Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis inspects end-user input and identifies the prevailing subjective opinion, especially to determine an end-user's attitude as positive, negative, or neutral. When making a detect intent request, you can specify that sentiment analysis be performed, and the response will contain sentiment analysis values.

Supported languages

For a list of supported languages, see the sentiment column on the language reference. If you request sentiment analysis for an unsupported language, your detect intent request does not fail, but the QueryResult.diagnostic_info field contains error information.

Detect intent

Using the API, you can request sentiment analysis for each detectIntent or streamingDetectIntent call by setting the analyzeQueryTextSentiment field to true. The response contains a sentimentAnalysisResult field with score and magnitude values.

Using sentiment in conditions

You can use sentiment analysis results via the request-scoped parameters when defining a condition.

For more information, see the sentiment analysis parameters descriptions, and Conditions reference for how the parameters can be used in conditions.

Using sentiment in the simulator

You can enable sentiment analysis when using the simulator.