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Use Keras models for batch predictions on AI Platform
Learn about using Keras models for batch predictions on AI Platform.
TensorFlow, ML, machine learning

Etsuji Nakai | Solutions Architect | Google

Contributed by Google employees.

This tutorial explains how you can modify machine learning models defined with Keras so that you can use them for batch predictions on AI Platform.


  • Understand how batch predictions work on AI Platform.
  • Learn how to modify Keras models for batch predictions.
  • Go through example notebooks using AI Platform Notebooks.


This tutorial uses billable components of Google Cloud, including the following:

Use the pricing calculator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage.

Before you begin

  1. Create a project in the Cloud Console.

  2. Enable billing for your project.

  3. Open Cloud Shell.

  4. Set the project ID for the Cloud SDK:

    gcloud config set project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID]
  5. Enable APIs:

    gcloud services enable

How batch predictions work on AI Platform

AI Platform provides a serverless platform for training and serving machine learning (ML) models. When you have a large number of instances, you can use the batch prediction feature to get predictions. You store prediction input files in the storage bucket and submit a batch prediction job. The prediction results are recorded in text files and stored in the storage bucket.

When using batch prediction, you need to consider the fact that the order of prediction results in the output files can be different from the order of instances in the prediction input files. This difference is because batch prediction is conducted with multiple workers in a distributed manner. Therefore, you need to modify your machine learning model so that it accepts a unique identifier as a part of the input features and outputs the same identifier as a part of the prediction result.

The following example shows input and the corresponding output.

Input file:

    {"features": [18.0846, 0.0, 18.1, 0.0, 0.679, 6.434, 100.0, 1.8347, 24.0, 666.0, 20.2, 27.25, 29.05], "key": 0}
    {"features": [0.12329, 0.0, 10.01, 0.0, 0.547, 5.913, 92.9, 2.3534, 6.0, 432.0, 17.8, 394.95, 16.21], "key": 1}
    {"features": [0.05497, 0.0, 5.19, 0.0, 0.515, 5.985, 45.4, 4.8122, 5.0, 224.0, 20.2, 396.9, 9.74], "key": 2}
    {"features": [1.27346, 0.0, 19.58, 1.0, 0.605, 6.25, 92.6, 1.7984, 5.0, 403.0, 14.7, 338.92, 5.5], "key": 3}
    {"features": [0.07151, 0.0, 4.49, 0.0, 0.449, 6.121, 56.8, 3.7476, 3.0, 247.0, 18.5, 395.15, 8.44], "key": 4}
    {"features": [0.27957, 0.0, 9.69, 0.0, 0.585, 5.926, 42.6, 2.3817, 6.0, 391.0, 19.2, 396.9, 13.59], "key": 5}
    {"features": [0.03049, 55.0, 3.78, 0.0, 0.484, 6.874, 28.1, 6.4654, 5.0, 370.0, 17.6, 387.97, 4.61], "key": 6}
    {"features": [0.03551, 25.0, 4.86, 0.0, 0.426, 6.167, 46.7, 5.4007, 4.0, 281.0, 19.0, 390.64, 7.51], "key": 7}
    {"features": [0.09299, 0.0, 25.65, 0.0, 0.581, 5.961, 92.9, 2.0869, 2.0, 188.0, 19.1, 378.09, 17.93], "key": 8}
    {"features": [3.56868, 0.0, 18.1, 0.0, 0.58, 6.437, 75.0, 2.8965, 24.0, 666.0, 20.2, 393.37, 14.36], "key": 9}

Output file:

    {"prediction": [8.061697959899902], "key": 0}
    {"prediction": [21.562673568725586], "key": 1}
    {"prediction": [22.76498031616211], "key": 2}
    {"prediction": [29.869117736816406], "key": 3}
    {"prediction": [25.40222930908203], "key": 4}
    {"prediction": [21.52297019958496], "key": 5}
    {"prediction": [28.398698806762695], "key": 6}
    {"prediction": [24.931306838989258], "key": 7}
    {"prediction": [19.04778289794922], "key": 8}
    {"prediction": [20.156259536743164], "key": 9}

In this example, integer keys are used as a unique identifier and both input and output are sorted by the key. You can match the input and output using the key value even if the output is randomly ordered.

Modify Keras models for batch predictions

If you use Keras to define a model, you can use one of the following approaches to add a unique key to the model:

  • Use the functional API to create a wrapper model that adds a key field to an existing model.
  • Use the @tf.function decorator to define a wrapper function to make predictions with keys.

The following sections explain each of these approaches for adding unique keys for a Keras model that you have defined and trained. The model object is stored in the variable model.

Using the functional API

You can define and compile a wrapper model wrapper_model using the Keras functional API:

key = layers.Input(shape=(), name='key', dtype='int32')
pred = layers.Concatenate(name='prediction_with_key')(
    [model.output, tf.cast(layers.Reshape((1,))(key), tf.float32)])
wrapper_model = models.Model(inputs=[model.input, key], outputs=pred)

The following diagram shows the architecture of the wrapper model:

wrapper model

In this diagram, the upper part is the original model that accepts features and outputs a prediction. The lower part simply passes through a unique key. The prediction and key are concatenated to generate a combined result.

You export wrapper_model in the saved_model format and deploy it to AI Platform. The following code snippet shows how you use the deployed model to make an online prediction. The model accepts the key field in addition to features.

from googleapiclient import discovery
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
import json
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
api ='ml', 'v1', credentials=credentials, cache_discovery=False)
request_data =  {'instances':
    {"features": [18.0846, 0, 18.1, 0, 0.679, 6.434, 100, 1.8347, 24, 666, 20.2, 27.25, 29.05], "key": 0},
    {"features": [0.12329, 0, 10.01, 0, 0.547, 5.913, 92.9, 2.3534, 6.0, 432, 17.8, 394.95, 16.21], "key": 1},
parent = 'projects/%s/models/%s/versions/%s' % (PROJECT, 'housing_price1', 'v1')
response = api.projects().predict(body=request_data, name=parent).execute()
print(json.dumps(response, sort_keys = True, indent = 4))

The output contains the prediction and key values as follows:

    "predictions": [
            "prediction_with_key": [
            "prediction_with_key": [

The functional_API_example notebook explains the whole procedure to use this approach for batch prediction. To run the notebook, follow the instructions in the last section of this document.

Using the @tf.function decorator

You can define a wrapper function as follows:

@tf.function(input_signature=[tf.TensorSpec([None, 13]), 
                              tf.TensorSpec([None], dtype=tf.int32)])
def add_key(features, key):
    pred = model(features, training=False)
    return {'prediction': pred, 'key': key}

The input_signature option specifies the parameter types of the function add_key. In this case, the parameter features corresponds to a list of 13 float values that is an input feature of the original model, and the parameter key corresponds to an integer key. In other words, the function add_key accepts features of the original model and an integer key. It returns the dictionary containing prediction and key values.

The @tf.function decorator builds a TensorFlow graph containing the specified function.

You export the model in the saved_model format using the wrapper function as serving_default:

export_path = './export', signatures={'serving_default': add_key}, save_format='tf')

This ensures that the function add_key is used to make predictions when you deploy it to AI Platform. The following code snippet shows how you use the deployed model to make an online prediction. The model accepts the key field in addition to features.

from googleapiclient import discovery
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
import json
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
api ='ml', 'v1', credentials=credentials, cache_discovery=False)

request_data =  {'instances':
    {"features": [18.0846, 0, 18.1, 0, 0.679, 6.434, 100, 1.8347, 24, 666, 20.2, 27.25, 29.05], "key": 0},
    {"features": [0.12329, 0, 10.01, 0, 0.547, 5.913, 92.9, 2.3534, 6.0, 432, 17.8, 394.95, 16.21], "key": 1},
parent = 'projects/%s/models/%s/versions/%s' % (PROJECT, 'housing_price2', 'v1')
response = api.projects().predict(body=request_data, name=parent).execute()
print(json.dumps(response, sort_keys = True, indent = 4))

The output contains the prediction and key values as follows:

    "predictions": [
            "key": 0,
            "prediction": [
            "key": 1,
            "prediction": [

Note: The output format is different from the output of the functional API approach in the previous section.

The decorator_example notebook explains the whole procedure to use this method for batch prediction. To run the notebook, follow the instructions in the next section of this document.

Go through example notebooks using AI Platform Notebooks

  1. Go to the AI Platform Notebooks page in the Cloud Console.

  2. Start a new notebook instance by choosing TensorFlow Enterprise 2.3 without GPUs for the instance type.

  3. Open JupyterLab and execute the following command from the JupyterLab terminal:

    curl -OL
    curl -OL
  4. Open the following notebooks and follow the instructions.

    • Using the functional API: functional_API_example.ipynb
    • Using the @tf.function decorator: decorator_example.ipynb

In these notebooks, you define a model to predict average housing prices using the Boston Housing price regression dataset as an example.