Source code for google.appengine.api.queueinfo

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""QueueInfo tools.

QueueInfo is a library for working with QueueInfo records, describing task queue
entries for an application. QueueInfo loads the records from `queue.yaml`. To
learn more about the parameters you can specify in `queue.yaml`, review the
`queue.yaml reference guide`_.

.. _queue.yaml reference guide:

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os

if os.environ.get('APPENGINE_RUNTIME') == 'python27':
  from google.appengine.api import appinfo
  from google.appengine.api import validation
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_builder
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_listener
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_object
  from google.appengine.api.taskqueue import taskqueue_service_pb
  from google.appengine.api import appinfo
  from google.appengine.api import validation
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_builder
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_listener
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_object
  from google.appengine.api.taskqueue import taskqueue_service_pb

_NAME_REGEX = r'^[A-Za-z0-9-]{0,499}$'
_RATE_REGEX = r'^(0|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?/[smhd])'
_TOTAL_STORAGE_LIMIT_REGEX = r'^([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?[BKMGT]?)'
_MODE_REGEX = r'(pull)|(push)'

MODULE_ID_RE_STRING = r'(?!-)[a-z\d\-]{1,63}'

MODULE_VERSION_RE_STRING = r'(?!-)[a-z\d\-]{1,100}'
_VERSION_REGEX = r'^(?:(?:(%s)\.)?)(%s)$' % (MODULE_VERSION_RE_STRING,

QUEUE = 'queue'

NAME = 'name'
RATE = 'rate'
BUCKET_SIZE = 'bucket_size'
MODE = 'mode'
TARGET = 'target'
MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = 'max_concurrent_requests'
TOTAL_STORAGE_LIMIT = 'total_storage_limit'


RETRY_PARAMETERS = 'retry_parameters'
TASK_RETRY_LIMIT = 'task_retry_limit'
TASK_AGE_LIMIT = 'task_age_limit'
MIN_BACKOFF_SECONDS = 'min_backoff_seconds'
MAX_BACKOFF_SECONDS = 'max_backoff_seconds'
MAX_DOUBLINGS = 'max_doublings'

ACL = 'acl'
USER_EMAIL = 'user_email'
WRITER_EMAIL = 'writer_email'

[docs]class MalformedQueueConfiguration(Exception): """The configuration file for the task queue is malformed."""
[docs]class RetryParameters(validation.Validated): """Specifies the retry parameters for a single task queue.""" ATTRIBUTES = { TASK_RETRY_LIMIT: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_INT), TASK_AGE_LIMIT: validation.Optional(validation.TimeValue()), MIN_BACKOFF_SECONDS: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_FLOAT), MAX_BACKOFF_SECONDS: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_FLOAT), MAX_DOUBLINGS: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_INT), }
[docs]class Acl(validation.Validated): """Controls the access control list for a single task queue.""" ATTRIBUTES = { USER_EMAIL: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_STR), WRITER_EMAIL: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_STR), }
[docs]class QueueEntry(validation.Validated): """Describes a single task queue.""" ATTRIBUTES = { NAME: _NAME_REGEX, RATE: validation.Optional(_RATE_REGEX), MODE: validation.Optional(_MODE_REGEX), BUCKET_SIZE: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_INT), MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_INT), RETRY_PARAMETERS: validation.Optional(RetryParameters), ACL: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(Acl)), TARGET: validation.Optional(_VERSION_REGEX), }
[docs]class QueueInfoExternal(validation.Validated): """Describes all of the queue entries for an application.""" ATTRIBUTES = { appinfo.APPLICATION: validation.Optional(appinfo.APPLICATION_RE_STRING), TOTAL_STORAGE_LIMIT: validation.Optional(_TOTAL_STORAGE_LIMIT_REGEX), QUEUE: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(QueueEntry)), }
[docs]def LoadSingleQueue(queue_info, open_fn=None): """Loads a `queue.yaml` file/string and returns a `QueueInfoExternal` object. Args: queue_info: The contents of a `queue.yaml` file, as a string. open_fn: Function for opening files. Unused. Returns: A `QueueInfoExternal` object. """ builder = yaml_object.ObjectBuilder(QueueInfoExternal) handler = yaml_builder.BuilderHandler(builder) listener = yaml_listener.EventListener(handler) listener.Parse(queue_info) queue_info = handler.GetResults() if len(queue_info) < 1: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration('Empty queue configuration.') if len(queue_info) > 1: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration('Multiple queue: sections ' 'in configuration.') return queue_info[0]
[docs]def ParseRate(rate): """Parses a rate string in the form `number/unit`, or the literal `0`. The unit is one of `s` (seconds), `m` (minutes), `h` (hours) or `d` (days). Args: rate: The string that contains the rate. Returns: A floating point number that represents the `rate/second`. Raises: MalformedQueueConfiguration: If the rate is invalid. """ if rate == "0": return 0.0 elements = rate.split('/') if len(elements) != 2: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration('Rate "%s" is invalid.' % rate) number, unit = elements try: number = float(number) except ValueError: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration('Rate "%s" is invalid:' ' "%s" is not a number.' % (rate, number)) if unit not in 'smhd': raise MalformedQueueConfiguration('Rate "%s" is invalid:' ' "%s" is not one of s, m, h, d.' % (rate, unit)) if unit == 's': return number if unit == 'm': return number/60 if unit == 'h': return number/(60 * 60) if unit == 'd': return number/(24 * 60 * 60)
[docs]def ParseTotalStorageLimit(limit): """Parses a string representing the storage bytes limit. Optional limit suffixes are: - `B` (bytes) - `K` (kilobytes) - `M` (megabytes) - `G` (gigabytes) - `T` (terabytes) Args: limit: The string that specifies the storage bytes limit. Returns: An integer that represents the storage limit in bytes. Raises: MalformedQueueConfiguration: If the limit argument isn't a valid Python double followed by an optional suffix. """ limit = limit.strip() if not limit: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration('Total Storage Limit must not be empty.') try: if limit[-1] in BYTE_SUFFIXES: number = float(limit[0:-1]) for c in BYTE_SUFFIXES: if limit[-1] != c: number = number * 1024 else: return int(number) else: return int(limit) except ValueError: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration('Total Storage Limit "%s" is invalid.' % limit)
[docs]def ParseTaskAgeLimit(age_limit): """Parses a string representing the task's age limit (maximum allowed age). The string must be a non-negative integer or floating point number followed by one of `s`, `m`, `h`, or `d` (seconds, minutes, hours, or days, respectively). Args: age_limit: The string that contains the task age limit. Returns: An integer that represents the age limit in seconds. Raises: MalformedQueueConfiguration: If the limit argument isn't a valid Python double followed by a required suffix. """ age_limit = age_limit.strip() if not age_limit: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration('Task Age Limit must not be empty.') unit = age_limit[-1] if unit not in "smhd": raise MalformedQueueConfiguration('Task Age_Limit must be in s (seconds), ' 'm (minutes), h (hours), or d (days)') try: number = float(age_limit[0:-1]) if unit == 's': return int(number) if unit == 'm': return int(number * 60) if unit == 'h': return int(number * 3600) if unit == 'd': return int(number * 86400) except ValueError: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration('Task Age_Limit "%s" is invalid.' % age_limit)
[docs]def TranslateRetryParameters(retry): """Populates a `TaskQueueRetryParameters` from a `queueinfo.RetryParameters`. Args: retry: A `queueinfo.RetryParameters` that is read from `queue.yaml` that describes the queue's retry parameters. Returns: A `taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueRetryParameters` proto populated with the data from `retry`. Raises: MalformedQueueConfiguration: If the retry parameters are invalid. """ params = taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueRetryParameters() if retry.task_retry_limit is not None: params.set_retry_limit(int(retry.task_retry_limit)) if retry.task_age_limit is not None: params.set_age_limit_sec(ParseTaskAgeLimit(retry.task_age_limit)) if retry.min_backoff_seconds is not None: params.set_min_backoff_sec(float(retry.min_backoff_seconds)) if retry.max_backoff_seconds is not None: params.set_max_backoff_sec(float(retry.max_backoff_seconds)) if retry.max_doublings is not None: params.set_max_doublings(int(retry.max_doublings)) if params.has_min_backoff_sec() and not params.has_max_backoff_sec(): if params.min_backoff_sec() > params.max_backoff_sec(): params.set_max_backoff_sec(params.min_backoff_sec()) if not params.has_min_backoff_sec() and params.has_max_backoff_sec(): if params.min_backoff_sec() > params.max_backoff_sec(): params.set_min_backoff_sec(params.max_backoff_sec()) if params.has_retry_limit() and params.retry_limit() < 0: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration( 'Task retry limit must not be less than zero.') if params.has_age_limit_sec() and not params.age_limit_sec() > 0: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration( 'Task age limit must be greater than zero.') if params.has_min_backoff_sec() and params.min_backoff_sec() < 0: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration( 'Min backoff seconds must not be less than zero.') if params.has_max_backoff_sec() and params.max_backoff_sec() < 0: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration( 'Max backoff seconds must not be less than zero.') if params.has_max_doublings() and params.max_doublings() < 0: raise MalformedQueueConfiguration( 'Max doublings must not be less than zero.') if (params.has_min_backoff_sec() and params.has_max_backoff_sec() and params.min_backoff_sec() > params.max_backoff_sec()): raise MalformedQueueConfiguration( 'Min backoff sec must not be greater than than max backoff sec.') return params