CSV 文件的日期转换

展示如何对 CSV 文件进行日期转换。





如需了解如何安装和使用 Cloud DLP 客户端库,请参阅 Cloud DLP 客户端库

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;
using Google.Protobuf;

public class DeidentifyWithDateShift
    public static DeidentifyContentResponse Deidentify(
        string projectId,
        string inputCsvFilePath,
        int lowerBoundDays,
        int upperBoundDays,
        string dateFields,
        string contextField,
        string keyName,
        string wrappedKey)
        var hasKeyName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyName);
        var hasWrappedKey = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(wrappedKey);
        var hasContext = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextField);
        bool allFieldsSet = hasKeyName && hasWrappedKey && hasContext;
        bool noFieldsSet = !hasKeyName && !hasWrappedKey && !hasContext;
        if (!(allFieldsSet || noFieldsSet))
            throw new ArgumentException("Must specify ALL or NONE of: {contextFieldId, keyName, wrappedKey}!");

        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        // Read file
        var csvLines = File.ReadAllLines(inputCsvFilePath);
        var csvHeaders = csvLines[0].Split(',');
        var csvRows = csvLines.Skip(1).ToArray();

        // Convert dates to protobuf format, and everything else to a string
        var protoHeaders = csvHeaders.Select(header => new FieldId { Name = header });
        var protoRows = csvRows.Select(csvRow =>
            var rowValues = csvRow.Split(',');
            var protoValues = rowValues.Select(rowValue =>
               System.DateTime.TryParse(rowValue, out var parsedDate)
               ? new Value { DateValue = Google.Type.Date.FromDateTime(parsedDate) }
               : new Value { StringValue = rowValue });

            var rowObject = new Table.Types.Row();
            return rowObject;

        var dateFieldList = dateFields
            .Select(field => new FieldId { Name = field });

        // Construct + execute the request
        var dateShiftConfig = new DateShiftConfig
            LowerBoundDays = lowerBoundDays,
            UpperBoundDays = upperBoundDays

        dateShiftConfig.Context = new FieldId { Name = contextField };
        dateShiftConfig.CryptoKey = new CryptoKey
            KmsWrapped = new KmsWrappedCryptoKey
                WrappedKey = ByteString.FromBase64(wrappedKey),
                CryptoKeyName = keyName

        var deidConfig = new DeidentifyConfig
            RecordTransformations = new RecordTransformations
                FieldTransformations =
                    new FieldTransformation
                        PrimitiveTransformation = new PrimitiveTransformation
                            DateShiftConfig = dateShiftConfig
                        Fields = { dateFieldList }

        var response = dlp.DeidentifyContent(
            new DeidentifyContentRequest
                Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(),
                DeidentifyConfig = deidConfig,
                Item = new ContentItem
                    Table = new Table
                        Headers = { protoHeaders },
                        Rows = { protoRows }

        return response;


如需了解如何安装和使用 Cloud DLP 客户端库,请参阅 Cloud DLP 客户端库

import (

	dlp "cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2"
	dlppb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/privacy/dlp/v2"

// deidentifyDateShift shifts dates found in the input between lowerBoundDays and
// upperBoundDays.
func deidentifyDateShift(w io.Writer, projectID string, lowerBoundDays, upperBoundDays int32, input string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// lowerBoundDays := -1
	// upperBound := -1
	// input := "2016-01-10"
	// Will print "2016-01-09"
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("dlp.NewClient: %v", err)
	defer client.Close()
	// Create a configured request.
	req := &dlppb.DeidentifyContentRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		DeidentifyConfig: &dlppb.DeidentifyConfig{
			Transformation: &dlppb.DeidentifyConfig_InfoTypeTransformations{
				InfoTypeTransformations: &dlppb.InfoTypeTransformations{
					Transformations: []*dlppb.InfoTypeTransformations_InfoTypeTransformation{
							InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{}, // Match all info types.
							PrimitiveTransformation: &dlppb.PrimitiveTransformation{
								Transformation: &dlppb.PrimitiveTransformation_DateShiftConfig{
									DateShiftConfig: &dlppb.DateShiftConfig{
										LowerBoundDays: lowerBoundDays,
										UpperBoundDays: upperBoundDays,
		// The InspectConfig is used to identify the DATE fields.
		InspectConfig: &dlppb.InspectConfig{
			InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
					Name: "DATE",
		// The item to analyze.
		Item: &dlppb.ContentItem{
			DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_Value{
				Value: input,
	// Send the request.
	r, err := client.DeidentifyContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("DeidentifyContent: %v", err)
	// Print the result.
	fmt.Fprint(w, r.GetItem().GetValue())
	return nil


如需了解如何安装和使用 Cloud DLP 客户端库,请参阅 Cloud DLP 客户端库

import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.common.base.Splitter;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ContentItem;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.DateShiftConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.DeidentifyConfig;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.DeidentifyContentRequest;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.DeidentifyContentResponse;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.FieldId;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.FieldTransformation;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.LocationName;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.PrimitiveTransformation;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.RecordTransformations;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Table;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.Value;
import com.google.type.Date;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class DeIdentifyWithDateShift {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    Path inputCsvFile = Paths.get("path/to/your/input/file.csv");
    Path outputCsvFile = Paths.get("path/to/your/output/file.csv");
    deIdentifyWithDateShift(projectId, inputCsvFile, outputCsvFile);

  public static void deIdentifyWithDateShift(
      String projectId, Path inputCsvFile, Path outputCsvFile) throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Read the contents of the CSV file into a Table
      List<FieldId> headers;
      List<Table.Row> rows;
      try (BufferedReader input = Files.newBufferedReader(inputCsvFile)) {
        // Parse and convert the first line into header names
        headers =
                .map(header -> FieldId.newBuilder().setName(header).build())
        // Parse the remainder of the file as Table.Rows
        rows =
      Table table = Table.newBuilder().addAllHeaders(headers).addAllRows(rows).build();
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setTable(table).build();

      // Set the maximum days to shift dates backwards (lower bound) or forward (upper bound)
      DateShiftConfig dateShiftConfig =
      PrimitiveTransformation transformation =
      // Specify which fields the DateShift should apply too
      List<FieldId> dateFields = Arrays.asList(headers.get(1), headers.get(3));
      FieldTransformation fieldTransformation =
      RecordTransformations recordTransformations =
      // Specify the config for the de-identify request
      DeidentifyConfig deidentifyConfig =

      // Combine configurations into a request for the service.
      DeidentifyContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Send the request and receive response from the service
      DeidentifyContentResponse response = dlp.deidentifyContent(request);

      // Write the results to the target CSV file
      try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(outputCsvFile)) {
        Table outTable = response.getItem().getTable();
        String headerOut =
        writer.write(headerOut + "\n");

        List<String> rowOutput =
                .map(row -> joinRow(row.getValuesList()))
        for (String line : rowOutput) {
          writer.write(line + "\n");
        System.out.println("Content written to file: " + outputCsvFile.toString());

  // Convert the string from the csv file into com.google.type.Date
  public static Date parseAsDate(String s) {
    LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse(s, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM/dd/yyyy"));
    return Date.newBuilder()

  // Each row is in the format: Name,BirthDate,CreditCardNumber,RegisterDate
  public static Table.Row parseLineAsRow(String line) {
    List<String> values = Splitter.on(",").splitToList(line);
    Value name = Value.newBuilder().setStringValue(values.get(0)).build();
    Value birthDate = Value.newBuilder().setDateValue(parseAsDate(values.get(1))).build();
    Value creditCardNumber = Value.newBuilder().setStringValue(values.get(2)).build();
    Value registerDate = Value.newBuilder().setDateValue(parseAsDate(values.get(3))).build();
    return Table.Row.newBuilder()

  public static String formatDate(Date d) {
    return String.format("%s/%s/%s", d.getMonth(), d.getDay(), d.getYear());

  public static String joinRow(List<Value> values) {
    String name = values.get(0).getStringValue();
    String birthDate = formatDate(values.get(1).getDateValue());
    String creditCardNumber = values.get(2).getStringValue();
    String registerDate = formatDate(values.get(3).getDateValue());
    return String.join(",", name, birthDate, creditCardNumber, registerDate);


如需了解如何安装和使用 Cloud DLP 客户端库,请参阅 Cloud DLP 客户端库

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// Import other required libraries
const fs = require('fs');

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// The path to the CSV file to deidentify
// The first row of the file must specify column names, and all other rows
// must contain valid values
// const inputCsvFile = '/path/to/input/file.csv';

// The path to save the date-shifted CSV file to
// const outputCsvFile = '/path/to/output/file.csv';

// The list of (date) fields in the CSV file to date shift
// const dateFields = [{ name: 'birth_date'}, { name: 'register_date' }];

// The maximum number of days to shift a date backward
// const lowerBoundDays = 1;

// The maximum number of days to shift a date forward
// const upperBoundDays = 1;

// (Optional) The column to determine date shift amount based on
// If this is not specified, a random shift amount will be used for every row
// If this is specified, then 'wrappedKey' and 'keyName' must also be set
// const contextFieldId = [{ name: 'user_id' }];

// (Optional) The name of the Cloud KMS key used to encrypt ('wrap') the AES-256 key
// If this is specified, then 'wrappedKey' and 'contextFieldId' must also be set
// const keyName = 'projects/YOUR_GCLOUD_PROJECT/locations/YOUR_LOCATION/keyRings/YOUR_KEYRING_NAME/cryptoKeys/YOUR_KEY_NAME';

// (Optional) The encrypted ('wrapped') AES-256 key to use when shifting dates
// This key should be encrypted using the Cloud KMS key specified above
// If this is specified, then 'keyName' and 'contextFieldId' must also be set
// const wrappedKey = 'YOUR_ENCRYPTED_AES_256_KEY'

// Helper function for converting CSV rows to Protobuf types
const rowToProto = row => {
  const values = row.split(',');
  const convertedValues = values.map(value => {
    if (Date.parse(value)) {
      const date = new Date(value);
      return {
        dateValue: {
          year: date.getFullYear(),
          month: date.getMonth() + 1,
          day: date.getDate(),
    } else {
      // Convert all non-date values to strings
      return {stringValue: value.toString()};
  return {values: convertedValues};

async function deidentifyWithDateShift() {
  // Read and parse a CSV file
  const csvLines = fs
    .filter(line => line.includes(','));
  const csvHeaders = csvLines[0].split(',');
  const csvRows = csvLines.slice(1);

  // Construct the table object
  const tableItem = {
    table: {
      headers: csvHeaders.map(header => {
        return {name: header};
      rows: csvRows.map(row => rowToProto(row)),

  // Construct DateShiftConfig
  const dateShiftConfig = {
    lowerBoundDays: lowerBoundDays,
    upperBoundDays: upperBoundDays,

  if (contextFieldId && keyName && wrappedKey) {
    dateShiftConfig.context = {name: contextFieldId};
    dateShiftConfig.cryptoKey = {
      kmsWrapped: {
        wrappedKey: wrappedKey,
        cryptoKeyName: keyName,
  } else if (contextFieldId || keyName || wrappedKey) {
    throw new Error(
      'You must set either ALL or NONE of {contextFieldId, keyName, wrappedKey}!'

  // Construct deidentification request
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    deidentifyConfig: {
      recordTransformations: {
        fieldTransformations: [
            fields: dateFields,
            primitiveTransformation: {
              dateShiftConfig: dateShiftConfig,
    item: tableItem,

  // Run deidentification request
  const [response] = await dlp.deidentifyContent(request);
  const tableRows = response.item.table.rows;

  // Write results to a CSV file
  tableRows.forEach((row, rowIndex) => {
    const rowValues = row.values.map(
      value =>
        value.stringValue ||
    csvLines[rowIndex + 1] = rowValues.join(',');
  fs.writeFileSync(outputCsvFile, csvLines.join('\n'));

  // Print status
  console.log(`Successfully saved date-shift output to ${outputCsvFile}`);



如需了解如何安装和使用 Cloud DLP 客户端库,请参阅 Cloud DLP 客户端库

 * Deidentify dates in a CSV file by pseudorandomly shifting them.
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\CryptoKey;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\DateShiftConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\DeidentifyConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\FieldId;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\FieldTransformation;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\KmsWrappedCryptoKey;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\PrimitiveTransformation;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\RecordTransformations;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Table;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Table\Row;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Value;
use Google\Type\Date;

/** Uncomment and populate these variables in your code */
// $callingProject = 'The GCP Project ID to run the API call under';
// $inputCsvFile = 'The path to the CSV file to deidentify';
// $outputCsvFile = 'The path to save the date-shifted CSV file to';
// $dateFieldNames = 'The comma-separated list of (date) fields in the CSV file to date shift';
// $lowerBoundDays = 'The maximum number of days to shift a date backward';
// $upperBoundDays = 'The maximum number of days to shift a date forward';
 * If contextFieldName is not specified, a random shift amount will be used for every row.
 * If contextFieldName is specified, then 'wrappedKey' and 'keyName' must also be set
// $contextFieldName = ''; (Optional) The column to determine date shift amount based on
// $keyName = ''; // Optional) The encrypted ('wrapped') AES-256 key to use when shifting dates
// $wrappedKey = ''; // (Optional) The name of the Cloud KMS key used to encrypt (wrap) the AES-256 key

// Instantiate a client.
$dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

// Read a CSV file
$csvLines = file($inputCsvFile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
$csvHeaders = explode(',', $csvLines[0]);
$csvRows = array_slice($csvLines, 1);

// Convert CSV file into protobuf objects
$tableHeaders = array_map(function ($csvHeader) {
    return (new FieldId)->setName($csvHeader);
}, $csvHeaders);

$tableRows = array_map(function ($csvRow) {
    $rowValues = array_map(function ($csvValue) {
        if ($csvDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $csvValue)) {
            $date = (new Date())
                ->setYear((int) $csvDate->format('Y'))
                ->setMonth((int) $csvDate->format('m'))
                ->setDay((int) $csvDate->format('d'));
            return (new Value())
        } else {
            return (new Value())
    }, explode(',', $csvRow));

    return (new Row())
}, $csvRows);

// Convert date fields into protobuf objects
$dateFields = array_map(function ($dateFieldName) {
    return (new FieldId())->setName($dateFieldName);
}, explode(',', $dateFieldNames));

// Construct the table object
$table = (new Table())

$item = (new ContentItem())

// Construct dateShiftConfig
$dateShiftConfig = (new DateShiftConfig())

if ($contextFieldName && $keyName && $wrappedKey) {
    $contextField = (new FieldId())

    // Create the wrapped crypto key configuration object
    $kmsWrappedCryptoKey = (new KmsWrappedCryptoKey())

    $cryptoKey = (new CryptoKey())

} elseif ($contextFieldName || $keyName || $wrappedKey) {
    throw new Exception('You must set either ALL or NONE of {$contextFieldName, $keyName, $wrappedKey}!');

// Create the information transform configuration objects
$primitiveTransformation = (new PrimitiveTransformation())

$fieldTransformation = (new FieldTransformation())

$recordTransformations = (new RecordTransformations())

// Create the deidentification configuration object
$deidentifyConfig = (new DeidentifyConfig())

$parent = "projects/$callingProjectId/locations/global";

// Run request
$response = $dlp->deidentifyContent([
    'parent' => $parent,
    'deidentifyConfig' => $deidentifyConfig,
    'item' => $item

// Check for errors
foreach ($response->getOverview()->getTransformationSummaries() as $summary) {
    foreach ($summary->getResults() as $result) {
        if ($details = $result->getDetails()) {
            printf('Error: %s' . PHP_EOL, $details);

// Save the results to a file
$csvRef = fopen($outputCsvFile, 'w');
fputcsv($csvRef, $csvHeaders);
foreach ($response->getItem()->getTable()->getRows() as $tableRow) {
    $values = array_map(function ($tableValue) {
        if ($tableValue->getStringValue()) {
            return $tableValue->getStringValue();
        $protoDate = $tableValue->getDateValue();
        $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $protoDate->getMonth(), $protoDate->getDay(), $protoDate->getYear());
        return strftime('%D', $date);
    }, iterator_to_array($tableRow->getValues()));
    fputcsv($csvRef, $values);
printf('Deidentified dates written to %s' . PHP_EOL, $outputCsvFile);


如需了解如何安装和使用 Cloud DLP 客户端库,请参阅 Cloud DLP 客户端库

def deidentify_with_date_shift(
    """Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to deidentify dates in a CSV file by
        pseudorandomly shifting them.
        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        input_csv_file: The path to the CSV file to deidentify. The first row
            of the file must specify column names, and all other rows must
            contain valid values.
        output_csv_file: The path to save the date-shifted CSV file.
        date_fields: The list of (date) fields in the CSV file to date shift.
            Example: ['birth_date', 'register_date']
        lower_bound_days: The maximum number of days to shift a date backward
        upper_bound_days: The maximum number of days to shift a date forward
        context_field_id: (Optional) The column to determine date shift amount
            based on. If this is not specified, a random shift amount will be
            used for every row. If this is specified, then 'wrappedKey' and
            'keyName' must also be set. Example:
            contextFieldId = [{ 'name': 'user_id' }]
        key_name: (Optional) The name of the Cloud KMS key used to encrypt
            ('wrap') the AES-256 key. Example:
            key_name = 'projects/YOUR_GCLOUD_PROJECT/locations/YOUR_LOCATION/
        wrapped_key: (Optional) The encrypted ('wrapped') AES-256 key to use.
            This key should be encrypted using the Cloud KMS key specified by
        None; the response from the API is printed to the terminal.
    # Import the client library
    import google.cloud.dlp

    # Instantiate a client
    dlp = google.cloud.dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Convert date field list to Protobuf type
    def map_fields(field):
        return {"name": field}

    if date_fields:
        date_fields = map(map_fields, date_fields)
        date_fields = []

    # Read and parse the CSV file
    import csv
    from datetime import datetime

    f = []
    with open(input_csv_file, "r") as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        for row in reader:

    #  Helper function for converting CSV rows to Protobuf types
    def map_headers(header):
        return {"name": header}

    def map_data(value):
            date = datetime.strptime(value, "%m/%d/%Y")
            return {
                "date_value": {"year": date.year, "month": date.month, "day": date.day}
        except ValueError:
            return {"string_value": value}

    def map_rows(row):
        return {"values": map(map_data, row)}

    # Using the helper functions, convert CSV rows to protobuf-compatible
    # dictionaries.
    csv_headers = map(map_headers, f[0])
    csv_rows = map(map_rows, f[1:])

    # Construct the table dict
    table_item = {"table": {"headers": csv_headers, "rows": csv_rows}}

    # Construct date shift config
    date_shift_config = {
        "lower_bound_days": lower_bound_days,
        "upper_bound_days": upper_bound_days,

    # If using a Cloud KMS key, add it to the date_shift_config.
    # The wrapped key is base64-encoded, but the library expects a binary
    # string, so decode it here.
    if context_field_id and key_name and wrapped_key:
        import base64

        date_shift_config["context"] = {"name": context_field_id}
        date_shift_config["crypto_key"] = {
            "kms_wrapped": {
                "wrapped_key": base64.b64decode(wrapped_key),
                "crypto_key_name": key_name,
    elif context_field_id or key_name or wrapped_key:
        raise ValueError(
            """You must set either ALL or NONE of
        [context_field_id, key_name, wrapped_key]!"""

    # Construct Deidentify Config
    deidentify_config = {
        "record_transformations": {
            "field_transformations": [
                    "fields": date_fields,
                    "primitive_transformation": {
                        "date_shift_config": date_shift_config

    # Write to CSV helper methods
    def write_header(header):
        return header.name

    def write_data(data):
        return data.string_value or "%s/%s/%s" % (

    # Call the API
    response = dlp.deidentify_content(
            "parent": parent,
            "deidentify_config": deidentify_config,
            "item": table_item,

    # Write results to CSV file
    with open(output_csv_file, "w") as csvfile:
        write_file = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=",")
        write_file.writerow(map(write_header, response.item.table.headers))
        for row in response.item.table.rows:
            write_file.writerow(map(write_data, row.values))
    # Print status
    print("Successfully saved date-shift output to {}".format(output_csv_file))


如需搜索和过滤其他 Google Cloud 产品的代码示例,请参阅 Google Cloud 示例浏览器