Preview feature support

This page describes how to enable and use Preview (Beta) features in Cloud Composer.

Cloud Composer uses two terms to indicate launch stages of its features: Preview and Beta. These terms are identical.

Typically, Preview features are indicated in the interface that you're accessing the feature through. For example, the API endpoint URL includes beta in the version, and in the Google Cloud console, there's a "Preview" tag next to the field that you use to configure a Preview feature. Cloud Composer documentation also specifies that a feature is in Preview.

For more information about launch stages and Preview features, see the product launch stages.

Preview features

To find out what features are in Preview, see the Release notes.

To use the Preview features in Cloud Composer:

Interface Method
Google Cloud CLI gcloud beta composer
Cloud Composer APIs v1beta1 REST or RPC API
Google Cloud Console Enable Preview features

Enabling Beta features in the Google Cloud console

Beta features are marked in the UI with a "Preview" badge. Enabling one or more of these features results in your environment using the v1beta1 API.