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Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes

Supported on:

  • Google Chrome (Linux, Mac, Windows) since version 67
  • Google ChromeOS (Google ChromeOS) since version 67
  • Google Chrome (Android) since version 67
  • Description:

    Setting the policy turns off enforcement of Certificate Transparency disclosure requirements for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes. Enterprise hosts can keep using certificates that otherwise wouldn't be trusted (because they weren't properly publicly disclosed). To turn off enforcement, the hash must meet one of these conditions:

    * It's of the server certificate's subjectPublicKeyInfo.

    * It's of a subjectPublicKeyInfo that appears in a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate in the certificate chain. That CA certificate is constrained through the X.509v3 nameConstraints extension, one or more directoryName nameConstraints are present in the permittedSubtrees, and the directoryName has an organizationName attribute.

    * It's of a subjectPublicKeyInfo that appears in a CA certificate in the certificate chain, the CA certificate has one or more organizationName attributes in the certificate Subject, and the server's certificate has the same number of organizationName attributes, in the same order, and with byte-for-byte identical values.

    Specify a subjectPublicKeyInfo hash by linking the hash algorithm name, a slash, and the Base64 encoding of that hash algorithm applied to the DER-encoded subjectPublicKeyInfo of the specified certificate. Base64 encoding format matches that of an SPKI Fingerprint. The only recognized hash algorithm is sha256; others are ignored.

    Leaving the policy unset means that if certificates requiring disclosure through Certificate Transparency aren't disclosed, then Google Chrome doesn't trust those certificates.

    Supported features:

    • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
    • Per Profile : Yes

    Data type:

    List of strings Android:string

    Windows registry location:

    Copied to clipboard

    Mac/Linux preference name:

    Copied to clipboard

    Android restriction name:

    Copied to clipboard

    Example value (Windows):

    Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas\1 = sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
    Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas\2 = sha256//////////////////////w==
    Copied to clipboard

    Example value (ChromeOS with Active Directory management):

    line 1 = sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
    line 2 = sha256//////////////////////w==
    Copied to clipboard

    Example value (Linux):

    Copied to clipboard

    Example value (Android):

    Copied to clipboard

    Example value (Mac):

    Copied to clipboard

    More policies under Miscellaneous