Slurm SchedMD

Slurm Workload Manager

Who is SchedMD?

SchedMD is the core software company behind the Slurm workload manager, an open-source workload manager designed specifically to satisfy the demanding needs of high-performance computing. The owners and employees of SchedMD have written over 90% of the Slurm code base. SchedMD distributes and maintains the canonical version of Slurm. SchedMD provides commercial support, development, training, and configuration services worldwide.

Why Slurm Workload Manager?

Slurm is a highly configurable open-source workload manager and has been the scheduler of choice for the largest systems in the world for 17+ years. Slurm has well over 500,000 lines of code and is written in C. Slurm is battle tested on the largest supercomputers worldwide, and hence, the trusted workload manager across the industry. Slurm is reliant at commercial entities in manufacturing, aerospace, pharmaceutical, automotive, AI, deep computing, banking FSI, oil and gas, and the largest social media platforms. Slurm is predominant in the federal government (including largest DOE and DOD) laboratories, universities, bio and life sciences, hospitals and cancer centers.

Slurm runs on the top 6 of the 10 biggest HPC systems in the world Slurm is on 42% of the top 100 biggest HPC systems in the world Slurm has 35+% market share worldwide

Why is Slurm the most favored and selected workload manager for HPC and HTC? SchedMD customers are clear in their answer:

Slurm’s reliability and stability

Slurm is the most scalable workload manager on the top largest systems in the world Slurm’s performance is untouched (500 jobs/second)

Slurm is feature rich

The SchedMD team looks forward to working with you!


Google Cloud Platform

Partner type

ISV/Technology Partner

Supported Languages

English and Spanish


United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, Chile, China, Germany, Ecuador, Egypt, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, India, Iceland, Italy, Jordan, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Malaysia, AN, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, El Salvador, SY, Thailand, Türkiye, Taiwan, Ukraine, Uganda, U.S. Outlying Islands, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, and South Africa