title | description | author | tags | date_published |
Google Cloud HA VPN interoperability guide for Fortigate |
Describes how to build site-to-site IPSec VPNs between HA VPN on Google Cloud and Fortigate. |
ashishverm |
HA VPN, Cloud VPN, interop, Fortinet, FortiOS |
2019-07-16 |
Ashish Verma | Technical Program Manager | Google
Contributed by Google employees.
Fortinet terminology and the Fortinet logo are trademarks of Fortinet or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
Disclaimer: This interoperability guide is intended to be informational in nature and shows examples only. Customers should verify this information by testing it.
This guide walks you through the process of configuring a route-based VPN tunnel between Fortigate and the HA VPN service on Google Cloud.
For more information about HA or Classic VPN, see the Cloud VPN overview.
Below are definitions of terms used throughout this guide.
- Google Cloud VPC network: A single virtual network within a single Google Cloud project.
- On-premises gateway: The VPN device on the non- Google Cloud side of the connection, which is usually a device in a physical data center or in another cloud provider's network. Google Cloud instructions are written from the point of view of the Google Cloud VPC network, so on-premises gateway refers to the gateway that's connecting to Google Cloud.
- External IP address or Google Cloud peer address: External IP addresses used by peer VPN devices to establish HA VPN with Google Cloud. External IP addresses are allocated automatically, one for each gateway interface within a Google Cloud project.
- Dynamic routing: Google Cloud dynamic routing for VPN using the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Note that HA VPN only supports dynamic routing.
HA VPN supports multiple topologies.
This interop guide is based on the 1-peer-2-address topology.
The same HA VPN configuration also applies to the 2-peers topology.
The Fortigate equipment used in this guide is as follows:
- Vendor: Fortinet
- Model: Fortigate
- Software release: 6.2.0
Review information about how dynamic routing works in Google Cloud.
Make sure that your peer VPN gateway supports BGP and is directly connected to the internet. Fortigate configurations are not tested with a device behind 1:1 NAT.
Select or create a Google Cloud project.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
If you are using
commands, set your project ID with the following command:gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]
instructions on this page assume that you have set your project ID before issuing commands. -
You can also view a project ID that has already been set:
gcloud config list --format='text(core.project)'
The gcloud
commands in this guide include parameters whose values you must
provide. For example, a command might include a Google Cloud project name or a region or
other parameters whose values are unique to your context. The following table
lists the parameters and gives examples of the values used in this guide.
Parameter description | Placeholder | Example value |
Vendor name | [VENDOR_NAME] |
Fortinet |
Google Cloud project name | [PROJECT_NAME] |
vpn-guide |
Shared secret | [SHARED_SECRET] |
See Generating a strong pre-shared key. |
VPC network name | [NETWORK] |
network-a |
Subnet mode | [SUBNET_MODE] |
custom |
VPN BGP routing mode | [BGP_ROUTING_MODE] |
global |
Subnet on the Google Cloud VPC network (for example, vpn-vendor-test-network ) |
subnet-a-central |
Subnet on the Google Cloud VPC network (for example, vpn-vendor-test-network ) |
subnet-a-west |
Google Cloud region. Can be any region, but should be geographically close to on-premises gateway. | [REGION1] |
us-central1 |
Google Cloud region. Can be any region, but should be geographically close to on-premises gateway. | [REGION2] |
us-west1 |
IP address range for the Google Cloud VPC subnet (vpn-subnet-1 ) |
[RANGE_1] | |
IP address range for the Google Cloud VPC subnet (vpn-subnet-2 ) |
[RANGE_2] | |
IP address range for the on-premises subnet. You will use this range when creating rules for inbound traffic to Google Cloud. | [IP_ON_PREM_SUBNET] | |
External static IP address for the first internet interface of Foritgate | [ON_PREM_GW_IP_0] | |
External static IP address for the second internet interface of Foritgate | [ON_PREM_GW_IP_1] | |
HA VPN gateway | [GW_NAME] |
ha-vpn-gw-a |
Cloud Router name (for dynamic routing) | [ROUTER_NAME] |
router-a |
Google ASN | [GOOGLE_ASN] |
65001 |
Peer ASN | [PEER_ASN] |
65002 |
External VPN gateway resource | [PEER_GW_NAME] |
peer-gw |
First VPN tunnel | [TUNNEL_NAME_IF0] |
tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-0 |
Second VPN tunnel | [TUNNEL_NAME_IF1] |
tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-1 |
First BGP peer interface | [ROUTER_INTERFACE_NAME_0] |
bgp-peer-tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-0 |
Second BGP peer interface | [ROUTER_INTERFACE_NAME_1] |
bgp-peer-tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-1 |
BGP interface netmask length | [MASK_LENGTH] |
/30 |
Dead Peer Detection | [phase1-interface] |
disable / on-idle / on demand |
This section covers how to configure HA VPN. See deply-ha-vpn-with-terraform for a quick deployment.
There are two ways to create HA VPN gateways on Google Cloud: using the Cloud Console and using
commands. This section describes how to perform the tasks
using gcloud
Complete the following procedures before configuring a Google Cloud HA VPN gateway and tunnel.
These instructions create a custom mode VPC network with one subnet in one region and another subnet in another region.
If you haven't already, create a VPC network with this command:
gcloud compute networks create [NETWORK] \
--subnet-mode [SUBNET_MODE] \
--bgp-routing-mode [BGP_ROUTING_MODE]
Replace the placeholders as follows:
: Assign a network name.[SUBNET_MODE]
: Set ascustom
: Set asglobal
The command should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute networks create network-a \
--subnet-mode custom \
--bgp-routing-mode global
Create two subnets:
gcloud compute networks subnets create [SUBNET_NAME_1] \
--network [NETWORK] \
--region [REGION_1] \
--range [RANGE_1]
gcloud compute networks subnets create [SUBNET_NAME_2] \
--network [NETWORK] \
--region [REGION_2] \
--range [RANGE_2]
The commands should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-a-central \
--network network-a \
--region us-central1 \
gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-a-west \
--network network-a \
--region us-west1 \
Create the HA VPN gateway:
gcloud compute vpn-gateways create [GW_NAME] \
--network [NETWORK] \
--region [REGION]
The command should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute vpn-gateways create ha-vpn-gw-a \
--network network-a \
--region us-central1
When the gateway is created, two external IP addresses are automatically allocated, one for each gateway interface.
Create a Cloud Router:
gcloud compute routers create [ROUTER_NAME] \
--region [REGION] \
--network [NETWORK] \
--asn [GOOGLE_ASN]
Replace the placeholders as follows:
: The name of the new Cloud Router, which you must create in the same Google Cloud region as the Cloud HA VPN gateway.[GOOGLE_ASN]
: Any private ASN (64512-65534, 4200000000-4294967294) that you are not already using in the peer network. The Google ASN is used for all BGP sessions on the same Cloud Router, and it cannot be changed later.
The command should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute routers create router-a \
--region us-central1 \
--network network-a \
--asn 65001
Create an external VPN gateway resource that provides information to Google Cloud about your peer VPN gateway or gateways. Depending on the HA recommendations for your peer VPN gateway, you can create external VPN gateway resources for the following different types of on-premises VPN gateways:
- Two separate peer VPN gateway devices, where the two devices are redundant with each other and each device has its own public IP address.
- A single peer VPN gateway that uses two separate interfaces, each with its own public IP address. For this kind of peer gateway, you can create a single external VPN gateway with two interfaces.
- A single peer VPN gateway with a single public IP address.
This interop guide only covers the second option (one peer, two addresses).
gcloud compute external-vpn-gateways create [PEER_GW_NAME] \
--interfaces 0=[ON_PREM_GW_IP_0],1=[ON_PREM_GW_IP_1] \
The command should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute external-vpn-gateways create peer-gw \
--interfaces 0=,1= \
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create [TUNNEL_NAME_IF0] \
--peer-external-gateway [PEER_GW_NAME] \
--peer-external-gateway-interface [PEER_EXT_GW_IF0] \
--region [REGION] \
--ike-version [IKE_VERS] \
--shared-secret [SHARED_SECRET] \
--router [ROUTER_NAME] \
--vpn-gateway [GW_NAME] \
--interface [INT_NUM_0]
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create [TUNNEL_NAME_IF1] \
--peer-external-gateway [PEER_GW_NAME] \
--peer-external-gateway-interface [PEER_EXT_GW_IF1] \
--region [REGION] \
--ike-version [IKE_VERS] \
--shared-secret [SHARED_SECRET] \
--router [ROUTER_NAME] \
--vpn-gateway [GW_NAME] \
--interface [INT_NUM_1]
The command should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-0 \
--peer-external-gateway peer-gw \
--peer-external-gateway-interface 0 \
--region us-central1 \
--ike-version 2 \
--shared-secret mysharedsecret \
--router router-a \
--vpn-gateway ha-vpn-gw-a \
--interface 0
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-1 \
--peer-external-gateway peer-gw \
--peer-external-gateway-interface 1 \
--region us-central1 \
--ike-version 2 \
--shared-secret mysharedsecret \
--router router-a \
--vpn-gateway ha-vpn-gw-a \
--interface 1
Create a Cloud Router BGP interface and BGP peer for each tunnel you previously configured on the HA VPN gateway interfaces.
You can choose the automatic or manual configuration method of configuring BGP interfaces and BGP peers. This example uses the automatic method.
For the first VPN tunnel, add a new BGP interface to the Cloud Router:
gcloud compute routers add-interface [ROUTER_NAME] \ --interface-name [ROUTER_INTERFACE_NAME_0] \ --mask-length [MASK_LENGTH] \ --vpn-tunnel [TUNNEL_NAME_0] \ --region [REGION]
The command should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute routers add-interface router-a \ --interface-name if-tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-0 \ --mask-length 30 \ --vpn-tunnel tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-0 \ --region us-central1
Add a BGP peer to the interface for the first tunnel:
gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer [ROUTER_NAME] \ --peer-name [PEER_NAME] \ --peer-asn [PEER_ASN] \ --interface [ROUTER_INTERFACE_NAME_0] \ --region [REGION] \
The command should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer router-a \ --peer-name peer-b \ --peer-asn 65002 \ --interface if-tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-0 \ --region us-central1 \
For the second VPN tunnel, add a new BGP interface to the Cloud Router:
gcloud compute routers add-interface [ROUTER_NAME] \ --interface-name [ROUTER_INTERFACE_NAME_1] \ --mask-length [MASK_LENGTH] \ --vpn-tunnel [TUNNEL_NAME_1] \ --region [REGION]
The command should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute routers add-interface router-a \ --interface-name if-tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-1 \ --mask-length 30 \ --vpn-tunnel tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-1 \ --region us-central1
Add a BGP peer to the interface for the second tunnel:
gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer [ROUTER_NAME] \ --peer-name [PEER_NAME] \ --peer-asn [PEER_ASN] \ --interface [ROUTER_INTERFACE_NAME_1] \ --region [REGION] \
The command should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer router-a \ --peer-name peer-a \ --peer-asn 65002 \ --interface if-tunnel-a-to-on-prem-if-1 \ --region us-central1 \
Verify the Cloud Router configuration
gcloud compute routers get-status router-a \ --region us-central1 \ --format='flattened(result.bgpPeerStatus[].name, result.bgpPeerStatus[].ipAddress, result.bgpPeerStatus[].peerIpAddress)' gcloud compute routers describe [ROUTER_NAME] \ --region [REGION]
Configure firewall rules to allow inbound traffic from the on-premises network subnets:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create [VPN_RULE_NAME] \
--network [NETWORK] \
--allow tcp,udp,icmp \
--source-ranges [IP_ON_PREM_SUBNET]
The command should look similar to the following example:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create on-prem-to-network-a \
--network network-a \
--allow tcp,udp,icmp \
You must also configure the on-premises network firewall to allow inbound traffic from your VPC subnet prefixes.
The instructions in this section use the command-line interface. You can also use the graphical user interface for these configurations.
Follow the procedure listed in the configuration code below to create the base Layer 3 network configuration of Fortigate.
At least one internal-facing network interface is required to connect to your on-premises network, and one external-facing interface is required to connect to Google Cloud.
For the 1-peer-2-address topology, configure a minimum of three interfaces: two outside interfaces that are connected to the internet and one inside interface that is connected to the private network.
Make sure to replace the IP addresses based on your environment:
config system interface
edit port1
set vdom root
set mode static
set ip
set allowaccess ping https ssh fgfm
set description wan1
edit port2
set vdom root
set mode static
set ip
set allowaccess ping https ssh
set description wan2
edit port3
set vdom root
set mode static
set ip
set allowaccess ping
set description lan1
Follow the procedures in this section to create the base VPN configuration.
Make sure to configure only ciphers supported by Google Cloud.
This configuration creates the Phase 1 proposal. Make sure to change the
, remote-gw
, and psksecret
for your environment.
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
set interface port1
set ike-version 2
set keylife 36000
set peertype any
set proposal aes128-sha1 aes128-sha512 aes128-md5
set remote-gw
set local-gw
set psksecret mysharedsecret
set dpd[disable | on-idle | on demand]
set dpd-retryinterval 15
set dpd-retrycount 3
set interface port2
set ike-version 2
set keylife 36000
set peertype any
set proposal aes128-sha1 aes128-sha512 aes128-md5
set remote-gw
set local-gw
set psksecret mysharedsecret
This configuration creates the Phase 2 proposal.
config vpn ipsec phase2-interface
set phase1name GCP-HA-VPN-INT0
set proposal aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 aes128-sha256 aes256-sha256 aes128gcm aes256gcm
set dhgrp 15 14 5
set keylifeseconds 10800
set phase1name GCP-HA-VPN-INT1
set proposal aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 aes128-sha256 aes256-sha256 aes128gcm aes256gcm
set dhgrp 15 14 5
set keylifeseconds 10800
Edit tunnel interfaces for each VPN tunnel. Change ip
and remote-ip
values accordingly.
config system interface
set ip
set remote-ip
set ip
set remote-ip
Follow the procedure in this section to configure dynamic routing for traffic through the VPN tunnel or tunnels using the BGP routing protocol.
With the configuration below, BGP peering will be enabled and all "connected" routes will be advertised to the peer. Change redistribution of routes based on your environment.
config router bgp
set as 65002
set router-id
config neighbor
set soft-reconfiguration enable
set remote-as 65001
config neighbor
set soft-reconfiguration enable
set remote-as 65001
config redistribute connected
set status enable
See fortigate-advanced-routing for advanced BGP configurations.
Create firewall policies to allow traffic between on-premises and Google Cloud private networks.
These policies allow traffic from all source and destination addresses, make required changes to the policy to allow specific services and IP ranges.
config firewall policy
edit 1
set name allow-gcp-to-lan
set dstintf port3
set srcaddr all
set dstaddr all
set action accept
set schedule always
set service ALL
edit 2
set name allow-lan-to-gcp
set srcintf port3
set srcaddr all
set dstaddr all
set action accept
set schedule always
set service ALL
Verify that the IPsec tunnels are up:
get vpn ipsec tunnel summary
Verify that BGP peering is up:
get router bgp
Verify that routes are being exchanged with Google Cloud:
get router info bgp neighbors advertised-routes get router info bgp neighbors received-routes
It's important to test the VPN connection from both sides of a VPN tunnel. For either side, make sure that the subnet that a machine or virtual machine is located in is being forwarded through the VPN tunnel.
Create VMs on both sides of the tunnel. Make sure that you configure the VMs on a subnet that will pass traffic through the VPN tunnel.
Instructions for creating virtual machines in Compute Engine are in the Getting started guide.
After you have deployed VMs on both Google Cloud and on-premises, you can use an ICMP echo (ping) test to test network connectivity through the VPN tunnel.
On the Google Cloud side, use the following instructions to test the connection to a machine that's behind the on-premises gateway:
- In the Cloud Console, go to the VM Instances page.
- Find the Google Cloud virtual machine you created.
- In the Connect column, click SSH. A Cloud Shell window opens at the VM command line.
- Ping a machine that's behind the on-premises gateway.
You can also check connectivity from Fortigate to the VM deployed in Google Cloud.
execute ping-options source execute ping
For troubleshooting information, see the Foritgate VPN troubleshooting guide.
See the following Foritgate documentation and Cloud VPN documentation for additional information.
To learn more about Google Cloud networking, see the following documents:
- VPC networks
- Cloud VPN overview
- Advanced Cloud VPN configurations
- Check VPN status
- Terraform template for HA VPN
- Troubleshooting Cloud VPN
For more Fortigate product information, see the following feature configuration guides: