GroupBy Inc.

Increase Site Conversions with Intelligent Search & Data Enrichment


Retail & Wholesale and Small & Medium Business
Vertex AI Search for commerce

Founded in 2013, GroupBy is an eCommerce Search and Product Discovery SaaS technology provider that powers some of the largest B2B and B2C brands. GroupBy’s AI-first composable platform is bringing next-generation search technology to retailers worldwide, helping to bridge the gap between consumer and merchant. Powered by Google Cloud Discovery AI, the platform consists of Data Enrichment, Search and Recommendations, Merchandising, and Analytics and Reporting providing eCommerce merchants with access to a powerhouse of products and services designed to enhance the digital customer experience. Built on AI fundamentals, the GroupBy platform is transforming eCommerce merchandising from rule-based to revenue-generating, optimizing productivity and efficiencies, and reducing time to market - allowing retailers, wholesalers and distributors to focus on business strategic initiatives that drive revenue. To learn more about how GroupBy is shaping the future of eCommerce visit and follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

Premier Partner

Google Cloud Platform - Build


Google Cloud Platform

Partner type

ISV/Technology Partner

Supported Languages

Cantonese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Chinese, and Chinese (Traditional)


Australia, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Mexico, New Zealand, French Southern Territories, U.S. Outlying Islands, United States, and world