Deploying container images

This page describes how to deploy new services and new revisions to Cloud Run for Anthos.


To use the Google Cloud CLI, you must have the Google Cloud CLI installed and configured.

Permissions required to deploy

You need permissions to create, update, and delete on the apiGroup and kind Service, and in addition you must have ONE of the following roles:

  • Owner
  • Editor
  • GKE Admin
  • GKE Developer

Images you can deploy

There is no size limit that applies to the container image you can deploy.

You can use containers from any container registry, such as Docker Hub. For information on deploying private images from registries different from Container Registry or Artifact Registry, see Deploying private container images from other container registries.

Deploying a new service

You can specify a container image with a tag (for example, or with an exact digest (for example,

Deploying to a service for the first time creates its first revision. Note that revisions are immutable. If you deploy from a container image tag, it will be resolved to a digest and the revision will always serve this particular digest.

You can deploy a container using the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI or from a YAML configuration file.

Click the tab for instructions using the tool of your choice.

Default gcloud location configuration

If you previously configured a location in the default configuration of Google Cloud CLI, your gcloud commands use those values by default, including:

  • compute/region
  • compute/zone
  • run/cluster
  • run/cluster_location
  • run/platform
  • run/region

Run the following gcloud config command to view your settings for the default configuration:

gcloud config configurations describe default


To deploy a container image:

  1. Go to Cloud Run for Anthos in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Cloud Run for Anthos

  2. Click Create service to display the Create service page.

    In the form:

    1. Select the Cloud Run for Anthos platform you are deploying to:

      • Cloud Run for Anthos to deploy to a GKE or GKE on VMware cluster with Cloud Run for Anthos enabled.
    2. From the dropdown menu, select one of the available GKE clusters for your service.

    3. Enter the desired service name. Service names must be unique per region and project or per cluster. A service name cannot be changed later.

    4. Under Connectivity:

      • Select Internal if you want to restrict access only to other Cloud Run for Anthos services or services in your cluster that use Istio.
      • Select External to allow external access to your service

      Note that you can change the connectivity option at any time, as described in Changing service connectivity settings.

    5. Click Next to continue to the second page of the service creation form:


      In the form:

      1. In the Container image URL textbox, supply the URL of an image from a supported registry, for example:

        To use Artifact Registry with your private container images, you must use the image digest. If you want use the image tag of your private container images, you must create and use an imagePullSecret until the known issue is resolved.

      2. Optionally, click Show Advanced Settings and the subsequent tabs to set:

      3. Click Create to deploy the image to Cloud Run for Anthos and wait for the deployment to finish.

    You have just deployed a service to a Cloud Run for Anthos enabled cluster.

Command line

To deploy a container image:

  1. Run the gcloud run deploy command:

    gcloud run deploy SERVICE --image IMAGE_URL

    • Replace SERVICE with the name of the service to which you want to deploy. If the specified service does not exist, a new service is created.

    • Replace IMAGE_URL with a reference to the container image, for example,

    • Additional deployment options:

      • To deploy to a namespace other than the default, you must specify that namespace using the --namespace parameter.

      • To deploy to a location other than the default configuration, you must specify the name and location of the cluster with the --cluster and --cluster-location parameters:

        gcloud run deploy SERVICE --cluster CLUSTER-NAME --cluster-location CLUSTER-LOCATION
      • You can set connectivity options with the --connectivity flag as described in Changing service connectivity settings to specify internal or external access.

      • For Cloud Run for Anthos on VMware, you must include the --kubeconfig parameter and specify your configuration file:

        gcloud run deploy SERVICE --image IMAGE_URL --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG-FILE

  2. Wait for the deployment to finish. Upon successful completion, a success message is displayed along with the URL of the deployed service.


You can store your service specification in a YAML file and then deploy it using the Google Cloud CLI.

  1. Create a new service.yaml file with this content:

    kind: Service
      name: SERVICE
          - image: IMAGE


    • SERVICE with the name of your Cloud Run for Anthos service
    • IMAGE with the URL of your container image. To use Artifact Registry with your private container images, you must use the image digest. If you want use the image tag of your private container images, you must create and use an imagePullSecret until the known issue is resolved.

    You can also specify more configuration such as environment variables or memory limits.

  2. Deploy the new service using the following command:

    gcloud beta run services replace service.yaml

Cloud Code

To deploy with Cloud Code, read the IntelliJ and Visual Studio Code guides.

Deploying a new revision of an existing service

You can deploy a new revision using the Google Cloud console, the gcloud command line, or a YAML configuration file.

Note that changing any configuration settings results in the creation of a new revision, even if there is no change to the container image. Each revision created is immutable.

Click the tab for instructions using the tool of your choice.


To deploy a new revision of an existing service:

  1. Go to Cloud Run for Anthos in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Cloud Run for Anthos

  2. Locate the service you want to update in the services list, and click on it to open the details of that service.

  3. Click EDIT & DEPLOY NEW REVISION. This displays the revision deployment form:


  4. If needed, supply the URL to the new container image you want to deploy.

  5. Optionally, set:

  6. To send all traffic to the new revision, check the checkbox labelled Serve this revision immediately. To gradually roll out a new revision, uncheck that checkbox: this will result in a deployment where no traffic is sent to the new revision--follow the instructions for gradual rollouts after you deploy.

  7. Click DEPLOY and wait for the deployment to finish.

Command line

To deploy a container image:

  1. Run the gcloud run services update command:

    gcloud run services update SERVICE --image IMAGE_URL
    • A revision suffix is automatically assigned for each revision. If you want to specify your own revision suffix, add the --revision-suffix parameter.

    • Replace SERVICE with the name of the service to which you want to deploy. If the specified service does not exist, a new service is created.

    • Replace IMAGE_URL with a reference to the container image, for example,

    • Additional deployment options:

      • To deploy to a namespace other than the default, you must specify that namespace using the --namespace parameter.

      • To deploy to a location other than the default configuration, you must specify the name and location of the cluster with the --cluster and --cluster-location parameters:

        gcloud run deploy SERVICE --cluster CLUSTER-NAME --cluster-location CLUSTER-LOCATION
      • You can set connectivity options with the --connectivity flag as described in Changing service connectivity settings to specify internal or external access.

      • For Cloud Run for Anthos on VMware, you must include the --kubeconfig parameter and specify your configuration file:

        gcloud run deploy SERVICE --image IMAGE_URL --kubeconfig KUBECONFIG-FILE

  2. Wait for the deployment to finish. Upon successful completion, a success message is displayed along with the URL of the deployed service.


You can download the configuration of an existing service into a YAML file with the gcloud run services describe command by using the --format=export flag. You can then modify that YAML file and deploy those changes with the gcloud beta run services replace command. You must ensure that you modify only the specified attributes.

  1. Download the configuration of your service into a file named service.yaml on local workspace:

    gcloud run services describe SERVICE --format export > service.yaml

    Replace SERVICE with the name of your Cloud Run for Anthos service.

    1. In your local file, update the revision settings in any child attribute of the spec.template.

    2. Deploy the new revision:

      gcloud beta run services replace service.yaml

Cloud Code

To deploy a new revision of an existing service with Cloud Code, read the IntelliJ and Visual Studio Code guides.

Deploying images from other Google Cloud projects

You can deploy container images from other Google Cloud projects if you set the correct IAM permissions:

  1. In the Google Cloud console console, open the project for your Cloud Run for Anthos service.

  2. Go to the IAM page

  3. If you deploy to:

  4. Open the project that owns the container registry you want to use.

  5. Go to the IAM page

  6. Click Add to add a new principal.

  7. In the New principals text box, paste in the email of the service account that you copied earlier.

  8. In the Select a role dropdown list, select the role Storage -> Storage Object Viewer.

  9. Deploy the container image to the project that contains your Cloud Run for Anthos service.

Deploying private container images from other container registries

This section describes setting up correct permissions to deploy container images from an arbitrary private registry to Cloud Run for Anthos. A private container registry requires credentials to access the container image. Note that you do not need to follow these steps to deploy private container images from Container Registry or Artifact Registry in the same project as your cluster.

To be able to deploy a private container image, you must create an imagePullSecret type Kubernetes secret and associate it with a service account:

  1. Create an imagePullSecret secret called container-registry:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry container-registry \
      --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER \
      --docker-email=REGISTRY_EMAIL \
      --docker-username=REGISTRY_USER \
    • Replace DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER with your private registry FQDN (ex: for Container Registry or for DockerHub).
    • Replace REGISTRY_EMAIL with your email.
    • Replace REGISTRY_USER with your container registry username.

      If you're using Container Registry or Artifact Registry and would like to store and pull long-lived credentials instead of passing short-lived access tokens, see Authentication methods: JSON key file.

    • Replace REGISTRY_PASSWORD with your container registry password.

  2. Open your default service account:

    kubectl edit serviceaccount default --namespace default

    Every namespace in your Kubernetes cluster has a default service account called default. This default service account is used to pull your container image unless otherwise specified when you deploy your Cloud Run for Anthos service.

  3. Add the newly created imagePullSecret secret to your default service account:

    - name: container-registry

    Your service account should now look like this:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: default
      namespace: default
    - name: default-token-zd84v
    # The secret we just created:
    - name: container-registry

Now, any new pods created in the current default namespace will have the imagePullSecret secret defined.

Deploying with automatic Istio sidecar injection enabled

To deploy your service on the namespace with automatic Istio sidecar injection enabled, you must use a separate Istio installation.

Deploying services on an internal network

Deploying services on an internal network is useful for enterprises that provide internal apps to their staff, and for services that are used by clients that run outside the Cloud Run for Anthos cluster.

To deploy services on an internal network, see Setting up a private, internal network.

What's next

After you deploy a new service, you can do the following:

You can automate the builds and deployments of your Cloud Run for Anthos services using Cloud Build Triggers: