E2 standard workstations in us-central1
Workstation machine type Virtual CPUs Memory Price ($/hour)
e2-standard-2 2 8 GB $0.17
e2-standard-4 4 16 GB $0.33
e2-standard-8 8 32 GB $0.67
e2-standard-16 16 64 GB $1.34
e2-standard-32 32 128 GB $2.67
E2 shared-core workstations in us-central1
Workstation machine type Virtual CPUs Memory Price ($/hour)
e2-medium 1 4 GB $0.08
N1 standard workstations in us-central1
Workstation machine type Virtual CPUs Memory Price ($/hour)
n1-standard-1 1 3.75 GB $0.10
n1-standard-2 2 7.5 GB $0.19
n1-standard-4 4 15 GB $0.39
n1-standard-8 8 30 GB $0.78
n1-standard-16 16 60 GB $1.56
n1-standard-32 32 120 GB $3.12
n1-standard-64 64 240 GB $6.24
n1-standard-96 96 360 GB $9.36
N2 standard workstations in us-central1
Workstation machine type Virtual CPUs Memory Price ($/hour)
n2-standard-2 2 8 GB $0.20
n2-standard-4 4 16 GB $0.39
n2-standard-8 8 32 GB $0.79
n2-standard-16 16 64 GB $1.58
n2-standard-32 32 128 GB $3.15
Confidential computing (N2D standard) workstations in us-central1
Workstation machine type Virtual CPUs Memory Price ($/hour)
n2d-standard-2 2 8 GB $0.18
n2d-standard-4 4 16 GB $0.37
n2d-standard-8 8 32 GB $0.74
n2d-standard-16 16 64 GB $1.48
n2d-standard-32 32 128 GB $2.95
Confidential computing (N2D high-memory) workstations in us-central1
Workstation machine type Virtual CPUs Memory Price ($/hour)
n2d-highmem-2 2 16 GB $0.21
n2d-highmem-4 4 32 GB $0.43
n2d-highmem-8 8 64 GB $0.86
n2d-highmem-16 16 128 GB $1.71
n2d-highmem-32 32 256 GB $3.42
n2d-highmem-48 48 384 GB $5.14
n2d-highmem-64 64 512 GB $6.85
n2d-highmem-80 80 640 GB $8.56
n2d-highmem-96 96 768 GB $10.27
T2D standard workstations in us-central1
Workstation machine type Virtual CPUs Memory Price ($/hour)
t2d-standard-60 60 240 GB $5.53
A2 standard workstations in us-central1 (total cost)

The following table shows the total calculated cost that you can expect for these predefined A2 machine types. This total cost includes the cost for the GPUs, vCPU, memory, and workstation management.

Workstation machine type GPUs Virtual CPUs Memory Price ($/hour)
a2-highgpu-1g 1 12 85 GB $4.27
a2-highgpu-2g 2 24 170 GB $8.55
a2-highgpu-4g 4 48 340 GB $17.09
a2-highgpu-8g 8 96 680 GB $34.19
a2-megagpu-16g 16 96 1,360 GB $60.54