Source code for google.appengine.api.appinfo

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""AppInfo tools.

This library allows you to work with AppInfo records in memory, as well as store
and load from configuration files.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import os
import re
import string
import sys
import wsgiref.util

if os.environ.get('APPENGINE_RUNTIME') == 'python27':
  from google.appengine.api import validation
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_builder
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_listener
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_object

  from google.appengine.api import validation
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_builder
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_listener
  from google.appengine.api import yaml_object

from google.appengine.api import appinfo_errors
from google.appengine.api import backendinfo
from google.appengine._internal import six_subset

_URL_REGEX = r'(?!\^)/.*|\..*|(\(.).*(?!\$).'
_FILES_REGEX = r'.+'
_URL_ROOT_REGEX = r'/.*'

_DELTA_REGEX = r'([0-9]+)([DdHhMm]|[sS]?)'
_EXPIRATION_REGEX = r'\s*(%s)(\s+%s)*\s*' % (_DELTA_REGEX, _DELTA_REGEX)
_START_PATH = '/_ah/start'


_ALLOWED_SERVICES = ['mail', 'mail_bounce', 'xmpp_message', 'xmpp_subscribe',
                     'xmpp_presence', 'xmpp_error', 'channel_presence', 'rest',
_SERVICE_RE_STRING = '(' + '|'.join(_ALLOWED_SERVICES) + ')'

_PAGE_NAME_REGEX = r'^.+$'

    'd': 60 * 60 * 24,
    'h': 60 * 60,
    'm': 60,
    's': 1,







DEFAULT_MODULE = 'default'

DOMAIN_RE_STRING_WITHOUT_SEPARATOR = (r'(?!\-)[a-z\d\-\.]{1,%d}' %
DOMAIN_RE_STRING = (r'%s%s' %
DISPLAY_APP_ID_RE_STRING = r'(?!-)[a-z\d\-]{0,%d}[a-z\d]' % (APP_ID_MAX_LEN - 1)
APPLICATION_RE_STRING = (r'(?:%s)?(?:%s)?%s' %

MODULE_ID_RE_STRING = r'^(?!-)[a-z\d\-]{0,%d}[a-z\d]$' % (MODULE_ID_MAX_LEN - 1)
MODULE_VERSION_ID_RE_STRING = (r'^(?!-)[a-z\d\-]{0,%d}[a-z\d]$' %
                               (MODULE_VERSION_ID_MAX_LEN - 1))

_IDLE_INSTANCES_REGEX = r'^([\d]+|automatic)$'

_INSTANCES_REGEX = r'^[1-9][\d]*$'


_PENDING_LATENCY_REGEX = r'^(\d+((\.\d{1,3})?s|ms)|automatic)$'

_IDLE_TIMEOUT_REGEX = r'^[\d]+(s|m)$'

GCE_RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX = r'^[a-z]([a-z\d-]{0,61}[a-z\d])?$'
VPC_ACCESS_CONNECTOR_NAME_REGEX = r'^[a-z\d-]+(/[a-z\d-]+)*$'


BUILTIN_NAME_PREFIX = 'ah-builtin'

RUNTIME_RE_STRING = r'((gs://[a-z0-9\-\._/]+)|([a-z][a-z0-9\-\.]{0,29}))'

API_VERSION_RE_STRING = r'[\w.]{1,32}'
ENV_RE_STRING = r'(1|2|standard|flex|flexible)'

SOURCE_LANGUAGE_RE_STRING = r'[\w.\-]{1,32}'

HANDLER_STATIC_FILES = 'static_files'
HANDLER_STATIC_DIR = 'static_dir'
HANDLER_API_ENDPOINT = 'api_endpoint'

LOGIN_OPTIONAL = 'optional'
LOGIN_REQUIRED = 'required'
LOGIN_ADMIN = 'admin'



SECURE_HTTP = 'never'
SECURE_HTTPS = 'always'

SECURE_DEFAULT = 'default'

REQUIRE_MATCHING_FILE = 'require_matching_file'

DEFAULT_SKIP_FILES = (r'^(.*/)?('

SKIP_NO_FILES = r'(?!)'


LOGIN = 'login'
AUTH_FAIL_ACTION = 'auth_fail_action'
SECURE = 'secure'
URL = 'url'
POSITION = 'position'
STATIC_FILES = 'static_files'
UPLOAD = 'upload'
STATIC_DIR = 'static_dir'
MIME_TYPE = 'mime_type'
SCRIPT = 'script'
EXPIRATION = 'expiration'
API_ENDPOINT = 'api_endpoint'
HTTP_HEADERS = 'http_headers'
APPLICATION_READABLE = 'application_readable'
REDIRECT_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE = 'redirect_http_response_code'

APPLICATION = 'application'
PROJECT = 'project'
MODULE = 'module'
SERVICE = 'service'
AUTOMATIC_SCALING = 'automatic_scaling'
MANUAL_SCALING = 'manual_scaling'
BASIC_SCALING = 'basic_scaling'
VM = 'vm'
VM_SETTINGS = 'vm_settings'
ZONES = 'zones'
BETA_SETTINGS = 'beta_settings'
VM_HEALTH_CHECK = 'vm_health_check'
HEALTH_CHECK = 'health_check'
RESOURCES = 'resources'
LIVENESS_CHECK = 'liveness_check'
READINESS_CHECK = 'readiness_check'
NETWORK = 'network'
VPC_ACCESS_CONNECTOR = 'vpc_access_connector'
VERSION = 'version'
MAJOR_VERSION = 'major_version'
MINOR_VERSION = 'minor_version'
RUNTIME = 'runtime'
RUNTIME_CHANNEL = 'runtime_channel'
API_VERSION = 'api_version'
ENDPOINTS_API_SERVICE = 'endpoints_api_service'
ENV = 'env'
ENTRYPOINT = 'entrypoint'
RUNTIME_CONFIG = 'runtime_config'
SOURCE_LANGUAGE = 'source_language'
BUILTINS = 'builtins'
INCLUDES = 'includes'
HANDLERS = 'handlers'
LIBRARIES = 'libraries'
DEFAULT_EXPIRATION = 'default_expiration'
SKIP_FILES = 'skip_files'
NOBUILD_FILES = 'nobuild_files'
SERVICES = 'inbound_services'
DERIVED_FILE_TYPE = 'derived_file_type'
JAVA_PRECOMPILED = 'java_precompiled'
PYTHON_PRECOMPILED = 'python_precompiled'
ADMIN_CONSOLE = 'admin_console'
ERROR_HANDLERS = 'error_handlers'
BACKENDS = 'backends'
THREADSAFE = 'threadsafe'
DATASTORE_AUTO_ID_POLICY = 'auto_id_policy'
API_CONFIG = 'api_config'
CODE_LOCK = 'code_lock'
ENV_VARIABLES = 'env_variables'
STANDARD_WEBSOCKET = 'standard_websocket'

SOURCE_REPO_RE_STRING = r'^[a-z][a-z0-9\-\+\.]*:[^#]*$'


INSTANCE_CLASS = 'instance_class'

MINIMUM_PENDING_LATENCY = 'min_pending_latency'
MAXIMUM_PENDING_LATENCY = 'max_pending_latency'
MINIMUM_IDLE_INSTANCES = 'min_idle_instances'
MAXIMUM_IDLE_INSTANCES = 'max_idle_instances'
MAXIMUM_CONCURRENT_REQUEST = 'max_concurrent_requests'

MIN_NUM_INSTANCES = 'min_num_instances'
MAX_NUM_INSTANCES = 'max_num_instances'
COOL_DOWN_PERIOD_SEC = 'cool_down_period_sec'
CPU_UTILIZATION = 'cpu_utilization'
CPU_UTILIZATION_UTILIZATION = 'target_utilization'

TARGET_NETWORK_SENT_BYTES_PER_SEC = 'target_network_sent_bytes_per_sec'
TARGET_NETWORK_SENT_PACKETS_PER_SEC = 'target_network_sent_packets_per_sec'
TARGET_NETWORK_RECEIVED_BYTES_PER_SEC = 'target_network_received_bytes_per_sec'
TARGET_DISK_WRITE_BYTES_PER_SEC = 'target_disk_write_bytes_per_sec'
TARGET_DISK_WRITE_OPS_PER_SEC = 'target_disk_write_ops_per_sec'
TARGET_DISK_READ_BYTES_PER_SEC = 'target_disk_read_bytes_per_sec'
TARGET_DISK_READ_OPS_PER_SEC = 'target_disk_read_ops_per_sec'
TARGET_REQUEST_COUNT_PER_SEC = 'target_request_count_per_sec'
TARGET_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = 'target_concurrent_requests'

CUSTOM_METRICS = 'custom_metrics'
METRIC_NAME = 'metric_name'
TARGET_TYPE = 'target_type'
CUSTOM_METRIC_UTILIZATION = 'target_utilization'
SINGLE_INSTANCE_ASSIGNMENT = 'single_instance_assignment'
FILTER = 'filter'

INSTANCES = 'instances'

MAX_INSTANCES = 'max_instances'
IDLE_TIMEOUT = 'idle_timeout'

PAGES = 'pages'
NAME = 'name'

CONFIG_ID = 'config_id'
ROLLOUT_STRATEGY = 'rollout_strategy'
TRACE_SAMPLING = 'trace_sampling'

ERROR_CODE = 'error_code'
FILE = 'file'
_ERROR_CODE_REGEX = r'(default|over_quota|dos_api_denial|timeout)'

ON = 'on'
ON_ALIASES = ['yes', 'y', 'True', 't', '1', 'true']
OFF = 'off'
OFF_ALIASES = ['no', 'n', 'False', 'f', '0', 'false']

ENABLE_HEALTH_CHECK = 'enable_health_check'
CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC = 'check_interval_sec'
TIMEOUT_SEC = 'timeout_sec'
APP_START_TIMEOUT_SEC = 'app_start_timeout_sec'
UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD = 'unhealthy_threshold'
HEALTHY_THRESHOLD = 'healthy_threshold'
FAILURE_THRESHOLD = 'failure_threshold'
SUCCESS_THRESHOLD = 'success_threshold'
RESTART_THRESHOLD = 'restart_threshold'
INITIAL_DELAY_SEC = 'initial_delay_sec'
HOST = 'host'
PATH = 'path'

CPU = 'cpu'
MEMORY_GB = 'memory_gb'
DISK_SIZE_GB = 'disk_size_gb'

VOLUMES = 'volumes'
VOLUME_NAME = 'name'
VOLUME_TYPE = 'volume_type'
SIZE_GB = 'size_gb'

FORWARDED_PORTS = 'forwarded_ports'
INSTANCE_TAG = 'instance_tag'
SUBNETWORK_NAME = 'subnetwork_name'
SESSION_AFFINITY = 'session_affinity'

STANDARD_MIN_INSTANCES = 'min_instances'
STANDARD_MAX_INSTANCES = 'max_instances'
STANDARD_TARGET_CPU_UTILIZATION = 'target_cpu_utilization'
STANDARD_TARGET_THROUGHPUT_UTILIZATION = 'target_throughput_utilization'


class _VersionedLibrary(object):
  """A versioned library supported by App Engine."""

  def __init__(self,
    """Initializer for `_VersionedLibrary`.

      name: The name of the library; for example, `django`.
      url: The URL for the library's project page; for example,
      description: A short description of the library; for example,
          `A framework...`.
      supported_versions: A list of supported version names, ordered by release
          date; for example, `["v1", "v2", "v3"]`.
      latest_version: The version of the library that will be used when you
          specify `latest.` The rule of thumb is that this value should be the
          newest version that is neither deprecated nor experimental; however
          this value might be an experimental version if all of the supported
          versions are either deprecated or experimental.
      default_version: The version of the library that is enabled by default
          in the Python 2.7 runtime, or `None` if the library is not available
          by default; for example, `v1`.
      deprecated_versions: A list of the versions of the library that have been
          deprecated; for example, `["v1", "v2"]`. Order by release version.
      experimental_versions: A list of the versions of the library that are
          currently experimental; for example, `["v1"]`. Order by release
      hidden_versions: A list of versions that will not show up in public
          documentation for release purposes.  If, as a result, the library
          has no publicly documented versions, the entire library won't show
          up in the docs. Order by release version.
    """ = name
    self.url = url
    self.description = description
    self.supported_versions = supported_versions
    self.latest_version = latest_version
    self.default_version = default_version
    self.deprecated_versions = deprecated_versions or []
    self.experimental_versions = experimental_versions or []
    self.hidden_versions = hidden_versions or []

  def hidden(self):
    """Determines if the entire library should be hidden from public docs.

      True if there is every supported version is hidden.
    return sorted(self.supported_versions) == sorted(self.hidden_versions)

  def non_deprecated_versions(self):
    """Retrieves the versions of the library that are not deprecated.

      A list of the versions of the library that are not deprecated.
    return [version for version in self.supported_versions
            if version not in self.deprecated_versions]

        'A fast, powerful, and language-neutral HTML template system.',
        'A command line library for Python.',
        'A full-featured web application framework for Python.',
        ['1.2', '1.3', '1.4', '1.5', '1.9', '1.11'],
        deprecated_versions=['1.2', '1.3', '1.5', '1.9'],

        'A backport of the enum module introduced in python 3.4',
        'Libraries for building APIs in an App Engine application.',
        'Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 '
        'and good intentions.',
        'Backport of Python 3.2 Futures.',
        'A high performance general RPC framework',
        'HMAC and SHA1 signing for Python.',
        'A modern and designer friendly templating language for Python.',
        'A Pythonic binding for the C libraries libxml2 and libxslt.',
        ['2.3', '2.3.5', '3.7.3'],
        deprecated_versions=['2.3', '2.3.5'],
        'A XML/HTML/XHTML markup safe string for Python.',
        ['0.15', '0.23'],
        'A 2D plotting library which produces publication-quality figures.',
        'A Python DB API v2.0 compatible interface to MySQL.',
        ['1.2.4b4', '1.2.4', '1.2.5'],
        deprecated_versions=['1.2.4b4', '1.2.4'],
        'A general-purpose library for array-processing.',
        'A library for creating and transforming images.',
        'A framework for implementing HTTP-based remote procedure call (RPC) '
        'A library for cross-platform timezone calculations',
        ['2016.4', '2017.2', '2017.3'],
        deprecated_versions=['2016.4', '2017.2'],
        'A library for generating Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRC).',
        'A library for serializing structured data',
        'A library that provides (AMF) Action Message Format functionality.',
        ['0.6.1', '0.7.2'],
        'A library of cryptogoogle.appengine._internal.graphy functions such as random number generation.',
        ['2.3', '2.6', '2.6.1'],

        'A library that provides package and module discovery capabilities.',
        ['0.6c11', '36.6.0'],
        'Abstract differences between py2.x and py3',
        'The SSL socket wrapper built-in module.',
        ['2.7', '2.7.11'],
        'UltraJSON is an ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder written in pure C',
        'A lightweight Python web framework.',
        ['2.3', '2.5.1', '2.5.2'],

        'A library that provides wrappers around the WSGI request environment.',
        ['1.1.1', '1.2.3'],

        'A WSGI utility library.',
        'A library for YAML serialization and deserialization.',

_NAME_TO_SUPPORTED_LIBRARY = dict((, library)
                                  for library in _SUPPORTED_LIBRARIES)

    ('django', '1.11'): [('pytz', '2017.2')],
    ('flask', '0.12'): [('click', '6.6'), ('itsdangerous', '0.24'),
                        ('jinja2', '2.6'), ('werkzeug', '0.11.10')],
    ('jinja2', '2.6'): [('markupsafe', '0.15'), ('setuptools', '0.6c11')],
    ('jinja2', 'latest'): [('markupsafe', 'latest'), ('setuptools', 'latest')],
    ('matplotlib', '1.2.0'): [('numpy', '1.6.1')],
    ('matplotlib', 'latest'): [('numpy', 'latest')],
    ('protobuf', '3.0.0'): [('six', '1.9.0')],
    ('protobuf', 'latest'): [('six', 'latest')],
    ('grpcio', '1.0.0'): [('protobuf', '3.0.0'), ('enum', '0.9.23'),
                          ('futures', '3.0.5'), ('six', '1.9.0'),
                          ('setuptools', '36.6.0')],
    ('grpcio', 'latest'): [('protobuf', 'latest'), ('enum', 'latest'),
                           ('futures', 'latest'), ('six', 'latest'),
                           ('setuptools', 'latest')]

_USE_VERSION_FORMAT = ('use one of: "%s"')

_HTTP_SEPARATOR_CHARS = frozenset('()<>@,;:\\"/[]?={} \t')
_HTTP_TOKEN_CHARS = frozenset(string.printable[:-5]) - _HTTP_SEPARATOR_CHARS
_HTTP_TOKEN_RE = re.compile('[%s]+$' % re.escape(''.join(_HTTP_TOKEN_CHARS)))





_CANNED_RUNTIMES = ('contrib-dart', 'dart', 'go', 'php', 'php55', 'php72',
                    'python', 'python27', 'python-compat', 'java', 'java7',
                    'java8', 'vm', 'custom', 'nodejs', 'ruby')
_all_runtimes = _CANNED_RUNTIMES

[docs]def GetAllRuntimes(): """Returns the list of all valid runtimes. This list can include third-party runtimes as well as canned runtimes. Returns: Tuple of strings. """ return _all_runtimes
[docs]def EnsureAsciiBytes(s, err): """Ensure s contains only ASCII-safe characters; return it as bytes-type. Arguments: s: the string or bytes to check err: the error to raise if not good. Raises: err if it's not ASCII-safe. Returns: s as a byte string """ try: return s.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: raise err except UnicodeDecodeError: raise err except AttributeError: try: return s.decode('ascii').encode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise err
[docs]class HandlerBase(validation.Validated): """Base class for URLMap and ApiConfigHandler.""" ATTRIBUTES = { URL: validation.Optional(_URL_REGEX), LOGIN: validation.Options(LOGIN_OPTIONAL, LOGIN_REQUIRED, LOGIN_ADMIN, default=LOGIN_OPTIONAL), AUTH_FAIL_ACTION: validation.Options(AUTH_FAIL_ACTION_REDIRECT, AUTH_FAIL_ACTION_UNAUTHORIZED, default=AUTH_FAIL_ACTION_REDIRECT), SECURE: validation.Options(SECURE_HTTP, SECURE_HTTPS, SECURE_HTTP_OR_HTTPS, SECURE_DEFAULT, default=SECURE_DEFAULT), HANDLER_SCRIPT: validation.Optional(_FILES_REGEX) }
[docs]class HttpHeadersDict(validation.ValidatedDict): """A dict that limits keys and values to what `http_headers` allows. `http_headers` is an static handler key; it applies to handlers with `static_dir` or `static_files` keys. The following code is an example of how `http_headers` is used:: handlers: - url: /static static_dir: static http_headers: X-Foo-Header: foo value X-Bar-Header: bar value """ DISALLOWED_HEADERS = frozenset([ 'content-encoding', 'content-length', 'date', 'server' ]) MAX_HEADER_LENGTH = 500 MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTHS = { 'content-security-policy': _MAX_HEADER_SIZE_FOR_EXEMPTED_HEADERS, 'x-content-security-policy': _MAX_HEADER_SIZE_FOR_EXEMPTED_HEADERS, 'x-webkit-csp': _MAX_HEADER_SIZE_FOR_EXEMPTED_HEADERS, 'content-security-policy-report-only': _MAX_HEADER_SIZE_FOR_EXEMPTED_HEADERS, 'set-cookie': _MAX_COOKIE_LENGTH, 'set-cookie2': _MAX_COOKIE_LENGTH, 'location': _MAX_URL_LENGTH} MAX_LEN = 500
[docs] class KeyValidator(validation.Validator): """Ensures that keys in `HttpHeadersDict` are valid. `HttpHeadersDict` contains a list of headers. An instance is used as `HttpHeadersDict`'s `KEY_VALIDATOR`. """
[docs] def Validate(self, name, unused_key=None): """Returns an argument, or raises an exception if the argument is invalid. HTTP header names are defined by `RFC 2616, section 4.2`_. Args: name: HTTP header field value. unused_key: Unused. Returns: name argument, unchanged. Raises: appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderName: An argument cannot be used as an HTTP header name. .. _RFC 2616, section 4.2: """ original_name = name if isinstance(name, six_subset.string_types): name = EnsureAsciiBytes(name, appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderName( 'HTTP header values must not contain non-ASCII data')) name = name.lower() if not _HTTP_TOKEN_RE.match(name): raise appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderName( 'An HTTP header must be a non-empty RFC 2616 token.') if name in _HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS: raise appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderName( '%r can only be used in HTTP requests, not responses.' % original_name) if name.startswith('x-appengine'): raise appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderName( 'HTTP header names that begin with X-Appengine are reserved.') if wsgiref.util.is_hop_by_hop(name): raise appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderName( 'Only use end-to-end headers may be used. See RFC 2616 section' ' 13.5.1.') if name in HttpHeadersDict.DISALLOWED_HEADERS: raise appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderName( '%s is a disallowed header.' % name) return original_name
[docs] class ValueValidator(validation.Validator): """Ensures that values in `HttpHeadersDict` are valid. An instance is used as `HttpHeadersDict`'s `VALUE_VALIDATOR`. """
[docs] def Validate(self, value, key=None): """Returns a value, or raises an exception if the value is invalid. According to `RFC 2616 section 4.2`_ header field values must consist "of either *TEXT or combinations of token, separators, and quoted-string":: TEXT = <any OCTET except CTLs, but including LWS> Args: value: HTTP header field value. key: HTTP header field name. Returns: A value argument. Raises: appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderValue: An argument cannot be used as an HTTP header value. .. _RFC 2616, section 4.2: """ if isinstance(value, six_subset.string_types): value = EnsureAsciiBytes(value, appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderValue( 'HTTP header values must not contain non-ASCII data')) b_value = value else: b_value = ('%s' % value).encode('ascii') key = key.lower() printable = set(string.printable[:-5].encode('ascii')) if not all(b in printable for b in b_value): raise appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderValue( 'HTTP header field values must consist of printable characters.') HttpHeadersDict.ValueValidator.AssertHeaderNotTooLong(key, value) return value
[docs] @staticmethod def AssertHeaderNotTooLong(name, value): header_length = len('%s: %s\r\n' % (name, value)) if header_length >= HttpHeadersDict.MAX_HEADER_LENGTH: try: max_len = HttpHeadersDict.MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTHS[name] except KeyError: raise appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderValue( 'HTTP header (name + value) is too long.') if len(value) > max_len: insert = name, len(value), max_len raise appinfo_errors.InvalidHttpHeaderValue( '%r header value has length %d, which exceed the maximum allowed,' ' %d.' % insert)
KEY_VALIDATOR = KeyValidator() VALUE_VALIDATOR = ValueValidator()
[docs] def Get(self, header_name): """Gets a header value. Args: header_name: HTTP header name to look for. Returns: A header value that corresponds to `header_name`. If more than one such value is in `self`, one of the values is selected arbitrarily and returned. The selection is not deterministic. """ for name in self: if name.lower() == header_name.lower(): return self[name]
def __setitem__(self, key, value): is_addition = self.Get(key) is None if is_addition and len(self) >= self.MAX_LEN: raise appinfo_errors.TooManyHttpHeaders( 'Tried to add another header when the current set of HTTP headers' ' already has the maximum allowed number of headers, %d.' % HttpHeadersDict.MAX_LEN) super(HttpHeadersDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
[docs]class URLMap(HandlerBase): r"""Maps from URLs to handlers. This class acts similar to a union type. Its purpose is to describe a mapping between a set of URLs and their handlers. The handler type of a given instance is determined by which `handler-id` attribute is used. Every mapping can have one and only one handler type. Attempting to use more than one `handler-id` attribute will cause an `UnknownHandlerType` to be raised during validation. Failure to provide any `handler-id` attributes will cause `MissingHandlerType` to be raised during validation. The regular expression used by the `url` field will be used to match against the entire URL path and query string of the request; therefore, partial maps will not be matched. Specifying a `url`, such as `/admin`, is the same as matching against the regular expression `^/admin$`. Don't start your matching `url` with `^` or end them with `$`. These regular expressions won't be accepted and will raise `ValueError`. Attributes: login: Specifies whether a user should be logged in to access a URL. The default value of this argument is `optional`. secure: Sets the restriction on the protocol that can be used to serve this URL or handler. This value can be set to `HTTP`, `HTTPS` or `either`. url: Specifies a regular expression that is used to fully match against the request URLs path. See the "Special cases" section of this document to learn more. static_files: Specifies the handler ID attribute that maps `url` to the appropriate file. You can specify regular expression backreferences to the string matched to `url`. upload: Specifies the regular expression that is used by the application configuration program to determine which files are uploaded as blobs. Because it is difficult to determine this information using just the `url` and `static_files` arguments, this attribute must be included. This attribute is required when you define a `static_files` mapping. A matching file name must fully match against the `upload` regular expression, similar to how `url` is matched against the request path. Do not begin the `upload` argument with the `^` character or end it with the `$` character. static_dir: Specifies the handler ID that maps the provided `url` to a sub-directory within the application directory. See "Special cases." mime_type: When used with `static_files` and `static_dir`, this argument specifies that the MIME type of the files that are served from those directories must be overridden with this value. script: Specifies the handler ID that maps URLs to a script handler within the application directory that will run using CGI. position: Used in `AppInclude` objects to specify whether a handler should be inserted at the beginning of the primary handler list or at the end. If `tail` is specified, the handler is inserted at the end; otherwise, the handler is inserted at the beginning. This behavior implies that `head` is the effective default. expiration: When used with static files and directories, this argument specifies the time delta to use for cache expiration. This argument should use the following format: `4d 5h 30m 15s`, where each letter signifies days, hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively. The `s` for "seconds" can be omitted. Only one amount must be specified, though combining multiple amounts is optional. The following list contains examples of values that are acceptable: `10`, `1d 6h`, `1h 30m`, `7d 7d 7d`, `5m 30`. api_endpoint: Specifies the handler ID that identifies an endpoint as an API endpoint. Calls that terminate here will be handled by the API serving framework. Special cases: When defining a `static_dir` handler, do not use a regular expression in the `url` attribute. Both the `url` and `static_dir` attributes are automatically mapped to these equivalents:: <url>/(.*) <static_dir>/\1 For example, this declaration...:: url: /images static_dir: images_folder equivalent to this `static_files` declaration:: url: /images/(.*) static_files: images_folder/\1 upload: images_folder/(.*) """ ATTRIBUTES = { HANDLER_STATIC_FILES: validation.Optional(_FILES_REGEX), UPLOAD: validation.Optional(_FILES_REGEX), APPLICATION_READABLE: validation.Optional(bool), HANDLER_STATIC_DIR: validation.Optional(_FILES_REGEX), MIME_TYPE: validation.Optional(str), EXPIRATION: validation.Optional(_EXPIRATION_REGEX), REQUIRE_MATCHING_FILE: validation.Optional(bool), HTTP_HEADERS: validation.Optional(HttpHeadersDict), POSITION: validation.Optional(validation.Options(POSITION_HEAD, POSITION_TAIL)), HANDLER_API_ENDPOINT: validation.Optional(validation.Options( (ON, ON_ALIASES), (OFF, OFF_ALIASES))), REDIRECT_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE: validation.Optional(validation.Options( '301', '302', '303', '307')), } ATTRIBUTES.update(HandlerBase.ATTRIBUTES) COMMON_FIELDS = set([ URL, LOGIN, AUTH_FAIL_ACTION, SECURE, REDIRECT_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE]) ALLOWED_FIELDS = { HANDLER_STATIC_FILES: (MIME_TYPE, UPLOAD, EXPIRATION, REQUIRE_MATCHING_FILE, HTTP_HEADERS, APPLICATION_READABLE), HANDLER_STATIC_DIR: (MIME_TYPE, EXPIRATION, REQUIRE_MATCHING_FILE, HTTP_HEADERS, APPLICATION_READABLE), HANDLER_SCRIPT: (POSITION), HANDLER_API_ENDPOINT: (POSITION, SCRIPT), }
[docs] def GetHandler(self): """Gets the handler for a mapping. Returns: The value of the handler, as determined by the handler ID attribute. """ return getattr(self, self.GetHandlerType())
[docs] def GetHandlerType(self): """Gets the handler type of a mapping. Returns: The handler type as determined by which handler ID attribute is set. Raises: UnknownHandlerType: If none of the handler ID attributes are set. UnexpectedHandlerAttribute: If an unexpected attribute is set for the discovered handler type. HandlerTypeMissingAttribute: If the handler is missing a required attribute for its handler type. MissingHandlerAttribute: If a URL handler is missing an attribute. """ if getattr(self, HANDLER_API_ENDPOINT) is not None: mapping_type = HANDLER_API_ENDPOINT else: for id_field in URLMap.ALLOWED_FIELDS: if getattr(self, id_field) is not None: mapping_type = id_field break else: raise appinfo_errors.UnknownHandlerType( 'Unknown url handler type.\n%s' % str(self)) allowed_fields = URLMap.ALLOWED_FIELDS[mapping_type] for attribute in self.ATTRIBUTES: if (getattr(self, attribute) is not None and not (attribute in allowed_fields or attribute in URLMap.COMMON_FIELDS or attribute == mapping_type)): raise appinfo_errors.UnexpectedHandlerAttribute( 'Unexpected attribute "%s" for mapping type %s.' % (attribute, mapping_type)) if mapping_type == HANDLER_STATIC_FILES and not self.upload: raise appinfo_errors.MissingHandlerAttribute( 'Missing "%s" attribute for URL "%s".' % (UPLOAD, self.url)) return mapping_type
[docs] def CheckInitialized(self): """Adds additional checking to make sure a handler has correct fields. In addition to normal `ValidatedCheck`, this method calls `GetHandlerType`, which validates whether all of the handler fields are configured properly. Raises: UnknownHandlerType: If none of the handler ID attributes are set. UnexpectedHandlerAttribute: If an unexpected attribute is set for the discovered handler type. HandlerTypeMissingAttribute: If the handler is missing a required attribute for its handler type. ContentTypeSpecifiedMultipleTimes: If `mime_type` is inconsistent with `http_headers`. """ super(URLMap, self).CheckInitialized() if self.GetHandlerType() in (STATIC_DIR, STATIC_FILES): self.AssertUniqueContentType()
[docs] def AssertUniqueContentType(self): """Makes sure that `self.http_headers` is consistent with `self.mime_type`. This method assumes that `self` is a static handler, either `self.static_dir` or `self.static_files`. You cannot specify `None`. Raises: appinfo_errors.ContentTypeSpecifiedMultipleTimes: If `self.http_headers` contains a `Content-Type` header, and `self.mime_type` is set. For example, the following configuration would be rejected:: handlers: - url: /static static_dir: static mime_type: text/html http_headers: content-type: text/html As this example shows, a configuration will be rejected when `http_headers` and `mime_type` specify a content type, even when they specify the same content type. """ used_both_fields = self.mime_type and self.http_headers if not used_both_fields: return content_type = self.http_headers.Get('Content-Type') if content_type is not None: raise appinfo_errors.ContentTypeSpecifiedMultipleTimes( 'http_header specified a Content-Type header of %r in a handler that' ' also specified a mime_type of %r.' % (content_type, self.mime_type))
[docs] def FixSecureDefaults(self): """Forces omitted `secure` handler fields to be set to 'secure: optional'. The effect is that `` is never equal to the nominal default. """ if == SECURE_DEFAULT: = SECURE_HTTP_OR_HTTPS
[docs] def WarnReservedURLs(self): """Generates a warning for reserved URLs. See the `version element documentation`_ to learn which URLs are reserved. .. _`version element documentation`: """ if self.url == '/form': logging.warning( 'The URL path "/form" is reserved and will not be matched.')
[docs] def ErrorOnPositionForAppInfo(self): """Raises an error if position is specified outside of AppInclude objects. Raises: PositionUsedInAppYamlHandler: If the `position` attribute is specified for an `app.yaml` file instead of an `include.yaml` file. """ if self.position: raise appinfo_errors.PositionUsedInAppYamlHandler( 'The position attribute was specified for this handler, but this is ' 'an app.yaml file. Position attribute is only valid for ' 'include.yaml files.')
[docs]class AdminConsolePage(validation.Validated): """Class representing the admin console page in an `AdminConsole` object.""" ATTRIBUTES = { URL: _URL_REGEX, NAME: _PAGE_NAME_REGEX, }
[docs]class AdminConsole(validation.Validated): """Class representing an admin console directives in application info.""" ATTRIBUTES = { PAGES: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(AdminConsolePage)), }
[docs] @classmethod def Merge(cls, adminconsole_one, adminconsole_two): """Returns the result of merging two `AdminConsole` objects.""" if not adminconsole_one or not adminconsole_two: return adminconsole_one or adminconsole_two if adminconsole_one.pages: if adminconsole_two.pages: adminconsole_one.pages.extend(adminconsole_two.pages) else: adminconsole_one.pages = adminconsole_two.pages return adminconsole_one
[docs]class ErrorHandlers(validation.Validated): """Class representing error handler directives in application info.""" ATTRIBUTES = { ERROR_CODE: validation.Optional(_ERROR_CODE_REGEX), FILE: _FILES_REGEX, MIME_TYPE: validation.Optional(str), }
[docs]class BuiltinHandler(validation.Validated): """Class representing built-in handler directives in application info. This class permits arbitrary keys, but their values must be described by the `validation.Options` object that is returned by `ATTRIBUTES`. """
[docs] class DynamicAttributes(dict): """Provides a dictionary object that will always claim to have a key. This dictionary returns a fixed value for any `get` operation. The fixed value that you pass in as a constructor parameter should be a `validation.Validated` object. """ def __init__(self, return_value, **parameters): self.__return_value = return_value dict.__init__(self, parameters) def __contains__(self, _): return True def __getitem__(self, _): return self.__return_value
ATTRIBUTES = DynamicAttributes( validation.Optional(validation.Options((ON, ON_ALIASES), (OFF, OFF_ALIASES)))) def __init__(self, **attributes): """Ensures all BuiltinHandler objects at least use the `default` attribute. Args: **attributes: The attributes that you want to use. """ self.builtin_name = '' super(BuiltinHandler, self).__init__(**attributes) def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Allows `ATTRIBUTES.iteritems()` to return set of items that have values. Whenever `validate` calls `iteritems()`, it is always called on `ATTRIBUTES`, not on `__dict__`, so this override is important to ensure that functions such as `ToYAML()` return the correct set of keys. Args: key: The key for the `iteritem` that you want to set. value: The value for the `iteritem` that you want to set. Raises: MultipleBuiltinsSpecified: If more than one built-in is defined in a list element. """ if key == 'builtin_name': object.__setattr__(self, key, value) elif not self.builtin_name: self.ATTRIBUTES[key] = '' self.builtin_name = key super(BuiltinHandler, self).__setattr__(key, value) else: raise appinfo_errors.MultipleBuiltinsSpecified( 'More than one builtin defined in list element. Each new builtin ' 'should be prefixed by "-".') def __getattr__(self, key): if key.startswith('_'): raise AttributeError return None
[docs] def GetUnnormalized(self, key): try: return super(BuiltinHandler, self).GetUnnormalized(key) except AttributeError: return getattr(self, key)
[docs] def ToDict(self): """Converts a `BuiltinHander` object to a dictionary. Returns: A dictionary in `{builtin_handler_name: on/off}` form """ return {self.builtin_name: getattr(self, self.builtin_name)}
[docs] @classmethod def IsDefined(cls, builtins_list, builtin_name): """Finds if a builtin is defined in a given list of builtin handler objects. Args: builtins_list: A list of `BuiltinHandler` objects, typically `yaml.builtins`. builtin_name: The name of the built-in that you want to determine whether it is defined. Returns: `True` if `builtin_name` is defined by a member of `builtins_list`; all other results return `False`. """ for b in builtins_list: if b.builtin_name == builtin_name: return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def ListToTuples(cls, builtins_list): """Converts a list of `BuiltinHandler` objects. Args: builtins_list: A list of `BuildinHandler` objects to convert to tuples. Returns: A list of `(name, status)` that is derived from the `BuiltinHandler` objects. """ return [(b.builtin_name, getattr(b, b.builtin_name)) for b in builtins_list]
[docs] @classmethod def Validate(cls, builtins_list, runtime=None): """Verifies that all `BuiltinHandler` objects are valid and not repeated. Args: builtins_list: A list of `BuiltinHandler` objects to validate. runtime: If you specify this argument, warnings are generated for built-ins that have been deprecated in the given runtime. Raises: InvalidBuiltinFormat: If the name of a `BuiltinHandler` object cannot be determined. DuplicateBuiltinsSpecified: If a `BuiltinHandler` name is used more than once in the list. """ seen = set() for b in builtins_list: if not b.builtin_name: raise appinfo_errors.InvalidBuiltinFormat( 'Name of builtin for list object %s could not be determined.' % b) if b.builtin_name in seen: raise appinfo_errors.DuplicateBuiltinsSpecified( 'Builtin %s was specified more than once in one yaml file.' % b.builtin_name) if b.builtin_name == 'datastore_admin' and runtime == 'python': logging.warning( 'The datastore_admin builtin is deprecated. You can find ' 'information on how to enable it through the Administrative ' 'Console here: ' '' 'datastoreadmin.html') elif b.builtin_name == 'mapreduce' and runtime == 'python': logging.warning( 'The mapreduce builtin is deprecated. You can find more ' 'information on how to configure and use it here: ' '' 'overview.html') seen.add(b.builtin_name)
[docs]class ApiConfigHandler(HandlerBase): """Class representing `api_config` handler directives in application info.""" ATTRIBUTES = HandlerBase.ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES.update({ URL: validation.Regex(_URL_REGEX), HANDLER_SCRIPT: validation.Regex(_FILES_REGEX) })
[docs]class Library(validation.Validated): """Class representing the configuration of a single library.""" ATTRIBUTES = {'name': validation.Type(str), 'version': validation.Type(str)}
[docs] def CheckInitialized(self): """Determines if the library configuration is not valid. Raises: appinfo_errors.InvalidLibraryName: If the specified library is not supported. appinfo_errors.InvalidLibraryVersion: If the specified library version is not supported. """ super(Library, self).CheckInitialized() if not in _NAME_TO_SUPPORTED_LIBRARY: raise appinfo_errors.InvalidLibraryName( 'the library "%s" is not supported' % supported_library = _NAME_TO_SUPPORTED_LIBRARY[] if self.version == 'latest': self.version = supported_library.latest_version elif self.version not in supported_library.supported_versions: raise appinfo_errors.InvalidLibraryVersion( ('%s version "%s" is not supported, ' + _USE_VERSION_FORMAT) % (, self.version, '", "'.join(supported_library.non_deprecated_versions))) elif self.version in supported_library.deprecated_versions: use_vers = '", "'.join(supported_library.non_deprecated_versions) logging.warning( '%s version "%s" is deprecated, ' + _USE_VERSION_FORMAT,, self.version, use_vers)
[docs]class CpuUtilization(validation.Validated): """Class representing the configuration of VM CPU utilization.""" ATTRIBUTES = { CPU_UTILIZATION_UTILIZATION: validation.Optional( validation.Range(1e-6, 1.0, float)), CPU_UTILIZATION_AGGREGATION_WINDOW_LENGTH_SEC: validation.Optional( validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), }
[docs]class CustomMetric(validation.Validated): """Class representing CustomMetrics in AppInfoExternal.""" ATTRIBUTES = { METRIC_NAME: validation.Regex(_NON_WHITE_SPACE_REGEX), TARGET_TYPE: validation.Regex(TARGET_TYPE_REGEX), CUSTOM_METRIC_UTILIZATION: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_FLOAT), SINGLE_INSTANCE_ASSIGNMENT: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_FLOAT), FILTER: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_STR), }
[docs] def CheckInitialized(self): """Determines if the CustomMetric is not valid. Raises: appinfo_errors.TooManyAutoscalingUtilizationTargetsError: If too many scaling targets are set. appinfo_errors.NotEnoughAutoscalingUtilizationTargetsError: If no scaling targets are set. """ super(CustomMetric, self).CheckInitialized() if bool(self.target_utilization) and bool(self.single_instance_assignment): raise appinfo_errors.TooManyAutoscalingUtilizationTargetsError( ("There may be only one of '%s' or '%s'." % CUSTOM_METRIC_UTILIZATION, SINGLE_INSTANCE_ASSIGNMENT)) elif not (bool(self.target_utilization) or bool(self.single_instance_assignment)): raise appinfo_errors.NotEnoughAutoscalingUtilizationTargetsError( ("There must be one of '%s' or '%s'." % CUSTOM_METRIC_UTILIZATION, SINGLE_INSTANCE_ASSIGNMENT))
[docs]class EndpointsApiService(validation.Validated): """Class representing EndpointsApiService in AppInfoExternal.""" ATTRIBUTES = { ENDPOINTS_NAME: validation.Regex(_NON_WHITE_SPACE_REGEX), ROLLOUT_STRATEGY: validation.Optional( validation.Options(ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_FIXED, ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_MANAGED)), CONFIG_ID: validation.Optional(_NON_WHITE_SPACE_REGEX), TRACE_SAMPLING: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_BOOL), }
[docs] def CheckInitialized(self): """Determines if the Endpoints API Service is not valid. Raises: appinfo_errors.MissingEndpointsConfigId: If the config id is missing when the rollout strategy is unspecified or set to "fixed". appinfo_errors.UnexpectedEndpointsConfigId: If the config id is set when the rollout strategy is "managed". """ super(EndpointsApiService, self).CheckInitialized() if (self.rollout_strategy != ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_MANAGED and self.config_id is None): raise appinfo_errors.MissingEndpointsConfigId( 'config_id must be specified when rollout_strategy is unspecified or' ' set to "fixed"') elif (self.rollout_strategy == ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_MANAGED and self.config_id is not None): raise appinfo_errors.UnexpectedEndpointsConfigId( 'config_id is forbidden when rollout_strategy is set to "managed"')
[docs]class AutomaticScaling(validation.Validated): """Class representing automatic scaling settings in AppInfoExternal.""" ATTRIBUTES = { MINIMUM_IDLE_INSTANCES: validation.Optional(_IDLE_INSTANCES_REGEX), MAXIMUM_IDLE_INSTANCES: validation.Optional(_IDLE_INSTANCES_REGEX), MINIMUM_PENDING_LATENCY: validation.Optional(_PENDING_LATENCY_REGEX), MAXIMUM_PENDING_LATENCY: validation.Optional(_PENDING_LATENCY_REGEX), MAXIMUM_CONCURRENT_REQUEST: validation.Optional(_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_REGEX), MIN_NUM_INSTANCES: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), MAX_NUM_INSTANCES: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), COOL_DOWN_PERIOD_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(60, sys.maxsize, int)), CPU_UTILIZATION: validation.Optional(CpuUtilization), STANDARD_MAX_INSTANCES: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_INT), STANDARD_MIN_INSTANCES: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_INT), STANDARD_TARGET_CPU_UTILIZATION: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_FLOAT), STANDARD_TARGET_THROUGHPUT_UTILIZATION: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_FLOAT), TARGET_NETWORK_SENT_BYTES_PER_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), TARGET_NETWORK_SENT_PACKETS_PER_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), TARGET_NETWORK_RECEIVED_BYTES_PER_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), TARGET_NETWORK_RECEIVED_PACKETS_PER_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), TARGET_DISK_WRITE_BYTES_PER_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), TARGET_DISK_WRITE_OPS_PER_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), TARGET_DISK_READ_BYTES_PER_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), TARGET_DISK_READ_OPS_PER_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), TARGET_REQUEST_COUNT_PER_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), TARGET_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS: validation.Optional(validation.Range(1, sys.maxsize)), CUSTOM_METRICS: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(CustomMetric)), }
[docs]class ManualScaling(validation.Validated): """Class representing manual scaling settings in AppInfoExternal.""" ATTRIBUTES = { INSTANCES: validation.Regex(_INSTANCES_REGEX), }
[docs]class BasicScaling(validation.Validated): """Class representing basic scaling settings in AppInfoExternal.""" ATTRIBUTES = { MAX_INSTANCES: validation.Regex(_INSTANCES_REGEX), IDLE_TIMEOUT: validation.Optional(_IDLE_TIMEOUT_REGEX), }
[docs]class RuntimeConfig(validation.ValidatedDict): """Class for "vanilla" runtime configuration. Fields used vary by runtime, so validation is delegated to the per-runtime build processes. These are intended to be used during Dockerfile generation, not after VM boot. """ KEY_VALIDATOR = validation.Regex('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*') VALUE_VALIDATOR = str
[docs]class VmSettings(validation.ValidatedDict): """Class for VM settings. The settings are not further validated here. The settings are validated on the server side. """ KEY_VALIDATOR = validation.Regex('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*') VALUE_VALIDATOR = str
[docs] @classmethod def Merge(cls, vm_settings_one, vm_settings_two): """Merges two `VmSettings` instances. If a variable is specified by both instances, the value from `vm_settings_one` is used. Args: vm_settings_one: The first `VmSettings` instance, or `None`. vm_settings_two: The second `VmSettings` instance, or `None`. Returns: The merged `VmSettings` instance, or `None` if both input instances are `None` or empty. """ result_vm_settings = (vm_settings_two or {}).copy() result_vm_settings.update(vm_settings_one or {}) return VmSettings(**result_vm_settings) if result_vm_settings else None
[docs]class BetaSettings(VmSettings): """Class for Beta (internal or unreleased) settings. This class is meant to replace `VmSettings` eventually. Note: All new beta settings must be registered in ``. These settings are not validated further here. The settings are validated on the server side. """
[docs] @classmethod def Merge(cls, beta_settings_one, beta_settings_two): """Merges two `BetaSettings` instances. Args: beta_settings_one: The first `BetaSettings` instance, or `None`. beta_settings_two: The second `BetaSettings` instance, or `None`. Returns: The merged `BetaSettings` instance, or `None` if both input instances are `None` or empty. """ merged = VmSettings.Merge(beta_settings_one, beta_settings_two) return BetaSettings(**merged.ToDict()) if merged else None
[docs]class EnvironmentVariables(validation.ValidatedDict): """Class representing a mapping of environment variable key/value pairs.""" KEY_VALIDATOR = validation.Regex('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*') VALUE_VALIDATOR = str
[docs] @classmethod def Merge(cls, env_variables_one, env_variables_two): """Merges two `EnvironmentVariables` instances. If a variable is specified by both instances, the value from `env_variables_two` is used. Args: env_variables_one: The first `EnvironmentVariables` instance or `None`. env_variables_two: The second `EnvironmentVariables` instance or `None`. Returns: The merged `EnvironmentVariables` instance, or `None` if both input instances are `None` or empty. """ result_env_variables = (env_variables_one or {}).copy() result_env_variables.update(env_variables_two or {}) return (EnvironmentVariables(**result_env_variables) if result_env_variables else None)
[docs]def ValidateSourceReference(ref): """Determines if a source reference is valid. Args: ref: A source reference in the following format: `[repository_uri#]revision`. Raises: ValidationError: If the reference is malformed. """ repo_revision = ref.split('#', 1) revision_id = repo_revision[-1] if not re.match(SOURCE_REVISION_RE_STRING, revision_id): raise validation.ValidationError('Bad revision identifier: %s' % revision_id) if len(repo_revision) == 2: uri = repo_revision[0] if not re.match(SOURCE_REPO_RE_STRING, uri): raise validation.ValidationError('Bad repository URI: %s' % uri)
[docs]def ValidateCombinedSourceReferencesString(source_refs): """Determines if `source_refs` contains a valid list of source references. Args: source_refs: A multi-line string containing one source reference per line. Raises: ValidationError: If the reference is malformed. """ if len(source_refs) > SOURCE_REFERENCES_MAX_SIZE: raise validation.ValidationError( 'Total source reference(s) size exceeds the limit: %d > %d' % ( len(source_refs), SOURCE_REFERENCES_MAX_SIZE)) for ref in source_refs.splitlines(): ValidateSourceReference(ref.strip())
[docs]class HealthCheck(validation.Validated): """Class representing the health check configuration.""" ATTRIBUTES = { ENABLE_HEALTH_CHECK: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_BOOL), CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), TIMEOUT_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD: validation.Optional( validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), HEALTHY_THRESHOLD: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), RESTART_THRESHOLD: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), HOST: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_STR)}
[docs]class LivenessCheck(validation.Validated): """Class representing the liveness check configuration.""" ATTRIBUTES = { CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), TIMEOUT_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), FAILURE_THRESHOLD: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), SUCCESS_THRESHOLD: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), INITIAL_DELAY_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), PATH: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_STR), HOST: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_STR)}
[docs]class ReadinessCheck(validation.Validated): """Class representing the readiness check configuration.""" ATTRIBUTES = { CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), TIMEOUT_SEC: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), APP_START_TIMEOUT_SEC: validation.Optional( validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), FAILURE_THRESHOLD: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), SUCCESS_THRESHOLD: validation.Optional(validation.Range(0, sys.maxsize)), PATH: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_STR), HOST: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_STR)}
[docs]class VmHealthCheck(HealthCheck): """Class representing the configuration of the VM health check. Note: This class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use `HealthCheck` instead. """ pass
[docs]class Volume(validation.Validated): """Class representing the configuration of a volume.""" ATTRIBUTES = { VOLUME_NAME: validation.TYPE_STR, SIZE_GB: validation.TYPE_FLOAT, VOLUME_TYPE: validation.TYPE_STR, }
[docs]class Resources(validation.Validated): """Class representing the configuration of VM resources.""" ATTRIBUTES = { CPU: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_FLOAT), MEMORY_GB: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_FLOAT), DISK_SIZE_GB: validation.Optional(validation.TYPE_INT), VOLUMES: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(Volume)) }
[docs]class Network(validation.Validated): """Class representing the VM network configuration.""" ATTRIBUTES = { FORWARDED_PORTS: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(validation.Regex( '[0-9]+(:[0-9]+)?(/(udp|tcp))?'))), INSTANCE_TAG: validation.Optional(validation.Regex( GCE_RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX)), NETWORK_NAME: validation.Optional(validation.Regex( GCE_RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX)), SUBNETWORK_NAME: validation.Optional(validation.Regex( GCE_RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX)), SESSION_AFFINITY: validation.Optional(bool) }
[docs]class VpcAccessConnector(validation.Validated): """Class representing the VPC Access connector configuration.""" ATTRIBUTES = { VPC_ACCESS_CONNECTOR_NAME: validation.Regex(VPC_ACCESS_CONNECTOR_NAME_REGEX), }
[docs]class AppInclude(validation.Validated): """Class representing the contents of an included `app.yaml` file. This class is used for both `builtins` and `includes` directives. """ ATTRIBUTES = { BUILTINS: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(BuiltinHandler)), INCLUDES: validation.Optional(validation.Type(list)), HANDLERS: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(URLMap), default=[]), ADMIN_CONSOLE: validation.Optional(AdminConsole), MANUAL_SCALING: validation.Optional(ManualScaling), VM: validation.Optional(bool), VM_SETTINGS: validation.Optional(VmSettings), BETA_SETTINGS: validation.Optional(BetaSettings), ENV_VARIABLES: validation.Optional(EnvironmentVariables), SKIP_FILES: validation.RegexStr(default=SKIP_NO_FILES), }
[docs] @classmethod def MergeManualScaling(cls, appinclude_one, appinclude_two): """Takes the greater of `<manual_scaling.instances>` from the arguments. `appinclude_one` is mutated to be the merged result in this process. Also, this function must be updated if `ManualScaling` gets additional fields. Args: appinclude_one: The first object to merge. The object must have a `manual_scaling` field that contains a `ManualScaling()`. appinclude_two: The second object to merge. The object must have a `manual_scaling` field that contains a `ManualScaling()`. Returns: An object that is the result of merging `appinclude_one.manual_scaling.instances` and `appinclude_two.manual_scaling.instances`; this is returned as a revised `appinclude_one` object after the mutations are complete. """ def _Instances(appinclude): """Determines the number of `manual_scaling.instances` sets. Args: appinclude: The include for which you want to determine the number of `manual_scaling.instances` sets. Returns: The number of instances as an integer, or `None`. """ if appinclude.manual_scaling: if appinclude.manual_scaling.instances: return int(appinclude.manual_scaling.instances) return None if _Instances(appinclude_one) or _Instances(appinclude_two): instances = max(_Instances(appinclude_one), _Instances(appinclude_two)) if instances is not None: appinclude_one.manual_scaling = ManualScaling(instances=str(instances)) return appinclude_one
@classmethod def _CommonMergeOps(cls, one, two): """This function performs common merge operations. Args: one: The first object that you want to merge. two: The second object that you want to merge. Returns: An updated `one` object containing all merged data. """ AppInclude.MergeManualScaling(one, two) one.admin_console = AdminConsole.Merge(one.admin_console, two.admin_console) one.vm = two.vm or one.vm one.vm_settings = VmSettings.Merge(one.vm_settings, two.vm_settings) if hasattr(one, 'beta_settings'): one.beta_settings = BetaSettings.Merge(one.beta_settings, two.beta_settings) one.env_variables = EnvironmentVariables.Merge(one.env_variables, two.env_variables) one.skip_files = cls.MergeSkipFiles(one.skip_files, two.skip_files) return one
[docs] @classmethod def MergeAppYamlAppInclude(cls, appyaml, appinclude): """Merges an `app.yaml` file with referenced builtins/includes. Args: appyaml: The `app.yaml` file that you want to update with `appinclude`. appinclude: The includes that you want to merge into `appyaml`. Returns: An updated `app.yaml` file that includes the directives you specified in `appinclude`. """ if not appinclude: return appyaml if appinclude.handlers: tail = appyaml.handlers or [] appyaml.handlers = [] for h in appinclude.handlers: if not h.position or h.position == 'head': appyaml.handlers.append(h) else: tail.append(h) h.position = None appyaml.handlers.extend(tail) appyaml = cls._CommonMergeOps(appyaml, appinclude) appyaml.NormalizeVmSettings() return appyaml
[docs] @classmethod def MergeAppIncludes(cls, appinclude_one, appinclude_two): """Merges the non-referential state of the provided `AppInclude`. That is, `builtins` and `includes` directives are not preserved, but any static objects are copied into an aggregate `AppInclude` object that preserves the directives of both provided `AppInclude` objects. `appinclude_one` is updated to be the merged result in this process. Args: appinclude_one: First `AppInclude` to merge. appinclude_two: Second `AppInclude` to merge. Returns: `AppInclude` object that is the result of merging the static directives of `appinclude_one` and `appinclude_two`. An updated version of `appinclude_one` is returned. """ if not appinclude_one or not appinclude_two: return appinclude_one or appinclude_two if appinclude_one.handlers: if appinclude_two.handlers: appinclude_one.handlers.extend(appinclude_two.handlers) else: appinclude_one.handlers = appinclude_two.handlers return cls._CommonMergeOps(appinclude_one, appinclude_two)
[docs] @staticmethod def MergeSkipFiles(skip_files_one, skip_files_two): """Merges two `skip_files` directives. Args: skip_files_one: The first `skip_files` element that you want to merge. skip_files_two: The second `skip_files` element that you want to merge. Returns: A list of regular expressions that are merged. """ if skip_files_one == SKIP_NO_FILES: return skip_files_two if skip_files_two == SKIP_NO_FILES: return skip_files_one return validation.RegexStr().Validate( [skip_files_one, skip_files_two], SKIP_FILES)
[docs]class AppInfoExternal(validation.Validated): """Class representing users application info. This class is passed to a `yaml_object` builder to provide the validation for the application information file format parser. Attributes: application: Unique identifier for application. version: Application's major version. runtime: Runtime used by application. api_version: Which version of APIs to use. source_language: Optional specification of the source language. For example, you could specify `php-quercus` if this is a Java app that was generated from PHP source using Quercus. handlers: List of URL handlers. default_expiration: Default time delta to use for cache expiration for all static files, unless they have their own specific `expiration` set. See the documentation for the `URLMap.expiration` field for more information. skip_files: A regular expression object. Files that match this regular expression will not be uploaded by ``. For example:: skip_files: | .svn.*| #.*# nobuild_files: A regular expression object. Files that match this regular expression will not be built into the app. This directive is valid for Go only. api_config: URL root and script or servlet path for enhanced API serving. """ ATTRIBUTES = { APPLICATION: validation.Optional(APPLICATION_RE_STRING), PROJECT: validation.Optional(APPLICATION_RE_STRING), SERVICE: validation.Preferred(MODULE, validation.Optional(MODULE_ID_RE_STRING)), MODULE: validation.Deprecated(SERVICE, validation.Optional(MODULE_ID_RE_STRING)), VERSION: validation.Optional(MODULE_VERSION_ID_RE_STRING), RUNTIME: validation.Optional(RUNTIME_RE_STRING), RUNTIME_CHANNEL: validation.Optional(validation.Type(str)), API_VERSION: validation.Optional(API_VERSION_RE_STRING), ENV: validation.Optional(ENV_RE_STRING), ENDPOINTS_API_SERVICE: validation.Optional(EndpointsApiService), ENTRYPOINT: validation.Optional( validation.Exec() if hasattr( validation, 'Exec') else validation.Type(str)), RUNTIME_CONFIG: validation.Optional(RuntimeConfig), INSTANCE_CLASS: validation.Optional(validation.Type(str)), SOURCE_LANGUAGE: validation.Optional( validation.Regex(SOURCE_LANGUAGE_RE_STRING)), AUTOMATIC_SCALING: validation.Optional(AutomaticScaling), MANUAL_SCALING: validation.Optional(ManualScaling), BASIC_SCALING: validation.Optional(BasicScaling), VM: validation.Optional(bool), VM_SETTINGS: validation.Optional(VmSettings), BETA_SETTINGS: validation.Optional(BetaSettings), VM_HEALTH_CHECK: validation.Optional(VmHealthCheck), HEALTH_CHECK: validation.Optional(HealthCheck), RESOURCES: validation.Optional(Resources), LIVENESS_CHECK: validation.Optional(LivenessCheck), READINESS_CHECK: validation.Optional(ReadinessCheck), NETWORK: validation.Optional(Network), VPC_ACCESS_CONNECTOR: validation.Optional(VpcAccessConnector), ZONES: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(validation.TYPE_STR)), BUILTINS: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(BuiltinHandler)), INCLUDES: validation.Optional(validation.Type(list)), HANDLERS: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(URLMap), default=[]), LIBRARIES: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(Library)), SERVICES: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated( validation.Regex(_SERVICE_RE_STRING))), DEFAULT_EXPIRATION: validation.Optional(_EXPIRATION_REGEX), SKIP_FILES: validation.RegexStr(default=DEFAULT_SKIP_FILES), NOBUILD_FILES: validation.RegexStr(default=DEFAULT_NOBUILD_FILES), DERIVED_FILE_TYPE: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated( validation.Options(JAVA_PRECOMPILED, PYTHON_PRECOMPILED))), ADMIN_CONSOLE: validation.Optional(AdminConsole), ERROR_HANDLERS: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(ErrorHandlers)), BACKENDS: validation.Optional(validation.Repeated( backendinfo.BackendEntry)), THREADSAFE: validation.Optional(bool), DATASTORE_AUTO_ID_POLICY: validation.Optional( validation.Options(DATASTORE_ID_POLICY_LEGACY, DATASTORE_ID_POLICY_DEFAULT)), API_CONFIG: validation.Optional(ApiConfigHandler), CODE_LOCK: validation.Optional(bool), ENV_VARIABLES: validation.Optional(EnvironmentVariables), STANDARD_WEBSOCKET: validation.Optional(bool), }
[docs] def CheckInitialized(self): """Performs non-regular expression-based validation. The following are verified: - At least one URL mapping is provided in the URL mappers. - The number of URL mappers doesn't exceed `MAX_URL_MAPS`. - The major version does not contain the string `-dot-`. - If `api_endpoints` are defined, an `api_config` stanza must be defined. - If the `runtime` is `python27` and `threadsafe` is set, then no CGI handlers can be used. - The version name doesn't start with `BUILTIN_NAME_PREFIX`. - If `redirect_http_response_code` exists, it is in the list of valid 300s. - Module and service aren't both set. Services were formerly known as modules. Raises: DuplicateLibrary: If `library_name` is specified more than once. MissingURLMapping: If no `URLMap` object is present in the object. TooManyURLMappings: If there are too many `URLMap` entries. MissingApiConfig: If `api_endpoints` exists without an `api_config`. MissingThreadsafe: If `threadsafe` is not set but the runtime requires it. ThreadsafeWithCgiHandler: If the `runtime` is `python27`, `threadsafe` is set and CGI handlers are specified. TooManyScalingSettingsError: If more than one scaling settings block is present. RuntimeDoesNotSupportLibraries: If the libraries clause is used for a runtime that does not support it, such as `python25`. """ super(AppInfoExternal, self).CheckInitialized() if self.runtime is None and not self.IsVm(): raise appinfo_errors.MissingRuntimeError( 'You must specify a "runtime" field for non-vm applications.') elif self.runtime is None: self.runtime = 'custom' if self.handlers and len(self.handlers) > MAX_URL_MAPS: raise appinfo_errors.TooManyURLMappings( 'Found more than %d URLMap entries in application configuration' % MAX_URL_MAPS) vm_runtime_python27 = ( self.runtime == 'vm' and (hasattr(self, 'vm_settings') and self.vm_settings and self.vm_settings.get('vm_runtime') == 'python27') or (hasattr(self, 'beta_settings') and self.beta_settings and self.beta_settings.get('vm_runtime') == 'python27')) if (self.threadsafe is None and (self.runtime == 'python27' or vm_runtime_python27)): raise appinfo_errors.MissingThreadsafe( 'threadsafe must be present and set to a true or false YAML value') if self.auto_id_policy == DATASTORE_ID_POLICY_LEGACY: datastore_auto_ids_url = ('' 'appengine/docs/python/datastore/' 'entities#Kinds_and_Identifiers') appcfg_auto_ids_url = ('' 'python/config/appconfig#auto_id_policy') logging.warning( "You have set the datastore auto_id_policy to 'legacy'. It is " "recommended that you select 'default' instead.\n" "Legacy auto ids are deprecated. You can continue to allocate\n" "legacy ids manually using the allocate_ids() API functions.\n" "For more information see:\n" + datastore_auto_ids_url + '\n' + appcfg_auto_ids_url + '\n') if (hasattr(self, 'beta_settings') and self.beta_settings and self.beta_settings.get('source_reference')): ValidateCombinedSourceReferencesString( self.beta_settings.get('source_reference')) if self.libraries: if not (vm_runtime_python27 or self.runtime == 'python27'): raise appinfo_errors.RuntimeDoesNotSupportLibraries( 'libraries entries are only supported by the "python27" runtime') library_names = [ for library in self.libraries] for library_name in library_names: if library_names.count(library_name) > 1: raise appinfo_errors.DuplicateLibrary( 'Duplicate library entry for %s' % library_name) if self.version and self.version.find(ALTERNATE_HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR) != -1: raise validation.ValidationError( 'Version "%s" cannot contain the string "%s"' % ( self.version, ALTERNATE_HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR)) if self.version and self.version.startswith(BUILTIN_NAME_PREFIX): raise validation.ValidationError( ('Version "%s" cannot start with "%s" because it is a ' 'reserved version name prefix.') % (self.version, BUILTIN_NAME_PREFIX)) if self.handlers: api_endpoints = [handler.url for handler in self.handlers if handler.GetHandlerType() == HANDLER_API_ENDPOINT] if api_endpoints and not self.api_config: raise appinfo_errors.MissingApiConfig( 'An api_endpoint handler was specified, but the required ' 'api_config stanza was not configured.') if self.threadsafe and self.runtime == 'python27': for handler in self.handlers: if (handler.script and (handler.script.endswith('.py') or '/' in handler.script)): raise appinfo_errors.ThreadsafeWithCgiHandler( 'threadsafe cannot be enabled with CGI handler: %s' % handler.script) if sum([bool(self.automatic_scaling), bool(self.manual_scaling), bool(self.basic_scaling)]) > 1: raise appinfo_errors.TooManyScalingSettingsError( "There may be only one of 'automatic_scaling', 'manual_scaling', " "or 'basic_scaling'.")
[docs] def GetAllLibraries(self): """Returns a list of all `Library` instances active for this configuration. Returns: The list of active `Library` instances for this configuration. This includes directly-specified libraries as well as any required dependencies. """ if not self.libraries: return [] library_names = set( for library in self.libraries) required_libraries = [] for library in self.libraries: for required_name, required_version in REQUIRED_LIBRARIES.get( (, library.version), []): if required_name not in library_names: required_libraries.append(Library(name=required_name, version=required_version)) return [Library(**library.ToDict()) for library in self.libraries + required_libraries]
[docs] def GetNormalizedLibraries(self): """Returns a list of normalized `Library` instances for this configuration. Returns: The list of active `Library` instances for this configuration. This includes directly-specified libraries, their required dependencies, and any libraries enabled by default. Any libraries with `latest` as their version will be replaced with the latest available version. """ libraries = self.GetAllLibraries() enabled_libraries = set( for library in libraries) for library in _SUPPORTED_LIBRARIES: if library.default_version and not in enabled_libraries: libraries.append(Library(, version=library.default_version)) return libraries
[docs] def ApplyBackendSettings(self, backend_name): """Applies settings from the indicated backend to the `AppInfoExternal`. Backend entries can contain directives that modify other parts of the `app.yaml` file, such as the `start` directive, which adds a handler for the start request. This method performs those modifications. Args: backend_name: The name of a backend that is defined in the `backends` directive. Raises: BackendNotFound: If the indicated backend was not listed in the `backends` directive. DuplicateBackend: If the backend is found more than once in the `backends` directive. """ if backend_name is None: return if self.backends is None: raise appinfo_errors.BackendNotFound self.version = backend_name match = None for backend in self.backends: if != backend_name: continue if match: raise appinfo_errors.DuplicateBackend else: match = backend if match is None: raise appinfo_errors.BackendNotFound if match.start is None: return start_handler = URLMap(url=_START_PATH, script=match.start) self.handlers.insert(0, start_handler)
[docs] def GetEffectiveRuntime(self): """Returns the app's runtime, resolving VMs to the underlying `vm_runtime`. Returns: The effective runtime: The value of `beta/vm_settings.vm_runtime` if `runtime` is `vm`, or `runtime` otherwise. """ if (self.runtime == 'vm' and hasattr(self, 'vm_settings') and self.vm_settings is not None): return self.vm_settings.get('vm_runtime') if (self.runtime == 'vm' and hasattr(self, 'beta_settings') and self.beta_settings is not None): return self.beta_settings.get('vm_runtime') return self.runtime
[docs] def SetEffectiveRuntime(self, runtime): """Sets the runtime while respecting vm runtimes rules for runtime settings. Args: runtime: The runtime to use. """ if self.IsVm(): if not self.vm_settings: self.vm_settings = VmSettings() self.vm_settings['vm_runtime'] = runtime self.runtime = 'vm' else: self.runtime = runtime
[docs] def NormalizeVmSettings(self): """Normalizes VM settings.""" if self.IsVm(): if not self.vm_settings: self.vm_settings = VmSettings() if 'vm_runtime' not in self.vm_settings: self.SetEffectiveRuntime(self.runtime) if hasattr(self, 'beta_settings') and self.beta_settings: for field in ['vm_runtime', 'has_docker_image', 'image', 'module_yaml_path']: if field not in self.beta_settings and field in self.vm_settings: self.beta_settings[field] = self.vm_settings[field]
[docs] def IsVm(self): return (self.vm or self.env in ['2', 'flex', 'flexible'])
[docs]def ValidateHandlers(handlers, is_include_file=False): """Validates a list of handler (`URLMap`) objects. Args: handlers: A list of a handler (`URLMap`) objects. is_include_file: If this argument is set to `True`, the handlers that are added as part of the `includes` directive are validated. """ if not handlers: return for handler in handlers: handler.FixSecureDefaults() handler.WarnReservedURLs() if not is_include_file: handler.ErrorOnPositionForAppInfo()
[docs]def LoadSingleAppInfo(app_info): """Loads a single `AppInfo` object where one and only one is expected. This method validates that the values in the `AppInfo` match the validators that are defined in this file, in particular, `AppInfoExternal.ATTRIBUTES`. Args: app_info: A file-like object or string. If the argument is a string, the argument is parsed as a configuration file. If the argument is a file-like object, the data is read, then parsed. Returns: An instance of `AppInfoExternal` as loaded from a YAML file. Raises: ValueError: If a specified service is not valid. EmptyConfigurationFile: If there are no documents in YAML file. MultipleConfigurationFile: If more than one document exists in the YAML file. DuplicateBackend: If a backend is found more than once in the `backends` directive. yaml_errors.EventError: If the `app.yaml` file fails validation. appinfo_errors.MultipleProjectNames: If the `app.yaml` file has both an `application` directive and a `project` directive. """ builder = yaml_object.ObjectBuilder(AppInfoExternal) handler = yaml_builder.BuilderHandler(builder) listener = yaml_listener.EventListener(handler) listener.Parse(app_info) app_infos = handler.GetResults() if len(app_infos) < 1: raise appinfo_errors.EmptyConfigurationFile() if len(app_infos) > 1: raise appinfo_errors.MultipleConfigurationFile() appyaml = app_infos[0] ValidateHandlers(appyaml.handlers) if appyaml.builtins: BuiltinHandler.Validate(appyaml.builtins, appyaml.runtime) if appyaml.application and appyaml.project: raise appinfo_errors.MultipleProjectNames( 'Specify one of "application: name" or "project: name"') elif appyaml.project: appyaml.application = appyaml.project appyaml.project = None appyaml.NormalizeVmSettings() return appyaml
[docs]class AppInfoSummary(validation.Validated): """This class contains only basic summary information about an app. This class is used to pass back information about the newly created app to users after a new version has been created. """ ATTRIBUTES = { APPLICATION: APPLICATION_RE_STRING, MAJOR_VERSION: MODULE_VERSION_ID_RE_STRING, MINOR_VERSION: validation.TYPE_LONG }
[docs]def LoadAppInclude(app_include): """Loads a single `AppInclude` object where one and only one is expected. Args: app_include: A file-like object or string. The argument is set to a string, the argument is parsed as a configuration file. If the argument is set to a file-like object, the data is read and parsed. Returns: An instance of `AppInclude` as loaded from a YAML file. Raises: EmptyConfigurationFile: If there are no documents in the YAML file. MultipleConfigurationFile: If there is more than one document in the YAML file. """ builder = yaml_object.ObjectBuilder(AppInclude) handler = yaml_builder.BuilderHandler(builder) listener = yaml_listener.EventListener(handler) listener.Parse(app_include) includes = handler.GetResults() if len(includes) < 1: raise appinfo_errors.EmptyConfigurationFile() if len(includes) > 1: raise appinfo_errors.MultipleConfigurationFile() includeyaml = includes[0] if includeyaml.handlers: for handler in includeyaml.handlers: handler.FixSecureDefaults() handler.WarnReservedURLs() if includeyaml.builtins: BuiltinHandler.Validate(includeyaml.builtins) return includeyaml
[docs]def ParseExpiration(expiration): """Parses an expiration delta string. Args: expiration: String that matches `_DELTA_REGEX`. Returns: Time delta in seconds. """ delta = 0 for match in re.finditer(_DELTA_REGEX, expiration): amount = int( units = _EXPIRATION_CONVERSIONS.get(, 1) delta += amount * units return delta
_file_path_negative_1_re = re.compile(r'\.\.|^\./|\.$|/\./|^-|^_ah/|^/') _file_path_negative_2_re = re.compile(r'//|/$') _file_path_negative_3_re = re.compile(r'^ | $|/ | /|\r|\n')
[docs]def ValidFilename(filename): """Determines if a file name is valid. Args: filename: The file name to validate. The file name must be a valid file name: - It must only contain letters, numbers, and the following special characters: `@`, `_`, `+`, `/` `$`, `.`, `-`, or '~'. - It must be less than 256 characters. - It must not contain `/./`, `/../`, or `//`. - It must not end in `/`. - All spaces must be in the middle of a directory or file name. Returns: An error string if the file name is invalid. `''` is returned if the file name is valid. """ if not filename: return 'Filename cannot be empty' if len(filename) > 1024: return 'Filename cannot exceed 1024 characters: %s' % filename if is not None: return ('Filename cannot contain "." or ".." ' 'or start with "-" or "_ah/": %s' % filename) if is not None: return 'Filename cannot have trailing / or contain //: %s' % filename if is not None: return 'Any spaces must be in the middle of a filename: %s' % filename return ''