Change log for PING

Date Changes
2023-12-07 Bugfix:
- Mapped "actors.client.type" to "principal.user.attribute.roles".
- Mapped "" to "principal.user.user_display_name".
- Mapped "" to "principal.user.userid".
- Mapped "actors.client.href" to "principal.url".
- Mapped "source.userAgent" to "network.http.user_agent".
- Mapped "source.ipAddress" to "principal.ip".
- Mapped "resources.href" to "target.url".
2023-04-06 Enhancement:
- Parsed logs ingested in JSON format.
- Added new Grok pattern to handle failing SYSLOG+JSON logs because of change in date format.
- Mapped 'result.message.Country' to 'principal.location.country_or_region'.
- Modified mapping for 'resource.status' from 'security_result.about.labels' to 'security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels'.
2022-08-04 Enhancement:
- Mapped user_id to principal.user.userid.
- wrote grok to extract user_id.
2022-07-21 Enhancement:
- Added a new grok pattren for logs with product_event_type DEBUG.
- Mapped description to metadata.description.
- Mapped product_event_type to metadata.product_event_type.
- Mapped src_host to principal.hostname.
- Mapped src_port to principal.port.
- Mapped userid to principal.user.userid.
- Mapped sr_description to security_result.description.
- Mapped sr_summary to security_result.summary.
- Mapped event_type to USER_UNCATEGORIZED where userid not null.
2022-07-08 Enhancement:
- Modified mapping for "actor.type" from "principal.user.role_name" to "principal.user.attribute.roles".