Customizing your domain

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

When you create a developer portal, by default you are provided with an Apigee sample domain name for accessing your live portal in the following format:

Where orgname is the organization name and portalname is defined using the portal name converted to all lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed.

Before launching a developer portal, it is recommended that you provide your own custom domain name. For example, a popular alternative is:

For considerations for using a custom domain with a SAML identity provider, see Using a custom domain with the SAML identity provider.

Steps to customize your domain

To customize your domain name perform the following steps:

  1. Register your domain name.
  2. Create a TLS certificate for your custom domain. You will need the cert when creating the load balancer.
  3. Determine the default host name for your portal.
  4. Create an Internet network endpoint group (NEG) to define the backend endpoint to your integrated portal for the load balancer.
  5. Create a load balancer that points to the Internet NEG and reserves the IP for your incoming client requests.
  6. Configure the custom domain on your portal.
  7. Update your DNS to create a new record for the custom domain host.

Step 1: Register your domain name

If you need to register a new domain, there are many popular domain registration sites available, such as Google Domains. Which domain registration site you choose is up to you.

When deciding on your domain name, consider that user-friendly, human-readable URLs are a key component in improving search engine optimization, as described in Implement search engine optimization (SEO).

Step 2: Create a TLS certificate for your custom domain

Create a TLS certificate for your custom domain using your preferred tool, such as Let's Encrypt. For more information, see:

Step 3: Determine the default host name for your portal

To determine the default host name for your portal:

  1. In the Apigee UI, select Publish > Portals in the side navigation bar. The list of portals is displayed.
  2. Copy the contents in the Location field for the portal for which you want to create a custom domain. Portal item with location field highlighted

    You will need this value in the next step.

Step 4: Create an Internet NEG

In this step you create an Internet network endpoint group (NEG) to define the backend endpoint to your integrated portal for the load balancer. For more information, see Internet network endpoint groups overview.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dashboard page and select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to the Dashboard page

  2. Select Compute Engine > Network endpoint groups in the navigator.

  3. Click Create network endpoint group.

  4. Configure the following fields:

    Field Value
    Name Enter a name for the Internet NEG.
    Network endpoint group type Select Network endpoint group (Internet).
    New network endpoint
  5. You can leave the remaining fields set to their defaults.

  6. Click Create.

The Internet NEG is created.

Step 5: Create a load balancer

Create a load balancer that points to the Internet NEG and reserves the IP for your incoming client requests.

Start your configuration

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. Click Create load balancer.
  3. For Type of load balancer, select Application Load Balancer (HTTP/HTTPS) and click Next.
  4. For Public facing or internal, select Public facing (external) and click Next.
  5. For Global or single region deployment, select Best for global workloads and click Next.
  6. For Load balancer generation, select Global external Application Load Balancer and click Next.
  7. Click Configure.

Configure the load balancer

  1. Click each category and configure the load balancer as described in the following table.

    Category Steps
    Frontend configuration

    Reserve the IP address for your incoming client requests and upload the TLS certificate created in Step 2: Create a TLS certificate:

    1. In the Create global external Application Load Balancer section, position your cursor over Frontend configuration and click the arrow.
    2. Enter a name for the frontend in the Name field.
    3. Select HTTPS from the Protocol drop-down menu.
    4. In the IP address drop-down menu, select Create IP address
      The Reserve a new static IP address dialog displays.
    5. Enter a name for the static IP address in the Name field.
    6. Optionally enter a description.
    7. Click Reserve.
    8. Store the IP address that has been reserved for use when setting up the DNS record.
    9. Select Create a new certificate in the Certificate drop-down.
      The Create a new certificate window slides open.
    10. Enter a name for the new certificate in the Name field.
    11. Select Upload my certificate under Create mode.
    12. Upload your TLS certificate details, including the public key, certificate chain, and private key.
    13. Click Create.
    14. Click Done to create the new frontend IP and port.
    Backend configuration

    Configure the backend configuration to direct incoming traffic to the Internet NEG created in Step 4: Create an Internet network endpoint group (NEG):

    1. In the Create global external Application Load Balancer section, position your cursor over Backend configuration and click the arrow.
    2. In the Backend services & backend buckets section, select Backend services > Create a backend service from the drop-down.
      The Create backend service window slides open.
    3. Enter a name in the Name field.
    4. Select Internet network endpoint group in the Backend type drop-down.
    5. Select HTTPS as the protocol.
    6. In the New backend section, select the Internet NEG that you created in Step 4: Create an Internet network endpoint group (NEG) in the Internet network endpoint group drop-down menu, and click Done.
    7. Uncheck the checkbox for Enable Cloud CDN.
    8. You can leave all other values set to their defaults.
    9. Click Create.
    Host and path rules

    Configure the host and path rules to determine how your traffic will be directed:

    1. In the Create global external Application Load Balancer section, position your cursor over Host and path rules and click the arrow.
    2. Click Advanced host and path rule (URL redirect, URL rewrite) under Mode.
    3. In the New host and path rule section:
      1. Select Route traffic to a single backend in the Action drop-down.
      2. Expand Add-on action (URL rewrite).
      3. Enter the default domain name that you copied in Step 3: Determine the default hostname for your portal in the Host rewrite field.
      4. Select the backend service that you configured in the Backend drop-down.
      5. Click Done.
  2. Click Create on the Create global external Application Load Balancer page.

Step 6: Configure the custom domain on your portal

To configure the custom domain on your portal:

  1. In the Apigee UI, select Publish > Portals in the side navigation bar.
    The list of portals is displayed.
  2. Select your portal in the list.
  3. Select Settings on the landing page or in the drop-down in the top navigation bar.
  4. Click the Domains tab.
  5. Enter your custom domain name in the Domain field.
  6. Click Enable.

Test that when you access the custom domain in a browser you are directed to your integrated portal.

See also Editing a custom domain and Disabling a custom domain.

Step 7: Update your DNS

In your DNS system, create a new record for the custom domain host.

To create a Cloud DNS zone, follow the steps described in Managing Zones. Ensure that you configure the following fields as described below:

Field Description
Zone type Select Public.
Zone name Enter a meaningful name for the zone. For example: mycompany-zone
DNS name Enter the suffix for the zone using a domain name that you own. For example:

After you create a zone, on the Zone details page, click Add record set and follow the steps described in Managing Records. Ensure that you configure the following fields as described below:

Field Description
DNS Name Specify the prefix for your DNS name. The suffix that you defined for the Cloud DNS zone is also displayed, but is not editable. For example:
Resource Record Type Select A (the default).
TTL Set to desired value or leave set to 5 (default).
TTL Unit Set to desired value or leave set to minutes (default).
IPv4 Address Enter the external IP address that you reserved when creating the load balancer.

Editing a custom domain on your portal

To edit a custom domain on your portal:

  1. In the Apigee UI, select Publish > Portals in the side navigation bar.
    The list of portals is displayed.
  2. Select your portal in the list.
  3. Select Settings in the drop-down menu in the top navigation bar or on the landing page.
  4. Click the Domains tab.
  5. Edit the custom domain information.
  6. Click Save.

Disabling a custom domain on your portal

To disable a custom domain name on your portal:

  1. In the Apigee UI, select Publish > Portals in the side navigation bar. The list of portals is displayed.
  2. Select your portal in the list.
  3. Select Settings in the drop-down menu in the top navigation bar or on the landing page.
  4. Click the Domains tab.
  5. Click Disable.
  6. Click Disable at the prompt to confirm the operation.

The custom domain is disabled and the fields are cleared.