Troubleshooting overview

This page provides general troubleshooting information and provides links to other pages for additional information.

Errors when deploying the Cloud Endpoints configuration

If you got an error message from the gcloud endpoints services deploy command, see Troubleshooting Endpoints configuration deployment for information on troubleshooting the error.

Errors when deploying your API backend

The deployment of your API and the Extensible Service Proxy (ESP) to a Google Cloud backend is platform dependent. See the following troubleshooting guides for more information:

Response errors

When you send a request to your API and receive an error response, see Troubleshooting response errors for information on troubleshooting the error.

Checking required services

Checking required services

At a minimum, Endpoints and ESP require the following Google services to be enabled:
Name Title Service Management API Service Control API Google Cloud Endpoints

In most cases, the gcloud endpoints services deploy command enables these required services. However, the gcloud command completes successfully but doesn't enable the required services in the following circumstances:

  • If you used a third-party application such as Terraform, and you don't include these services.

  • You deployed the Endpoints configuration to an existing Google Cloud project in which these services were explicitly disabled.

Use the following command to confirm that the required services are enabled:

gcloud services list

If you do not see the required services listed, enable them:

gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable

Also enable your Endpoints service:

gcloud services enable ENDPOINTS_SERVICE_NAME

To determine the ENDPOINTS_SERVICE_NAME you can either:

  • After deploying the Endpoints configuration, go to the Endpoints page in the Cloud console. The list of possible ENDPOINTS_SERVICE_NAME are shown under the Service name column.

  • For OpenAPI, the ENDPOINTS_SERVICE_NAME is what you specified in the host field of your OpenAPI spec. For gRPC, the ENDPOINTS_SERVICE_NAME is what you specified in the name field of your gRPC Endpoints configuration.

For more information about the gcloud commands, see gcloud services.

Checking required permissions

The instance running Extensible Service Proxy requires permissions to call Service Management and ServiceControl.

Checking debug information

Running the Google Cloud CLI with debug verbosity helps with debugging.

gcloud --verbosity=debug COMMAND

This command makes the Google Cloud CLI print a verbose log of the error. Depending on the command being run, the output can include request and response information from the server.

Enabling a service

You can check whether a service is enabled using gcloud.

gcloud services list

To display configuration for a particular service, use the following command:

gcloud endpoints services describe SERVICE_NAME

Proxy OAuth fails yet requests pass

Make sure there is an authentication section that has your OAuth definition in your gRPC API configuration file. An example configuration file is available in the Bookstore sample on GitHub.

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