Composite types deprecation

The composite types feature for Google Cloud Deployment Manager will be shut down on February 22, 2022. After this date, you won't be able to create deployments that use composite types or update existing deployments that use composite types.

Shutdown timetable

The following table lists the shutdown schedule for composite types. If you have a critical dependency on composite types and would like to opt-out of one or more of service fault simulations, please request exemption here.

Date Event
October 4th-5th, 2021 Service fault simulation - all composite type operations will temporarily fail for a day between 11AM on October 4th 2021 PDT and 11AM on October 5th 2021 PDT.
October 18th-25th, 2021 Service fault simulation - all composite type operations will temporarily fail for a week between 11AM on October 18th 2021 PDT and 11AM on October 25th 2021 PDT.
February 22, 2022 You won't be able to create deployments, or update existing deployments, that use composite types.

To convert your composite types to supported templates, follow this migration guide.

Service fault simulation

This is a scheduled and temporary feature interruption in which all composite types operations fail. The intent is for customers who have migrated to validate that no remaining dependencies exist on composite types. If you haven't yet migrated away from using composite types, request an exemption here to be excluded from this simulation. You must make your exemption request before 10AM PDT on the Wednesday before each scheduled interruption of service.