Garbage collection overview

This page describes how garbage collection works in Bigtable and covers the following topics:

  • Types of garbage collection
  • Default garbage collection settings
  • When data is deleted
  • Changes to garbage collection policies for replicated tables

Overview of garbage collection

Garbage collection is the automatic, ongoing process of removing expired and obsolete data from Bigtable tables. A garbage collection policy is a set of rules you create that state when data in a specific column family is no longer needed.

Garbage collection is a built-in, asynchronous background process. It can take up to a week before data that is eligible for garbage collection is actually deleted. Garbage collection occurs on a fixed schedule that does not vary based on how much data needs to be deleted. Until the data is deleted, it appears in read results. You can filter your reads to exclude this data.

The benefits of garbage collection policies include the following:

  • Minimize row size - You always want to prevent rows from growing indefinitely. Large rows negatively affect performance. Ideally, you should never let a row grow beyond 100 MB in size, and the limit is 256 MB. If you don't need to keep old data, or old versions of your current data, using garbage collection can help you minimize the size of each row.
  • Keep costs down - Garbage collection ensures that you don't pay to store data that is no longer required or used. You are charged for storage of expired or obsolete data until compaction occurs and data eligible for garbage collection is deleted. This process typically takes a few days but might take up to a week.

You can set garbage collection policies either programmatically or with the cbt CLI . Garbage collection policies are set at the column family level.

Each column family in a table has its own garbage collection policy. The garbage collection process looks up the current garbage collection policy for each column family, then deletes data according to the rules in the policy.


In Bigtable, the intersection of a row and a column can have multiple cells, which contain timestamped versions of the value for that intersection. Each cell has a timestamp. A timestamp is the number of microseconds since the Unix epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. You can use default timestamps or set them when you send write requests.

A timestamp that you send to Bigtable must be a microsecond value with at most millisecond precision. A timestamp with microsecond precision, such as 3023483279876543, is rejected. In this example, the acceptable timestamp value is 3023483279876000.

The timestamp property of a cell can be a "real" timestamp, reflecting the actual time the value for the cell is written, or it can be an "artificial" timestamp. Artificial timestamps include sequential numbers, zeroes, or timestamp-formatted values that are not the actual time the cell was written. Before you use artificial timestamps, review the use cases for artificial timestamps, including the risks of using them:

Make sure that you set a default timestamp when sending write requests unless you need to support a use case with artificial timestamps.

Types of garbage collection

This section describes the types of garbage collection available in Bigtable. Code samples for each type of garbage collection are at Configuring garbage collection.

Expiring values (age-based)

You can set a garbage collection rule based on the timestamp for each cell. For example, you might not want to keep any cells with timestamps more than 30 days before the current date and time. With this type of garbage collection rule, you set the time to live (TTL) for data. Bigtable looks at each column family during garbage collection and deletes any cells that have expired.

Number of versions

You can set a garbage collection rule that explicitly states the maximum number of cells to keep for all columns in a column family.

For example, if you want to keep only the latest username and email address for a customer, you can create a column family containing those two columns and set the maximum number of values to 1 for that column family.

In another case, you might want to keep the last five versions of a user's password hash to make sure they don't reuse the password, so you would set the maximum number of versions for the column family containing the password column to 5. When Bigtable looks at the column family during garbage collection, if a sixth cell has been written to the password column, the oldest cell is deleted to keep the number of cells to five.

Combinations of expiration and version number rules

You can use a combination of expiration and version number rules for garbage collection. The types of combinations are intersection, union, and nested. For configuration examples, see Garbage collection based on multiple criteria.


An intersection garbage collection policy marks data for deletion when it meets all the criteria in a given set of rules. For example, you might want to delete profiles older than 30 days but always keep at least one for each user. In this case, your intersection policy for the column family containing the profile column would consist of a rule for an expiring value and a rule for the number of versions.


A union garbage collection policy marks data for deletion when it meets any item in a given set of rules. For example, you might want to make sure that you retain a maximum of two page-view records per user but only if they are less than 30 days old. In this case, your union policy is set for an expiring value or a number of versions.


A nested garbage collection policy has a combination of union and intersection rules.

Default settings for garbage collection

There is no default TTL for a column family. The number of cells retained for a column depends on how you create the column family that the column is in, as explained in the following sections.

HBase policy

If you create the column family with the HBase client for Java, the HBase shell, or another tool that uses the HBase client for Java, Bigtable retains only the most recent cell in each column in the column family, unless you change the rule. This default setting is consistent with HBase.

All other client libraries or tools

If you create the column family with any other client library or tool, Bigtable retains an infinite number of cells in each column in the column family. This includes column families created with gcloud and the cbt CLI . You must change the garbage collection policy for the column family if you want to limit the number of versions.

When data is deleted

Garbage collection is a continuous process in which Bigtable checks the rules for each column family and deletes expired and obsolete data accordingly. In general, it can take up to a week from the time that data matches the criteria in the rules for the data to actually be deleted. You are not able to change the timing of garbage collection.

Because it can take up to a week for expired data to be deleted, you should never rely solely on garbage collection policies to ensure that read requests return the desired data. Always apply a filter to your read requests that excludes the same values as your garbage collection rules. You can filter by limiting the number of cells per column or by specifying a timestamp range.

For example, let's say that a column family's garbage collection rule is set to keep only the five most recent versions of a profile, and five versions are already stored. After a new version of the profile is written, it might take up to a week for the oldest cell to be deleted. Therefore, to avoid reading the sixth value, you should always filter out everything except the five most recent versions.

You are charged for storage of expired data until compaction occurs and the data is deleted.

Garbage collection is retroactive: when a new garbage collection policy is set, over the next few days it is applied to all data in the table. If the new policy is more restrictive than the previous policy, old data is deleted as the background work happens, including data that was written before the policy change.

If you want to make sure that data marked for garbage collection is being deleted, you can query your table and compare the data with expected results. You can also monitor table size in the Google Cloud console. A table that never gets smaller might reflect a garbage collection policy that is not working as expected, but remember that garbage collection is executed on a delay.

Replication and garbage collection

Replication can affect garbage collection in a few ways.

Version-based garbage collection and CPU usage

In an instance that uses replication, deletes from version-based garbage collection are replicated to all clusters in the instance in the same way that application requests are replicated. If you rapidly write new cells that cause older cells to become marked for deletion, you might see increased CPU utilization when Bigtable deletes the stale cells and replicates those deletes to other clusters in the instance. Be prepared for this increase in CPU usage if you add a cluster to an instance containing tables that use version-based garbage collection.

Age-based garbage collection, on the other hand, does not increase CPU usage in replicated instances.

Changing version-based garbage collection policies

You can modify a column family's maximum number of versions in a replicated table. However, if you lower the number of versions for a column family, it can take up to a week for all replicated clusters to reflect the new, lower number. Therefore, you should always use filters when reading the data.

Changing age-based garbage collection policies

You can increase or decrease the retention time specified in garbage collection policies regardless of whether the instance uses replication. You can also delete an age-based garbage collection policy.

Decreasing the retention time

If you decrease the retention time in an age-based policy, it can take up to a week for all clusters to synchronize and use the new policy.

Increasing the retention time

In a replicated table, you can increase a garbage collection policy's retention time by a maximum of 90 days.

If you increase the retention period for a column family, be aware that your clusters might be out of sync for longer than a week. To see why, consider a hypothetical case where you have a table in a two-cluster instance and you change a column family's retention period from 30 days to 50 days:

  1. A write request for row key ip#685 is sent to cluster A with a value of 2023-01-02 for column click-through in column family profile. The data is replicated to cluster B.
  2. Thirty-one days later, garbage collection occurs on cluster A, and the value in the click-through column is recognized as expired and deleted.
  3. You change the garbage collection policy for column family profile, increasing the TTL from 30 days to 50 days.
  4. A day later, garbage collection runs on cluster B. Because the TTL is 50 days, the value 2023-01-02 is retained.
  5. The clusters are now out of sync and remain so for almost 20 days until the value that exists in cluster B but not cluster A is finally deleted.

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