Available GKE cluster versions

The minor version of your Google Kubernetes Engine control plane (master) cluster determines the version of Cloud Run for Anthos installed on your cluster.

In order to upgrade Cloud Run for Anthos, upgrade your GKE cluster to the minor version that supports your desired version of Cloud Run for Anthos. For more information about upgrading your GKE cluster, see Upgrading a cluster in the GKE documentation.

You can also track the Cloud Run for Anthos and cluster versions in the release notes.

For known version-related issues, see the Cloud Run for Anthos issues page.

The following table lists the Cloud Run for Anthos version that each GKE minor version supports.

Knative serving version GKE control plane (master) minor version
0.22, 0.24


0.22, 0.24


0.22, 0.24


0.22, 0.24


0.22, 0.24 1.18

Determining the version of an existing cluster

To get the Cloud Run for Anthos version of an existing cluster, enter the following command:

kubectl get namespace knative-serving -o 'go-template={{index .metadata.labels "serving.knative.dev/release"}}'

The output is similar to:


The first part of the returned value, v0.14.0, is the pinned Knative version for this Cloud Run for Anthos build.

The second part, gke.5, is the Cloud Run for Anthos build number.

Cloud Run for Anthos versions


  • References the Knative 0.20 release.


  • References the Knative 0.19 release.


  • References the Knative 0.18 release.


  • References the Knative 0.18 release.



  • References the Knative 0.17 release.


  • References the Knative 0.16 release.




Cloud Run for Anthos version release process

Each Cloud Run for Anthos release references a Knative release. A Cloud Run for Anthos release is available in the Rapid release channels one to three weeks after a version of Knative is released.

The following table describes the available Google Kubernetes Engine release channels and the Cloud Run for Anthos strategies for releasing to those channels.

Channel Cloud Run for Anthos Release Cadence Properties
Rapid Weekly Get the latest Cloud Run for Anthos release as early as possible. Gain access to new Cloud Run for Anthos features as soon as they go GA. Your cluster is frequently updated to use the latest technology.
Regular (default) 1-2 weeks after releasing in Rapid Recommended for most users. Access Cloud Run for Anthos features reasonably soon after they debut, but on a more steady and predictable release cadence. Offers a good balance of feature availability and update stability. Your cluster is upgraded 2‑3 times a month.
Stable 1-2 months after releasing in Regular. Prioritizes stability over new functionality. Changes and new versions in this channel are rolled out last, after being released on the Rapid and Regular channels. This channel allows more time for validation. Your cluster is upgraded 2‑3 times a quarter.

Cloud Run for Anthos cluster upgrade process

Your GKE clusters are automatically upgraded two to three days after a new version of GKE becomes available in your cluster's release channel, unless you have configured a maintenance window or exclusion. Subscribe to the Cloud Run for Anthos release notes and GKE release notes for announcements.