5 steps to automating and streamlining your regulatory reporting
Toby Brown
Managing Director, Global Retail Banking Solutions
Regulatory reporting requirements continue to become more complex. In response, financial services institutions continue to devote more resources to ensure compliance year after year.

This added complexity combined with technological challenges make it hard to produce reports that meet evolving regulatory needs.

As a result, financial institutions have struggled to produce reports without adding significant cost and complexity.

Google Cloud’s Regulatory Reporting Platform can help financial institutions automate and streamline the regulatory reporting process.

Take the next step
Explore how cloud-native architecture can enable a more flexible, streamlined approach to regulatory reporting and provide the insights you need.
We’re here to help
Google Cloud can help transform the data supply chain in the regulatory reporting process to efficiently produce timely and reliable reports.
To explore how Google Cloud fits into your technology strategy, please contact us or visit our website.
1. “The High Costs and Low Returns of AML Compliance for Banks: Is There a Better Way?,” FTI Consulting, March 2022
2. “Regulatory productivity: Is there an answer to the rising cost of compliance?,” Deloitte
3. “CRO and risk management leaders: Latest findings from PwC’s Pulse Survey,” PwC
4. https://cloud.google.com/architecture/set-up-regulatory-reporting-architecture-bigquery
5. https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/reg-reporting-blueprint/tree/main/use_cases/examples