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File metadata and controls

69 lines (54 loc) · 2.72 KB
title description author tags date_published
Containerized simple file integrity monitoring (FIM) service
Monitor file integrity on a Kubernetes node and all its pods.
security, fim, pci, dss, file integrity, kubernetes, pod, node

Ian Maddox | Solutions Architect | Google

Contributed by Google employees.

This example provides a basic FIM Docker image with regularly scheduled scans.

This example is designed to be run on Google Container-Optimized OS, but it will work with most other Docker servers.

basic-fim is an open source file integrity monitoring application that monitors for files that are new, altered, or deleted.

Docker Usage

  1. Modify the following script to define your data directory and the path to monitor:

    docker stop $NAME
    docker rm $NAME
    docker pull $IMAGE:$TAG
    docker create \
      --name $NAME \
      -v $BASEDIR/logs:/logs \
      -v $BASEDIR/data:/root/.fim \
      -v $FIM_DIR:/host-fs:ro \
      -e FIM_IGNORE_PATH="*/tmp/*" \
      -e FIM_THREADS="8" \
      -e FIM_PATH="/host-fs" \
      -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" \
  2. Define and override environment variables (listed below) as needed.

  3. Launch the container.

  4. Monitor the logs.

Kubernetes Usage

  1. Override environment variables shown below as needed.
  2. Build your Docker image.
  3. Deploy that image to your Kubernetes cluster.
  4. Use Daemonsets to configure the new workload to run one scanner pod per node.
  5. Ensure that scan-required paths within other pods are mounted as named volumes so they will be included in the scan of the node.

Environment variables

variable name value description
FIM_PATH /host-fs Path to monitor
FIM_THREADS 4 Number of threads to use when hashing
FIM_SYMLINKS false Follow symlinks found in FIM_PATH
FIM_DATDIR /root/.fim Data file directory
FIM_LOGDIR /logs Log file directory
FIM_IGNORE_FILE Glob file ignore filter
FIM_IGNORE_PATH Glob path ignore filter

For more information, see Installing antivirus and file integrity monitoring on Container-Optimized OS.