Part 1: Google Cloud services and hybrid UI configuration

Before you begin

The steps described in this hybrid install process are performed with one or more of the following:

  • Google Cloud console
  • Apigee hybrid UI
  • gcloud command line

Environment variables

The steps performed using the command line make use of user-created environment variables. If your terminal window is disconnected, the environment variables are not saved.

The environment variables used in these procedures are as follows:

export PROJECT_ID="your_project_id"
export ANALYTICS_REGION="analytics_region"
export LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION_ID="long_running_operation_ID"
export ENV_NAME="environment_name"
export DOMAIN=""
export ENV_GROUP="environment-group-name"
export CLUSTER_NAME="cluster_name"
export CLUSTER_LOCATION="cluster_region"
Variable name contents that contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes. For example: "My Project"

Authorization credentials token

The gcloud authorization credentials token expires after 20 minutes. If you don't complete all of the steps within that time, you must get the authorization credentials again. For example:

TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)

Process overview

This section provides an overview of the tasks you must accomplish to set up the hybrid UI and Google Cloud services.

The general process for setting up the Apigee hybrid UI and Google Cloud services is as follows:

Action Using Description
Step 1: Create a Google Cloud account Google Cloud console You need a Google Cloud account to use these procedures. This account will be bound to a new hybrid organization.
Step 2: Create a Google Cloud project Google Cloud console Google Cloud projects form the basis for creating, enabling, and using Google Cloud services. A project organizes all your Google Cloud resources.
Step 3: Enable APIs Google Cloud console or Command line Without these, hybrid services wouldn't be able to talk to one another or other services.
Step 4: Create an organization Command line Projects belong to organizations. Once you have an organization, you're almost ready to make API calls and create API proxies.
Step 5: Add an environment Apigee hybrid UI or Command line An environment provides an isolated context or sandbox for running API proxies. In a single organization, you can create multiple environments. If you don't do this, you won't be able to complete the hybrid runtime installation, nor will you have anywhere to deploy your API proxies to.

Next step

Each of these steps is described in the sections that follow.

Let's Go!