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Configure the list of force-installed apps and extensions

Supported on:

  • Google Chrome (Linux, Mac, Windows) since version 9
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 11
  • Description:

    Setting the policy specifies a list of apps and extensions that install silently, without user interaction, and which users can't uninstall or turn off through the Google Chrome interface. Permissions are granted implicitly, including for the enterprise.deviceAttributes and enterprise.platformKeys extension APIs. (These 2 APIs aren't available to apps and extensions that aren't force-installed.)

    Although Google Chrome aims to prevent users from uninstalling these extensions, some operating systems make it impossible for Google Chrome to defend robustly against extensions being modified externally, so this prevention is best efforts.

    Leaving the policy unset means no apps or extensions are autoinstalled, and users can uninstall any app or extension in Google Chrome.

    This policy supersedes ExtensionInstallBlocklist policy. If a previously force-installed app or extension is removed from this list, Google Chrome automatically uninstalls it.

    The source code of any extension may be altered by users through developer tools, potentially rendering the extension dysfunctional. If this is a concern, set the DeveloperToolsDisabled policy.

    Each list item of the policy is a string that contains an extension ID and, optionally, an update URL separated by a semicolon (;). The extension ID is the 32-letter string found, for example, on chrome://extensions when in Developer mode. If specified, the update URL should point to an Update Manifest XML document ( ). The update URL should use one of the following schemes: http, https or file. By default, the Chrome Web Store's update URL is used. The update URL set in this policy is only used for the initial installation; subsequent updates of the extension use the update URL in the extension's manifest. The update url for subsequent updates can be overridden using the ExtensionSettings policy, see

    On Microsoft® Windows® instances, apps and extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store can only be forced installed if the instance is joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, joined to Microsoft® Azure® Active Directory® or enrolled in Chrome Enterprise Core.

    On macOS instances, apps and extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store can only be force installed if the instance is managed via MDM, joined to a domain via MCX or enrolled in Chrome Enterprise Core.

    Note: This policy doesn't apply to Incognito mode. Read about hosting extensions ( ).

    Supported features:

    • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
    • Per Profile : Yes

    Note for Google ChromeOS devices supporting Android apps:

    Android apps can be force-installed from the Google Admin console using Google Play. They do not use this policy.

    This policy is part of the Extensions atomic policy group.

    Data type:

    List of strings

    Windows registry location:

    Copied to clipboard

    Mac/Linux preference name:

    Copied to clipboard

    Example value (Windows):

    Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist\1 = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;
    Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist\2 = abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop
    Copied to clipboard

    Example value (ChromeOS with Active Directory management):

    line 1 = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;
    line 2 = abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop
    Copied to clipboard

    Example value (Linux):

    Copied to clipboard

    Example value (Mac):

    Copied to clipboard