Change log for CLOUDFLARE

Date Changes
2024-02-19 Bug-Fix:
- When there is no principal and target machine data, then mapped "metadata.event_type" to "GENERIC_EVENT".
- When "Datetime" field is missing and "Timestamp" field is present, then mapped "Timestamp" to "metadata.event_timestamp".
- Mapped "ClientIP" to "principal.ip".
- Mapped "RayID" to "metadata.product_log_id".
- Mapped "EdgeResponseStatus" to "network.http.response_code".
- Mapped "ClientRequestMethod" to "network.http.method".
- Mapped "ClientRequestURI" to "target.uri".
- Mapped "ClientRequestHost" to "target.hostname".
2024-01-31 Enhancement:
- Mapped "BotScore" to "security_result.detection_fields".
- Aligned "principal.hostname", "target.hostname", "principal.asset.hostname", and "target.asset.hostname" mappings.
- Aligned "principal.ip", "target.ip", "principal.asset.ip", and "target.asset.ip" mappings.
2024-01-08 Enhancement:
- When "Action" contains "allow", then set "security_result.action" to "ALLOW".
- Added mapping of "DeviceName" to "principal.hostname", "principal.asset.hostname".
- Added mapping of "SourceIP" to "principal.ip" for DNS logs.
- Added a null conditional check before mapping "principal" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.principal".
- Added a null conditional check before mapping "target" to "".
2023-11-22 Enhancement:
- Mapped "WAFRuleID" to "security_result.threat_id".
- Mapped "WAFRuleMessage" to "security_result.threat_name".
- Mapped "WAFRCEAttackScore", "WAFSQLiAttackScore", "WAFXSSAttackScore", "WAFAttackScore", "WAFFlags" to "security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels".
2023-10-09 Enhancement:
- When "SecurityAction" value is null or not present, then set "security_result.action" to "ALLOW".
2023-09-26 Enhancement:
- Modified mappings from using deprecated UDM fields to alternative fields.
- Added mapping from "security_result.about.labels" to "security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels".
- Added mapping from "about.labels" to "security_result.about.resource.attribute.labels".
- Added mapping from "" to "target.resource.product_object_id".
2023-04-25 Enhancement to map the following raw log fields to UDM fields:
- Initialized "EdgeStartTimestamp", "ClientIP", "ClientRequestHost", "ClientRequestURI", "ClientRequestMethod", "Datetime", "ActorEmail", and "ActorIP" to null.
- Mapped "AssetExternalID" to "principal.asset_id".
- Mapped "AssetDisplayName" to "principal.asset.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetLink" to "principal.url".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.userKey" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.clientId" to "principal.user.userid".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.anonymous" to "security_result.detection_fields".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.nativeApp" to "security_result.detection_fields".
- Mapped "DetectedTimestamp" to "metadata.event_timestamp".
- Mapped "FindingTypeDisplayName" to "security_result.description".
- Mapped "FindingTypeID" to "security_result.rule_id".
- Mapped "FindingTypeSeverity" to "security_result.severity".
- Mapped "InstanceID" to "principal.resource.product_object_id".
- Mapped "IntegrationDisplayName" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "IntegrationID" to "metadata.product_deployment_id".
- Mapped "IntegrationPolicyVendor" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.customerId" to "principal.user.userid".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.primaryEmail" to "principal.user.email_addresses".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.agreedToTerms" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.ipWhitelisted" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.lastLoginTime" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.isEnforcedIn2Sv" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.isEnrolledIn2Sv" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.isDelegatedAdmin" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.changePasswordAtNextLogin" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.includeInGlobalAddressList" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.isAdmin" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.suspended" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.url" to "principal.url".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.site_admin" to "principal.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "AssetMetadata.login" to "principal.user.userid".
- Mapped "" to "principal.user.userid".
- Mapped "" to "principal.user.user_display_name".
- Mapped "" to "principal.user.first_name".
- Mapped "" to "principal.user.last_name".
- Mapped "Allowed" to "security_result.action".
- Mapped "AppDomain" to "target.administrative_domain".
- Mapped "AppUUID" to "target.resource.product_object_id".
- Mapped "Connection" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "Country" to "target.location.country_or_region".
- Mapped "CreatedAt" to "metadata.event_timestamp".
- Mapped "IPAddress" to "target.ip".
- Mapped "RayID" to "metadata.product_log_id".
- Mapped "Email" to "principal.user.email_addresses" and "target.user.email_addresses".
- Mapped "TemporaryAccessDuration" to "network.session_duration.seconds".
- Mapped "UserUID" to "target.user.product_object_id".
- Mapped "UserAgent" to "network.http.parsed_user_agent".
- Mapped "ClientRequestUserAgent" to "network.http.parsed_user_agent".
- Mapped "PolicyName" to "security_result.rule_name".
- Mapped "SessionID" to "network.session_id".
- Mapped "Transport" to "network.ip_protocol".
- Mapped "SNI" to "tls.client.server_name".
- Mapped "DeviceName" to "principal.asset.attribute.labels".
- Mapped "BytesReceived" to "network.received_bytes".
- Mapped "BytesSent" to "network.sent_bytes".
- Mapped "Protocol" to "network.ip_protocol".
- Mapped "ClientTCPHandshakeDurationMs" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "ClientTLSCipher" to "network.tls.cipher".
- Mapped "ClientTLSHandshakeDurationMs" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "ClientTLSVersion" to "network.tls.version".
- Mapped "ConnectionCloseReason" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "ConnectionReuse" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "DestinationTunnelID" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "EgressIP" to "principal.ip".
- Mapped "EgressPort" to "principal.port".
- Mapped "EgressRuleID" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "EgressRuleName" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "IngressColoName" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "Offramp" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "OriginIP" to "target.ip".
- Mapped "OriginPort" to "target.port".
- Mapped "OriginTLSCertificateIssuer" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "OriginTLSCertificateValidationResult" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "OriginTLSCipher" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "OriginTLSHandshakeDurationMs" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "OriginTLSVersion" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "RuleEvaluationDurationMs" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "SessionEndTime" to "additional.fields".
- Mapped "SessionStartTime" to "metadata.event_timestamp".
- Mapped "SourceIP" to "src.ip".
- Mapped "SourcePort" to "src.port".
- Mapped "UserID" to "principal.user.product_object_id".
- Mapped "VirtualNetworkID" to "principal.resource.product_object_id".
2023-04-06 Enhancement - Declared the fields "WAFRuleMessage", "WAFAction", "QueryType", "RayID", "Email" at global level.
- Mapped "metadata.event_type" as "NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED" where the field "QueryName" and "QueryNameReversed" are null.
- Added on error checks for the following fields: RData[n].type, RData[n].data, EdgeResponseBytes, ClientRequestBytes, EdgeResponseStatus.
- Added string conversion for the fields "SourcePort" and "DestinationPort".
2022-10-10 Enhancement
- Mapped "metadata.product_name" to "Web Application Firewall".
- Mapped "metadata.vendor_name" to "Cloudflare".
2022-05-23 Enhancement to map following raw logs elements to UDM elements:
Mapped 'ClientASN' to 'network.asn'.
Mapped 'ClientSSLCipher' to 'network.tls.cipher'.
Mapped 'ClientSSLProtocol' to 'network.tls.version'.
Mapped 'EdgeResponseContentType' to 'target.file.mime_type'.
Mapped 'OriginIP' to 'intermediary.ip'.
Mapped 'FirewallMatchesActions' to 'security_result.action'.
Mapped 'FirewallMatchesRuleIDs' to 'security_result.rule_id'.
Mapped 'FirewallMatchesSources' to 'security_result.rule_name'.
Mapped 'WAFRuleID', 'WAFProfile' to 'security_result.about.labels'.
Mapped 'CacheCacheStatus', 'CacheResponseBytes', 'CacheResponseStatus', 'ClientDeviceType', 'EdgeColoCode', 'EdgeColoID', 'OriginResponseBytes', 'OriginResponseStatus', 'OriginResponseTime', 'ZoneID' to 'additional.fields'.