Step 6: Create an environment and environment group

This page applies to Apigee, but not to Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

What you're doing in this step

Apigee created your new runtime instance. Now you can create a new environment and attach it to a new environment group.

An environment group is a logical grouping of environments. You define your hostnames on an environment group rather than individual environments so that they can be shared. A service on the group called the ingress redirects requests to different environments within the group based on the hostnames assigned to the group.

Environment and environment group names must start with a lowercase letter, be at least one character long, and can include lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens (as long as they don't end with a hyphen).

For more information, see Overview of environments and environment groups.

Perform the step

To create and attach an environment to an environment group for a subscription org:

  1. Open the Apigee provisioning wizard if it is not currently open. The wizard returns to the most recent incomplete task in the list.
  2. Click EDIT next to Environment.

    The Set up an environment view displays:

    Create Environment screen

  3. In the Environment group name field, specify a name for your environment group. For example, test-group. You cannot change the name of an environment group once it has been created.

  4. In the Environment group hostname field, specify the hostname that routes requests into this group. For example,

    You can specify a single hostname only in this field. To add more host names, use the Environments API.

  5. In the Environment name field, specify a name for your environment. For example, test. You cannot change the name of an environment once it has been created.
  6. Click Create & attach to create the new environment and attach it to the new environment group.

Environments can be used across more than one runtime instance. This is useful when your instances are used across multiple regions.

Note that when you create a new environment, you must assign it to an environment group. Environments that are not assigned to groups have no hostnames pointing to them, and are therefore not accessible.

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