
An attestor that attests to container image artifacts. An existing attestor cannot be modified except where indicated.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "description": string,
  "updateTime": string,
  "etag": string,

  // Union field attestor_type can be only one of the following:
  "userOwnedDrydockNote": {
    object (UserOwnedDrydockNote)
  // End of list of possible types for union field attestor_type.


Required. The resource name, in the format: projects/*/attestors/*. This field may not be updated.



Optional. A descriptive comment. This field may be updated. The field may be displayed in chooser dialogs.


string (Timestamp format)

Output only. Time when the attestor was last updated.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".



Optional. A checksum, returned by the server, that can be sent on update requests to ensure the attestor has an up-to-date value before attempting to update it. See

Union field attestor_type. Required. Identifies an attestor that attests to a container image artifact. This determines how an attestation will be stored, and how it will be used during policy enforcement. Updates may not change the attestor type, but individual attestor fields may be updated. attestor_type can be only one of the following:

object (UserOwnedDrydockNote)

A Drydock ATTESTATION_AUTHORITY Note, created by the user.


An user owned drydock note references a Drydock ATTESTATION_AUTHORITY Note created by the user.

JSON representation
  "noteReference": string,
  "publicKeys": [
      object (AttestorPublicKey)
  "delegationServiceAccountEmail": string


Required. The Drydock resource name of a ATTESTATION_AUTHORITY Note, created by the user, in the format: projects/*/notes/* (or the legacy providers/*/notes/*). This field may not be updated.

An attestation by this attestor is stored as a Drydock ATTESTATION_AUTHORITY Occurrence that names a container image and that links to this Note. Drydock is an external dependency.


object (AttestorPublicKey)

Optional. Public keys that verify attestations signed by this attestor. This field may be updated.

If this field is non-empty, one of the specified public keys must verify that an attestation was signed by this attestor for the image specified in the admission request.

If this field is empty, this attestor always returns that no valid attestations exist.



Output only. This field will contain the service account email address that this Attestor will use as the principal when querying Container Analysis. Attestor administrators must grant this service account the IAM role needed to read attestations from the [noteReference][Note] in Container Analysis (containeranalysis.notes.occurrences.viewer).

This email address is fixed for the lifetime of the Attestor, but callers should not make any other assumptions about the service account email; future versions may use an email based on a different naming pattern.


An attestor public key that will be used to verify attestations signed by this attestor.

JSON representation
  "comment": string,
  "id": string,

  // Union field public_key can be only one of the following:
  "asciiArmoredPgpPublicKey": string,
  "pkixPublicKey": {
    object (PkixPublicKey)
  // End of list of possible types for union field public_key.


Optional. A descriptive comment. This field may be updated.



The ID of this public key. Signatures verified by BinAuthz must include the ID of the public key that can be used to verify them, and that ID must match the contents of this field exactly. Additional restrictions on this field can be imposed based on which public key type is encapsulated. See the documentation on publicKey cases below for details.

Union field public_key. Required. A public key reference or serialized instance. This field may be updated. public_key can be only one of the following:


ASCII-armored representation of a PGP public key, as the entire output by the command gpg --export --armor (either LF or CRLF line endings). When using this field, id should be left blank. The BinAuthz API handlers will calculate the ID and fill it in automatically. BinAuthz computes this ID as the OpenPGP RFC4880 V4 fingerprint, represented as upper-case hex. If id is provided by the caller, it will be overwritten by the API-calculated ID.


object (PkixPublicKey)

A raw PKIX SubjectPublicKeyInfo format public key.

NOTE: id may be explicitly provided by the caller when using this type of public key, but it MUST be a valid RFC3986 URI. If id is left blank, a default one will be computed based on the digest of the DER encoding of the public key.


A public key in the PkixPublicKey format (see for details). Public keys of this type are typically textually encoded using the PEM format.

JSON representation
  "publicKeyPem": string,
  "signatureAlgorithm": enum (SignatureAlgorithm)


A PEM-encoded public key, as described in


enum (SignatureAlgorithm)

The signature algorithm used to verify a message against a signature using this key. These signature algorithm must match the structure and any object identifiers encoded in publicKeyPem (i.e. this algorithm must match that of the public key).