Source code for google.appengine.api.datastore_types

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Higher-level, semantic data types for the datastore. These types
are expected to be set as attributes of Entities.  See "Supported Data Types"
in the API Guide.

Most of these types are based on XML elements from Atom and GData elements
from the atom and gd namespaces. For more information, see:

The namespace schemas are:

from __future__ import absolute_import

import base64
import calendar
import datetime
import os
import re
import time
from xml.sax import saxutils

from google.appengine.datastore import entity_pb

from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors
from google.appengine.api import namespace_manager
from google.appengine.api import users
from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb
from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pbs
from google.appengine.datastore import entity_v4_pb
from google.appengine.datastore import sortable_pb_encoder

from google.appengine._internal import six_subset

if datastore_pbs._CLOUD_DATASTORE_ENABLED:
  from google.appengine.datastore.datastore_pbs import googledatastore




RESERVED_PROPERTY_NAME = re.compile('^__.*__$')

_UNAPPLIED_LOG_TIMESTAMP_SPECIAL_PROPERTY = '__unapplied_log_timestamp_us__'



_EPOCH = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)

if six_subset.PY2:

[docs]class UtcTzinfo(datetime.tzinfo):
[docs] def utcoffset(self, dt): return datetime.timedelta(0)
[docs] def dst(self, dt): return datetime.timedelta(0)
[docs] def tzname(self, dt): return 'UTC'
def __repr__(self): return 'datastore_types.UTC'
UTC = UtcTzinfo()
[docs]def typename(obj): """Returns the type of obj as a string. More descriptive and specific than type(obj), and safe for any object, unlike __class__.""" if hasattr(obj, '__class__'): return getattr(obj, '__class__').__name__ else: return type(obj).__name__
[docs]def ValidateString(value, name='unused', exception=datastore_errors.BadValueError, max_len=_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, empty_ok=False): """Raises an exception if value is not a valid string or a subclass thereof. A string is valid if it's not empty, no more than _MAX_STRING_LENGTH bytes, and not a Blob. The exception type can be specified with the exception argument; it defaults to BadValueError. Args: value: the value to validate. name: the name of this value; used in the exception message. exception: the type of exception to raise. max_len: the maximum allowed length, in bytes. empty_ok: allow empty value. """ if value is None and empty_ok: return if not isinstance(value, basestring) or isinstance(value, Blob): raise exception('%s should be a string; received %s (a %s):' % (name, value, typename(value))) if not value and not empty_ok: raise exception('%s must not be empty.' % name) if len(value.encode('utf-8')) > max_len: raise exception('%s must be under %d bytes.' % (name, max_len))
[docs]def ValidateInteger(value, name='unused', exception=datastore_errors.BadValueError, empty_ok=False, zero_ok=False, negative_ok=False): """Raises an exception if value is not a valid integer. An integer is valid if it's not negative or empty and is an integer (either int or long). The exception type raised can be specified with the exception argument; it defaults to BadValueError. Args: value: the value to validate. name: the name of this value; used in the exception message. exception: the type of exception to raise. empty_ok: allow None value. zero_ok: allow zero value. negative_ok: allow negative value. """ if value is None and empty_ok: return if not isinstance(value, six_subset.integer_types): raise exception('%s should be an integer; received %s (a %s).' % (name, value, typename(value))) if not value and not zero_ok: raise exception('%s must not be 0 (zero)' % name) if value < 0 and not negative_ok: raise exception('%s must not be negative.' % name)
[docs]def ResolveAppId(app): """Validate app id, providing a default. If the argument is None, $APPLICATION_ID is substituted. Args: app: The app id argument value to be validated. Returns: The value of app, or the substituted default. Always a non-empty string. Raises: BadArgumentError if the value is empty or not a string. """ if app is None: app = os.environ.get('APPLICATION_ID', '') ValidateString(app, 'app', datastore_errors.BadArgumentError) return app
[docs]def ResolveNamespace(namespace): """Validate app namespace, providing a default. If the argument is None, namespace_manager.get_namespace() is substituted. Args: namespace: The namespace argument value to be validated. Returns: The value of namespace, or the substituted default. The empty string is used to denote the empty namespace. Raises: BadArgumentError if the value is not a string. """ if namespace is None: namespace = namespace_manager.get_namespace() else: namespace_manager.validate_namespace( namespace, datastore_errors.BadArgumentError) return namespace
[docs]def EncodeAppIdNamespace(app_id, namespace): """Concatenates app id and namespace into a single string. This method is needed for xml and datastore_file_stub. Args: app_id: The application id to encode namespace: The namespace to encode Returns: The string encoding for the app_id, namespace pair. """ if not namespace: return app_id else: return app_id + _NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR + namespace
[docs]def DecodeAppIdNamespace(app_namespace_str): """Decodes app_namespace_str into an (app_id, namespace) pair. This method is the reverse of EncodeAppIdNamespace and is needed for datastore_file_stub. Args: app_namespace_str: An encoded app_id, namespace pair created by EncodeAppIdNamespace Returns: (app_id, namespace) pair encoded in app_namespace_str """ sep = app_namespace_str.find(_NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR) if sep < 0: return (app_namespace_str, '') else: return (app_namespace_str[0:sep], app_namespace_str[sep + 1:])
[docs]def SetNamespace(proto, namespace): """Sets the namespace for a protocol buffer or clears the field. Args: proto: the protocol buffer to update namespace: the new namespace (None or an empty string will clear out the field). """ if not namespace: proto.clear_name_space() else: proto.set_name_space(namespace)
[docs]def PartitionString(value, separator): """Equivalent to python2.5 str.partition() TODO use str.partition() when python 2.5 is adopted. Args: value: String to be partitioned separator: Separator string """ index = value.find(separator) if index == -1: return (value, '', value[0:0]) else: return (value[0:index], separator, value[index+len(separator):len(value)])
[docs]class Key(object): """The primary key for a datastore entity. A datastore GUID. A Key instance uniquely identifies an entity across all apps, and includes all information necessary to fetch the entity from the datastore with Get(). Key implements __hash__, and key instances are immutable, so Keys may be used in sets and as dictionary keys. """ __reference = None def __init__(self, encoded=None): """Constructor. Creates a Key from a string. Args: # a base64-encoded primary key, generated by Key.__str__ encoded: str """ self._str = None if encoded is not None: if not isinstance(encoded, basestring): try: repr_encoded = repr(encoded) except: repr_encoded = "<couldn't encode>" raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( 'Key() expects a string; received %s (a %s).' % (repr_encoded, typename(encoded))) try: modulo = len(encoded) % 4 if modulo != 0: encoded += ('=' * (4 - modulo)) self._str = str(encoded) encoded_pb = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(self._str) self.__reference = entity_pb.Reference(encoded_pb) assert self.__reference.IsInitialized() self._str = self._str.rstrip('=') except (AssertionError, TypeError) as e: raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError( 'Invalid string key %s. Details: %s' % (encoded, e)) except Exception as e: if e.__class__.__name__ == 'ProtocolBufferDecodeError': raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError('Invalid string key %s.' % encoded) else: raise else: self.__reference = entity_pb.Reference()
[docs] def to_path(self, _default_id=None, _decode=True, _fail=True): """Construct the "path" of this key as a list. Returns: A list [kind_1, id_or_name_1, ..., kind_n, id_or_name_n] of the key path. Raises: datastore_errors.BadKeyError if this key does not have a valid path. """ def Decode(s): if _decode: try: return s.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: if _fail: raise return s path = [] for path_element in self.__reference.path().element_list(): path.append(Decode(path_element.type())) if path_element.has_name(): path.append(Decode( elif path_element.has_id(): path.append( elif _default_id is not None: path.append(_default_id) else: raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError('Incomplete key found in to_path') return path
[docs] @staticmethod def from_path(*args, **kwds): """Static method to construct a Key out of a "path" (kind, id or name, ...). This is useful when an application wants to use just the id or name portion of a key in e.g. a URL, where the rest of the URL provides enough context to fill in the rest, i.e. the app id (always implicit), the entity kind, and possibly an ancestor key. Since ids and names are usually small, they're more attractive for use in end-user-visible URLs than the full string representation of a key. Args: kind: the entity kind (a str or unicode instance) id_or_name: the id (an int or long) or name (a str or unicode instance) parent: optional parent Key; default None. namespace: optional namespace to use otherwise namespace_manager's default namespace is used. Returns: A new Key instance whose .kind() and .id() or .name() methods return the *last* kind and id or name positional arguments passed. Raises: BadArgumentError for invalid arguments. BadKeyError if the parent key is incomplete. """ parent = kwds.pop('parent', None) app_id = ResolveAppId(kwds.pop('_app', None)) namespace = kwds.pop('namespace', None) if kwds: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( 'Excess keyword arguments ' + repr(kwds)) if not args or len(args) % 2: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( 'A non-zero even number of positional arguments is required ' '(kind, id or name, kind, id or name, ...); received %s' % repr(args)) if parent is not None: if not isinstance(parent, Key): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( 'Expected None or a Key as parent; received %r (a %s).' % (parent, typename(parent))) if namespace is None: namespace = parent.namespace() if not parent.has_id_or_name(): raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError( 'The parent Key is incomplete.') if app_id != or namespace != parent.namespace(): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( 'The app/namespace arguments (%s/%s) should match ' ' (%s/%s)' % (app_id, namespace,, parent.namespace())) namespace = ResolveNamespace(namespace) key = Key() ref = key.__reference if parent is not None: ref.CopyFrom(parent.__reference) else: ref.set_app(app_id) SetNamespace(ref, namespace) path = ref.mutable_path() for i in xrange(0, len(args), 2): kind, id_or_name = args[i:i+2] if isinstance(kind, basestring): kind = kind.encode('utf-8') else: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( 'Expected a string kind as argument %d; received %r (a %s).' % (i + 1, kind, typename(kind))) elem = path.add_element() elem.set_type(kind) if isinstance(id_or_name, six_subset.integer_types): elem.set_id(id_or_name) elif isinstance(id_or_name, basestring): ValidateString(id_or_name, 'name') elem.set_name(id_or_name.encode('utf-8')) else: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( 'Expected an integer id or string name as argument %d; ' 'received %r (a %s).' % (i + 2, id_or_name, typename(id_or_name))) assert ref.IsInitialized() return key
[docs] def app(self): """Returns this entity's app id, a string.""" if return'utf-8') else: return None
[docs] def namespace(self): """Returns this entity's namespace, a string.""" if self.__reference.has_name_space(): return self.__reference.name_space().decode('utf-8') else: return ''
[docs] def kind(self): """Returns this entity's kind, as a string.""" if self.__reference.path().element_size() > 0: encoded = self.__reference.path().element_list()[-1].type() return six_subset.text_type(encoded.decode('utf-8')) else: return None
[docs] def id(self): """Returns this entity's id, or None if it doesn't have one.""" elems = self.__reference.path().element_list() if elems and elems[-1].has_id() and elems[-1].id(): return elems[-1].id() else: return None
[docs] def name(self): """Returns this entity's name, or None if it doesn't have one.""" elems = self.__reference.path().element_list() if elems and elems[-1].has_name() and elems[-1].name(): return elems[-1].name().decode('utf-8') else: return None
[docs] def id_or_name(self): """Returns this entity's id or name, whichever it has, or None.""" if is not None: return else: return
[docs] def has_id_or_name(self): """Returns True if this entity has an id or name, False otherwise. """ elems = self.__reference.path().element_list() if elems: e = elems[-1] return bool( or else: return False
[docs] def parent(self): """Returns this entity's parent, as a Key. If this entity has no parent, returns None.""" if self.__reference.path().element_size() > 1: parent = Key() parent.__reference.CopyFrom(self.__reference) del parent.__reference.path().element_list()[-1] return parent else: return None
[docs] def ToTagUri(self): """Returns a tag: URI for this entity for use in XML output. Foreign keys for entities may be represented in XML output as tag URIs. RFC 4151 describes the tag URI scheme. From The tag algorithm lets people mint - create - identifiers that no one else using the same algorithm could ever mint. It is simple enough to do in your head, and the resulting identifiers can be easy to read, write, and remember. The identifiers conform to the URI (URL) Syntax. Tag URIs for entities use the app's auth domain and the date that the URI is generated. The namespace-specific part is <kind>[<key>]. For example, here is the tag URI for a Kitten with the key "Fluffy" in the catsinsinks app:,2006-08-29:Kitten[Fluffy] Raises a BadKeyError if this entity's key is incomplete. """ if not self.has_id_or_name(): raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError( 'ToTagUri() called for an entity with an incomplete key.') return u'tag:%s.%s,%s:%s[%s]' % ( saxutils.escape(EncodeAppIdNamespace(, self.namespace())), os.environ['AUTH_DOMAIN'],, saxutils.escape(self.kind()), saxutils.escape(str(self)))
ToXml = ToTagUri
[docs] def entity_group(self): """Returns this key's entity group as a Key. Note that the returned Key will be incomplete if this Key is for a root entity and it is incomplete. """ group = Key._FromPb(self.__reference) del group.__reference.path().element_list()[1:] return group
@staticmethod def _FromPb(pb): """Static factory method. Creates a Key from an entity_pb.Reference. Not intended to be used by application developers. Enforced by hiding the entity_pb classes. Args: pb: entity_pb.Reference """ if not isinstance(pb, entity_pb.Reference): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( 'Key constructor takes an entity_pb.Reference; received %s (a %s).' % (pb, typename(pb))) key = Key() key.__reference = entity_pb.Reference() key.__reference.CopyFrom(pb) return key def _ToPb(self): """Converts this Key to its protocol buffer representation. Not intended to be used by application developers. Enforced by hiding the entity_pb classes. Returns: # the Reference PB representation of this Key entity_pb.Reference """ pb = entity_pb.Reference() pb.CopyFrom(self.__reference)'utf-8') for pathelem in pb.path().element_list(): pathelem.type().decode('utf-8') return pb def __str__(self): """Encodes this Key as an opaque string. Returns a string representation of this key, suitable for use in HTML, URLs, and other similar use cases. If the entity's key is incomplete, raises a BadKeyError. Unfortunately, this string encoding isn't particularly compact, and its length varies with the length of the path. If you want a shorter identifier and you know the kind and parent (if any) ahead of time, consider using just the entity's id or name. Returns: string """ try: if self._str is not None: return self._str except AttributeError: pass if (self.has_id_or_name()): encoded = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(self.__reference.Encode()) self._str = encoded.replace('=', '') else: raise datastore_errors.BadKeyError( 'Cannot string encode an incomplete key!\n%s' % self.__reference) return self._str def __repr__(self): """Returns an eval()able string representation of this key. Returns a Python string of the form 'datastore_types.Key.from_path(...)' that can be used to recreate this key. Returns: string """ args = [] for elem in self.__reference.path().element_list(): args.append(repr(elem.type().decode('utf-8'))) if elem.has_name(): args.append(repr('utf-8'))) else: args.append(repr( args.append('_app=%r' %'utf-8')) if self.__reference.has_name_space(): args.append('namespace=%r' % self.__reference.name_space().decode('utf-8')) return u'datastore_types.Key.from_path(%s)' % ', '.join(args) def __cmp__(self, other): """Returns negative, zero, or positive when comparing two keys. TODO: for API v2, we should change this to make incomplete keys, ie keys without an id or name, not equal to any other keys. Args: other: Key to compare to. Returns: Negative if self is less than "other" Zero if "other" is equal to self Positive if self is greater than "other" """ if not isinstance(other, Key): return -2 self_args = [, self.__reference.name_space()] self_args += self.to_path(_default_id=0, _decode=False) other_args = [, other.__reference.name_space()] other_args += other.to_path(_default_id=0, _decode=False) for self_component, other_component in zip(self_args, other_args): comparison = cmp(self_component, other_component) if comparison != 0: return comparison return cmp(len(self_args), len(other_args)) def __hash__(self): """Returns an integer hash of this key. Implements Python's hash protocol so that Keys may be used in sets and as dictionary keys. Returns: int """ args = self.to_path(_default_id=0, _fail=False) args.append( return hash(type(args)) ^ hash(tuple(args))
class _OverflowDateTime(_PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE): """Container for GD_WHEN values that don't fit into a datetime.datetime. This class only exists to safely round-trip GD_WHEN values that are too large to fit in a datetime.datetime instance e.g. that were created by Java applications. It should not be created directly. """ pass def _EmptyList(val): if val is not None: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('value should be None.') return [] def _When(val): """Coverts a GD_WHEN value to the appropriate type.""" try: return _EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=val) except OverflowError: return _OverflowDateTime(val)
[docs]class Category(six_subset.text_type): """A tag, ie a descriptive word or phrase. Entities may be tagged by users, and later returned by a queries for that tag. Tags can also be used for ranking results (frequency), photo captions, clustering, activity, etc. Here's a more in-depth description: This is the Atom "category" element. In XML output, the tag is provided as the term attribute. See: Raises BadValueError if tag is not a string or subtype. """ TERM = 'user-tag' def __init__(self, tag): super(Category, self).__init__() ValidateString(tag, 'tag')
[docs] def ToXml(self): return u'<category term="%s" label=%s />' % (Category.TERM, saxutils.quoteattr(self))
[docs]class Email(six_subset.text_type): """An RFC2822 email address. Makes no attempt at validation; apart from checking MX records, email address validation is a rathole. This is the gd:email element. In XML output, the email address is provided as the address attribute. See: Raises BadValueError if email is not a valid email address. """ def __init__(self, email): super(Email, self).__init__() ValidateString(email, 'email')
[docs] def ToXml(self): return u'<gd:email address=%s />' % saxutils.quoteattr(self)
[docs]class GeoPt(object): """A geographical point, specified by floating-point latitude and longitude coordinates. Often used to integrate with mapping sites like Google Maps. May also be used as ICBM coordinates. This is the georss:point element. In XML output, the coordinates are provided as the lat and lon attributes. See: Serializes to '<lat>,<lon>'. Raises BadValueError if it's passed an invalid serialized string, or if lat and lon are not valid floating points in the ranges [-90, 90] and [-180, 180], respectively. """ lat = None lon = None def __init__(self, lat, lon=None): if lon is None: try: split = lat.split(',') lat, lon = split except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Expected a "lat,long" formatted string; received %s (a %s).' % (lat, typename(lat))) try: lat = float(lat) lon = float(lon) if abs(lat) > 90: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Latitude must be between -90 and 90; received %f' % lat) if abs(lon) > 180: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Longitude must be between -180 and 180; received %f' % lon) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Expected floats for lat and long; received %s (a %s) and %s (a %s).' % (lat, typename(lat), lon, typename(lon))) = lat self.lon = lon def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, GeoPt): try: other = GeoPt(other) except datastore_errors.BadValueError: return NotImplemented lat_cmp = cmp(, if lat_cmp != 0: return lat_cmp else: return cmp(self.lon, other.lon) def __hash__(self): """Returns an integer hash of this point. Implements Python's hash protocol so that GeoPts may be used in sets and as dictionary keys. Returns: int """ return hash((, self.lon)) def __repr__(self): """Returns an eval()able string representation of this GeoPt. The returned string is of the form 'datastore_types.GeoPt([lat], [lon])'. Returns: string """ return 'datastore_types.GeoPt(%r, %r)' % (, self.lon) def __unicode__(self): return u'%s,%s' % (six_subset.text_type(, six_subset.text_type(self.lon)) __str__ = __unicode__
[docs] def ToXml(self): return u'<georss:point>%s %s</georss:point>' % (six_subset.text_type(, six_subset.text_type(self.lon))
[docs]class IM(object): """An instant messaging handle. Includes both an address and its protocol. The protocol value is either a standard IM scheme or a URL identifying the IM network for the protocol. Possible values include: Value Description sip SIP/SIMPLE unknown Unknown or unspecified xmpp XMPP/Jabber AIM ICQ Google Talk MSN Messenger Yahoo Messenger Lotus Sametime Gadu-Gadu This is the gd:im element. In XML output, the address and protocol are provided as the address and protocol attributes, respectively. See: Serializes to '<protocol> <address>'. Raises BadValueError if tag is not a standard IM scheme or a URL. """ PROTOCOLS = [ 'sip', 'unknown', 'xmpp' ] protocol = None address = None def __init__(self, protocol, address=None): if address is None: try: split = protocol.split(' ', 1) protocol, address = split except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Expected string of format "protocol address"; received %s' % (protocol,)) ValidateString(address, 'address') if protocol not in self.PROTOCOLS: Link(protocol) self.address = address self.protocol = protocol def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, IM): try: other = IM(other) except datastore_errors.BadValueError: return NotImplemented return cmp((self.address, self.protocol), (other.address, other.protocol)) def __repr__(self): """Returns an eval()able string representation of this IM. The returned string is of the form: datastore_types.IM('address', 'protocol') Returns: string """ return 'datastore_types.IM(%r, %r)' % (self.protocol, self.address) def __unicode__(self): return u'%s %s' % (self.protocol, self.address) __str__ = __unicode__
[docs] def ToXml(self): return (u'<gd:im protocol=%s address=%s />' % (saxutils.quoteattr(self.protocol), saxutils.quoteattr(self.address)))
def __len__(self): return len(six_subset.text_type(self))
[docs]class PhoneNumber(six_subset.text_type): """A human-readable phone number or address. No validation is performed. Phone numbers have many different formats - local, long distance, domestic, international, internal extension, TTY, VOIP, SMS, and alternative networks like Skype, XFire and Roger Wilco. They all have their own numbering and addressing formats. This is the gd:phoneNumber element. In XML output, the phone number is provided as the text of the element. See: Raises BadValueError if phone is not a string or subtype. """ def __init__(self, phone): super(PhoneNumber, self).__init__() ValidateString(phone, 'phone')
[docs] def ToXml(self): return u'<gd:phoneNumber>%s</gd:phoneNumber>' % saxutils.escape(self)
[docs]class PostalAddress(six_subset.text_type): """A human-readable mailing address. Again, mailing address formats vary widely, so no validation is performed. This is the gd:postalAddress element. In XML output, the address is provided as the text of the element. See: Raises BadValueError if address is not a string or subtype. """ def __init__(self, address): super(PostalAddress, self).__init__() ValidateString(address, 'address')
[docs] def ToXml(self): return u'<gd:postalAddress>%s</gd:postalAddress>' % saxutils.escape(self)
[docs]class Rating(_PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE): """A user-provided integer rating for a piece of content. Normalized to a 0-100 scale. This is the gd:rating element. In XML output, the address is provided as the text of the element. See: Serializes to the decimal string representation of the rating. Raises BadValueError if the rating is not an integer in the range [0, 100]. """ MIN = 0 MAX = 100 def __init__(self, rating): super(Rating, self).__init__() if isinstance(rating, float) or isinstance(rating, complex): raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Expected int or long; received %s (a %s).' % (rating, typename(rating))) try: if (_PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE(rating) < Rating.MIN or _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE(rating) > Rating.MAX): raise datastore_errors.BadValueError() except ValueError: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Expected int or long; received %s (a %s).' % (rating, typename(rating)))
[docs] def ToXml(self): return (u'<gd:rating value="%d" min="%d" max="%d" />' % (self, Rating.MIN, Rating.MAX))
[docs]class Text(six_subset.text_type): """A long string type. Strings of any length can be stored in the datastore using this type. It behaves identically to the Python unicode type, except for the constructor, which only accepts str and unicode arguments. """ def __new__(cls, arg=None, encoding=None): """Constructor. We only accept unicode and str instances, the latter with encoding. Args: arg: optional unicode or str instance; default u'' encoding: optional encoding; disallowed when isinstance(arg, unicode), defaults to 'ascii' when isinstance(arg, str); """ if arg is None: arg = u'' if isinstance(arg, six_subset.text_type): if encoding is not None: raise TypeError('Text() with a unicode argument ' 'should not specify an encoding') return super(Text, cls).__new__(cls, arg) if isinstance(arg, six_subset.string_types): if encoding is None: encoding = 'ascii' return super(Text, cls).__new__(cls, arg, encoding) raise TypeError('Text() argument should be str or unicode, not %s' % type(arg).__name__)
class _BaseByteType(str): """A base class for datastore types that are encoded as bytes. This behaves identically to the Python str type, except for the constructor, which only accepts str arguments. """ def __new__(cls, arg=None): """Constructor. We only accept str instances. Args: arg: optional str instance (default '') """ if arg is None: arg = '' if isinstance(arg, str): return super(_BaseByteType, cls).__new__(cls, arg) raise TypeError('%s() argument should be str instance, not %s' % (cls.__name__, type(arg).__name__)) def ToXml(self): """Output bytes as XML. Returns: Base64 encoded version of itself for safe insertion in to an XML document. """ encoded = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(self) return saxutils.escape(encoded)
[docs]class Blob(_BaseByteType): """A blob type, appropriate for storing binary data of any length. This behaves identically to the Python str type, except for the constructor, which only accepts str arguments. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Blob, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._meaning_uri = None @property def meaning_uri(self): return self._meaning_uri @meaning_uri.setter def meaning_uri(self, value): self._meaning_uri = value
[docs]class EmbeddedEntity(_BaseByteType): """A proto encoded EntityProto. This behaves identically to Blob, except for the constructor, which accepts a str or EntityProto argument. Can be decoded using datastore.Entity.FromProto(), db.model_from_protobuf() or ndb.LocalStructuredProperty. """ def __new__(cls, arg=None): """Constructor. Args: arg: optional str or EntityProto instance (default '') """ if isinstance(arg, entity_pb.EntityProto): arg = arg.SerializePartialToString() return super(EmbeddedEntity, cls).__new__(cls, arg)
[docs]class ByteString(_BaseByteType): """A byte-string type, appropriate for storing short amounts of indexed data. This behaves identically to Blob, except it's used only for short, indexed byte strings. """ pass
[docs]class BlobKey(object): """Key used to identify a blob in Blobstore. This object wraps a string that gets used internally by the Blobstore API to identify application blobs. The BlobKey corresponds to the entity name of the underlying BlobReference entity. This class is exposed in the API in both google.appengine.ext.db and google.appengine.ext.blobstore. """ def __init__(self, blob_key): """Constructor. Used to convert a string to a BlobKey. Normally used internally by Blobstore API. Args: blob_key: Key name of BlobReference that this key belongs to. """ ValidateString(blob_key, 'blob-key', empty_ok=True) self.__blob_key = blob_key def __str__(self): """Convert to string.""" return self.__blob_key def __repr__(self): """Returns an eval()able string representation of this key. Returns a Python string of the form 'datastore_types.BlobKey(...)' that can be used to recreate this key. Returns: string """ return 'datastore_types.%s(%r)' % (type(self).__name__, self.__blob_key) def __cmp__(self, other): if type(other) is type(self): return cmp(str(self), str(other)) elif isinstance(other, six_subset.string_types): return cmp(self.__blob_key, other) else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__blob_key)
[docs] def ToXml(self): return str(self)
_PROPERTY_MEANINGS = { Blob: entity_pb.Property.BLOB, EmbeddedEntity: entity_pb.Property.ENTITY_PROTO, ByteString: entity_pb.Property.BYTESTRING, Text: entity_pb.Property.TEXT, datetime.datetime: entity_pb.Property.GD_WHEN, entity_pb.Property.GD_WHEN, datetime.time: entity_pb.Property.GD_WHEN, _OverflowDateTime: entity_pb.Property.GD_WHEN, Category: entity_pb.Property.ATOM_CATEGORY, Link: entity_pb.Property.ATOM_LINK, Email: entity_pb.Property.GD_EMAIL, GeoPt: entity_pb.Property.GEORSS_POINT, IM: entity_pb.Property.GD_IM, PhoneNumber: entity_pb.Property.GD_PHONENUMBER, PostalAddress: entity_pb.Property.GD_POSTALADDRESS, Rating: entity_pb.Property.GD_RATING, BlobKey: entity_pb.Property.BLOBKEY, } _PROPERTY_TYPES = frozenset([ Blob, EmbeddedEntity, ByteString, bool, Category, datetime.datetime, _OverflowDateTime, Email, float, GeoPt, IM, int, Key, Link, _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE, PhoneNumber, PostalAddress, Rating, str, Text, type(None), six_subset.text_type, users.User, BlobKey, ]) _RAW_PROPERTY_TYPES = (Blob, Text, EmbeddedEntity) _RAW_PROPERTY_MEANINGS = (entity_pb.Property.BLOB, entity_pb.Property.TEXT, entity_pb.Property.ENTITY_PROTO)
[docs]def ValidatePropertyInteger(name, value): """Raises an exception if the supplied integer is invalid. Args: name: Name of the property this is for. value: Integer value. Raises: OverflowError if the value does not fit within a signed int64. """ if not (-0x8000000000000000 <= value <= 0x7fffffffffffffff): raise OverflowError('%d is out of bounds for int64' % value)
[docs]def ValidateStringLength(name, value, max_len): """Raises an exception if the supplied string is too long. Args: name: Name of the property this is for. value: String value. max_len: Maximum length the string may be. Raises: OverflowError if the value is larger than the maximum length. """ if isinstance(value, six_subset.text_type): value = value.encode('utf-8') if len(value) > max_len: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Property %s is %d bytes long; it must be %d or less. ' 'Consider Text instead, which can store strings of any length.' % (name, len(value), max_len))
[docs]def ValidatePropertyString(name, value): """Validates the length of an indexed string property. Args: name: Name of the property this is for. value: String value. """ ValidateStringLength(name, value, max_len=_MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
[docs]def ValidatePropertyNothing(name, value): """No-op validation function. Args: name: Name of the property this is for. value: Not used. """ pass
[docs]def ValidatePropertyKey(name, value): """Raises an exception if the supplied datastore.Key instance is invalid. Args: name: Name of the property this is for. value: A datastore.Key instance. Raises: datastore_errors.BadValueError if the value is invalid. """ if not value.has_id_or_name(): raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Incomplete key found for reference property %s.' % name)
_VALIDATE_PROPERTY_VALUES = { Blob: ValidatePropertyNothing, EmbeddedEntity: ValidatePropertyNothing, ByteString: ValidatePropertyNothing, bool: ValidatePropertyNothing, Category: ValidatePropertyNothing, datetime.datetime: ValidatePropertyNothing, _OverflowDateTime: ValidatePropertyInteger, Email: ValidatePropertyNothing, float: ValidatePropertyNothing, GeoPt: ValidatePropertyNothing, IM: ValidatePropertyNothing, int: ValidatePropertyInteger, Key: ValidatePropertyKey, Link: ValidatePropertyNothing, _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE: ValidatePropertyInteger, PhoneNumber: ValidatePropertyNothing, PostalAddress: ValidatePropertyNothing, Rating: ValidatePropertyInteger, str: ValidatePropertyNothing, Text: ValidatePropertyNothing, type(None): ValidatePropertyNothing, six_subset.text_type: ValidatePropertyNothing, users.User: ValidatePropertyNothing, BlobKey: ValidatePropertyNothing, } _PROPERTY_TYPE_TO_INDEX_VALUE_TYPE = { six_subset.string_types[0]: str, Blob: str, EmbeddedEntity: str, ByteString: str, bool: bool, Category: str, datetime.datetime: _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE, _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE, datetime.time: _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE, _OverflowDateTime: _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE, Email: str, float: float, GeoPt: GeoPt, IM: str, int: _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE, Key: Key, Link: str, _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE: _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE, PhoneNumber: str, PostalAddress: str, Rating: _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE, str: str, Text: str, type(None): type(None), six_subset.text_type: str, users.User: users.User, BlobKey: str, } assert set(_VALIDATE_PROPERTY_VALUES.keys()) == _PROPERTY_TYPES
[docs]def ValidateProperty(name, values, read_only=False): """Helper function for validating property values. Args: name: Name of the property this is for. value: Value for the property as a Python native type. read_only: deprecated Raises: BadPropertyError if the property name is invalid. BadValueError if the property did not validate correctly or the value was an empty list. Other exception types (like OverflowError) if the property value does not meet type-specific criteria. """ ValidateString(name, 'property name', datastore_errors.BadPropertyError) values_type = type(values) if values_type is tuple: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'May not use tuple property value; property %s is %s.' % (name, repr(values))) if values_type is not list: values = [values] try: for v in values: prop_validator = _VALIDATE_PROPERTY_VALUES.get(v.__class__) if prop_validator is None: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Unsupported type for property %s: %s' % (name, v.__class__)) prop_validator(name, v) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError) as msg: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Error type checking values for property %s: %s' % (name, msg))
ValidateReadProperty = ValidateProperty
[docs]def PackBlob(name, value, pbvalue): """Packs a Blob property into a entity_pb.PropertyValue. Args: name: The name of the property as a string. value: A Blob instance. pbvalue: The entity_pb.PropertyValue to pack this value into. """ pbvalue.set_stringvalue(value)
[docs]def PackString(name, value, pbvalue): """Packs a string-typed property into a entity_pb.PropertyValue. Args: name: The name of the property as a string. value: A string, unicode, or string-like value instance. pbvalue: The entity_pb.PropertyValue to pack this value into. """ pbvalue.set_stringvalue(six_subset.text_type(value).encode('utf-8'))
[docs]def PackDatetime(name, value, pbvalue): """Packs a datetime-typed property into a entity_pb.PropertyValue. Args: name: The name of the property as a string. value: A datetime.datetime instance. pbvalue: The entity_pb.PropertyValue to pack this value into. """ pbvalue.set_int64value(DatetimeToTimestamp(value))
[docs]def DatetimeToTimestamp(value): """Converts a datetime.datetime to microseconds since the epoch, as a float. Args: value: datetime.datetime Returns: value as a long """ if value.tzinfo: value = value.astimezone(UTC) return _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE( calendar.timegm(value.timetuple()) * 1000000) + value.microsecond
[docs]def PackGeoPt(name, value, pbvalue): """Packs a GeoPt property into a entity_pb.PropertyValue. Args: name: The name of the property as a string. value: A GeoPt instance. pbvalue: The entity_pb.PropertyValue to pack this value into. """ pbvalue.mutable_pointvalue().set_x( pbvalue.mutable_pointvalue().set_y(value.lon)
[docs]def PackUser(name, value, pbvalue): """Packs a User property into a entity_pb.PropertyValue. Args: name: The name of the property as a string. value: A users.User instance. pbvalue: The entity_pb.PropertyValue to pack this value into. """ pbvalue.mutable_uservalue().set_email('utf-8')) pbvalue.mutable_uservalue().set_auth_domain( value.auth_domain().encode('utf-8')) pbvalue.mutable_uservalue().set_gaiaid(0) if value.user_id() is not None: pbvalue.mutable_uservalue().set_obfuscated_gaiaid( value.user_id().encode('utf-8')) if value.federated_identity() is not None: pbvalue.mutable_uservalue().set_federated_identity( value.federated_identity().encode('utf-8')) if value.federated_provider() is not None: pbvalue.mutable_uservalue().set_federated_provider( value.federated_provider().encode('utf-8'))
[docs]def PackKey(name, value, pbvalue): """Packs a reference property into a entity_pb.PropertyValue. Args: name: The name of the property as a string. value: A Key instance. pbvalue: The entity_pb.PropertyValue to pack this value into. """ ref = value._Key__reference pbvalue.mutable_referencevalue().set_app( SetNamespace(pbvalue.mutable_referencevalue(), ref.name_space()) for elem in ref.path().element_list(): pbvalue.mutable_referencevalue().add_pathelement().CopyFrom(elem)
[docs]def PackBool(name, value, pbvalue): """Packs a boolean property into a entity_pb.PropertyValue. Args: name: The name of the property as a string. value: A boolean instance. pbvalue: The entity_pb.PropertyValue to pack this value into. """ pbvalue.set_booleanvalue(value)
[docs]def PackInteger(name, value, pbvalue): """Packs an integer property into a entity_pb.PropertyValue. Args: name: The name of the property as a string. value: An int or long instance. pbvalue: The entity_pb.PropertyValue to pack this value into. """ pbvalue.set_int64value(value)
[docs]def PackFloat(name, value, pbvalue): """Packs a float property into a entity_pb.PropertyValue. Args: name: The name of the property as a string. value: A float instance. pbvalue: The entity_pb.PropertyValue to pack this value into. """ pbvalue.set_doublevalue(value)
_PACK_PROPERTY_VALUES = { Blob: PackBlob, EmbeddedEntity: PackBlob, ByteString: PackBlob, bool: PackBool, Category: PackString, datetime.datetime: PackDatetime, _OverflowDateTime: PackInteger, Email: PackString, float: PackFloat, GeoPt: PackGeoPt, IM: PackString, int: PackInteger, Key: PackKey, Link: PackString, _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE: PackInteger, PhoneNumber: PackString, PostalAddress: PackString, Rating: PackInteger, str: PackString, Text: PackString, type(None): lambda name, value, pbvalue: None, six_subset.text_type: PackString, users.User: PackUser, BlobKey: PackString, } assert set(_PACK_PROPERTY_VALUES.keys()) == _PROPERTY_TYPES
[docs]def ToPropertyPb(name, values): """Creates type-specific entity_pb.PropertyValues. Determines the type and meaning of the PropertyValue based on the Python type of the input value(s). NOTE: This function does not validate anything! Args: name: string or unicode; the property name values: The values for this property, either a single one or a list of them. All values must be a supported type. Lists of values must all be of the same type. Returns: A list of entity_pb.Property instances. """ encoded_name = name.encode('utf-8') values_type = type(values) if values_type is list and len(values) == 0: pb = entity_pb.Property() pb.set_meaning(entity_pb.Property.EMPTY_LIST) pb.set_name(encoded_name) pb.set_multiple(False) pb.mutable_value() return pb elif values_type is list: multiple = True else: multiple = False values = [values] pbs = [] for v in values: pb = entity_pb.Property() pb.set_name(encoded_name) pb.set_multiple(multiple) meaning = _PROPERTY_MEANINGS.get(v.__class__) if meaning is not None: pb.set_meaning(meaning) if hasattr(v, 'meaning_uri') and v.meaning_uri: pb.set_meaning_uri(v.meaning_uri) pack_prop = _PACK_PROPERTY_VALUES[v.__class__] pbvalue = pack_prop(name, v, pb.mutable_value()) pbs.append(pb) if multiple: return pbs else: return pbs[0]
[docs]def FromReferenceProperty(value): """Converts a reference PropertyValue to a Key. Args: value: entity_pb.PropertyValue Returns: Key Raises: BadValueError if the value is not a PropertyValue. """ assert isinstance(value, entity_pb.PropertyValue) assert value.has_referencevalue() ref = value.referencevalue() key = Key() key_ref = key._Key__reference key_ref.set_app( SetNamespace(key_ref, ref.name_space()) for pathelem in ref.pathelement_list(): key_ref.mutable_path().add_element().CopyFrom(pathelem) return key
_PROPERTY_CONVERSIONS = { entity_pb.Property.GD_WHEN: _When, entity_pb.Property.ATOM_CATEGORY: Category, entity_pb.Property.ATOM_LINK: Link, entity_pb.Property.GD_EMAIL: Email, entity_pb.Property.GD_IM: IM, entity_pb.Property.GD_PHONENUMBER: PhoneNumber, entity_pb.Property.GD_POSTALADDRESS: PostalAddress, entity_pb.Property.GD_RATING: Rating, entity_pb.Property.BLOB: Blob, entity_pb.Property.ENTITY_PROTO: EmbeddedEntity, entity_pb.Property.BYTESTRING: ByteString, entity_pb.Property.TEXT: Text, entity_pb.Property.BLOBKEY: BlobKey, entity_pb.Property.EMPTY_LIST: _EmptyList, } _NON_UTF8_MEANINGS = frozenset((entity_pb.Property.BLOB, entity_pb.Property.ENTITY_PROTO, entity_pb.Property.BYTESTRING, entity_pb.Property.INDEX_VALUE))
[docs]def FromPropertyPb(pb): """Converts a property PB to a python value. Args: pb: entity_pb.Property Returns: # return type is determined by the type of the argument string, int, bool, double, users.User, or one of the atom or gd types """ pbval = pb.value() meaning = pb.meaning() if pbval.has_stringvalue(): value = pbval.stringvalue() if not pb.has_meaning() or meaning not in _NON_UTF8_MEANINGS: value = six_subset.text_type(value, 'utf-8') elif pbval.has_int64value(): value = _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE(pbval.int64value()) elif pbval.has_booleanvalue(): value = bool(pbval.booleanvalue()) elif pbval.has_doublevalue(): value = pbval.doublevalue() elif pbval.has_referencevalue(): value = FromReferenceProperty(pbval) elif pbval.has_pointvalue(): value = GeoPt(pbval.pointvalue().x(), pbval.pointvalue().y()) elif pbval.has_uservalue(): email = six_subset.text_type(pbval.uservalue().email(), 'utf-8') auth_domain = six_subset.text_type(pbval.uservalue().auth_domain(), 'utf-8') obfuscated_gaiaid = pbval.uservalue().obfuscated_gaiaid().decode('utf-8') obfuscated_gaiaid = six_subset.text_type( pbval.uservalue().obfuscated_gaiaid(), 'utf-8') federated_identity = None if pbval.uservalue().has_federated_identity(): federated_identity = six_subset.text_type( pbval.uservalue().federated_identity(), 'utf-8') value = users.User(email=email, _auth_domain=auth_domain, _user_id=obfuscated_gaiaid, federated_identity=federated_identity, _strict_mode=False) else: value = None try: if pb.has_meaning() and meaning in _PROPERTY_CONVERSIONS: conversion = _PROPERTY_CONVERSIONS[meaning] value = conversion(value) if (meaning == entity_pb.Property.BLOB and pb.has_meaning_uri()): value.meaning_uri = pb.meaning_uri() except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError) as msg: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Error converting pb: %s\nException was: %s' % (pb, msg)) return value
[docs]def RestoreFromIndexValue(index_value, data_type): """Restores a index value to the correct datastore type. Projection queries return property values direclty from a datastore index. These values are the native datastore values, one of str, bool, long, float, GeoPt, Key or User. This function restores the original value when the original type is known. This function returns the value type returned when decoding a normal entity, not necessarily of type data_type. For example, data_type=int returns a long instance. Args: index_value: The value returned by FromPropertyPb for the projected property. data_type: The type of the value originally given to ToPropertyPb Returns: The restored property value. Raises: datastore_errors.BadValueError if the value cannot be restored. """ raw_type = _PROPERTY_TYPE_TO_INDEX_VALUE_TYPE.get(data_type) if raw_type is None: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Unsupported data type (%r)' % data_type) if index_value is None: return index_value if not isinstance(index_value, raw_type): raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Unsupported converstion. Expected %r got %r' % (type(index_value), raw_type)) meaning = _PROPERTY_MEANINGS.get(data_type) if isinstance(index_value, str) and meaning not in _NON_UTF8_MEANINGS: index_value = six_subset.text_type(index_value, 'utf-8') conv = _PROPERTY_CONVERSIONS.get(meaning) if not conv: return index_value try: value = conv(index_value) except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError) as msg: raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Error converting value: %r\nException was: %s' % (index_value, msg)) return value
[docs]def PropertyTypeName(value): """Returns the name of the type of the given property value, as a string. Raises BadValueError if the value is not a valid property type. Args: value: any valid property value Returns: string """ if value.__class__ in _PROPERTY_MEANINGS: meaning = _PROPERTY_MEANINGS[value.__class__] name = entity_pb.Property._Meaning_NAMES[meaning] return name.lower().replace('_', ':') elif isinstance(value, basestring): return 'string' elif isinstance(value, users.User): return 'user' elif isinstance(value, _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE): return 'int' elif value is None: return 'null' else: return typename(value).lower()
_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRINGS = { 'string': six_subset.text_type, 'bool': bool, 'int': _PREFERRED_NUM_TYPE, 'null': type(None), 'float': float, 'key': Key, 'blob': Blob, 'entity:proto': EmbeddedEntity, 'bytestring': ByteString, 'text': Text, 'user': users.User, 'atom:category': Category, 'atom:link': Link, 'gd:email': Email, 'gd:when': datetime.datetime, 'georss:point': GeoPt, 'gd:im': IM, 'gd:phonenumber': PhoneNumber, 'gd:postaladdress': PostalAddress, 'gd:rating': Rating, 'blobkey': BlobKey, }
[docs]def FromPropertyTypeName(type_name): """Returns the python type given a type name. Args: type_name: A string representation of a datastore type name. Returns: A python type. """ return _PROPERTY_TYPE_STRINGS[type_name]
[docs]def PropertyValueFromString(type_, value_string, _auth_domain=None): """Returns an instance of a property value given a type and string value. The reverse of this method is just str() and type() of the python value. Note that this does *not* support non-UTC offsets in ISO 8601-formatted datetime strings, e.g. the -08:00 suffix in '2002-12-25 00:00:00-08:00'. It only supports -00:00 and +00:00 suffixes, which are UTC. Args: type_: A python class. value_string: A string representation of the value of the property. Returns: An instance of 'type'. Raises: ValueError if type_ is datetime and value_string has a timezone offset. """ if type_ == datetime.datetime: value_string = value_string.strip() if value_string[-6] in ('+', '-'): if value_string[-5:] == '00:00': value_string = value_string[:-6] else: raise ValueError('Non-UTC offsets in datetimes are not supported.') split = value_string.split('.') iso_date = split[0] microseconds = 0 if len(split) > 1: microseconds = int(split[1]) time_struct = time.strptime(iso_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')[0:6] value = datetime.datetime(*(time_struct + (microseconds,))) return value elif type_ == Rating: return Rating(int(value_string)) elif type_ == bool: return value_string == 'True' elif type_ == users.User: return users.User(value_string, _auth_domain) elif type_ == type(None): return None return type_(value_string)
[docs]def ReferenceToKeyValue(key, id_resolver=None): """Converts a key into a comparable hashable "key" value. Args: key: The entity_pb.Reference or googledatastore.Key from which to construct the key value. id_resolver: An optional datastore_pbs.IdResolver. Only necessary for googledatastore.Key values. Returns: A comparable and hashable representation of the given key that is compatible with one derived from a key property value. """ if (datastore_pbs._CLOUD_DATASTORE_ENABLED and isinstance(key, googledatastore.Key)): v1_key = key key = entity_pb.Reference() datastore_pbs.get_entity_converter(id_resolver).v1_to_v3_reference(v1_key, key) elif isinstance(key, entity_v4_pb.Key): v4_key = key key = entity_pb.Reference() datastore_pbs.get_entity_converter().v4_to_v3_reference(v4_key, key) if isinstance(key, entity_pb.Reference): element_list = key.path().element_list() elif isinstance(key, entity_pb.PropertyValue_ReferenceValue): element_list = key.pathelement_list() else: raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( "key arg expected to be entity_pb.Reference or googledatastore.Key (%r)" % (key,)) result = [entity_pb.PropertyValue.kReferenceValueGroup,, key.name_space()] for element in element_list: result.append(element.type()) if element.has_name(): result.append( else: result.append( return tuple(result)
[docs]def PropertyValueToKeyValue(prop_value): """Converts a entity_pb.PropertyValue into a comparable hashable "key" value. The values produces by this function mimic the native ording of the datastore and uniquely identify the given PropertyValue. Args: prop_value: The entity_pb.PropertyValue from which to construct the key value. Returns: A comparable and hashable representation of the given property value. """ if not isinstance(prop_value, entity_pb.PropertyValue): raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError( 'prop_value arg expected to be entity_pb.PropertyValue (%r)' % (prop_value,)) if prop_value.has_stringvalue(): return (entity_pb.PropertyValue.kstringValue, prop_value.stringvalue()) if prop_value.has_int64value(): return (entity_pb.PropertyValue.kint64Value, prop_value.int64value()) if prop_value.has_booleanvalue(): return (entity_pb.PropertyValue.kbooleanValue, prop_value.booleanvalue()) if prop_value.has_doublevalue(): encoder = sortable_pb_encoder.Encoder() encoder.putDouble(prop_value.doublevalue()) return (entity_pb.PropertyValue.kdoubleValue, tuple(encoder.buf)) if prop_value.has_pointvalue(): return (entity_pb.PropertyValue.kPointValueGroup, prop_value.pointvalue().x(), prop_value.pointvalue().y()) if prop_value.has_referencevalue(): return ReferenceToKeyValue(prop_value.referencevalue()) if prop_value.has_uservalue(): result = [] uservalue = prop_value.uservalue() if uservalue.has_email(): result.append((entity_pb.PropertyValue.kUserValueemail, if uservalue.has_auth_domain(): result.append((entity_pb.PropertyValue.kUserValueauth_domain, uservalue.auth_domain())) if uservalue.has_nickname(): result.append((entity_pb.PropertyValue.kUserValuenickname, uservalue.nickname())) if uservalue.has_gaiaid(): result.append((entity_pb.PropertyValue.kUserValuegaiaid, uservalue.gaiaid())) if uservalue.has_obfuscated_gaiaid(): result.append((entity_pb.PropertyValue.kUserValueobfuscated_gaiaid, uservalue.obfuscated_gaiaid())) if uservalue.has_federated_identity(): result.append((entity_pb.PropertyValue.kUserValuefederated_identity, uservalue.federated_identity())) if uservalue.has_federated_provider(): result.append((entity_pb.PropertyValue.kUserValuefederated_provider, uservalue.federated_provider())) result.sort() return (entity_pb.PropertyValue.kUserValueGroup, tuple(result)) return ()
[docs]def GetPropertyValueTag(value_pb): """Returns the tag constant associated with the given entity_pb.PropertyValue. """ if value_pb.has_booleanvalue(): return entity_pb.PropertyValue.kbooleanValue elif value_pb.has_doublevalue(): return entity_pb.PropertyValue.kdoubleValue elif value_pb.has_int64value(): return entity_pb.PropertyValue.kint64Value elif value_pb.has_pointvalue(): return entity_pb.PropertyValue.kPointValueGroup elif value_pb.has_referencevalue(): return entity_pb.PropertyValue.kReferenceValueGroup elif value_pb.has_stringvalue(): return entity_pb.PropertyValue.kstringValue elif value_pb.has_uservalue(): return entity_pb.PropertyValue.kUserValueGroup else: return 0