title | description | author | tags | date_published |
Use Secret Manager with Python |
Store and access a secret with a Python app, using Secret Manager. |
thejaysmith |
Secret Manager, KMS, Security, Python |
2020-01-17 |
Jason "Jay" Smith | Customer Engineer Specialist | Google
Contributed by Google employees.
Secret Manager on Google Cloud stores API keys, passwords, certificates, and other sensitive data. Secret Manager provides convenience while improving security.
This tutorial shows a simple example of storing and accessing a secret with a Python app. In this tutorial, you create a simple containerized application running on Cloud Run that can pull financial data.
This tutorial uses the Alpha Vantage Stock API. Alpha Vantage offers a free tier that allows you to make 500 calls per 24-hour period, so it's well suited for testing API features.
The code used in this tutorial is in the
directory on GitHub.
This tutorial requires a Google Cloud project. Create a new Google Cloud project or open an existing project in the Cloud Console.
You use the Cloud Shell command-line interface in the Cloud Console to run commands in this tutorial. Open Cloud Shell by clicking the Activate Cloud Shell button in the navigation bar in the upper-right corner of the Cloud Console.
Run the following commands to set some project variables, enable APIs, and install
beta components:# Set environment variables for project export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project) export PROJ_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list --filter="${PROJECT_ID}" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)") # Enable API services gcloud services enable container.googleapis.com \ containerregistry.googleapis.com \ cloudbuild.googleapis.com \ cloudkms.googleapis.com \ storage-api.googleapis.com \ storage-component.googleapis.com \ cloudscheduler.googleapis.com \ run.googleapis.com \ secretmanager.googleapis.com # Enable gcloud beta components sudo gcloud components update gcloud components install beta
Give your service account the ability to access the Secret Manager:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member serviceAccount:$PROJ_NUMBER-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com --role roles/secretmanager.admin
This tutorial uses the gcloud
command-line interface to create the secret. You can also create a secret using the web
interface or through the API. For more information, see
Using the Secret Manager API.
Get your API key from the Alpha Vantage site.
Create a secret called
with this command, replacing[API_KEY]
with the API key value from the previous step:echo -n [API_KEY] | gcloud beta secrets create alpha-vantage-key --replication-policy=automatic --data-file=-
This creates a key named
with the value of your API key. This example uses a string but, if you were given a flat file such as a JSON file, you could set that value.
Run the following command to get the app code:
git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/community gcp-community
Navigate into the app directory:
cd gcp-community/tutorials/secrets-manager-python/py-secrets-manager/currencyapp
Review the code in
which is a simple Flask app that takes an input (a stock symbol) and returns stock information in 15-minute intervals.
The following excerpt from the app creates a secrets
object using the
Python Client for Secret Manager API. Then it creates a variable,
, which is assigned the name of the key. The standard format of the name is
. The key is pulled from from payload.data
and the response is decoded, giving the key in plain text.
secrets = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()
ALPHA_VANTAGE_KEY = secrets.access_secret_version(request={"name": "projects/"+PROJECT_ID+"/secrets/alpha-vantage-key/versions/1"}).payload.data.decode("utf-8")
The following excerpt creates an endpoint called /api/v1/symbol
and uses the
Alpha Vantage Python library to look up the stock symbol and give
information in 15 minute intervals:
@app.route('/api/v1/symbol', methods=['POST'])
def get_time_series():
if request.method == 'POST':
symbol = request.args['symbol']
data, metadata = ts.get_intraday(
symbol, interval='15min', outputsize="25")
return jsonify(data=data)
In the
directory, run the following command, replacing[PROJECT-ID]
with your actual project ID:gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/[PROJECT-ID]/currency-secret .
This command creates a container called
, which has yourapp.py
application and is ready to deploy to Google Cloud.
Run the following command, replacing
with your actual project ID:gcloud run deploy currency-secret --image gcr.io/[PROJECT-ID]/currency-secret --platform managed --region us-central1 --allow-unauthenticated --update-env-vars PROJECTID=$PROJECT_ID
This command does the following:
- Creates a service called
, using the image that was created usinggcloud builds submit
in the previous step. - Deploys on the Fully Managed version of Cloud Run. You can learn more about the differences between Fully Managed and Anthos version here.
- Makes the service publicly accessible on the internet, with the
option. - Sets an environment variable for the project ID.
- Creates a service called
Wait for a few minutes for the service to deploy and start.
Run the following command, which assigns your service's URL to the variable
:export SVCURL="$(gcloud run services list --platform managed --format=json | grep "currency-secret" | grep "url" | head -1 | cut -d: -f2- | tr -d '"')/api/v1/symbol?symbol=GOOG"
Run the following command:
echo $SVCURL
You will see a URL such as this:
The first part is the service name followed by a random string and then the URL base of
. In our Flask app, we have a route called/api/v1/symbol
that only accepts POST commands. It looks for a key namedsymbol
and the corresponding value should be an NYSE stock symbol. For our example, we usedGOOG
but you can use whatever you prefer. -
to query the service URL:curl -X POST $SVCURL
You get a JSON response similar to the following:
{ "data": { "2019-12-31 10:45:00": { "1. open": "1331.8400", "2. high": "1332.0000", "3. low": "1330.4948", "4. close": "1331.0000", "5. volume": "40492" }, "2019-12-31 11:00:00": { "1. open": "1330.3100", "2. high": "1331.2800", "3. low": "1329.4301", "4. close": "1330.7900", "5. volume": "23349" },
These are 15-minute snapshots of the stock price associated with the symbol passed as a parameter in the service URL.
Congratulations! You ran an application that used a third-party API with a key and didn't need to include the key in the code. This is great when you want to execute code with Google Cloud but worry about sharing and storing keys.