Type | Line | Description |
error | 29 | No DocBlock was found for property $read_buffer |
error | 32 | No DocBlock was found for property $buffer_read_position |
error | 35 | No DocBlock was found for property $object_block_start_position |
error | 38 | No DocBlock was found for property $next_read_position |
error | 41 | No DocBlock was found for property $object_total_length |
error | 44 | No DocBlock was found for property $object_etag |
error | 47 | No DocBlock was found for property $eof |
error | 51 | No DocBlock was found for property $stat_result |
error | 54 | No DocBlock was found for property $metadata |
error | 57 | No DocBlock was found for property $content_type |
error | 61 | No DocBlock was found for property $valid_status_codes |
error | 66 | No DocBlock was found for property $memcache_client |
error | 68 | No DocBlock was found for method __construct() |
error | 73 | No DocBlock was found for method __destruct() |
error | 81 | No DocBlock was found for method initialize() |
error | 85 | Argument $count_bytes is missing from the Docblock of read() |
error | 133 | Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of seek() |
error | 133 | Argument $whence is missing from the Docblock of seek() |
error | 200 | No DocBlock was found for method getMetaData() |
error | 204 | No DocBlock was found for method getContentType() |
error | 208 | Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of makeHttpRequest() |
error | 208 | Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of makeHttpRequest() |
error | 208 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of makeHttpRequest() |
error | 208 | Argument $body is missing from the Docblock of makeHttpRequest() |
error | 265 | Argument $read_position is missing from the Docblock of fillReadBuffer() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 26 | No DocBlock was found for property $from_bucket |
error | 27 | No DocBlock was found for property $from_object |
error | 28 | No DocBlock was found for property $to_bucket |
error | 29 | No DocBlock was found for property $to_object |
error | 31 | No DocBlock was found for method __construct() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 128 | No DocBlock was found for property $api_version_header |
error | 164 | No DocBlock was found for property $retry_error_codes |
error | 170 | No DocBlock was found for property $retry_exception_codes |
error | 176 | No DocBlock was found for property $valid_acl_values |
error | 183 | No DocBlock was found for property $upload_start_header |
error | 186 | No DocBlock was found for property $request_map |
error | 195 | No DocBlock was found for property $retryable_statuses |
error | 203 | No DocBlock was found for property $default_gs_context_options |
error | 213 | No DocBlock was found for property $bucket_name |
error | 214 | No DocBlock was found for property $object_name |
error | 215 | No DocBlock was found for property $context_options |
error | 216 | No DocBlock was found for property $url |
error | 217 | No DocBlock was found for property $filename |
error | 218 | No DocBlock was found for property $anonymous |
error | 219 | No DocBlock was found for property $stat_cache |
error | 220 | No DocBlock was found for property $hash_value |
error | 250 | No DocBlock was found for method __destruct() |
error | 253 | No DocBlock was found for method initialize() |
error | 257 | No DocBlock was found for method dir_readdir() |
error | 261 | No DocBlock was found for method dir_rewinddir() |
error | 266 | No DocBlock was found for method close() |
error | 269 | No DocBlock was found for method delete() |
error | 273 | No DocBlock was found for method eof() |
error | 277 | No DocBlock was found for method flush() |
error | 281 | No DocBlock was found for method read() |
error | 285 | No DocBlock was found for method seek() |
error | 289 | No DocBlock was found for method stat() |
error | 293 | No DocBlock was found for method tell() |
error | 297 | No DocBlock was found for method write() |
error | 362 | Argument $bucket is missing from the Docblock of createObjectUrl() |
error | 362 | Argument $object is missing from the Docblock of createObjectUrl() |
error | 439 | Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of makeHttpRequest() |
error | 439 | Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of makeHttpRequest() |
error | 439 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of makeHttpRequest() |
error | 439 | Argument $body is missing from the Docblock of makeHttpRequest() |
error | 483 | No short description for method doHttpRequest() |
error | 483 | Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of doHttpRequest() |
error | 483 | Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of doHttpRequest() |
error | 483 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of doHttpRequest() |
error | 483 | Argument $body is missing from the Docblock of doHttpRequest() |
error | 556 | Argument $stat_args is missing from the Docblock of createStatArray() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 38 | No DocBlock was found for property $client |
error | 42 | No DocBlock was found for property $context |
error | 46 | No DocBlock was found for property $valid_read_modes |
error | 47 | No DocBlock was found for property $valid_write_modes |
error | 70 | Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of dir_opendir() |
error | 70 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of dir_opendir() |
error | 112 | No DocBlock was found for method mkdir() |
error | 127 | No DocBlock was found for method rmdir() |
error | 142 | Argument $from is missing from the Docblock of rename() |
error | 142 | Argument $to is missing from the Docblock of rename() |
error | 232 | No DocBlock was found for method stream_metadata() |
error | 236 | No DocBlock was found for method stream_lock() |
error | 240 | No DocBlock was found for method stream_open() |
error | 296 | Argument $count is missing from the Docblock of stream_read() |
error | 304 | No DocBlock was found for method stream_seek() |
error | 309 | No DocBlock was found for method stream_set_option() |
error | 314 | No DocBlock was found for method stream_stat() |
error | 319 | No DocBlock was found for method stream_tell() |
error | 324 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of stream_write() |
error | 332 | Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of unlink() |
error | 349 | No DocBlock was found for method url_stat() |
error | 365 | No DocBlock was found for method getAllowedBuckets() |
error | 386 | No DocBlock was found for method getMetaData() |
error | 390 | No DocBlock was found for method getContentType() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 31 | No DocBlock was found for property $quiet |
error | 32 | No DocBlock was found for property $prefix |
error | 33 | No DocBlock was found for property $next_marker |
error | 35 | No DocBlock was found for method __construct() |
error | 133 | Argument $object_name is missing from the Docblock of headObject() |
error | 171 | Argument $object_prefix is missing from the Docblock of listBucket() |
error | 246 | Argument $bucket is missing from the Docblock of isBucketWritable() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 39 | No DocBlock was found for property $byte_buffer |
error | 42 | No DocBlock was found for property $upload_id |
error | 45 | No DocBlock was found for property $buffer_start_offset |
error | 48 | No DocBlock was found for property $total_bytes_uploaded |
error | 50 | No DocBlock was found for method __construct() |
error | 155 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of write() |
error | 195 | No DocBlock was found for method getMetaData() |
error | 203 | No DocBlock was found for method getContentType() |
error | 211 | No DocBlock was found for method writeBufferToGS() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 47 | No DocBlock was found for property $exceptionLookupTable |
error | 91 | No DocBlock was found for property $default_ticket |
error | 93 | Name of argument $default_ticket does not match with the DocBlock's name $defult_ticket in __construct() |
notice | 93 | Parameter $defult_ticket could not be found in __construct() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 19 | No DocBlock was found for \google\appengine\runtime\ApiProxy |
error | 20 | No DocBlock was found for property $apiProxy |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 19 | No DocBlock was found for \google\appengine\runtime\RealApiProxy |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 23 | No DocBlock was found for property $applicationError |
error | 25 | No DocBlock was found for method __construct() |
error | 30 | No DocBlock was found for method getApplicationError() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 23 | No DocBlock was found for \google\appengine\runtime\RemoteApiProxy |
error | 25 | No DocBlock was found for property $apiHost |
error | 26 | No DocBlock was found for property $apiPort |
error | 27 | No DocBlock was found for property $requestId |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 19 | No DocBlock was found for \google\appengine\runtime\ApiProxyBase |
error | 34 | No DocBlock was found for property $exceptionLookupTable |
error | 74 | No DocBlock was found for method makeSyncCall() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 32 | No DocBlock was found for method handle() |
error | 56 | No DocBlock was found for method createVirtualFiles() |
Type | Line | Description |
notice | 59 | Parameter could not be found in arrayMergeIgnoreCase() |
error | 98 | The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $arr in isAssociative() |
error | 113 | The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $array in all() |
error | 113 | The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $predicate in all() |
error | 132 | The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $array in allInstanceOf() |
error | 160 | Argument $obj is missing from the Docblock of instanceOfClass() |
error | 160 | Argument $class is missing from the Docblock of instanceOfClass() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 24 | No DocBlock was found for \google\appengine\api\users\UserServiceUtil |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 39 | No DocBlock was found for property $user_id |
error | 40 | No DocBlock was found for property $federated_identity |
error | 41 | No DocBlock was found for property $federated_provider |
error | 43 | Argument $user_id is missing from the Docblock of __construct() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 30 | No DocBlock was found for \google\appengine\api\users\UserService |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 152 | Name of argument $email_list does not match with the DocBlock's name $emails in validEmailsArray() |
error | 152 | Argument $err_str is missing from the Docblock of validEmailsArray() |
notice | 152 | Parameter $emails could not be found in validEmailsArray() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 32 | No DocBlock was found for method send() |
error | 38 | No DocBlock was found for method getFunctionArray() |
error | 41 | No DocBlock was found for property $message |
error | 44 | No DocBlock was found for property $allowed_headers |
error | 49 | No DocBlock was found for property $extension_blacklist |
error | 55 | No DocBlock was found for property $set_functions |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 32 | No DocBlock was found for property $disallowed_functions |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 34 | No DocBlock was found for property $request |
error | 37 | No DocBlock was found for property $origin |
error | 40 | No DocBlock was found for property $response |
error | 43 | No DocBlock was found for property $position |
error | 46 | No DocBlock was found for property $current |
error | 48 | No short description for method __construct() |
error | 62 | No DocBlock was found for method current() |
error | 74 | No DocBlock was found for method next() |
error | 91 | No DocBlock was found for method fetch() |
error | 102 | No DocBlock was found for method valid() |
error | 128 | No short description for method key() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 71 | No DocBlock was found for property $syslog_priority_map |
error | 82 | No DocBlock was found for property $app_log_group |
error | 86 | No DocBlock was found for property $auto_flush_entries |
error | 90 | No DocBlock was found for property $auto_flush_bytes |
error | 94 | No DocBlock was found for property $flush_time_limit |
error | 96 | No DocBlock was found for property $last_flush_time |
error | 99 | No DocBlock was found for property $MAJOR_VERSION_ID_REGEX |
error | 101 | No DocBlock was found for property $REQUEST_ID_REGEX |
error | 295 | No DocBlock was found for method setDefaultModuleVersion() |
error | 464 | No DocBlock was found for method shouldFlushBasedOnEntries() |
error | 468 | No DocBlock was found for method shouldFlushBasedOnSize() |
error | 472 | No DocBlock was found for method shouldFlushBasedOnTime() |
error | 477 | No DocBlock was found for method flushIfNeeded() |
error | 505 | No DocBlock was found for method optionTypeException() |
error | 511 | No short description for method typeOrClass() |
error | 511 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of typeOrClass() |
error | 522 | No DocBlock was found for method dateTimeToUsecs() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 28 | No DocBlock was found for property $pb |
error | 30 | No short description for method __construct() |
error | 30 | The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $pb in __construct() |
error | 49 | No short description for method getMessage() |
error | 56 | No short description for method getTimeUsec() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 32 | No DocBlock was found for property $pb |
error | 34 | No DocBlock was found for property $app_logs |
error | 36 | No short description for method __construct() |
error | 36 | The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $pb in __construct() |
error | 45 | No short description for method getAppId() |
error | 52 | No short description for method getAppLogs() |
error | 65 | No short description for method getCombined() |
error | 74 | No short description for method getStartTimeUsec() |
error | 82 | No short description for method getStartDateTime() |
error | 93 | No short description for method getEndTimeUsec() |
error | 101 | No short description for method getEndDateTime() |
error | 112 | No short description for method getHost() |
error | 120 | No short description for method getHttpVersion() |
error | 127 | No short description for method getInstanceKey() |
error | 135 | No short description for method getIp() |
error | 145 | No short description for method getLatencyUsec() |
error | 152 | No short description for method getMethod() |
error | 159 | No short description for method getNickname() |
error | 167 | No short description for method getOffset() |
error | 180 | No short description for method getPendingTimeUsec() |
error | 188 | No short description for method getReferrer() |
error | 195 | No short description for method getInstanceIndex() |
error | 203 | No short description for method getRequestId() |
error | 211 | No short description for method getResource() |
error | 219 | No short description for method getResponseSize() |
error | 227 | No short description for method getStatus() |
error | 234 | No short description for method getTaskName() |
error | 242 | No short description for method getTaskQueueName() |
error | 250 | No short description for method getUrlMapEntry() |
error | 260 | No short description for method getUserAgent() |
error | 267 | No short description for method getVersionId() |
error | 274 | No short description for method getModuleId() |
error | 281 | No short description for method isFinished() |
error | 289 | No short description for method isLoadingRequest() |
error | 296 | No short description for method getAppEngineRelease() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 54 | No DocBlock was found for property $methods |
error | 62 | No DocBlock was found for property $default_options |
error | 69 | No DocBlock was found for property $url |
error | 71 | No DocBlock was found for property $query_data |
error | 73 | No DocBlock was found for property $options |
error | 75 | No DocBlock was found for property $headers |
error | 278 | Name of argument $queue_name does not match with the DocBlock's name $queue in add() |
notice | 278 | Parameter $queue could not be found in add() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 43 | No DocBlock was found for property $name |
error | 45 | No DocBlock was found for property $methods |
error | 76 | No DocBlock was found for method errorCodeToException() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 44 | No DocBlock was found for \google\appengine\api\modules\ModulesService |
error | 45 | No DocBlock was found for method errorCodeToException() |
error | 228 | Name of argument $instances does not match with the DocBlock's name $module in setNumInstances() |
error | 228 | Name of argument $module does not match with the DocBlock's name $version in setNumInstances() |
error | 228 | Argument $version is missing from the Docblock of setNumInstances() |