects_profile_id,omitempty"`
	// Optional. The desired voice of the synthesized audio.
	Voice *VoiceSelectionParams `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=voice,proto3" json:"voice,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Configuration of how speech should be synthesized.

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) Descriptor

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SynthesizeSpeechConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) GetEffectsProfileId

func (x *SynthesizeSpeechConfig) GetEffectsProfileId() []string

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) GetPitch

func (x *SynthesizeSpeechConfig) GetPitch() float64

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) GetSpeakingRate

func (x *SynthesizeSpeechConfig) GetSpeakingRate() float64

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) GetVoice

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) GetVolumeGainDb

func (x *SynthesizeSpeechConfig) GetVolumeGainDb() float64

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) ProtoMessage

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) ProtoMessage()

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) ProtoReflect

func (x *SynthesizeSpeechConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) Reset

func (x *SynthesizeSpeechConfig) Reset()

func (*SynthesizeSpeechConfig) String

func (x *SynthesizeSpeechConfig) String() string


type TestCase struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	Tags []string `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=tags,proto3" json:"tags,omitempty"`

	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`

	Notes string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=notes,proto3" json:"notes,omitempty"`

	TestConfig *TestConfig `protobuf:"bytes,13,opt,name=test_config,json=testConfig,proto3" json:"test_config,omitempty"`

	TestCaseConversationTurns []*ConversationTurn "" /* 140 byte string literal not displayed */

	CreationTime *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=creation_time,json=creationTime,proto3" json:"creation_time,omitempty"`

	LastTestResult *TestCaseResult `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=last_test_result,json=lastTestResult,proto3" json:"last_test_result,omitempty"`


Represents a test case.

func (*TestCase) Descriptor

func (*TestCase) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TestCase.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TestCase) GetCreationTime

func (x *TestCase) GetCreationTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*TestCase) GetDisplayName

func (x *TestCase) GetDisplayName() string

func (*TestCase) GetLastTestResult

func (x *TestCase) GetLastTestResult() *TestCaseResult

func (*TestCase) GetName

func (x *TestCase) GetName() string

func (*TestCase) GetNotes

func (x *TestCase) GetNotes() string

func (*TestCase) GetTags

func (x *TestCase) GetTags() []string

func (*TestCase) GetTestCaseConversationTurns

func (x *TestCase) GetTestCaseConversationTurns() []*ConversationTurn

func (*TestCase) GetTestConfig

func (x *TestCase) GetTestConfig() *TestConfig

func (*TestCase) ProtoMessage

func (*TestCase) ProtoMessage()

func (*TestCase) ProtoReflect

func (x *TestCase) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TestCase) Reset

func (x *TestCase) Reset()

func (*TestCase) String

func (x *TestCase) String() string


type TestCaseError struct {

	// The test case.
	TestCase *TestCase `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=test_case,json=testCase,proto3" json:"test_case,omitempty"`
	// The status associated with the test case.
	Status *status.Status `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=status,proto3" json:"status,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Error info for importing a test.

func (*TestCaseError) Descriptor

func (*TestCaseError) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TestCaseError.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TestCaseError) GetStatus

func (x *TestCaseError) GetStatus() *status.Status

func (*TestCaseError) GetTestCase

func (x *TestCaseError) GetTestCase() *TestCase

func (*TestCaseError) ProtoMessage

func (*TestCaseError) ProtoMessage()

func (*TestCaseError) ProtoReflect

func (x *TestCaseError) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TestCaseError) Reset

func (x *TestCaseError) Reset()

func (*TestCaseError) String

func (x *TestCaseError) String() string


type TestCaseResult struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	Environment string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=environment,proto3" json:"environment,omitempty"`

	ConversationTurns []*ConversationTurn `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=conversation_turns,json=conversationTurns,proto3" json:"conversation_turns,omitempty"`

	TestResult TestResult "" /* 143 byte string literal not displayed */

	TestTime *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=test_time,json=testTime,proto3" json:"test_time,omitempty"`


Represents a result from running a test case in an agent environment.

func (*TestCaseResult) Descriptor

func (*TestCaseResult) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TestCaseResult.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TestCaseResult) GetConversationTurns

func (x *TestCaseResult) GetConversationTurns() []*ConversationTurn

func (*TestCaseResult) GetEnvironment

func (x *TestCaseResult) GetEnvironment() string

func (*TestCaseResult) GetName

func (x *TestCaseResult) GetName() string

func (*TestCaseResult) GetTestResult

func (x *TestCaseResult) GetTestResult() TestResult

func (*TestCaseResult) GetTestTime

func (x *TestCaseResult) GetTestTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*TestCaseResult) ProtoMessage

func (*TestCaseResult) ProtoMessage()

func (*TestCaseResult) ProtoReflect

func (x *TestCaseResult) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TestCaseResult) Reset

func (x *TestCaseResult) Reset()

func (*TestCaseResult) String

func (x *TestCaseResult) String() string


type TestCasesClient interface {
	// Fetches a list of test cases for a given agent.
	ListTestCases(ctx context.Context, in *ListTestCasesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListTestCasesResponse, error)
	// Batch deletes test cases.
	BatchDeleteTestCases(ctx context.Context, in *BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Gets a test case.
	GetTestCase(ctx context.Context, in *GetTestCaseRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*TestCase, error)
	// Creates a test case for the given agent.
	CreateTestCase(ctx context.Context, in *CreateTestCaseRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*TestCase, error)
	// Updates the specified test case.
	UpdateTestCase(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateTestCaseRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*TestCase, error)
	// Kicks off a test case run.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [RunTestCaseMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [RunTestCaseResponse][]
	RunTestCase(ctx context.Context, in *RunTestCaseRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Kicks off a batch run of test cases.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [BatchRunTestCasesMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [BatchRunTestCasesResponse][]
	BatchRunTestCases(ctx context.Context, in *BatchRunTestCasesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Calculates the test coverage for an agent.
	CalculateCoverage(ctx context.Context, in *CalculateCoverageRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*CalculateCoverageResponse, error)
	// Imports the test cases from a Cloud Storage bucket or a local file. It
	// always creates new test cases and won't overwrite any existing ones. The
	// provided ID in the imported test case is neglected.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [ImportTestCasesMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [ImportTestCasesResponse][]
	ImportTestCases(ctx context.Context, in *ImportTestCasesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Exports the test cases under the agent to a Cloud Storage bucket or a local
	// file. Filter can be applied to export a subset of test cases.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [ExportTestCasesMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [ExportTestCasesResponse][]
	ExportTestCases(ctx context.Context, in *ExportTestCasesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Fetches the list of run results for the given test case. A maximum of 100
	// results are kept for each test case.
	ListTestCaseResults(ctx context.Context, in *ListTestCaseResultsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse, error)
	// Gets a test case result.
	GetTestCaseResult(ctx context.Context, in *GetTestCaseResultRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*TestCaseResult, error)

TestCasesClient is the client API for TestCases service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewTestCasesClient

func NewTestCasesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TestCasesClient


type TestCasesServer interface {
	// Fetches a list of test cases for a given agent.
	ListTestCases(context.Context, *ListTestCasesRequest) (*ListTestCasesResponse, error)
	// Batch deletes test cases.
	BatchDeleteTestCases(context.Context, *BatchDeleteTestCasesRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Gets a test case.
	GetTestCase(context.Context, *GetTestCaseRequest) (*TestCase, error)
	// Creates a test case for the given agent.
	CreateTestCase(context.Context, *CreateTestCaseRequest) (*TestCase, error)
	// Updates the specified test case.
	UpdateTestCase(context.Context, *UpdateTestCaseRequest) (*TestCase, error)
	// Kicks off a test case run.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [RunTestCaseMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [RunTestCaseResponse][]
	RunTestCase(context.Context, *RunTestCaseRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Kicks off a batch run of test cases.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [BatchRunTestCasesMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [BatchRunTestCasesResponse][]
	BatchRunTestCases(context.Context, *BatchRunTestCasesRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Calculates the test coverage for an agent.
	CalculateCoverage(context.Context, *CalculateCoverageRequest) (*CalculateCoverageResponse, error)
	// Imports the test cases from a Cloud Storage bucket or a local file. It
	// always creates new test cases and won't overwrite any existing ones. The
	// provided ID in the imported test case is neglected.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [ImportTestCasesMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [ImportTestCasesResponse][]
	ImportTestCases(context.Context, *ImportTestCasesRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Exports the test cases under the agent to a Cloud Storage bucket or a local
	// file. Filter can be applied to export a subset of test cases.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [ExportTestCasesMetadata][]
	// - `response`:
	// [ExportTestCasesResponse][]
	ExportTestCases(context.Context, *ExportTestCasesRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Fetches the list of run results for the given test case. A maximum of 100
	// results are kept for each test case.
	ListTestCaseResults(context.Context, *ListTestCaseResultsRequest) (*ListTestCaseResultsResponse, error)
	// Gets a test case result.
	GetTestCaseResult(context.Context, *GetTestCaseResultRequest) (*TestCaseResult, error)

TestCasesServer is the server API for TestCases service.


type TestConfig struct {

	// Session parameters to be compared when calculating differences.
	TrackingParameters []string `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=tracking_parameters,json=trackingParameters,proto3" json:"tracking_parameters,omitempty"`
	// Flow name to start the test case with.
	// Format: `projects/

Represents configurations for a test case.

func (*TestConfig) Descriptor

func (*TestConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TestConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TestConfig) GetFlow

func (x *TestConfig) GetFlow() string

func (*TestConfig) GetPage

func (x *TestConfig) GetPage() string

func (*TestConfig) GetTrackingParameters

func (x *TestConfig) GetTrackingParameters() []string

func (*TestConfig) ProtoMessage

func (*TestConfig) ProtoMessage()

func (*TestConfig) ProtoReflect

func (x *TestConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TestConfig) Reset

func (x *TestConfig) Reset()

func (*TestConfig) String

func (x *TestConfig) String() string


type TestError struct {

	// The test case resource name.
	TestCase string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=test_case,json=testCase,proto3" json:"test_case,omitempty"`
	// The status associated with the test.
	Status *status.Status `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=status,proto3" json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The timestamp when the test was completed.
	TestTime *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=test_time,json=testTime,proto3" json:"test_time,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Error info for running a test.

func (*TestError) Descriptor

func (*TestError) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TestError.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TestError) GetStatus

func (x *TestError) GetStatus() *status.Status

func (*TestError) GetTestCase

func (x *TestError) GetTestCase() string

func (*TestError) GetTestTime

func (x *TestError) GetTestTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*TestError) ProtoMessage

func (*TestError) ProtoMessage()

func (*TestError) ProtoReflect

func (x *TestError) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TestError) Reset

func (x *TestError) Reset()

func (*TestError) String

func (x *TestError) String() string


type TestResult int32

The test result for a test case and an agent environment.


const (
	// Not specified. Should never be used.
	TestResult_TEST_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED TestResult = 0
	// The test passed.
	TestResult_PASSED TestResult = 1
	// The test did not pass.
	TestResult_FAILED TestResult = 2

func (TestResult) Descriptor

func (TestResult) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor

func (TestResult) Enum

func (x TestResult) Enum() *TestResult

func (TestResult) EnumDescriptor

func (TestResult) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TestResult.Descriptor instead.

func (TestResult) Number

func (x TestResult) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber

func (TestResult) String

func (x TestResult) String() string

func (TestResult) Type


type TestRunDifference struct {
	Type TestRunDifference_DiffType "" /* 129 byte string literal not displayed */

	Description string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=description,proto3" json:"description,omitempty"`


The description of differences between original and replayed agent output.

func (*TestRunDifference) Descriptor

func (*TestRunDifference) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TestRunDifference.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TestRunDifference) GetDescription

func (x *TestRunDifference) GetDescription() string

func (*TestRunDifference) GetType

func (*TestRunDifference) ProtoMessage

func (*TestRunDifference) ProtoMessage()

func (*TestRunDifference) ProtoReflect

func (x *TestRunDifference) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TestRunDifference) Reset

func (x *TestRunDifference) Reset()

func (*TestRunDifference) String

func (x *TestRunDifference) String() string


type TestRunDifference_DiffType int32

What part of the message replay differs from the test case.

TestRunDifference_DIFF_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, TestRunDifference_INTENT, TestRunDifference_PAGE, TestRunDifference_PARAMETERS, TestRunDifference_UTTERANCE, TestRunDifference_FLOW

const (
	// Should never be used.
	TestRunDifference_DIFF_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED TestRunDifference_DiffType = 0
	// The intent.
	TestRunDifference_INTENT TestRunDifference_DiffType = 1
	// The page.
	TestRunDifference_PAGE TestRunDifference_DiffType = 2
	// The parameters.
	TestRunDifference_PARAMETERS TestRunDifference_DiffType = 3
	// The message utterance.
	TestRunDifference_UTTERANCE TestRunDifference_DiffType = 4
	// The flow.
	TestRunDifference_FLOW TestRunDifference_DiffType = 5

func (TestRunDifference_DiffType) Descriptor

func (TestRunDifference_DiffType) Enum

func (TestRunDifference_DiffType) EnumDescriptor

func (TestRunDifference_DiffType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TestRunDifference_DiffType.Descriptor instead.

func (TestRunDifference_DiffType) Number

func (TestRunDifference_DiffType) String

func (TestRunDifference_DiffType) Type


type TextInput struct {

	// Required. The UTF-8 encoded natural language text to be processed. Text
	// length must not exceed 256 characters.
	Text string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=text,proto3" json:"text,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents the natural language text to be processed.

func (*TextInput) Descriptor

func (*TextInput) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TextInput.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TextInput) GetText

func (x *TextInput) GetText() string

func (*TextInput) ProtoMessage

func (*TextInput) ProtoMessage()

func (*TextInput) ProtoReflect

func (x *TextInput) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TextInput) Reset

func (x *TextInput) Reset()

func (*TextInput) String

func (x *TextInput) String() string


type TextToSpeechSettings struct {
	SynthesizeSpeechConfigs map[string]*SynthesizeSpeechConfig "" /* 220 byte string literal not displayed */


Settings related to speech synthesizing.

func (*TextToSpeechSettings) Descriptor

func (*TextToSpeechSettings) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TextToSpeechSettings.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TextToSpeechSettings) GetSynthesizeSpeechConfigs

func (x *TextToSpeechSettings) GetSynthesizeSpeechConfigs() map[string]*SynthesizeSpeechConfig

func (*TextToSpeechSettings) ProtoMessage

func (*TextToSpeechSettings) ProtoMessage()

func (*TextToSpeechSettings) ProtoReflect

func (x *TextToSpeechSettings) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TextToSpeechSettings) Reset

func (x *TextToSpeechSettings) Reset()

func (*TextToSpeechSettings) String

func (x *TextToSpeechSettings) String() string


type TrainFlowRequest struct {

	// Required. The flow to train.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Flows.TrainFlow][].

func (*TrainFlowRequest) Descriptor

func (*TrainFlowRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TrainFlowRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TrainFlowRequest) GetName

func (x *TrainFlowRequest) GetName() string

func (*TrainFlowRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*TrainFlowRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*TrainFlowRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *TrainFlowRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TrainFlowRequest) Reset

func (x *TrainFlowRequest) Reset()

func (*TrainFlowRequest) String

func (x *TrainFlowRequest) String() string


type TransitionCoverage struct {

	// The list of Transitions present in the agent.
	Transitions []*TransitionCoverage_Transition `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=transitions,proto3" json:"transitions,omitempty"`
	// The percent of transitions in the agent that are covered.
	CoverageScore float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,2,opt,name=coverage_score,json=coverageScore,proto3" json:"coverage_score,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Transition coverage represents the percentage of all possible page transitions (page-level transition routes and event handlers, excluding transition route groups) present within any of a parent's test cases.

func (*TransitionCoverage) Descriptor

func (*TransitionCoverage) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TransitionCoverage.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TransitionCoverage) GetCoverageScore

func (x *TransitionCoverage) GetCoverageScore() float32

func (*TransitionCoverage) GetTransitions

func (x *TransitionCoverage) GetTransitions() []*TransitionCoverage_Transition

func (*TransitionCoverage) ProtoMessage

func (*TransitionCoverage) ProtoMessage()

func (*TransitionCoverage) ProtoReflect

func (x *TransitionCoverage) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TransitionCoverage) Reset

func (x *TransitionCoverage) Reset()

func (*TransitionCoverage) String

func (x *TransitionCoverage) String() string


type TransitionCoverage_Transition struct {

	// The start node of a transition.
	Source *TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=source,proto3" json:"source,omitempty"`
	// The index of a transition in the transition list. Starting from 0.
	Index int32 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=index,proto3" json:"index,omitempty"`
	// The end node of a transition.
	Target *TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=target,proto3" json:"target,omitempty"`
	// Whether the transition is covered by at least one of the
	// agent's test cases.
	Covered bool `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=covered,proto3" json:"covered,omitempty"`
	// The detailed transition.
	// Types that are assignable to Detail:
	//	*TransitionCoverage_Transition_TransitionRoute
	//	*TransitionCoverage_Transition_EventHandler
	Detail isTransitionCoverage_Transition_Detail `protobuf_oneof:"detail"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A transition in a page.

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) Descriptor

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TransitionCoverage_Transition.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetCovered

func (x *TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetCovered() bool

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetDetail

func (m *TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetDetail() isTransitionCoverage_Transition_Detail

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetEventHandler

func (x *TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetEventHandler() *EventHandler

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetIndex

func (x *TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetIndex() int32

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetSource

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetTarget

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetTransitionRoute

func (x *TransitionCoverage_Transition) GetTransitionRoute() *TransitionRoute

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) ProtoMessage

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) ProtoMessage()

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) ProtoReflect

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) Reset

func (x *TransitionCoverage_Transition) Reset()

func (*TransitionCoverage_Transition) String


type TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode struct {

	// A TransitionNode can be either a page or a flow.
	// Types that are assignable to Kind:
	//	*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode_Page
	//	*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode_Flow
	Kind isTransitionCoverage_TransitionNode_Kind `protobuf_oneof:"kind"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The source or target of a transition.

func (*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) Descriptor

func (*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) GetFlow

func (*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) GetKind

func (m *TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) GetKind() isTransitionCoverage_TransitionNode_Kind

func (*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) GetPage

func (*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) ProtoMessage

func (*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) ProtoMessage()

func (*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) ProtoReflect

func (*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) Reset

func (*TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode) String


type TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode_Flow struct {
	// Indicates a transition to a
	// [Flow][]. Only some fields such
	// as name and displayname will be set.
	Flow *Flow `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=flow,proto3,oneof"`


type TransitionCoverage_TransitionNode_Page struct {
	// Indicates a transition to a
	// [Page][]. Only some fields such
	// as name and displayname will be set.
	Page *Page `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=page,proto3,oneof"`


type TransitionCoverage_Transition_EventHandler struct {
	// Event handler.
	EventHandler *EventHandler `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=event_handler,json=eventHandler,proto3,oneof"`


type TransitionCoverage_Transition_TransitionRoute struct {
	// Intent route or condition route.
	TransitionRoute *TransitionRoute `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=transition_route,json=transitionRoute,proto3,oneof"`


type TransitionRoute struct {

	// Output only. The unique identifier of this transition route.
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The unique identifier of an
	// [Intent][]. Format:
	// `projects/

A transition route specifies a [intent][] that can be matched and/or a data condition that can be evaluated during a session. When a specified transition is matched, the following actions are taken in order:

  • If there is a [trigger_fulfillment][] associated with the transition, it will be called.
  • If there is a [target_page][] associated with the transition, the session will transition into the specified page.
  • If there is a [target_flow][] associated with the transition, the session will transition into the specified flow.

func (*TransitionRoute) Descriptor

func (*TransitionRoute) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TransitionRoute.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TransitionRoute) GetCondition

func (x *TransitionRoute) GetCondition() string

func (*TransitionRoute) GetIntent

func (x *TransitionRoute) GetIntent() string

func (*TransitionRoute) GetName

func (x *TransitionRoute) GetName() string

func (*TransitionRoute) GetTarget

func (m *TransitionRoute) GetTarget() isTransitionRoute_Target

func (*TransitionRoute) GetTargetFlow

func (x *TransitionRoute) GetTargetFlow() string

func (*TransitionRoute) GetTargetPage

func (x *TransitionRoute) GetTargetPage() string

func (*TransitionRoute) GetTriggerFulfillment

func (x *TransitionRoute) GetTriggerFulfillment() *Fulfillment

func (*TransitionRoute) ProtoMessage

func (*TransitionRoute) ProtoMessage()

func (*TransitionRoute) ProtoReflect

func (x *TransitionRoute) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TransitionRoute) Reset

func (x *TransitionRoute) Reset()

func (*TransitionRoute) String

func (x *TransitionRoute) String() string


type TransitionRouteGroup struct {

	// The unique identifier of the transition route group.
	// [TransitionRouteGroups.CreateTransitionRouteGroup][]
	// populates the name automatically. Format: `projects/

A TransitionRouteGroup represents a group of [TransitionRoutes][] to be used by a [Page][].

func (*TransitionRouteGroup) Descriptor

func (*TransitionRouteGroup) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TransitionRouteGroup.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TransitionRouteGroup) GetDisplayName

func (x *TransitionRouteGroup) GetDisplayName() string

func (*TransitionRouteGroup) GetName

func (x *TransitionRouteGroup) GetName() string

func (*TransitionRouteGroup) GetTransitionRoutes

func (x *TransitionRouteGroup) GetTransitionRoutes() []*TransitionRoute

func (*TransitionRouteGroup) ProtoMessage

func (*TransitionRouteGroup) ProtoMessage()

func (*TransitionRouteGroup) ProtoReflect

func (x *TransitionRouteGroup) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*TransitionRouteGroup) Reset

func (x *TransitionRouteGroup) Reset()

func (*TransitionRouteGroup) String

func (x *TransitionRouteGroup) String() string


type TransitionRouteGroupCoverage struct {

	// Transition route group coverages.
	Coverages []*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=coverages,proto3" json:"coverages,omitempty"`
	// The percent of transition routes in all the transition route groups that
	// are covered.
	CoverageScore float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,2,opt,name=coverage_score,json=coverageScore,proto3" json:"coverage_score,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Transition route group coverage represents the percentage of all possible transition routes present within any of a parent's test cases. The results are grouped by the transition route group.

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) Descriptor

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TransitionRouteGroupCoverage.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) GetCoverageScore

func (x *TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) GetCoverageScore() float32

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) GetCoverages

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) ProtoMessage

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) ProtoMessage()

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) ProtoReflect

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) Reset

func (x *TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) Reset()

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage) String


type TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage struct {

	// Transition route group metadata. Only name and displayName will be set.
	RouteGroup *TransitionRouteGroup `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=route_group,json=routeGroup,proto3" json:"route_group,omitempty"`
	// The list of transition routes and coverage in the transition route group.
	Transitions []*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage_Transition `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=transitions,proto3" json:"transitions,omitempty"`
	// The percent of transition routes in the transition route group that are
	// covered.
	CoverageScore float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,3,opt,name=coverage_score,json=coverageScore,proto3" json:"coverage_score,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Coverage result message for one transition route group.

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) Descriptor

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) GetCoverageScore

func (x *TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) GetCoverageScore() float32

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) GetRouteGroup

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) GetTransitions

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) ProtoMessage

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) ProtoMessage()

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) ProtoReflect

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) Reset

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage) String


type TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage_Transition struct {

	// Intent route or condition route.
	TransitionRoute *TransitionRoute `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=transition_route,json=transitionRoute,proto3" json:"transition_route,omitempty"`
	// Whether the transition route is covered by at least one of the
	// agent's test cases.
	Covered bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=covered,proto3" json:"covered,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A transition coverage in a transition route group.

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage_Transition) Descriptor

Deprecated: Use TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage_Transition.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage_Transition) GetCovered

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage_Transition) GetTransitionRoute

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage_Transition) ProtoMessage

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage_Transition) ProtoReflect

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage_Transition) Reset

func (*TransitionRouteGroupCoverage_Coverage_Transition) String


type TransitionRouteGroupsClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all transition route groups in the specified flow.
	ListTransitionRouteGroups(ctx context.Context, in *ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][].
	GetTransitionRouteGroup(ctx context.Context, in *GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*TransitionRouteGroup, error)
	// Creates an
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][]
	// in the specified flow.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	CreateTransitionRouteGroup(ctx context.Context, in *CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*TransitionRouteGroup, error)
	// Updates the specified
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][].
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	UpdateTransitionRouteGroup(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*TransitionRouteGroup, error)
	// Deletes the specified
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][].
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	DeleteTransitionRouteGroup(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

TransitionRouteGroupsClient is the client API for TransitionRouteGroups service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewTransitionRouteGroupsClient

func NewTransitionRouteGroupsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TransitionRouteGroupsClient


type TransitionRouteGroupsServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all transition route groups in the specified flow.
	ListTransitionRouteGroups(context.Context, *ListTransitionRouteGroupsRequest) (*ListTransitionRouteGroupsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][].
	GetTransitionRouteGroup(context.Context, *GetTransitionRouteGroupRequest) (*TransitionRouteGroup, error)
	// Creates an
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][]
	// in the specified flow.
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	CreateTransitionRouteGroup(context.Context, *CreateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) (*TransitionRouteGroup, error)
	// Updates the specified
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][].
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	UpdateTransitionRouteGroup(context.Context, *UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) (*TransitionRouteGroup, error)
	// Deletes the specified
	// [TransitionRouteGroup][].
	// Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the
	// [training
	// documentation](
	DeleteTransitionRouteGroup(context.Context, *DeleteTransitionRouteGroupRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

TransitionRouteGroupsServer is the server API for TransitionRouteGroups service.


type TransitionRoute_TargetFlow struct {
	// The target flow to transition to.
	// Format: `projects/


type TransitionRoute_TargetPage struct {
	// The target page to transition to.
	// Format: `projects/


type UnimplementedAgentsServer struct {

UnimplementedAgentsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedAgentsServer) CreateAgent

func (*UnimplementedAgentsServer) DeleteAgent

func (*UnimplementedAgentsServer) ExportAgent

func (*UnimplementedAgentsServer) GetAgent

func (*UnimplementedAgentsServer) GetAgentValidationResult

func (*UnimplementedAgentsServer) ListAgents

func (*UnimplementedAgentsServer) RestoreAgent

func (*UnimplementedAgentsServer) UpdateAgent

func (*UnimplementedAgentsServer) ValidateAgent


type UnimplementedChangelogsServer struct {

UnimplementedChangelogsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedChangelogsServer) GetChangelog

func (*UnimplementedChangelogsServer) ListChangelogs


type UnimplementedDeploymentsServer struct {

UnimplementedDeploymentsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedDeploymentsServer) GetDeployment

func (*UnimplementedDeploymentsServer) ListDeployments


type UnimplementedEntityTypesServer struct {

UnimplementedEntityTypesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedEntityTypesServer) CreateEntityType

func (*UnimplementedEntityTypesServer) DeleteEntityType

func (*UnimplementedEntityTypesServer) GetEntityType

func (*UnimplementedEntityTypesServer) ListEntityTypes

func (*UnimplementedEntityTypesServer) UpdateEntityType


type UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer struct {

UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer) CreateEnvironment

func (*UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer) DeleteEnvironment

func (*UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer) DeployFlow

func (*UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer) GetEnvironment

func (*UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer) ListContinuousTestResults

func (*UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer) ListEnvironments

func (*UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer) LookupEnvironmentHistory

func (*UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer) RunContinuousTest

func (*UnimplementedEnvironmentsServer) UpdateEnvironment


type UnimplementedExperimentsServer struct {

UnimplementedExperimentsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedExperimentsServer) CreateExperiment

func (*UnimplementedExperimentsServer) DeleteExperiment

func (*UnimplementedExperimentsServer) GetExperiment

func (*UnimplementedExperimentsServer) ListExperiments

func (*UnimplementedExperimentsServer) StartExperiment

func (*UnimplementedExperimentsServer) StopExperiment

func (*UnimplementedExperimentsServer) UpdateExperiment


type UnimplementedFlowsServer struct {

UnimplementedFlowsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedFlowsServer) CreateFlow

func (*UnimplementedFlowsServer) DeleteFlow

func (*UnimplementedFlowsServer) ExportFlow

func (*UnimplementedFlowsServer) GetFlow

func (*UnimplementedFlowsServer) GetFlowValidationResult

func (*UnimplementedFlowsServer) ImportFlow

func (*UnimplementedFlowsServer) ListFlows

func (*UnimplementedFlowsServer) TrainFlow

func (*UnimplementedFlowsServer) UpdateFlow

func (*UnimplementedFlowsServer) ValidateFlow


type UnimplementedIntentsServer struct {

UnimplementedIntentsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedIntentsServer) CreateIntent

func (*UnimplementedIntentsServer) DeleteIntent

func (*UnimplementedIntentsServer) GetIntent

func (*UnimplementedIntentsServer) ListIntents

func (*UnimplementedIntentsServer) UpdateIntent


type UnimplementedPagesServer struct {

UnimplementedPagesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedPagesServer) CreatePage

func (*UnimplementedPagesServer) DeletePage

func (*UnimplementedPagesServer) GetPage

func (*UnimplementedPagesServer) ListPages

func (*UnimplementedPagesServer) UpdatePage


type UnimplementedSecuritySettingsServiceServer struct {

UnimplementedSecuritySettingsServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedSecuritySettingsServiceServer) CreateSecuritySettings

func (*UnimplementedSecuritySettingsServiceServer) DeleteSecuritySettings

func (*UnimplementedSecuritySettingsServiceServer) GetSecuritySettings

func (*UnimplementedSecuritySettingsServiceServer) ListSecuritySettings

func (*UnimplementedSecuritySettingsServiceServer) UpdateSecuritySettings


type UnimplementedSessionEntityTypesServer struct {

UnimplementedSessionEntityTypesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedSessionEntityTypesServer) CreateSessionEntityType

func (*UnimplementedSessionEntityTypesServer) DeleteSessionEntityType

func (*UnimplementedSessionEntityTypesServer) GetSessionEntityType

func (*UnimplementedSessionEntityTypesServer) ListSessionEntityTypes

func (*UnimplementedSessionEntityTypesServer) UpdateSessionEntityType


type UnimplementedSessionsServer struct {

UnimplementedSessionsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedSessionsServer) DetectIntent

func (*UnimplementedSessionsServer) FulfillIntent

func (*UnimplementedSessionsServer) MatchIntent

func (*UnimplementedSessionsServer) StreamingDetectIntent


type UnimplementedTestCasesServer struct {

UnimplementedTestCasesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) BatchDeleteTestCases

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) BatchRunTestCases

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) CalculateCoverage

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) CreateTestCase

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) ExportTestCases

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) GetTestCase

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) GetTestCaseResult

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) ImportTestCases

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) ListTestCaseResults

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) ListTestCases

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) RunTestCase

func (*UnimplementedTestCasesServer) UpdateTestCase


type UnimplementedTransitionRouteGroupsServer struct {

UnimplementedTransitionRouteGroupsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedTransitionRouteGroupsServer) CreateTransitionRouteGroup

func (*UnimplementedTransitionRouteGroupsServer) DeleteTransitionRouteGroup

func (*UnimplementedTransitionRouteGroupsServer) GetTransitionRouteGroup

func (*UnimplementedTransitionRouteGroupsServer) ListTransitionRouteGroups

func (*UnimplementedTransitionRouteGroupsServer) UpdateTransitionRouteGroup


type UnimplementedVersionsServer struct {

UnimplementedVersionsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedVersionsServer) CompareVersions

func (*UnimplementedVersionsServer) CreateVersion

func (*UnimplementedVersionsServer) DeleteVersion

func (*UnimplementedVersionsServer) GetVersion

func (*UnimplementedVersionsServer) ListVersions

func (*UnimplementedVersionsServer) LoadVersion

func (*UnimplementedVersionsServer) UpdateVersion


type UnimplementedWebhooksServer struct {

UnimplementedWebhooksServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (*UnimplementedWebhooksServer) CreateWebhook

func (*UnimplementedWebhooksServer) DeleteWebhook

func (*UnimplementedWebhooksServer) GetWebhook

func (*UnimplementedWebhooksServer) ListWebhooks

func (*UnimplementedWebhooksServer) UpdateWebhook


type UpdateAgentRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to update.
	Agent *Agent `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=agent,proto3" json:"agent,omitempty"`
	// The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present,
	// all fields will be updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [Agents.UpdateAgent][].

func (*UpdateAgentRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateAgentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateAgentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateAgentRequest) GetAgent

func (x *UpdateAgentRequest) GetAgent() *Agent

func (*UpdateAgentRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (x *UpdateAgentRequest) GetUpdateMask() *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask

func (*UpdateAgentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateAgentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateAgentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *UpdateAgentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*UpdateAgentRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateAgentRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateAgentRequest) String

func (x *UpdateAgentRequest) String() string


type UpdateEntityTypeRequest struct {

	// Required. The entity type to update.
	EntityType *EntityType `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=entity_type,json=entityType,proto3" json:"entity_type,omitempty"`
	// The language of the following fields in `entity_type`:
	// *   `EntityType.entities.value`
	// *   `EntityType.entities.synonyms`
	// *   `EntityType.excluded_phrases.value`
	// If not specified, the agent's default language is used.
	// [Many
	// languages](
	// are supported.
	// Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
	LanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=language_code,json=languageCode,proto3" json:"language_code,omitempty"`
	// The mask to control which fields get updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [EntityTypes.UpdateEntityType][].

func (*UpdateEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateEntityTypeRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateEntityTypeRequest) GetEntityType

func (x *UpdateEntityTypeRequest) GetEntityType() *EntityType

func (*UpdateEntityTypeRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *UpdateEntityTypeRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*UpdateEntityTypeRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (x *UpdateEntityTypeRequest) GetUpdateMask() *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask

func (*UpdateEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *UpdateEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*UpdateEntityTypeRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateEntityTypeRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateEntityTypeRequest) String

func (x *UpdateEntityTypeRequest) String() string


type UpdateEnvironmentRequest struct {

	// Required. The environment to update.
	Environment *Environment `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=environment,proto3" json:"environment,omitempty"`
	// Required. The mask to control which fields get updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [Environments.UpdateEnvironment][].

func (*UpdateEnvironmentRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateEnvironmentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateEnvironmentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateEnvironmentRequest) GetEnvironment

func (x *UpdateEnvironmentRequest) GetEnvironment() *Environment

func (*UpdateEnvironmentRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (x *UpdateEnvironmentRequest) GetUpdateMask() *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask

func (*UpdateEnvironmentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateEnvironmentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateEnvironmentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *UpdateEnvironmentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*UpdateEnvironmentRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateEnvironmentRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateEnvironmentRequest) String

func (x *UpdateEnvironmentRequest) String() string


type UpdateExperimentRequest struct {

	// Required. The experiment to update.
	Experiment *Experiment `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=experiment,proto3" json:"experiment,omitempty"`
	// Required. The mask to control which fields get updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [Experiments.UpdateExperiment][].

func (*UpdateExperimentRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateExperimentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateExperimentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateExperimentRequest) GetExperiment

func (x *UpdateExperimentRequest) GetExperiment() *Experiment

func (*UpdateExperimentRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (x *UpdateExperimentRequest) GetUpdateMask() *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask

func (*UpdateExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateExperimentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *UpdateExperimentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*UpdateExperimentRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateExperimentRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateExperimentRequest) String

func (x *UpdateExperimentRequest) String() string


type UpdateFlowRequest struct {

	// Required. The flow to update.
	Flow *Flow `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=flow,proto3" json:"flow,omitempty"`
	// The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present,
	// all fields will be updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// The language of the following fields in `flow`:
	// *  `Flow.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages`
	// *  `Flow.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases`
	// *  `Flow.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages`
	// *  `Flow.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases`
	// If not specified, the agent's default language is used.
	// [Many
	// languages](
	// are supported.
	// Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
	LanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=language_code,json=languageCode,proto3" json:"language_code,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [Flows.UpdateFlow][].

func (*UpdateFlowRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateFlowRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateFlowRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateFlowRequest) GetFlow

func (x *UpdateFlowRequest) GetFlow() *Flow

func (*UpdateFlowRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *UpdateFlowRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*UpdateFlowRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (x *UpdateFlowRequest) GetUpdateMask() *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask

func (*UpdateFlowRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateFlowRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateFlowRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *UpdateFlowRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*UpdateFlowRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateFlowRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateFlowRequest) String

func (x *UpdateFlowRequest) String() string


type UpdateIntentRequest struct {

	// Required. The intent to update.
	Intent *Intent `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=intent,proto3" json:"intent,omitempty"`
	// The language of the following fields in `intent`:
	// *   ``
	// If not specified, the agent's default language is used.
	// [Many
	// languages](
	// are supported.
	// Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
	LanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=language_code,json=languageCode,proto3" json:"language_code,omitempty"`
	// The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present,
	// all fields will be updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [Intents.UpdateIntent][].

func (*UpdateIntentRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateIntentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateIntentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateIntentRequest) GetIntent

func (x *UpdateIntentRequest) GetIntent() *Intent

func (*UpdateIntentRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *UpdateIntentRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*UpdateIntentRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (x *UpdateIntentRequest) GetUpdateMask() *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask

func (*UpdateIntentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateIntentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateIntentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *UpdateIntentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*UpdateIntentRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateIntentRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateIntentRequest) String

func (x *UpdateIntentRequest) String() string


type UpdatePageRequest struct {

	// Required. The page to update.
	Page *Page `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page,omitempty"`
	// The language of the following fields in `page`:
	// *  `Page.entry_fulfillment.messages`
	// *  `Page.entry_fulfillment.conditional_cases`
	// *  `Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.messages`
	// *  `Page.event_handlers.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases`
	// *  `Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.messages`
	// *
	// `Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.initial_prompt_fulfillment.conditional_cases`
	// *  `Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.messages`
	// *
	// `Page.form.parameters.fill_behavior.reprompt_event_handlers.conditional_cases`
	// *  `Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages`
	// *  `Page.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases`
	// If not specified, the agent's default language is used.
	// [Many
	// languages](
	// are supported.
	// Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
	LanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=language_code,json=languageCode,proto3" json:"language_code,omitempty"`
	// The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present,
	// all fields will be updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [Pages.UpdatePage][].

func (*UpdatePageRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdatePageRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdatePageRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdatePageRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *UpdatePageRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*UpdatePageRequest) GetPage

func (x *UpdatePageRequest) GetPage() *Page

func (*UpdatePageRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (x *UpdatePageRequest) GetUpdateMask() *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask

func (*UpdatePageRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdatePageRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdatePageRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *UpdatePageRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*UpdatePageRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdatePageRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdatePageRequest) String

func (x *UpdatePageRequest) String() string


type UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest struct {

	// Required. [SecuritySettings] object that contains values for each of the
	// fields to update.
	SecuritySettings *SecuritySettings `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=security_settings,json=securitySettings,proto3" json:"security_settings,omitempty"`
	// Required. The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not
	// present, all fields will be updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [SecuritySettingsService.UpdateSecuritySettings][].

func (*UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) GetSecuritySettings

func (x *UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) GetSecuritySettings() *SecuritySettings

func (*UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (*UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateSecuritySettingsRequest) String


type UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest struct {

	// Required. The session entity type to update.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [SessionEntityTypes.UpdateSessionEntityType][].

func (*UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) GetSessionEntityType

func (x *UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) GetSessionEntityType() *SessionEntityType

func (*UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (*UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateSessionEntityTypeRequest) String


type UpdateTestCaseRequest struct {

	// Required. The test case to update.
	TestCase *TestCase `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=test_case,json=testCase,proto3" json:"test_case,omitempty"`
	// Required. The mask to specify which fields should be updated. The
	// [`creationTime`][]
	// and
	// [`lastTestResult`][]
	// cannot be updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [TestCases.UpdateTestCase][].

func (*UpdateTestCaseRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateTestCaseRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateTestCaseRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateTestCaseRequest) GetTestCase

func (x *UpdateTestCaseRequest) GetTestCase() *TestCase

func (*UpdateTestCaseRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (x *UpdateTestCaseRequest) GetUpdateMask() *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask

func (*UpdateTestCaseRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateTestCaseRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateTestCaseRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *UpdateTestCaseRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*UpdateTestCaseRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateTestCaseRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateTestCaseRequest) String

func (x *UpdateTestCaseRequest) String() string


type UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest struct {

	// Required. The transition route group to update.
	TransitionRouteGroup *TransitionRouteGroup `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=transition_route_group,json=transitionRouteGroup,proto3" json:"transition_route_group,omitempty"`
	// The mask to control which fields get updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// The language of the following fields in `TransitionRouteGroup`:
	// *  `TransitionRouteGroup.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.messages`
	// *
	// `TransitionRouteGroup.transition_routes.trigger_fulfillment.conditional_cases`
	// If not specified, the agent's default language is used.
	// [Many
	// languages](
	// are supported.
	// Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
	LanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=language_code,json=languageCode,proto3" json:"language_code,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [TransitionRouteGroups.UpdateTransitionRouteGroup][].

func (*UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetTransitionRouteGroup

func (x *UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetTransitionRouteGroup() *TransitionRouteGroup

func (*UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (*UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) ProtoReflect

func (*UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) Reset

func (*UpdateTransitionRouteGroupRequest) String


type UpdateVersionRequest struct {

	// Required. The version to update.
	Version *Version `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=version,proto3" json:"version,omitempty"`
	// Required. The mask to control which fields get updated. Currently only
	// `description` and `display_name` can be updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [Versions.UpdateVersion][].

func (*UpdateVersionRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateVersionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateVersionRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateVersionRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (x *UpdateVersionRequest) GetUpdateMask() *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask

func (*UpdateVersionRequest) GetVersion

func (x *UpdateVersionRequest) GetVersion() *Version

func (*UpdateVersionRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateVersionRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateVersionRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *UpdateVersionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*UpdateVersionRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateVersionRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateVersionRequest) String

func (x *UpdateVersionRequest) String() string


type UpdateWebhookRequest struct {

	// Required. The webhook to update.
	Webhook *Webhook `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=webhook,proto3" json:"webhook,omitempty"`
	// The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present,
	// all fields will be updated.
	UpdateMask *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=update_mask,json=updateMask,proto3" json:"update_mask,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The request message for [Webhooks.UpdateWebhook][].

func (*UpdateWebhookRequest) Descriptor

func (*UpdateWebhookRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use UpdateWebhookRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*UpdateWebhookRequest) GetUpdateMask

func (x *UpdateWebhookRequest) GetUpdateMask() *fieldmaskpb.FieldMask

func (*UpdateWebhookRequest) GetWebhook

func (x *UpdateWebhookRequest) GetWebhook() *Webhook

func (*UpdateWebhookRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*UpdateWebhookRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*UpdateWebhookRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *UpdateWebhookRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*UpdateWebhookRequest) Reset

func (x *UpdateWebhookRequest) Reset()

func (*UpdateWebhookRequest) String

func (x *UpdateWebhookRequest) String() string


type ValidateAgentRequest struct {

	// Required. The agent to validate.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Agents.ValidateAgent][].

func (*ValidateAgentRequest) Descriptor

func (*ValidateAgentRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ValidateAgentRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ValidateAgentRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *ValidateAgentRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*ValidateAgentRequest) GetName

func (x *ValidateAgentRequest) GetName() string

func (*ValidateAgentRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ValidateAgentRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ValidateAgentRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ValidateAgentRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ValidateAgentRequest) Reset

func (x *ValidateAgentRequest) Reset()

func (*ValidateAgentRequest) String

func (x *ValidateAgentRequest) String() string


type ValidateFlowRequest struct {

	// Required. The flow to validate.
	// Format: `projects/

The request message for [Flows.ValidateFlow][].

func (*ValidateFlowRequest) Descriptor

func (*ValidateFlowRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ValidateFlowRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ValidateFlowRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *ValidateFlowRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*ValidateFlowRequest) GetName

func (x *ValidateFlowRequest) GetName() string

func (*ValidateFlowRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*ValidateFlowRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*ValidateFlowRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *ValidateFlowRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ValidateFlowRequest) Reset

func (x *ValidateFlowRequest) Reset()

func (*ValidateFlowRequest) String

func (x *ValidateFlowRequest) String() string


type ValidationMessage struct {
	ResourceType ValidationMessage_ResourceType "" /* 169 byte string literal not displayed */

	Resources []string `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=resources,proto3" json:"resources,omitempty"`

	ResourceNames []*ResourceName `protobuf:"bytes,6,rep,name=resource_names,json=resourceNames,proto3" json:"resource_names,omitempty"`

	Severity ValidationMessage_Severity "" /* 137 byte string literal not displayed */

	Detail string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=detail,proto3" json:"detail,omitempty"`


Agent/flow validation message.

func (*ValidationMessage) Descriptor

func (*ValidationMessage) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ValidationMessage.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ValidationMessage) GetDetail

func (x *ValidationMessage) GetDetail() string

func (*ValidationMessage) GetResourceNames

func (x *ValidationMessage) GetResourceNames() []*ResourceName

func (*ValidationMessage) GetResourceType

func (*ValidationMessage) GetResources

func (x *ValidationMessage) GetResources() []string

Deprecated: Marked as deprecated in google/cloud/dialogflow/cx/v3beta1/validation_message.proto.

func (*ValidationMessage) GetSeverity

func (*ValidationMessage) ProtoMessage

func (*ValidationMessage) ProtoMessage()

func (*ValidationMessage) ProtoReflect

func (x *ValidationMessage) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ValidationMessage) Reset

func (x *ValidationMessage) Reset()

func (*ValidationMessage) String

func (x *ValidationMessage) String() string


type ValidationMessage_ResourceType int32

Resource types.

ValidationMessage_RESOURCE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, ValidationMessage_AGENT, ValidationMessage_INTENT, ValidationMessage_INTENT_TRAINING_PHRASE, ValidationMessage_INTENT_PARAMETER, ValidationMessage_INTENTS, ValidationMessage_INTENT_TRAINING_PHRASES, ValidationMessage_ENTITY_TYPE, ValidationMessage_ENTITY_TYPES, ValidationMessage_WEBHOOK, ValidationMessage_FLOW, ValidationMessage_PAGE, ValidationMessage_PAGES, ValidationMessage_TRANSITION_ROUTE_GROUP

const (
	// Unspecified.
	ValidationMessage_RESOURCE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 0
	// Agent.
	ValidationMessage_AGENT ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 1
	// Intent.
	ValidationMessage_INTENT ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 2
	// Intent training phrase.
	ValidationMessage_INTENT_TRAINING_PHRASE ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 8
	// Intent parameter.
	ValidationMessage_INTENT_PARAMETER ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 9
	// Multiple intents.
	ValidationMessage_INTENTS ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 10
	// Multiple training phrases.
	ValidationMessage_INTENT_TRAINING_PHRASES ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 11
	// Entity type.
	ValidationMessage_ENTITY_TYPE ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 3
	// Multiple entity types.
	ValidationMessage_ENTITY_TYPES ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 12
	// Webhook.
	ValidationMessage_WEBHOOK ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 4
	// Flow.
	ValidationMessage_FLOW ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 5
	// Page.
	ValidationMessage_PAGE ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 6
	// Multiple pages.
	ValidationMessage_PAGES ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 13
	// Transition route group.
	ValidationMessage_TRANSITION_ROUTE_GROUP ValidationMessage_ResourceType = 7

func (ValidationMessage_ResourceType) Descriptor

func (ValidationMessage_ResourceType) Enum

func (ValidationMessage_ResourceType) EnumDescriptor

func (ValidationMessage_ResourceType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ValidationMessage_ResourceType.Descriptor instead.

func (ValidationMessage_ResourceType) Number

func (ValidationMessage_ResourceType) String

func (ValidationMessage_ResourceType) Type


type ValidationMessage_Severity int32

Severity level.

ValidationMessage_SEVERITY_UNSPECIFIED, ValidationMessage_INFO, ValidationMessage_WARNING, ValidationMessage_ERROR

const (
	// Unspecified.
	ValidationMessage_SEVERITY_UNSPECIFIED ValidationMessage_Severity = 0
	// The agent doesn't follow Dialogflow best practices.
	ValidationMessage_INFO ValidationMessage_Severity = 1
	// The agent may not behave as expected.
	ValidationMessage_WARNING ValidationMessage_Severity = 2
	// The agent may experience failures.
	ValidationMessage_ERROR ValidationMessage_Severity = 3

func (ValidationMessage_Severity) Descriptor

func (ValidationMessage_Severity) Enum

func (ValidationMessage_Severity) EnumDescriptor

func (ValidationMessage_Severity) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ValidationMessage_Severity.Descriptor instead.

func (ValidationMessage_Severity) Number

func (ValidationMessage_Severity) String

func (ValidationMessage_Severity) Type


type VariantsHistory struct {

	// The variants updated. We currently only support single variant
	// experiment.
	// Types that are assignable to Variants:
	//	*VariantsHistory_VersionVariants
	Variants isVariantsHistory_Variants `protobuf_oneof:"variants"`
	// Update time of the variants.
	UpdateTime *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=update_time,json=updateTime,proto3" json:"update_time,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The history of variants update.

func (*VariantsHistory) Descriptor

func (*VariantsHistory) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use VariantsHistory.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*VariantsHistory) GetUpdateTime

func (x *VariantsHistory) GetUpdateTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*VariantsHistory) GetVariants

func (m *VariantsHistory) GetVariants() isVariantsHistory_Variants

func (*VariantsHistory) GetVersionVariants

func (x *VariantsHistory) GetVersionVariants() *VersionVariants

func (*VariantsHistory) ProtoMessage

func (*VariantsHistory) ProtoMessage()

func (*VariantsHistory) ProtoReflect

func (x *VariantsHistory) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*VariantsHistory) Reset

func (x *VariantsHistory) Reset()

func (*VariantsHistory) String

func (x *VariantsHistory) String() string


type VariantsHistory_VersionVariants struct {
	// The flow versions as the variants.
	VersionVariants *VersionVariants `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=version_variants,json=versionVariants,proto3,oneof"`


type Version struct {

	// Format: projects/

Represents a version of a flow.

func (*Version) Descriptor

func (*Version) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Version.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Version) GetCreateTime

func (x *Version) GetCreateTime() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Version) GetDescription

func (x *Version) GetDescription() string

func (*Version) GetDisplayName

func (x *Version) GetDisplayName() string

func (*Version) GetName

func (x *Version) GetName() string

func (*Version) GetNluSettings

func (x *Version) GetNluSettings() *NluSettings

func (*Version) GetState

func (x *Version) GetState() Version_State

func (*Version) ProtoMessage

func (*Version) ProtoMessage()

func (*Version) ProtoReflect

func (x *Version) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Version) Reset

func (x *Version) Reset()

func (*Version) String

func (x *Version) String() string


type VersionVariants struct {

	// A list of flow version variants.
	Variants []*VersionVariants_Variant `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=variants,proto3" json:"variants,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A list of flow version variants.

func (*VersionVariants) Descriptor

func (*VersionVariants) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use VersionVariants.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*VersionVariants) GetVariants

func (x *VersionVariants) GetVariants() []*VersionVariants_Variant

func (*VersionVariants) ProtoMessage

func (*VersionVariants) ProtoMessage()

func (*VersionVariants) ProtoReflect

func (x *VersionVariants) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*VersionVariants) Reset

func (x *VersionVariants) Reset()

func (*VersionVariants) String

func (x *VersionVariants) String() string


type VersionVariants_Variant struct {

	// The name of the flow version.
	// Format: `projects/

A single flow version with specified traffic allocation.

func (*VersionVariants_Variant) Descriptor

func (*VersionVariants_Variant) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use VersionVariants_Variant.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*VersionVariants_Variant) GetIsControlGroup

func (x *VersionVariants_Variant) GetIsControlGroup() bool

func (*VersionVariants_Variant) GetTrafficAllocation

func (x *VersionVariants_Variant) GetTrafficAllocation() float32

func (*VersionVariants_Variant) GetVersion

func (x *VersionVariants_Variant) GetVersion() string

func (*VersionVariants_Variant) ProtoMessage

func (*VersionVariants_Variant) ProtoMessage()

func (*VersionVariants_Variant) ProtoReflect

func (x *VersionVariants_Variant) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*VersionVariants_Variant) Reset

func (x *VersionVariants_Variant) Reset()

func (*VersionVariants_Variant) String

func (x *VersionVariants_Variant) String() string


type Version_State int32

The state of the version.


const (
	// Not specified. This value is not used.
	Version_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Version_State = 0
	// Version is not ready to serve (e.g. training is running).
	Version_RUNNING Version_State = 1
	// Training has succeeded and this version is ready to serve.
	Version_SUCCEEDED Version_State = 2
	// Version training failed.
	Version_FAILED Version_State = 3

func (Version_State) Descriptor

func (Version_State) Enum

func (x Version_State) Enum() *Version_State

func (Version_State) EnumDescriptor

func (Version_State) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Version_State.Descriptor instead.

func (Version_State) Number

func (Version_State) String

func (x Version_State) String() string

func (Version_State) Type


type VersionsClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all versions in the specified
	// [Flow][].
	ListVersions(ctx context.Context, in *ListVersionsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListVersionsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [Version][].
	GetVersion(ctx context.Context, in *GetVersionRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Version, error)
	// Creates a [Version][] in the
	// specified [Flow][].
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [CreateVersionOperationMetadata][]
	// - `response`: [Version][]
	CreateVersion(ctx context.Context, in *CreateVersionRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Updates the specified
	// [Version][].
	UpdateVersion(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateVersionRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Version, error)
	// Deletes the specified
	// [Version][].
	DeleteVersion(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteVersionRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Loads resources in the specified version to the draft flow.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`: An [Empty
	//   message](
	LoadVersion(ctx context.Context, in *LoadVersionRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Compares the specified base version with target version.
	CompareVersions(ctx context.Context, in *CompareVersionsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*CompareVersionsResponse, error)

VersionsClient is the client API for Versions service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewVersionsClient

func NewVersionsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) VersionsClient


type VersionsServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all versions in the specified
	// [Flow][].
	ListVersions(context.Context, *ListVersionsRequest) (*ListVersionsResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified
	// [Version][].
	GetVersion(context.Context, *GetVersionRequest) (*Version, error)
	// Creates a [Version][] in the
	// specified [Flow][].
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`:
	// [CreateVersionOperationMetadata][]
	// - `response`: [Version][]
	CreateVersion(context.Context, *CreateVersionRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Updates the specified
	// [Version][].
	UpdateVersion(context.Context, *UpdateVersionRequest) (*Version, error)
	// Deletes the specified
	// [Version][].
	DeleteVersion(context.Context, *DeleteVersionRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
	// Loads resources in the specified version to the draft flow.
	// This method is a [long-running
	// operation](
	// The returned `Operation` type has the following method-specific fields:
	// - `metadata`: An empty [Struct
	//   message](
	// - `response`: An [Empty
	//   message](
	LoadVersion(context.Context, *LoadVersionRequest) (*longrunningpb.Operation, error)
	// Compares the specified base version with target version.
	CompareVersions(context.Context, *CompareVersionsRequest) (*CompareVersionsResponse, error)

VersionsServer is the server API for Versions service.


type VoiceSelectionParams struct {
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`

	SsmlGender SsmlVoiceGender "" /* 148 byte string literal not displayed */


Description of which voice to use for speech synthesis.

func (*VoiceSelectionParams) Descriptor

func (*VoiceSelectionParams) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use VoiceSelectionParams.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*VoiceSelectionParams) GetName

func (x *VoiceSelectionParams) GetName() string

func (*VoiceSelectionParams) GetSsmlGender

func (x *VoiceSelectionParams) GetSsmlGender() SsmlVoiceGender

func (*VoiceSelectionParams) ProtoMessage

func (*VoiceSelectionParams) ProtoMessage()

func (*VoiceSelectionParams) ProtoReflect

func (x *VoiceSelectionParams) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*VoiceSelectionParams) Reset

func (x *VoiceSelectionParams) Reset()

func (*VoiceSelectionParams) String

func (x *VoiceSelectionParams) String() string


type Webhook struct {

	// The unique identifier of the webhook.
	// Required for the
	// [Webhooks.UpdateWebhook][]
	// method.
	// [Webhooks.CreateWebhook][]
	// populates the name automatically. Format: `projects/

Webhooks host the developer's business logic. During a session, webhooks allow the developer to use the data extracted by Dialogflow's natural language processing to generate dynamic responses, validate collected data, or trigger actions on the backend.

func (*Webhook) Descriptor

func (*Webhook) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Webhook.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Webhook) GetDisabled

func (x *Webhook) GetDisabled() bool

func (*Webhook) GetDisplayName

func (x *Webhook) GetDisplayName() string

func (*Webhook) GetGenericWebService

func (x *Webhook) GetGenericWebService() *Webhook_GenericWebService

func (*Webhook) GetName

func (x *Webhook) GetName() string

func (*Webhook) GetServiceDirectory

func (x *Webhook) GetServiceDirectory() *Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig

func (*Webhook) GetTimeout

func (x *Webhook) GetTimeout() *durationpb.Duration

func (*Webhook) GetWebhook

func (m *Webhook) GetWebhook() isWebhook_Webhook

func (*Webhook) ProtoMessage

func (*Webhook) ProtoMessage()

func (*Webhook) ProtoReflect

func (x *Webhook) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Webhook) Reset

func (x *Webhook) Reset()

func (*Webhook) String

func (x *Webhook) String() string


type WebhookRequest struct {
	DetectIntentResponseId string "" /* 131 byte string literal not displayed */

	Query isWebhookRequest_Query `protobuf_oneof:"query"`

	LanguageCode string `protobuf:"bytes,15,opt,name=language_code,json=languageCode,proto3" json:"language_code,omitempty"`

	FulfillmentInfo *WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=fulfillment_info,json=fulfillmentInfo,proto3" json:"fulfillment_info,omitempty"`

	IntentInfo *WebhookRequest_IntentInfo `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=intent_info,json=intentInfo,proto3" json:"intent_info,omitempty"`

	PageInfo *PageInfo `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=page_info,json=pageInfo,proto3" json:"page_info,omitempty"`

	SessionInfo *SessionInfo `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=session_info,json=sessionInfo,proto3" json:"session_info,omitempty"`

	Messages []*ResponseMessage `protobuf:"bytes,7,rep,name=messages,proto3" json:"messages,omitempty"`

	Payload *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=payload,proto3" json:"payload,omitempty"`

	SentimentAnalysisResult *WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult "" /* 132 byte string literal not displayed */


The request message for a webhook call. The request is sent as a JSON object and the field names will be presented in camel cases.

You may see undocumented fields in an actual request. These fields are used internally by Dialogflow and should be ignored.

func (*WebhookRequest) Descriptor

func (*WebhookRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use WebhookRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*WebhookRequest) GetDetectIntentResponseId

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetDetectIntentResponseId() string

func (*WebhookRequest) GetDtmfDigits

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetDtmfDigits() string

func (*WebhookRequest) GetFulfillmentInfo

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetFulfillmentInfo() *WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo

func (*WebhookRequest) GetIntentInfo

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetIntentInfo() *WebhookRequest_IntentInfo

func (*WebhookRequest) GetLanguageCode

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetLanguageCode() string

func (*WebhookRequest) GetMessages

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetMessages() []*ResponseMessage

func (*WebhookRequest) GetPageInfo

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetPageInfo() *PageInfo

func (*WebhookRequest) GetPayload

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetPayload() *structpb.Struct

func (*WebhookRequest) GetQuery

func (m *WebhookRequest) GetQuery() isWebhookRequest_Query

func (*WebhookRequest) GetSentimentAnalysisResult

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetSentimentAnalysisResult() *WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult

func (*WebhookRequest) GetSessionInfo

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetSessionInfo() *SessionInfo

func (*WebhookRequest) GetText

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetText() string

func (*WebhookRequest) GetTranscript

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetTranscript() string

func (*WebhookRequest) GetTriggerEvent

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetTriggerEvent() string

func (*WebhookRequest) GetTriggerIntent

func (x *WebhookRequest) GetTriggerIntent() string

func (*WebhookRequest) ProtoMessage

func (*WebhookRequest) ProtoMessage()

func (*WebhookRequest) ProtoReflect

func (x *WebhookRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*WebhookRequest) Reset

func (x *WebhookRequest) Reset()

func (*WebhookRequest) String

func (x *WebhookRequest) String() string


type WebhookRequest_DtmfDigits struct {
	// If [DTMF][] was provided as
	// input, this field will contain the DTMF digits.
	DtmfDigits string `protobuf:"bytes,17,opt,name=dtmf_digits,json=dtmfDigits,proto3,oneof"`


type WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo struct {

	// Always present.
	// The value of the
	// [Fulfillment.tag][]
	// field will be populated in this field by Dialogflow when the associated
	// webhook is called. The tag is typically used by the webhook service to
	// identify which fulfillment is being called, but it could be used for
	// other purposes.
	Tag string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=tag,proto3" json:"tag,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents fulfillment information communicated to the webhook.

func (*WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo) Descriptor

func (*WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo) GetTag

func (*WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo) ProtoReflect

func (*WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo) Reset

func (x *WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo) Reset()

func (*WebhookRequest_FulfillmentInfo) String


type WebhookRequest_IntentInfo struct {
	LastMatchedIntent string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=last_matched_intent,json=lastMatchedIntent,proto3" json:"last_matched_intent,omitempty"`

	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`

	Parameters map[string]*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo_IntentParameterValue "" /* 161 byte string literal not displayed */

	Confidence float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,4,opt,name=confidence,proto3" json:"confidence,omitempty"`


Represents intent information communicated to the webhook.

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) Descriptor

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use WebhookRequest_IntentInfo.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) GetConfidence

func (x *WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) GetConfidence() float32

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) GetDisplayName

func (x *WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) GetDisplayName() string

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) GetLastMatchedIntent

func (x *WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) GetLastMatchedIntent() string

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) GetParameters

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) ProtoReflect

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) Reset

func (x *WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) Reset()

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) String

func (x *WebhookRequest_IntentInfo) String() string


type WebhookRequest_IntentInfo_IntentParameterValue struct {

	// Always present. Original text value extracted from user utterance.
	OriginalValue string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=original_value,json=originalValue,proto3" json:"original_value,omitempty"`
	// Always present. Structured value for the parameter extracted from user
	// utterance.
	ResolvedValue *structpb.Value `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=resolved_value,json=resolvedValue,proto3" json:"resolved_value,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents a value for an intent parameter.

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo_IntentParameterValue) Descriptor

Deprecated: Use WebhookRequest_IntentInfo_IntentParameterValue.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo_IntentParameterValue) GetOriginalValue

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo_IntentParameterValue) GetResolvedValue

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo_IntentParameterValue) ProtoMessage

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo_IntentParameterValue) ProtoReflect

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo_IntentParameterValue) Reset

func (*WebhookRequest_IntentInfo_IntentParameterValue) String


type WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult struct {

	// Sentiment score between -1.0 (negative sentiment) and 1.0 (positive
	// sentiment).
	Score float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,1,opt,name=score,proto3" json:"score,omitempty"`
	// A non-negative number in the [0, +inf) range, which represents the
	// absolute magnitude of sentiment, regardless of score (positive or
	// negative).
	Magnitude float32 `protobuf:"fixed32,2,opt,name=magnitude,proto3" json:"magnitude,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents the result of sentiment analysis.

func (*WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult) Descriptor

func (*WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult) GetMagnitude

func (*WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult) GetScore

func (*WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult) ProtoMessage

func (*WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult) ProtoReflect

func (*WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult) Reset

func (*WebhookRequest_SentimentAnalysisResult) String


type WebhookRequest_Text struct {
	// If [natural language text][]
	// was provided as input, this field will contain a copy of the text.
	Text string `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=text,proto3,oneof"`


type WebhookRequest_Transcript struct {
	// If [natural language speech
	// audio][] was provided as
	// input, this field will contain the transcript for the audio.
	Transcript string `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=transcript,proto3,oneof"`


type WebhookRequest_TriggerEvent struct {
	// If an [event][] was provided
	// as input, this field will contain the name of the event.
	TriggerEvent string `protobuf:"bytes,14,opt,name=trigger_event,json=triggerEvent,proto3,oneof"`


type WebhookRequest_TriggerIntent struct {
	// If an [intent][] was
	// provided as input, this field will contain a copy of the intent
	// identifier. Format: `projects/


type WebhookResponse struct {

	// The fulfillment response to send to the user. This field can be omitted by
	// the webhook if it does not intend to send any response to the user.
	FulfillmentResponse *WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=fulfillment_response,json=fulfillmentResponse,proto3" json:"fulfillment_response,omitempty"`
	// Information about page status. This field can be omitted by the webhook if
	// it does not intend to modify page status.
	PageInfo *PageInfo `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=page_info,json=pageInfo,proto3" json:"page_info,omitempty"`
	// Information about session status. This field can be omitted by the webhook
	// if it does not intend to modify session status.
	SessionInfo *SessionInfo `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=session_info,json=sessionInfo,proto3" json:"session_info,omitempty"`
	// Value to append directly to
	// [QueryResult.webhook_payloads][].
	Payload *structpb.Struct `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=payload,proto3" json:"payload,omitempty"`
	// The target to transition to. This can be set optionally to indicate an
	// immediate transition to a different page in the same host flow, or a
	// different flow in the same agent.
	// Types that are assignable to Transition:
	//	*WebhookResponse_TargetPage
	//	*WebhookResponse_TargetFlow
	Transition isWebhookResponse_Transition `protobuf_oneof:"transition"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The response message for a webhook call.

func (*WebhookResponse) Descriptor

func (*WebhookResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use WebhookResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*WebhookResponse) GetFulfillmentResponse

func (x *WebhookResponse) GetFulfillmentResponse() *WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse

func (*WebhookResponse) GetPageInfo

func (x *WebhookResponse) GetPageInfo() *PageInfo

func (*WebhookResponse) GetPayload

func (x *WebhookResponse) GetPayload() *structpb.Struct

func (*WebhookResponse) GetSessionInfo

func (x *WebhookResponse) GetSessionInfo() *SessionInfo

func (*WebhookResponse) GetTargetFlow

func (x *WebhookResponse) GetTargetFlow() string

func (*WebhookResponse) GetTargetPage

func (x *WebhookResponse) GetTargetPage() string

func (*WebhookResponse) GetTransition

func (m *WebhookResponse) GetTransition() isWebhookResponse_Transition

func (*WebhookResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*WebhookResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*WebhookResponse) ProtoReflect

func (x *WebhookResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*WebhookResponse) Reset

func (x *WebhookResponse) Reset()

func (*WebhookResponse) String

func (x *WebhookResponse) String() string


type WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse struct {
	Messages []*ResponseMessage `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=messages,proto3" json:"messages,omitempty"`

	MergeBehavior WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior "" /* 191 byte string literal not displayed */


Represents a fulfillment response to the user.

func (*WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse) Descriptor

func (*WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse) GetMergeBehavior

func (*WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse) GetMessages

func (*WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse) ProtoMessage

func (*WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse) ProtoMessage()

func (*WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse) ProtoReflect

func (*WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse) Reset

func (*WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse) String


type WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior int32

Defines merge behavior for messages.

WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MERGE_BEHAVIOR_UNSPECIFIED, WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_APPEND, WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_REPLACE

const (
	// Not specified. `APPEND` will be used.
	WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MERGE_BEHAVIOR_UNSPECIFIED WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior = 0
	// `messages` will be appended to the list of messages waiting to be sent
	// to the user.
	WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_APPEND WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior = 1
	// `messages` will replace the list of messages waiting to be sent to the
	// user.
	WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_REPLACE WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior = 2

func (WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior) Descriptor

func (WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior) Enum

func (WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior) EnumDescriptor

Deprecated: Use WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior.Descriptor instead.

func (WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior) Number

func (WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior) String

func (WebhookResponse_FulfillmentResponse_MergeBehavior) Type


type WebhookResponse_TargetFlow struct {
	// The target flow to transition to.
	// Format: `projects/


type WebhookResponse_TargetPage struct {
	// The target page to transition to.
	// Format: `projects/


type Webhook_GenericWebService struct {
	Uri string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=uri,proto3" json:"uri,omitempty"`

	Username string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=username,proto3" json:"username,omitempty"`

	Password string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=password,proto3" json:"password,omitempty"`

	RequestHeaders map[string]string "" /* 191 byte string literal not displayed */

	AllowedCaCerts [][]byte `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=allowed_ca_certs,json=allowedCaCerts,proto3" json:"allowed_ca_certs,omitempty"`

	WebhookType Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType "" /* 173 byte string literal not displayed */

	HttpMethod Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod "" /* 169 byte string literal not displayed */

	RequestBody string `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=request_body,json=requestBody,proto3" json:"request_body,omitempty"`

	ParameterMapping map[string]string "" /* 197 byte string literal not displayed */


Represents configuration for a generic web service.

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) Descriptor

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Webhook_GenericWebService.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) GetAllowedCaCerts

func (x *Webhook_GenericWebService) GetAllowedCaCerts() [][]byte

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) GetHttpMethod

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) GetParameterMapping

func (x *Webhook_GenericWebService) GetParameterMapping() map[string]string

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) GetPassword

func (x *Webhook_GenericWebService) GetPassword() string

Deprecated: Marked as deprecated in google/cloud/dialogflow/cx/v3beta1/webhook.proto.

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) GetRequestBody

func (x *Webhook_GenericWebService) GetRequestBody() string

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) GetRequestHeaders

func (x *Webhook_GenericWebService) GetRequestHeaders() map[string]string

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) GetUri

func (x *Webhook_GenericWebService) GetUri() string

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) GetUsername

func (x *Webhook_GenericWebService) GetUsername() string

Deprecated: Marked as deprecated in google/cloud/dialogflow/cx/v3beta1/webhook.proto.

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) GetWebhookType

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) ProtoMessage

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) ProtoMessage()

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) ProtoReflect

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) Reset

func (x *Webhook_GenericWebService) Reset()

func (*Webhook_GenericWebService) String

func (x *Webhook_GenericWebService) String() string


type Webhook_GenericWebService_ struct {
	// Configuration for a generic web service.
	GenericWebService *Webhook_GenericWebService `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=generic_web_service,json=genericWebService,proto3,oneof"`


type Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod int32

HTTP method to use when calling webhooks.

Webhook_GenericWebService_HTTP_METHOD_UNSPECIFIED, Webhook_GenericWebService_POST, Webhook_GenericWebService_GET, Webhook_GenericWebService_HEAD, Webhook_GenericWebService_PUT, Webhook_GenericWebService_DELETE, Webhook_GenericWebService_PATCH, Webhook_GenericWebService_OPTIONS

const (
	// HTTP method not specified.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_HTTP_METHOD_UNSPECIFIED Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod = 0
	// HTTP POST Method.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_POST Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod = 1
	// HTTP GET Method.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_GET Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod = 2
	// HTTP HEAD Method.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_HEAD Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod = 3
	// HTTP PUT Method.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_PUT Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod = 4
	// HTTP DELETE Method.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_DELETE Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod = 5
	// HTTP PATCH Method.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_PATCH Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod = 6
	// HTTP OPTIONS Method.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_OPTIONS Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod = 7

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod) Descriptor

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod) Enum

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod) EnumDescriptor

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod.Descriptor instead.

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod) Number

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod) String

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_HttpMethod) Type


type Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType int32

Represents the type of webhook configuration.

Webhook_GenericWebService_WEBHOOK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, Webhook_GenericWebService_STANDARD, Webhook_GenericWebService_FLEXIBLE

const (
	// Default value. This value is unused.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_WEBHOOK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType = 0
	// Represents a standard webhook.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_STANDARD Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType = 1
	// Represents a flexible webhook.
	Webhook_GenericWebService_FLEXIBLE Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType = 2

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType) Descriptor

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType) Enum

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType) EnumDescriptor

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType.Descriptor instead.

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType) Number

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType) String

func (Webhook_GenericWebService_WebhookType) Type


type Webhook_ServiceDirectory struct {
	// Configuration for a [Service
	// Directory]( service.
	ServiceDirectory *Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=service_directory,json=serviceDirectory,proto3,oneof"`


type Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig struct {

	// Required. The name of [Service
	// Directory]( service.
	// Format: `projects/

Represents configuration for a Service Directory service.

func (*Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) Descriptor

func (*Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) GetGenericWebService

func (x *Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) GetGenericWebService() *Webhook_GenericWebService

func (*Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) GetService

func (x *Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) GetService() string

func (*Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) ProtoMessage

func (*Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) ProtoMessage()

func (*Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) ProtoReflect

func (*Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) Reset

func (x *Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) Reset()

func (*Webhook_ServiceDirectoryConfig) String


type WebhooksClient interface {
	// Returns the list of all webhooks in the specified agent.
	ListWebhooks(ctx context.Context, in *ListWebhooksRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListWebhooksResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified webhook.
	GetWebhook(ctx context.Context, in *GetWebhookRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Webhook, error)
	// Creates a webhook in the specified agent.
	CreateWebhook(ctx context.Context, in *CreateWebhookRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Webhook, error)
	// Updates the specified webhook.
	UpdateWebhook(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateWebhookRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Webhook, error)
	// Deletes the specified webhook.
	DeleteWebhook(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteWebhookRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

WebhooksClient is the client API for Webhooks service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewWebhooksClient

func NewWebhooksClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) WebhooksClient


type WebhooksServer interface {
	// Returns the list of all webhooks in the specified agent.
	ListWebhooks(context.Context, *ListWebhooksRequest) (*ListWebhooksResponse, error)
	// Retrieves the specified webhook.
	GetWebhook(context.Context, *GetWebhookRequest) (*Webhook, error)
	// Creates a webhook in the specified agent.
	CreateWebhook(context.Context, *CreateWebhookRequest) (*Webhook, error)
	// Updates the specified webhook.
	UpdateWebhook(context.Context, *UpdateWebhookRequest) (*Webhook, error)
	// Deletes the specified webhook.
	DeleteWebhook(context.Context, *DeleteWebhookRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)

WebhooksServer is the server API for Webhooks service.