Create an app for the App Engine Flexible Environment in Cloud Code for IntelliJ

App Engine is a fully managed, serverless platform for developing and hosting web applications at scale.

This document describes how to create an application (or import an existing project) for the App Engine flexible environment with Cloud Code.

Before you begin

  • Install and set up JetBrains IDE version 2022.3+ (IntelliJ Ultimate or Community) on the PATH of your machine.
  • Install the Cloud Code plugin:

    • Open IntelliJ IDEA (or any supported JetBrains IDE).
    • From your plugins marketplace (File > Settings > Plugins or for Mac OS X, IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Plugins), search for the 'Cloud Code' plugin and install it.

    You may be prompted to restart your IDE to activate the plugin.

Create a new application

You can create a new application by using the new project wizard or by importing an existing project in Cloud Source Repositories.

Use the new project wizard

To create a new project, you can use the IntelliJ New Project wizard to generate a template application as the start for your own application.

Create a new project as follows:

  1. Navigate to File > New > Project to display the New Project dialog.

  2. If you're using IntelliJ Ultimate 2022.3, choose Jakarta EE in the left panel.

    For more details on creating a new Java Enterprise application, see the JetBrains tutorial Your first Java EE application. If you're using an older version of IntelliJ Ultimate, click the version dropdown menu at the top-left of the screen (next to the IntelliJ IDEA logo) and select your version to ensure the instructions match your experience.

  3. Enter a project Name.

  4. Enter a project Location if you do not want to keep the default.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Select any of the dependencies you need for your application and click Create.

Check out an existing project

You can check out your existing project in Cloud Source Repositories:

  1. Choose VCS > Get from Version Control....

  2. Select Google Cloud from the Version Control dropdown and click Clone.
  3. In the Clone from Google Cloud dialog, select the Cloud Project associated with your project.
  4. Select your Cloud Repository.
  5. Select the Parent Directory.
  6. Enter the Directory Name.
  7. Click Clone.

Add framework support

To add App Engine framework support to your application, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Google Cloud Code > App Engine > Add App Engine support > Google App Engine standard.

  2. Select the module you want to add framework support to.

  3. Click OK.

  4. If needed, select the Create app.yaml checkbox.

  5. Click OK.

What's next

Now that you've created an application with App Engine support, you can deploy it to the App Engine flexible environment.

Get support

To submit feedback or report an issue in your IntelliJ IDE, go to Tools > Cloud Code > Help / About > Submit feedback or report an issue to report an issue on GitHub, or ask a question on Stack Overflow.