Before you begin

CCAI Insights operates by running analyses (using the CCAI Insights API) on conversations stored in a Google Cloud Storage bucket. This quickstart walks you through the following actions:

  1. Enable the Storage, Speech-to-Text, and Dialogflow APIs.
  2. Enable the Insights API.
  3. Successfully send a request to the CCAI Insights API and receive a response.

Optional: Use CCAI Insights with VPCSC

To use CCAI Insights with VPC Service Controls (VPC Service Controls), add CCAI Insights to your security perimeter. See the VPCSC documentation for more information.

Enable the Google Cloud Storage, Speech, and Dialogflow APIs

CCAI Insights relies on conversation audio and transcript files stored in your Google Cloud Storage buckets. You must enable the Storage and Speech-to-Text APIs before you can use Google Cloud Storage. To enable these APIs, navigate to your Cloud console dashboard and click on Go to APIs overview:

On the APIs & Services page that appears, click on Cloud Storage. If you have not already enabled this API you will be prompted to do so by clicking ENABLE.

Do the same for the Cloud Speech-to-Text API and the Dialogflow API.

Set up Insights API access

  1. Navigate to Cloud console. Click on the project selector menu:

  2. You can either select a pre-existing project or create a new project.

  3. Enter "Contact Center AI Insights API" into the Cloud console search bar. Click on the result that pops up and select ENABLE.

  4. Install and set up the Google Cloud SDK.

  5. Set up authentication to Google Cloud.

  6. Verify your setup by entering the CURL command below, which lists all of your Insights conversations. It should return an empty dictionary:

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" "<project-id>/locations/us-central1/conversations"