Change log for AZURE_AD_CONTEXT

Date Changes
2024-01-12 Bug-Fix:
- Changed "empmanager-src.usageLocation" mapping from "entity.user.personal_address.country_or_region" to "entity.user.attribute.labels".
2023-11-24 Enchancement
- Mapped "employeeType" attribute to "entity.user.attribute.labels".
- Dropped malformed JSON logs with tag "TAG_MALFORMED_MESSAGE".
2023-10-25 Bug-Fix
- Added null checks and an 'on_error' check for absent values.
2023-09-25 Enhancement
- Added rename function, instead of replace, to map "group.displayName" to "".
- Mapped "country" to "user.personal_address.country_or_region". If "country" not present, mapped "usageLocation" to "user.personal_address.country_or_region".
2023-02-09 Enhancement
- Added null check before mapping data for field "onPremisesDistinguishedName".
- Added gsub to extract email address from field "proxyAddresses".
2023-01-23 Enhancement:
- Mapped "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute4" to "entity.entity.user.attribute.labels" if "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute4" is "Employee".
- Added gsub for "onPremisesDistinguishedName" to remove extra backslashes.
2022-12-15 Bug-Fix:
- Mapped "mailNickname" to "entity.user.attribute.labels".
- Mapped only "country_n_code" to "user.manager.personal_address.country_or_region" if "empmanager-src.usageLocation" is null.
2022-09-19 Bug-Fix:
- Mapped "entity.user.attribute.roles" to "ADMINISTRATOR" where OU includes "Admin"
2022-08-11 Enhancement:
- Mapped "accountEnabled" to "user.attribute.labels"
2022-05-16 Enhancement: Added mappings for following fields:
- 'createdDateTime' mapped to 'entity.user.attribute.creation_time'
- 'accountEnabled' mapped to 'entity.user.user_authentication_status'
2022-05-09 Enhancement- Mapped fields starting with extension_GUID_sbuxXXXXXXX to user.attribute.labels or manager.attribute.labels, depending on its occurrence in the log.
2022-03-24 Enhancement-Added few missing fields
onPremisesSamAccountName, onPremisesDomainName, onPremisesDistinguishedName mapped to entity.user.attribute.labels.
For signInType, userPrincipalName mapped to entity.user.attribute.labels.